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Showing posts with label ethics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ethics. Show all posts

Nov 17, 2018

Relationship Horoscopes and Ethics Analyses: Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh

Good news! Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes returns to Stars Over Washington with an in-depth analysis of Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh including their Composite, Synastry, Natal, and "love" horoscopes.

Note that Kevin favors the Regiomontanus house system for chart calculations and you'll want to check out his intriguing post which also analyzes each of the Kavanaughs in the ethics department of life at his Left Wing Astrology blog.

You might just find a surprise or two!

And in case you missed them, here are two previous posts by Kevin Estes with overviews of generational topics which apply to every person born upon Mother Earth:

Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Our Society

Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Our Society.

Sep 15, 2018

Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why She Resigned from the DNC pt 1 - clip

And here's a look at the Political and Ethical leanings shown in the natal chart of Tulsi Gabbard written by Millennial Astrologer Kevin Estes.

Jun 12, 2018

Astro-Notes on Canada and PM Justin Trudeau

Planet Mercury: Meetings, Summits, Agreements, Negotiations, Thinking, Sight, Communiques, Speech, Memes, Commerce, Trade...

by Jude Cowell

June 12, 2018: now that Mr. Trump's unorthodox favoritism toward China, Russia, and North Korea has become clearer and his staged tariff tussle with our neighboring ally Canada is on everyone's mind, here are two sets of data for founding horoscopes of Canada, plus, additional info; all details are taken from Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

Newfoundland was discovered June 24, 1497, the island was formally annexed in 1583 and was a British colony until March 31, 1949 when it became the 10th province of the Dominion of Canada. Other dates and historical details are given but suffice it to say that two founding horoscopes are shown:

#050 Canada-Dominion July 1, 1867 00:00 LMT Ottawa: ASC 16Ari54 Neptune 15Ari00; MC 8Cap04/IC 8Can04 conjunct 4th house Sun 8Can51 (both precisely conjunct the natal Mercury 8:51 of Donald Trump!) as is Canada's natal Uranus 8Can36. Note that Trump is also a Sun-Uranus entity. Campion quotes, "The New York Times of 2 July reported that 1 July 'has given birth to a new infant, the Dominion of Canada.'"

Quebec: first permanent European settlement north of Virginia (exact hour unknown)

#51 Canada-Quebec July 3, 1608 NS 'noon' Quebec, QU (settlement founded by Champlain); ASC 8Lib55 (square Trump's natal Mercury, conjunct his natal Neptune so there's Trump's fantasy-prone, indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square on display); MC 11Can00 conjunct Sun 11Can46 and Mercury 7Can46 (conjunct Trump natal Mercury 8:51); Quebec "was taken by the British on 13 September 1759." The two Mercuries conjunct in Moon-ruled Cancer spotlight PM Trudeau's remarks after Trump left the G7 Summit and Trump's grumpy reply in which both Mercuries expressed protectionism (Cancer) on behalf of each man's country (Cancer, sign of patriotism), and of course, one of the multiple roles of astrological Mercury is 'the trader' and one of the traits of Cancer is shrewd business ac'umen. Duplicity is also a function of Mercury and one of the signs it rules, Gemini.

G7 'Darling' Trudeau Hurt Trump's Feelings

As for the natal horoscope of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he was born on December 25, 1971 at 9:27 pm est Ottawa, Ontario (RR: A). Have a peek at his chart and the successful Kite pattern therein if you wish (Saturn at MC is the tail) and you'll see that his wounding of Mr. Trump's tender pride was quite easy--for Trudeau's natal Jupiter @21Sag opposes Trump's natal Sun @22Gemini. This also means that Trudeau's n Jupiter conjoins Trump's emotionally tender Moon-South Node conjunction which may have given Trump pleasant vibes at first (21Sag), followed by Trudeau's patriotic diss at the end (22Gem).

So basically, Donald Trump always has to be 'the star of the show'--the most famous person in the room--wherever he goes and apparently was hurt by Trudeau's warmer reception at the Summit. Plus, you probably noticed how Trump blew in late for breakfast like the prima donna he is. Or maybe gender equality simply wasn't Donald's cup of diet soda so he wanted to express disdain or disagreement with the topic of the breakfast.

Now another factor involved with the newly turbulent US-Canada tariff tussle (trade war?) may be Trudeau's natal Uranus @17Libra57 conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter (17:27) which is strong in his chart and psyche for it is, as you know, stationing and soon turned Direct once little baby Donnie screamed his first scream. This planetary combination suggests foreign travel in order to attend the G7 Summit and the shock (Uranus) to finances (Jupiter) Trump felt (or said he felt) which suddenly sent him off toward what he thought would be 'greener pastures' (Jupiter-Uranus) of doing Putin's bidding by meeting with Kim Jong Un and setting the stage for the 'freeing' of the Korean Peninsula from US troops stationed there since the Korean War, and thus giving a green light to China, one of Trump's handlers and commercial partners--seen by Trump's natal Moon @22Sag = "A Chinese Laundry." And then there continue to be ethical concerns over daughter Ivanka's trademarks recently green lighted in China. Mmm hmm. Once such shady activities were called conflicts of interest. Now they're called Trump in the White House.

Yet we must always remember that the Political Theater we're constantly treated to is only a facade or mirage intended for public consumption which is one reason Political Astrology can be fascinating because it looks behind the velvet curtain to what lurks in the wings.

Jan 12, 2018

There Is No Right or Wrong Political Ideology - Kevin Estes

There Is No Right Or Wrong Political Ideology

by Kevin Estes

In this blog (Kevin's Left Wing Astrology), it is proven that liberalism and conservatism are astrological complexes. Liberalism in the natal chart is indicated by aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house from Venus (economics) and the Moon (culture), and conservatism in the natal chart is indicated by aspects to the North Node, 4th house, and the signs of Taurus (economics) and Cancer (culture) from Venus (economics) and the Moon (culture). This means that people simply can't help but believe these ideologies are the truth.

So, why all the division?

To be fair, while most people know their Sun sign, they don't know anything else, and even then, most people with knowledge of astrology still don't know this. And it's pretty well documented that the main sources of division, the media, religion, and the government, are controlled by the "deep state", also known as the Illuminati. It's no coincidence that the culture wars have increased and the Democratic and Republican parties have gotten more extreme the last 10 years, when people have been waking up to the truth in droves. It's perfectly plausible that the Illuminati has instructed both parties to be more extreme in order to divide the population further, as there are way more of us than them.

The Israel/Jewish Connection

Every Congressional Candidate, in order to receive campaign funding, must sign a pledge to support Israel. How is this significant? Zionist Jews are at the top of the Illuminati pyramid. Judaism is the official religion of Israel. The Rothschild family are Zionist Jews. Could the culture wars be a result of this pledge to support Israel, in order to keep the masses from uniting as one? It's highly likely. If you don't support the Illuminati, no funding for you. In this blog, most of our elected officials have the "Aggressive Pallas" pattern, meaning Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node, as well as hard aspects to Jupiter. Aggressive Pallas aspects have a connection to corruption, racism, and forcing your views on others.

How to reverse this division? Simple. Realize that everyone is different. Also realize that political ideologies are in your birth chart, which makes it pointless for someone else to try and change it, and that liberalism and conservatism are neither right or wrong. For this to happen, astrology would have to be mainstream knowledge. In 2023, Pluto goes into Aquarius for the first time, and goes into Aquarius for good in 2024. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is said to rule astrology, so the mainstreaming of astrology is a big possibility in the Pluto in Aquarius era. The sooner we put aside our differences and unite as one against our oppressors, the easier it will be to reclaim our country.

Link to the Israel pledge revealing: Cynthia McKinney Drops Bombshell...

Thanks for your millennial insights, Kevin!

Now here's one of Kevin's previous, related posts--a favorite of mine which concerns Left Brain-Right Brain Politics. And here is Kevin's astro-political analysis of freshly minted Senator Tina Smith who replaced Minnesota Senator Al Franken last week on Capitol Hill.

Visit Kevin's Left Wing Astrology for a variety of posts and political analyses written from his millennial point of view.

Jan 6, 2018

Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces: the Push for a Compassionate Government

Q: Are rightist authoritarians pushing our society too far from a common sense moral center? Here's an answer from millennial astrologer Kevin Estes:

Pluto In Capricorn and Neptune In Pisces - The Push For A Compassionate Government Universal Health Care, Universal Basic Income, Universal College. All ideas that were once crazy 15 years ago, but are now gaining huge momentum. Why? Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces

Pluto, the transformer, has been in Capricorn, the sign of government, big business, and institutions, since 2008 and Neptune has been in Pisces, the sign of compassion, sensitivity, and spirituality, since 2011, and it has been no coincidence that policies like these have been gaining momentum throughout these transits.

Add the fact that the Pluto in Sagittarius generation from 1995-2008 is starting to become adults, this means the Pluto generations from the 2nd half of the zodiac, regarding the collective rather than the individual, will be the majority of people alive, and they don't value things like status, greed, and materialism the way their parents do. The Pluto in Libra generation from 1971-1984 is about fairness, the Pluto in Scorpio generation from 1983-1995 is about the cold hearted truth, and the Pluto in Sagittarius generation is about freedom.

Our current system is not fair, is not what's best for humanity, regardless of what our politicians and the media say, and it does not give humanity true freedom. Take the recent tax plan for example. The middle class only gets a small tax cut until 2025, while the wealthiest Americans get an even bigger, permanent tax cut. This is NOT what's best for America, regardless of how poorly the Republicans tried to spin it, and it is anything but fair because it allows the wealthy to have even MORE wealth, despite them already having enough to where they don't ever have to work another day in their lives, and while many people are struggling to make end's meet. And outside of that, our current economic system does not give people true freedom, as it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to have a good, quality life without being a "wage slave".

The current system encourages us to go to college for 4 years, enter the work force for 40+ years, then when you're at a certain age where you can't be reliably productive anymore, you're then eligible for Social Security. If that's unnerving enough, the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare in order to help fund these tax cuts (and wars, of course). Imagine working for all these years, and then not being able to have what was taken out of YOUR paycheck, in order for people who already have enough to purchase every property in some cities to have even more. That's not Capitalism, that's Fascism. Notable fascists include Hitler, Mussolini, and Vladimir Putin.

That is why the younger generations want a more fair system where everyone is taken care of. Nobody should have to live a lifestyle like that, especially if they're not going to be justifiably rewarded for it, and have to pay income taxes to a government that has no interest in their well being.

Taxation without representation

And in the current administration and the previous two administrations before that, the President has been ruthless in forcing the positions of his party on the whole country, such as Bush's wars and push to privatize Social Security, Obama with Obamacare and forcing religious organizations to provide free contraceptives and conduct same sex marriages, and Trump with the tax cuts and the pushes to take away health care and build the border wall as well as the travel bans. The extremism of the current and recent administrations has divided our country heavily, and it's no coincidence that the time period of the last President who governed like a moderate, Clinton, is also the last time our country was functioning normally. Is there a reason for this? Yes.

Natal Pallas as Ethics Indicator

In Bill Clinton's birth chart, while his economic and cultural indicators lean heavily to the left, his ethical indicators, represented by the asteroid Pallas, lean defensive, or Libertarian. The first half of his first term included a tax increase on the wealthy and a push for single payer health care, known as "Hillarycare". The people weren't ready for that yet, and the GOP was the majority in Congress from 1995 onward, and this is when Clinton began to govern more moderately, as the welfare reform in 1996 and the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act in 1999 (something that's still effecting us to this day) were during this time, as well as a Capital Gains tax cut in 1997.

On the contrary, Trump's ethical indicators are mixed, likely leaning authoritarian, Obama's ethical indicators lean heavily authoritarian, and while Bush shares "defensive Pallas" with Clinton, his VP Dick Cheney has a strong "aggressive Pallas", and it's been widely speculated that he was actually running the show the whole time instead of Bush. As my blog shows, people's political ideology and ethics are shown in their charts, with around 1,000 examples and counting. Political ideology, like career, belief systems, and overall personality, is something people have a binding tie to, and thus is shown in the birth chart and not attributed to free will, like the food you eat, clothes you wear, when you go to bed or go to the bathroom, etc. is.

By this logic, under the current electoral system, half are happy, and half are unhappy every presidency (and it does seem that way every presidency). So how do we fix this?

Simple. Go full Libertarian on social issues, and remind the people who are cultural conservatives that forcing your views on everyone is wrong, and make sure that everyone is taken care of unconditionally. I'm sure even the biggest economic conservatives will eventually warm up to Universal Health Care and Universal Basic Income when they happen (it will be inevitable, like same sex marriage was before its passage). For ethics, use astrology to make sure the candidates will work in the best interests for everyone, as well as actually have the political viewpoints they express as my research has exposed quite a few "fakers".

Like Jesus said, the only rule is to love your neighbor as yourself, which is to treat others how you want to be treated, also known as The Golden Rule. The current GOP, the "Christian" party, is so unlike Jesus when you read about what he actually did. Can you picture Jesus supporting a tax cut for the wealthy while cutting programs the most vulnerable in society need? Or supporting going to nuclear war? And while right wing Christians often say "Jesus didn't say the Government should do it", the point is that it isn't Christ-like to support taking from the poor to give to the rich and war mongering. Voting for Republicans these days is supporting these policies.

The Golden Rule. Things would be a LOT better if we went back to living like that, and not worry so much about greed, status, materialism, and being better and more powerful than others.

The Golden Rule Matthew 7:12.

Agreed, Kevin! And thank you for sharing your views here at Stars Over Washington where a variety of your posts may be found. Readers be sure to check out Kevin's Pallas/ethics research for more political and cultural insights at his Left Wing Astrology blog where you'll find an ethics analysis of James Comey and others.

Because after all, millennials are society's future!

Aug 30, 2017

Partisan Politics - How to Solve the Problem

Another in a series of posts written by a millennial astrologer with the betterment of society on his mind:

by Kevin Estes

This is a post from my other blog, The Aquarian Paradigm, that also fits the subject matter here as well. If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend that you do so, as its purpose is to explain why the events that are going on right now are happening, as well as archive some very important knowledge in one place.

Over the last few years, the divide and conquer game that has been implemented by the elites has become very prominent. Pro life vs. pro choice, gay marriage vs. traditional marriage, creationism vs. evolution, rich vs. poor, liberal vs. conservative, capitalism vs. socialism, white vs. minority, flat earth vs. round earth, etc. Like I've mentioned before, all of this is to distract us from the real enemy, the elites, also known as the Illuminati.

And it's destroying our society

While the Democratic and Republican parties have existed for years, the friction between the left and the right has never been greater. A lot of it is because both parties are prioritizing the needs of the party over the needs of the general population, but we need to take a lot of the blame as well. We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, yet we're letting the divide and conquer game and party politics tear us apart, when our leaders are taking orders from the "deep state". It wouldn't even surprise me if events like Charlottesville were planned for the purpose of taking away our freedom of speech. After all, the Obama years were full of false flag attacks designed to try and implement gun control, and the Patriot Act was signed suspiciously shortly after 9/11, making it likely that it was written prior to the attack.

How do we solve this problem?

In my Left Wing Astrology blog, I expanded on Alan Lin's theory of identifying political ideology in the natal chart to include the charts of celebrities, local and state politicians, and people I know, while using my knowledge of how to determine people's rising signs. In my expansion, the theory still holds up in a big way. This proves that people are naturally liberal or conservative, as well as naturally ethical. If this method becomes mainstream knowledge, we can avoid electing ethically bankrupt politicians, which a large amount of the GOP and Democratic "establishment" politicians are. If we understand that our political differences are shown in our natal charts, we'd then understand that there is no right or wrong ideology, which would put an end to the divide and conquer game immediately. After all, an economic crash or loss of freedom of speech will effect everyone, not just the left or the right.

To put it shortly, we need to put our differences aside, not fall for the divide and conquer game, and unite against the real enemy that has enslaved all of us for over 200 years.

Also by Kevin Estes: Liberal Media and Conservative Media

Mar 15, 2017

How to Fix Our Political System by Kevin Estes

Today Stars Over Washington is happy to present the latest in a series of articles by young astrologer Kevin Estes who writes the Left Wing Astrology blog where the following article was previously published:

How To Fix Our Political System

by Kevin Estes

Our political system is in a state of crisis, as our elected officials are in it for themselves and the corporations that bribe them, rather than the people who elect them. These are some solutions to help solve the problem and get our elected officials to work in our best interests.

Term Limits - The president has them, but why not congress? Without term limits, if you're in a strong Democratic or Republican area, you can actually have a career as a Senator or Representative! Knowing that they can be reelected an unlimited number of times, they have little incentive to do a good job, as they can easily become wealthy by way of years of corporate bribes.

Lie Detector Tests - The president, vice president, cabinet members, and congress members should undergo random lie detector tests. This is to make sure our elected officials will always tell the truth and act ethically.

Recall Elections - We have them with our local and state governments, but why not our federal government? Yes, the president can be impeached, but the congress decides if that happens, and it's obvious that our elected officials do not have our best interests at hand. If the president is harming our country, the people should have a say if he should be taken out of office or not.

People should have a say in proposed laws - The people had no say in regards to the Patriot Act. Or NAFTA. Or the bailouts. Or Obamacare (or its repeal if it happens). Or any tax increase. Basically, the federal government can create laws without our approval. Yes, congress has approval of the laws, but like I said, they don't govern in our best interests.

More Political Parties - Imagine if the Libertarian candidate, the Green party candidate, the Reform party candidate, the Peace and Freedom party candidate, and the American Independent party candidate got the same amount of attention as the Democratic and Republican party candidates? There would be many different options, which would create actual choice rather than choosing the lesser of two evils.

No Money In Politics - No money in politics means no bribery is allowed, and would mean that you don't have to be wealthy in order to run for office. In other words, a level playing field.


The asteroid Pallas is the main indicator of a person's ethical nature. Mainstream knowledge of this asteroid and analyzing each presidential candidate's Pallas aspects before the election would be a giant step in preventing corruption and tyranny from entering the White House. Also, knowledge of the cultural and economic indicators, represented by the Moon and Venus respectively, of presidential candidates would allow voters to determine if they really have the ideology they project, or are using it just to get ahead politically.

For example, Donald Trump's chart has strong left wing economic (which can indicate fascism) and cultural indicators, while having a mixed Pallas, which indicates something other than small government. George W Bush and Ronald Reagan had strong right wing indicators socially, but their left wing economic indicators pointed to their major deficit spending during their administrations. Barack Obama had strong left wing economic and social indicators, but a strongly authoritarian Pallas. So did Hillary Clinton. This knowledge being mainstream would basically make politicians need to walk the walk in order to get elected.

You can't legislate morality, but with all of these things in place, we can do our jobs to make sure that our country is run by people who care about the best interests of the people and the country as a whole, rather than themselves and the corporations that bribe them.

Previous articles by Kevin Estes:

Divide and Conquer: The Illuminati Agenda

Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return

Liberal Media Conservative Media: Controlled Opposition

Note: the use of Pallas in Political Astrology as a significator for ethics is championed by Kevin Estes and by Alan Lin writer of the Libertarian Astrology blog. Recommended is Alan's article on the March 7th release of what WikiLeaks terms Vault 7; the post shows US natal and progressed horoscopes surrounded by the Vault 7 transits.

Jan 23, 2008

war, peace, and moral crisis

Blogging time is limited this morning but two quotes were received from Information Clearing House which well describe our current days because, in spite of what Washington may say or do, morality never really goes out of style and worshiping the god of war is always a horrendous idea:

"We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing that we know about living." General Omar Bradley

"The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis." Edmund Burke #

Wonder how Capitol Hill's classes on Ethics turned out? Did any students graduate--what was the flunk out rate? Perhaps we should lobby to pass a No Congressman Left Behind Act.

Jul 28, 2007

Awakening Warrior by Timothy Challans

Timothy Challans, a career infantry officer writes in his new book, Awakening Warrior: A Revolution In the Ethics of Warfare (State University Press of New York) that,

“The great paradox is that America goes to war against forces that it plays a large role in creating, and each war spawns new threats of largely its own creation.”

In a thoughtful book that blends philosophy and history, Challans diagnoses the ills of what he describes as the “warrior ethos” and the “American War Machine” which encompasses those political and military institutions that engage the world with physical force. Challens argues that America’s survival is contingent upon replacing the current warrior ethos with a new paradigm guided by ethics.

A native of Colorado, Challens is a West Point graduate and earned masters and doctorate degrees in philosophy at the Johns Hopskins University. For more than ten years he taught over a thousand military students from the rank of cadet to colonel, at West Point (USMA), the Command and General Staff College (CGSC), and the School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS).

Read Awakening Warrior: an interview with author Timothy Challens in Robert Ellman's Intrepid Liberal Journal.