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Showing posts with label fraud and corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fraud and corruption. Show all posts

Nov 29, 2020

November 28, 2020 Neptune Turns Direct @18Pis09:45

A Portrait of Planet Neptune; NASA; orbital period approximately 164 years

Yet Another Fuss about Neptune in Pisces

by Jude Cowell

Approximately one-hundred-fifty-nine days ago, transit Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, seemed to turn retrograde ('Rx') @20Pis57:36 from the vantage point of Earth. This titanic planetary shift occurred on June 23, 2020 at 12:31:41 am edt, while gaseous Neptune floated within the fog of a spreading viral pandemic now 'upgrading' itself to higher and higher numbers while mutating with sinister intent. As you know, both Neptune and Pisces relate to infections, contagions, and epidemics ('the urge to merge'), so there's little more to say about Neptune's influence these days unless one wants to ponder the massive amounts of fraud and corruption now infecting and undermining our nation - plus, damaging the rest of the world besides. Of course, astrological Neptune also represents such things as disappointment, disillusion, and loss and you may agree that there's been no shortage of these during Neptune's seemingly interminable stay in shady Pisces. Let's have a word about that.

Now as you'll remember, transit Neptune first dipped a toe into oceanic Pisces in early April 2011 but seem to shyly back again into late Aquarius in early August 2011, then turned Direct @28AQ08 around November 9, 2011. For me, the word lumbering comes to mind!

And so last evening (11/28/20), transit Neptune turned Direct @18Pis09:45 at 7:36:29 pm est, a couple of degrees short of its 'shadow degree' where it last turned Rx @20Pis57:36. A slow mover, yes, so when may we expect shadowy Neptune to reach and move just beyond 'her' own shadow this go-round in 2020 or perhaps in 2021? Will pandemic conditions lighten once Neptune's long shadow wisps away? And can some measure of improvement be expected in our fraudster/mobster conditions and their resulting theft and embezzlement activities as realistic Saturn's demands for honesty and integrity are more directly met?

Actually, Neptune will finally reach shadow degree on March 19/20, 2021, a day or so prior to Spring Equinox 2021, then slowly start lumbering forward. For me this inspires a hope (another Neptunian word) that beneficial solutions will be found and various fogs and confusions of one sort or another will soon begin to dissipate under the warm Aries sunshine of Spring.

Sound good?

A previous yet oh-so-related post: The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces.

May 6, 2020

Trump's Mercury-Neptune: Actors and Liars

Tragically, Where Trump Goes, So Goes America

May 6, 2020: Some readers of Stars Over Washington are familiar with the many fusses posted here by yours truly concerning the (s)election in 2016 of a presidential contender born under the auspices of a deceitful, cunning, sneaky, error-prone, refuses-to-listen Mercury-Neptune square - by name, one Donald Trump. But if you, dear reader, are not familiar, for you I shall add again that we could have had a lady president born with a studious, sober, rational Mercury-Saturn square but forces both domestic and foreign worked against our country to undermine her, promote him - and thus to plunder and sabotage America.

So here we are in 2020 still mired within Trump's fantasy world of dread and horror for us, vast profits and undeserved status for him. Appearances are everything to Trump The Superficial (for as you know, the emperor has no clothes except for the 'empty suit' he wears while playing the role of POTUS on TV) and I believe that the following quote from Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences speaks in part of the tale of our woe made worse by the charade of his White House (p)residency:

The Combination of Mercury-Neptune

"Sociological Correspondence: Actors, deceitful people, liars."

Footnote: "Under Sociological Correspondence of Mercury/Neptune one should add "so-called saints," i.e., people who are found under this combination sometimes appear in every way perfect, they appear to have no faults until one day it is discovered they are almost the reverse of what they appeared to be. This is sometimes the case with actors who have to wear a mask which is not in accord with their personality, or in the case of diplomats who play a part in the course of their work and say something different from what they think. In these cases this describes the work they do."

So although this mere reality TV host fancies himself a great thespian (and some of his fans are determined to remain fooled by his act) you'll recognize the saintly "appears in every way perfect" and "appear to have no faults" descriptions as one of the many fantasies Trump tries to foist upon the public with his absurd claim that he "never makes mistakes" which mocks all reality and helps to make him - and the United States of America - laughing stocks upon the world stage.


Basically, Mercury = thought processes, the mind, ideas, communications, trickery; Neptune = lies, fraud, deceit, corruption, erosion, sabotage, mistakes, errors, misjudgments, misconceptions, failure, loss, disappointment, dreams, ideals, inspiration.

Image above: 'Neptune Ascends', pencil on paper.

Apr 22, 2018

The 2016 Solar Eclipse That Heralded The Prevaricator

This DC Horoscope image is a re-posting of the 19 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Its themes still inform the public discourse and affect the current social and political climate with its truth vs fiction, realism and coming down to earth, tackling the truth (Mr. Mueller!), and seeing things for how they really are and not how you'd thought they were (Brady):

As you see, or perhaps remember, transit Neptune, influential in its own sign of Pisces, opposed the 19N Eclipse which denotes multiple negative potentials, some of which are penned upon the chart, upper right. In pink are marked the natal Pluto and Mars of Donald Trump which snug around the eclipse's Ascendant (19Leo40) and form a midpoint picture which is highlighted in pink, lower left: a coercive demeanor that intimidates (Munkasey). And with his already bombastic, imposing personality!

Now normally under the auspices of a 19 North Eclipse conditions would have been more relaxed even as secrets are suddenly uncovered (as all eclipses can do with Uranian flare) but this time we 'gained' transit Neptune and Mr. Trump with his life-long tendency for truth-bending, avoiding responsibility for his actions, and taking credit where it isn't due. His natal Mercury-Neptune square plays right along and describes his fake (Neptune) news (Mercury) antics and the propaganda, misconceptions, scandals, indiscretion, vagueness, deception, and corruption that attend it. Add to this his Geminian tendencies for duplicity and multiple personalities and you get a sneaky Trump hiding behind disguises such as 'John Baron' and 'John Miller' in order to build himself a larger yet false reputation!

Well, hopefully the chart image will enlarge for closer viewing in case you wish to read my notes for I'm tired of typing on this rainy Sunday afternoon in Georgia. However, here is a link to on of my original posts concerning the September 1, 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse sans edits. Cover-ups, leaks, secrets and hidden emotional ties (Vladdie? more ladies? a secret child?), plus, scandals, lies, guilt, and self-pity are embedded within this eclipse chart so perhaps a reconsideration of its implications is merited in light of what we now know of Donald Trump and his personal flaws as he plays POTUS on the world stage, a role he arrogantly assumed would be so easy (or so he said).

As for the eclipse chart with Leo rising, the Sun (leader) rules the chart although Mercury conjunct Jupiter @28Virgo rules the eclipse--details matter, expansive plans implemented, risky reforms are on the menu). Chart-ruler Sun makes four applying aspects to other planets resulting in these possibilities:

1. Sun square Saturn (0A42): a leader expected to measure up and be accountable; 2. Sun oppo Neptune (1A18): vagueness, mystery, disguising one's true self, wearing masks, hidden goals, misconceptions; 3. Sun square Mars (4A47): anger, frustration, challenges and competition, aggression, stress and strain; 4. Sun trine Pluto (5A43): setting priorities, gaining assistance from higher ups (exs: wealthy manipulators and financiers, hidden puppet masters, organized crime figures--Putin? is that you? a different blackmailer perhaps?) Also note that the Sun is the engine leading a Locomotive shape of the planets which denotes a person of ruthless actions determined toward success no matter what.

Oh! And that's Vladimir Putin's vengeful natal Venus in betraying Scorpio at the Foundation Point, the IC of the chart, and in 4th house, a Mars-Saturn conjunction of hard feelings, anger, limitations, and a need for self-restraint over impulses. Add unscrupulous, immoral Neptune to the scene and America is suffering from some seriously eroding power and a leaky boatload of Donald Trump's lies and schemes. Add to the 2016 election and the current US presidency an eclipse in Mercury-ruled Virgo and we have karmic conditions in which a strong sense of duty and honest analysis are necessary for best results, otherwise karmic progress will be stalled if not all together stymied until a later time.

To close, here are some background details posted in 2016 concerning 19 North Solar Eclipses with their previous dates/degrees and a few events and entities they heralded:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo; July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter and near Trump natal Mercury 8:51). 19N is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), and the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962). Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for Politics? You see, correlating the years of 19N with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative since history doesn't repeat as much as it rhymes.

And for those who wish to Look Ahead here's the DC Horoscope of the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms which has been labeled The Tower Solar Eclipse for its theme of collapse and rebuild. Could that be Trump Tower or perhaps the Trump Organization a-jumble in the dust?

May 27, 2015

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA and the World Cup (HBO)

#FIFA #WorldCup #Soccer #Football #Corruption #JohnOliver #LastWeekTonight #HBO

By now you've heard of yesterday's "shocking" arrests and indictments of several FIFA officials led out of a fancy Zurich hotel in handcuffs. A notable exception to the perp walk is head fraudster Sepp Blatter who will put the best possible spin on the situation.

The uncovering of FIFA corruption, bribery, and fraud is a good example of why I gave up watching or caring about sports years ago. Name one sport that hasn't been corrupted by gangsters and racketeers. Please.

Sep 25, 2014

Mother Jones: What's the Matter with Sam Brownback?

Mother Jones asks,

What's the Matter With Sam Brownback?

Sam Brownback was born September 12, 1956 in Parker, Kansas, no hour known so noon is used: view his pages and horoscope if you wish: astro-databank (click natal chart link.) Mr. Brownback's Sun is in Virgo with Moon in either Sagittarius or Capricorn.

His authoritative, conservative Saturn @27Scorpio (money sign of Big Business and Corporatism) will soon experience a Saturn Return (today @20Scorpio), a 28-30-year cycle and a time when reality sets in and one must accept responsibility for past actions that have disrespected Taskmaster Saturn's imperatives of authenticity, honesty, and properly doing one's duty.

Obviously, when a person is in Politics being in breach of the public trust is not honest Saturn's idea of doing one's duty.

Natal Mars is Rx in murky Pisces so his actions may not always be clearly understood or motivated by higher standards. So what is the matter with Sam Brownback? A great question.

Sep 18, 2014

"American Democracy: Murder Spies And Voting Lies" video

With the November 4, 2014 Mid-Terms on our political agenda, here's a 26-minute video mash-up detailing the voter fraud and corruption of the Bush-Kerry election of 2004 to reflect upon:

My thanks to Forbidden Knowledge TV for the heads-up on this video.

And in case I have no chance to post an article concerning the horoscopes of the November 2014 elections please note that in a recent post appeared my prognostication that Democrats look to me to be favored astrologically but of course dirty politics can interfere with outcomes.

Sep 30, 2011

Wall Streeters mock Occupy Wall Street marchers w champagne toasts (video)

Feeling mighty special, Wall Streeters with champagne glasses in hand, mock and smirk from their exalted balconies at Occupy Wall Street protesters below. How tres amusing their ef-you jokes must be!

What was that you say, dear reader? Pride comes before a fall?

Then smirk on, Wall Street gentry, for your day in the sun won't last forever and you'll reap the mocking you've sown.

This blogger of the Flower Power generation is heartened by how most of the protesters are young folk--it's a deja-vu of peaceful street marches for me. For after all, it's in large part their futures that have been stolen by Wall Street gangsters many of whom are of my generation, I'm very embarrassed to say.

May 30, 2009

Larry Summers be gone!

You knew it too, didn't you? That Pres. Obama's appointment of Larry Summers to his Econo-Team would eventually bite the president in the tushie.

Apparently it's been chomping from the start and before.

And here's a little fraud and corruption of the BlackRock variety. Hope the Obamas are enjoying their Broadway play and dinner tonight in NYC...while the nation's coffers are burning into cinders.

Perhaps a fiddle tune with your pasta, Michelle?