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Showing posts with label Libertarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libertarian. Show all posts

Jan 6, 2018

Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces: the Push for a Compassionate Government

Q: Are rightist authoritarians pushing our society too far from a common sense moral center? Here's an answer from millennial astrologer Kevin Estes:

Pluto In Capricorn and Neptune In Pisces - The Push For A Compassionate Government Universal Health Care, Universal Basic Income, Universal College. All ideas that were once crazy 15 years ago, but are now gaining huge momentum. Why? Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces

Pluto, the transformer, has been in Capricorn, the sign of government, big business, and institutions, since 2008 and Neptune has been in Pisces, the sign of compassion, sensitivity, and spirituality, since 2011, and it has been no coincidence that policies like these have been gaining momentum throughout these transits.

Add the fact that the Pluto in Sagittarius generation from 1995-2008 is starting to become adults, this means the Pluto generations from the 2nd half of the zodiac, regarding the collective rather than the individual, will be the majority of people alive, and they don't value things like status, greed, and materialism the way their parents do. The Pluto in Libra generation from 1971-1984 is about fairness, the Pluto in Scorpio generation from 1983-1995 is about the cold hearted truth, and the Pluto in Sagittarius generation is about freedom.

Our current system is not fair, is not what's best for humanity, regardless of what our politicians and the media say, and it does not give humanity true freedom. Take the recent tax plan for example. The middle class only gets a small tax cut until 2025, while the wealthiest Americans get an even bigger, permanent tax cut. This is NOT what's best for America, regardless of how poorly the Republicans tried to spin it, and it is anything but fair because it allows the wealthy to have even MORE wealth, despite them already having enough to where they don't ever have to work another day in their lives, and while many people are struggling to make end's meet. And outside of that, our current economic system does not give people true freedom, as it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to have a good, quality life without being a "wage slave".

The current system encourages us to go to college for 4 years, enter the work force for 40+ years, then when you're at a certain age where you can't be reliably productive anymore, you're then eligible for Social Security. If that's unnerving enough, the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare in order to help fund these tax cuts (and wars, of course). Imagine working for all these years, and then not being able to have what was taken out of YOUR paycheck, in order for people who already have enough to purchase every property in some cities to have even more. That's not Capitalism, that's Fascism. Notable fascists include Hitler, Mussolini, and Vladimir Putin.

That is why the younger generations want a more fair system where everyone is taken care of. Nobody should have to live a lifestyle like that, especially if they're not going to be justifiably rewarded for it, and have to pay income taxes to a government that has no interest in their well being.

Taxation without representation

And in the current administration and the previous two administrations before that, the President has been ruthless in forcing the positions of his party on the whole country, such as Bush's wars and push to privatize Social Security, Obama with Obamacare and forcing religious organizations to provide free contraceptives and conduct same sex marriages, and Trump with the tax cuts and the pushes to take away health care and build the border wall as well as the travel bans. The extremism of the current and recent administrations has divided our country heavily, and it's no coincidence that the time period of the last President who governed like a moderate, Clinton, is also the last time our country was functioning normally. Is there a reason for this? Yes.

Natal Pallas as Ethics Indicator

In Bill Clinton's birth chart, while his economic and cultural indicators lean heavily to the left, his ethical indicators, represented by the asteroid Pallas, lean defensive, or Libertarian. The first half of his first term included a tax increase on the wealthy and a push for single payer health care, known as "Hillarycare". The people weren't ready for that yet, and the GOP was the majority in Congress from 1995 onward, and this is when Clinton began to govern more moderately, as the welfare reform in 1996 and the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act in 1999 (something that's still effecting us to this day) were during this time, as well as a Capital Gains tax cut in 1997.

On the contrary, Trump's ethical indicators are mixed, likely leaning authoritarian, Obama's ethical indicators lean heavily authoritarian, and while Bush shares "defensive Pallas" with Clinton, his VP Dick Cheney has a strong "aggressive Pallas", and it's been widely speculated that he was actually running the show the whole time instead of Bush. As my blog shows, people's political ideology and ethics are shown in their charts, with around 1,000 examples and counting. Political ideology, like career, belief systems, and overall personality, is something people have a binding tie to, and thus is shown in the birth chart and not attributed to free will, like the food you eat, clothes you wear, when you go to bed or go to the bathroom, etc. is.

By this logic, under the current electoral system, half are happy, and half are unhappy every presidency (and it does seem that way every presidency). So how do we fix this?

Simple. Go full Libertarian on social issues, and remind the people who are cultural conservatives that forcing your views on everyone is wrong, and make sure that everyone is taken care of unconditionally. I'm sure even the biggest economic conservatives will eventually warm up to Universal Health Care and Universal Basic Income when they happen (it will be inevitable, like same sex marriage was before its passage). For ethics, use astrology to make sure the candidates will work in the best interests for everyone, as well as actually have the political viewpoints they express as my research has exposed quite a few "fakers".

Like Jesus said, the only rule is to love your neighbor as yourself, which is to treat others how you want to be treated, also known as The Golden Rule. The current GOP, the "Christian" party, is so unlike Jesus when you read about what he actually did. Can you picture Jesus supporting a tax cut for the wealthy while cutting programs the most vulnerable in society need? Or supporting going to nuclear war? And while right wing Christians often say "Jesus didn't say the Government should do it", the point is that it isn't Christ-like to support taking from the poor to give to the rich and war mongering. Voting for Republicans these days is supporting these policies.

The Golden Rule. Things would be a LOT better if we went back to living like that, and not worry so much about greed, status, materialism, and being better and more powerful than others.

The Golden Rule Matthew 7:12.

Agreed, Kevin! And thank you for sharing your views here at Stars Over Washington where a variety of your posts may be found. Readers be sure to check out Kevin's Pallas/ethics research for more political and cultural insights at his Left Wing Astrology blog where you'll find an ethics analysis of James Comey and others.

Because after all, millennials are society's future!

Mar 28, 2017

Political Ideology in Astrology

Once again here is Guest Blogger Kevin Estes, a young California astrologer who writes the Left Wing Astrology blog, updating us on his work with Political Ideology indicators in Astrology charts:

Political Ideology In Astrology

by Kevin Estes

This is an updated guide explaining the theory of Alan Lin at and AstroLibertarian which I have expanded to include celebrities, local politicians, and people I know, with a few tweaks to it, as shown below.

The Aspects

Conjunction - 0 degrees (positive); Opposition - 180 degrees (negative); Square - 90 degrees (negative); Trine - 120 degrees (positive); Sextile - 60 degrees (positive); Semi Sextile - 30 degrees (negative); Semi Square - 45 degrees (negative); Sesquiquadrate - 135 degrees (negative); Quincunx - 150 degrees (negative); Quintile - 72 degrees (positive); Biquintile - 144 degrees (positive); Squine - 105 degrees (negative); Quindecile - 165 degrees (negative); Parallel - equivalent to a conjunction in declination (positive); Contraparallel - equivalent to an opposition in declination (negative).

Both the parallel and contraparallel are 0 and 1 degree orbs. I give wider orbs, often as many as 10 degrees (for tiebreakers, Alan goes up to 12 degrees for conjunctions and oppositions regularly, which I sometimes go past 10 as my Mercury is conjunct the Venus that's opposite my Neptune, and both are in Gemini, and thus ruled by Mercury. The usual limit is 7 degrees, as 8 degrees is over a quarter of the sign), to conjunctions, oppositions, squares, sextiles (he goes to three degrees here, though the sextile is a much bigger aspect than than the quincunx, sesquiquadrate, quintile, and biquintile), and trines, and up to 5 degrees for the minor aspects (he goes two to three degrees for minor aspects).

Rising Signs

I use the collages at this link to match someone's picture with each rising sign until I get the best match: Linda Goodman Forum24.

Aries risings tend to have arched eyebrows similar to a ram's horns, Taurus risings tend to have thick necks and a sensual look, Gemini risings tend to have playful eyes and a youthful look, Cancer risings tend to have a very innocent and homey look, Leo risings tend to have long hair and a dignified look, Virgo risings tend to have an ordinary look, Libra risings tend to have a very beautiful and balanced look, Scorpio risings tend to have penetrating eyes, Sagittarius risings tend to have diagonally arching eyebrows and a narrow head, Capricorn risings tend to have a very bony look, Aquarius risings tend to have an aloof and weird look, and Pisces risings tend to have a dreamy look. Always look to see if the first influence you find is because of the Sun or Moon sign, as these placements also have a huge influence on the appearance.

The Planets

Moon - The Moon, its ruler, and 4th house ruler in aspect to the North Node, 4th house, and the sign of Cancer indicate a conservative impulse in terms of social issues (abortion, gay rights, immigration, environment, prayer in schools, death penalty, drugs, stem cell research, etc.), and aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the 12th house, and sign of Pisces indicate a liberal impulse. Mixed signatures trend to lean to the right, unless the leftist aspects clearly win (like a trine to the South Node and conjunction with Neptune vs. a sesquiquadrate and quincunx with the North Node).

Venus - Venus, its ruler, and 2nd house ruler in aspect to the North Node, 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus indicate a conservative impulse in terms of economic issues (taxes, entitlement programs, free trade, school vouchers, minimum wage, gun control which implements restrictions on the purchase of guns, health care, etc.), and aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the 12th house, and sign of Pisces indicate a liberal impulse. Mixed signatures lean to the right, unless the leftist aspects clearly win. A strong Pallas can sway someone to the right economically as well. Many people who are culturally conservative can have left wing economic indicators, though this doesn't always point to supporting left wing economic policies, as left wing economic indicators can point to strong support of deficit spending in order to strengthen the military, and even fascism, which likely explains the left wing economic indicators of George W Bush, Paul Ryan, and Donald Trump.

Pallas - Pallas or its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node indicate a libertarian impulse, wile aspects to the South Node and Pluto as well as hard aspects (opposition, square, sesquiquadrate, quincunx) to Jupiter indicate an authoritarian impulse. Most politicians have mixed Pallas or aggressive Pallas, signifying a strong authoritarian nature, whether it's accepting bribes from corporations or forcing their innate world view on the people.

The Nodes - The conjunction, trine, sesquiquadrate, and quincunx aspects are stronger than their counterparts (opposition, sextile, semi square, and semi sextile respectively), and thus they should be given more weight (for example, the North Node conjunction would count over the South Node opposition).

The Left

In all of my research so far, leftists tend to have strong left wing indicators both economically and socially. The reasoning for this is because Neptune has no boundaries in its empathy. It empathizes with the lower class who struggle to meet ends meet, women who were rape victims or who aren't ready to have a baby, oppressed minorities, people who are discriminated for being LGBT, etc. Neptune's strong influence on those in the left without strong Moon and Venus aspects to the North Node may be a cause for males on the left to appear more handsome than males on the right (examples being most of the Hollywood actors and the last two Democratic presidents).

The Right

Unlike the left, rightists often have right wing indicators in one area only (some have them in both categories, like Ted Cruz), and it doesn't matter which one. People who lean right usually do so because of fear in a certain area. Fear of communism, fear of going to "hell" for supporting socially liberal policies, fear of being taken over by another country, etc. This is what makes conservatives come off as more rigid in person than liberals who come off as more loose. Influence of Venus and the Moon without Neptune's influence overwhelming it may be a cause for females on the right to appear more feminine (NOT attractive, that's different) than females on the left (Michelle Malkin is a prime example).

Fake Liberals and Conservatives

While most people tend to express the views related to their astrological impulses, there are people who have risen to prominence whose charts show the opposite ideology of what they express in public. These people are quite common in Hollywood and the state and federal government. In Hollywood, the liberal celebrities are much more famous and successful outside of the actors in action movies (Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stallone, Steven Seagal, Bruce Willis, Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger) and game show hosts, who are extremely conservative as a whole.

For example, Billy Crystal is a notable actor who expresses left wing views, but his chart shows the exact opposite, which means that he's likely a Democrat in order to be successful in Hollywood. And Rick Perry is well known for being an Evangelical extremist, yet his chart has a strong left wing pattern, which shows that he is likely Republican in order to be successful politically in Texas, a very conservative state. The reverse is also present as Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein has a strong right wing pattern, which means that she's likely a Democrat in order to be successful politically in California. This hasn't happened yet with local politicians, as their elections are non partisan, and thus their party affiliations match their astrological impulses. In regards to journalists, news anchors, and political commentators, this is a non issue as the conservatives tend to be featured on conservative news channels and websites, and the liberals tend to be featured on liberal news channels and websites.


It is well known that the liberal "blue" states are along the coasts (while the northern Midwest states like Illinois are around lakes) while the conservative "red" states are more inland, and that liberal areas are more urban than conservative areas, which are more rural and suburban. This is because Neptune, the main indicator of liberalism in the chart, rules water. And the reason for conservatives, especially cultural conservatives, living in more isolated areas is because Cancer, the sign that the Moon rules, is associated with cultural norms and security, and thus cultural conservatives tend to live in areas with people who share the same views. This is why the southern "Bible belt" states, the northwestern states that aren't on the coast (which includes rural Alaska), and the Midwest states outside of Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are more conservative than Nevada, the Pacific coast states (which includes Hawaii), and the Northeastern states, which are known for a more urban lifestyle, which goes hand in hand with more population density.

In my state, California, the more rural middle portion of the state (which includes Bakersfield, Fresno, Stockton, Merced, and Modesto) is significantly more conservative than the more liberal southern and northern portions of the state, where Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland are located, which are more urban. I grew up in a city that was very suburban and car oriented, and it's no coincidence that most of my high school classmates are conservative, as are around half the teachers at that high school. Where I live now, everything is more centrally located, and it's no coincidence that most of my neighbors are liberal and that there's more population density. That's why the wealthy urban cities in SoCal, like Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, are significantly more liberal than equally wealthy suburban cities, like southern Orange County. This is why Hollywood (which Neptune also rules as it rules TV, film, and culture) celebrities, who are extremely liberal, are located predominantly in these urban areas next to water.


Political views are an astrological complex, just like character (the signs your planets and ascendant are in), which is why it's pretty much impossible to change someone's viewpoint, no matter how well thought out your argument is, thus making it a waste of energy to even try. If more people knew this, there wouldn't be as much division in the world as there is today, because people would know that neither side is right or wrong. I'm not saying that you can't express your opinion on a news article publicly, but not to force those same views on others, as it rarely, if ever, ends well. Hardcore socialists? They can't help it. Extreme capitalists? They can't help it. Patriotic Christian conservatives? They can't help it. Pro choice LGBT rights activists? They can't help it. Anti police state Libertarians? They can't help it. Just like how you can't help it if you express a certain trait because of your Sun's sign. Only authoritarian Pallas aspects should be controlled (just like how only the negative traits of your Sun sign should be controlled, as they could have a negative effect on others), otherwise you won't be expressing your true self. The more people realize that political viewpoints are innate, much like your gender, skin color, and sexuality, the more we can focus on the true enemy, that is purposely dividing us because of these innate characteristics.

Here are some references which show how political ideology expresses itself in your appearance and actions:

Survey Says GOP Women Are Prettier; Political Views Innate Acquired; A Face for Politics: New Study Shows We Can Tell Democrats from Republicans in Head shots; How Ideology Colors Morality; Biology Ideology: John Hibbing Negativity Bias

Thanks Kevin!

Also by Kevin Estes: Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return.

The above article is published by permission of its author and appears on his blog Left Wing Astrology.