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Showing posts with label Left Wing Astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Left Wing Astrology. Show all posts

Nov 17, 2018

Relationship Horoscopes and Ethics Analyses: Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh

Good news! Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes returns to Stars Over Washington with an in-depth analysis of Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh including their Composite, Synastry, Natal, and "love" horoscopes.

Note that Kevin favors the Regiomontanus house system for chart calculations and you'll want to check out his intriguing post which also analyzes each of the Kavanaughs in the ethics department of life at his Left Wing Astrology blog.

You might just find a surprise or two!

And in case you missed them, here are two previous posts by Kevin Estes with overviews of generational topics which apply to every person born upon Mother Earth:

Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Our Society

Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Our Society.

Jan 12, 2018

There Is No Right or Wrong Political Ideology - Kevin Estes

There Is No Right Or Wrong Political Ideology

by Kevin Estes

In this blog (Kevin's Left Wing Astrology), it is proven that liberalism and conservatism are astrological complexes. Liberalism in the natal chart is indicated by aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house from Venus (economics) and the Moon (culture), and conservatism in the natal chart is indicated by aspects to the North Node, 4th house, and the signs of Taurus (economics) and Cancer (culture) from Venus (economics) and the Moon (culture). This means that people simply can't help but believe these ideologies are the truth.

So, why all the division?

To be fair, while most people know their Sun sign, they don't know anything else, and even then, most people with knowledge of astrology still don't know this. And it's pretty well documented that the main sources of division, the media, religion, and the government, are controlled by the "deep state", also known as the Illuminati. It's no coincidence that the culture wars have increased and the Democratic and Republican parties have gotten more extreme the last 10 years, when people have been waking up to the truth in droves. It's perfectly plausible that the Illuminati has instructed both parties to be more extreme in order to divide the population further, as there are way more of us than them.

The Israel/Jewish Connection

Every Congressional Candidate, in order to receive campaign funding, must sign a pledge to support Israel. How is this significant? Zionist Jews are at the top of the Illuminati pyramid. Judaism is the official religion of Israel. The Rothschild family are Zionist Jews. Could the culture wars be a result of this pledge to support Israel, in order to keep the masses from uniting as one? It's highly likely. If you don't support the Illuminati, no funding for you. In this blog, most of our elected officials have the "Aggressive Pallas" pattern, meaning Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node, as well as hard aspects to Jupiter. Aggressive Pallas aspects have a connection to corruption, racism, and forcing your views on others.

How to reverse this division? Simple. Realize that everyone is different. Also realize that political ideologies are in your birth chart, which makes it pointless for someone else to try and change it, and that liberalism and conservatism are neither right or wrong. For this to happen, astrology would have to be mainstream knowledge. In 2023, Pluto goes into Aquarius for the first time, and goes into Aquarius for good in 2024. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is said to rule astrology, so the mainstreaming of astrology is a big possibility in the Pluto in Aquarius era. The sooner we put aside our differences and unite as one against our oppressors, the easier it will be to reclaim our country.

Link to the Israel pledge revealing: Cynthia McKinney Drops Bombshell...

Thanks for your millennial insights, Kevin!

Now here's one of Kevin's previous, related posts--a favorite of mine which concerns Left Brain-Right Brain Politics. And here is Kevin's astro-political analysis of freshly minted Senator Tina Smith who replaced Minnesota Senator Al Franken last week on Capitol Hill.

Visit Kevin's Left Wing Astrology for a variety of posts and political analyses written from his millennial point of view.

Jan 6, 2018

Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces: the Push for a Compassionate Government

Q: Are rightist authoritarians pushing our society too far from a common sense moral center? Here's an answer from millennial astrologer Kevin Estes:

Pluto In Capricorn and Neptune In Pisces - The Push For A Compassionate Government Universal Health Care, Universal Basic Income, Universal College. All ideas that were once crazy 15 years ago, but are now gaining huge momentum. Why? Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces

Pluto, the transformer, has been in Capricorn, the sign of government, big business, and institutions, since 2008 and Neptune has been in Pisces, the sign of compassion, sensitivity, and spirituality, since 2011, and it has been no coincidence that policies like these have been gaining momentum throughout these transits.

Add the fact that the Pluto in Sagittarius generation from 1995-2008 is starting to become adults, this means the Pluto generations from the 2nd half of the zodiac, regarding the collective rather than the individual, will be the majority of people alive, and they don't value things like status, greed, and materialism the way their parents do. The Pluto in Libra generation from 1971-1984 is about fairness, the Pluto in Scorpio generation from 1983-1995 is about the cold hearted truth, and the Pluto in Sagittarius generation is about freedom.

Our current system is not fair, is not what's best for humanity, regardless of what our politicians and the media say, and it does not give humanity true freedom. Take the recent tax plan for example. The middle class only gets a small tax cut until 2025, while the wealthiest Americans get an even bigger, permanent tax cut. This is NOT what's best for America, regardless of how poorly the Republicans tried to spin it, and it is anything but fair because it allows the wealthy to have even MORE wealth, despite them already having enough to where they don't ever have to work another day in their lives, and while many people are struggling to make end's meet. And outside of that, our current economic system does not give people true freedom, as it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to have a good, quality life without being a "wage slave".

The current system encourages us to go to college for 4 years, enter the work force for 40+ years, then when you're at a certain age where you can't be reliably productive anymore, you're then eligible for Social Security. If that's unnerving enough, the Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare in order to help fund these tax cuts (and wars, of course). Imagine working for all these years, and then not being able to have what was taken out of YOUR paycheck, in order for people who already have enough to purchase every property in some cities to have even more. That's not Capitalism, that's Fascism. Notable fascists include Hitler, Mussolini, and Vladimir Putin.

That is why the younger generations want a more fair system where everyone is taken care of. Nobody should have to live a lifestyle like that, especially if they're not going to be justifiably rewarded for it, and have to pay income taxes to a government that has no interest in their well being.

Taxation without representation

And in the current administration and the previous two administrations before that, the President has been ruthless in forcing the positions of his party on the whole country, such as Bush's wars and push to privatize Social Security, Obama with Obamacare and forcing religious organizations to provide free contraceptives and conduct same sex marriages, and Trump with the tax cuts and the pushes to take away health care and build the border wall as well as the travel bans. The extremism of the current and recent administrations has divided our country heavily, and it's no coincidence that the time period of the last President who governed like a moderate, Clinton, is also the last time our country was functioning normally. Is there a reason for this? Yes.

Natal Pallas as Ethics Indicator

In Bill Clinton's birth chart, while his economic and cultural indicators lean heavily to the left, his ethical indicators, represented by the asteroid Pallas, lean defensive, or Libertarian. The first half of his first term included a tax increase on the wealthy and a push for single payer health care, known as "Hillarycare". The people weren't ready for that yet, and the GOP was the majority in Congress from 1995 onward, and this is when Clinton began to govern more moderately, as the welfare reform in 1996 and the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act in 1999 (something that's still effecting us to this day) were during this time, as well as a Capital Gains tax cut in 1997.

On the contrary, Trump's ethical indicators are mixed, likely leaning authoritarian, Obama's ethical indicators lean heavily authoritarian, and while Bush shares "defensive Pallas" with Clinton, his VP Dick Cheney has a strong "aggressive Pallas", and it's been widely speculated that he was actually running the show the whole time instead of Bush. As my blog shows, people's political ideology and ethics are shown in their charts, with around 1,000 examples and counting. Political ideology, like career, belief systems, and overall personality, is something people have a binding tie to, and thus is shown in the birth chart and not attributed to free will, like the food you eat, clothes you wear, when you go to bed or go to the bathroom, etc. is.

By this logic, under the current electoral system, half are happy, and half are unhappy every presidency (and it does seem that way every presidency). So how do we fix this?

Simple. Go full Libertarian on social issues, and remind the people who are cultural conservatives that forcing your views on everyone is wrong, and make sure that everyone is taken care of unconditionally. I'm sure even the biggest economic conservatives will eventually warm up to Universal Health Care and Universal Basic Income when they happen (it will be inevitable, like same sex marriage was before its passage). For ethics, use astrology to make sure the candidates will work in the best interests for everyone, as well as actually have the political viewpoints they express as my research has exposed quite a few "fakers".

Like Jesus said, the only rule is to love your neighbor as yourself, which is to treat others how you want to be treated, also known as The Golden Rule. The current GOP, the "Christian" party, is so unlike Jesus when you read about what he actually did. Can you picture Jesus supporting a tax cut for the wealthy while cutting programs the most vulnerable in society need? Or supporting going to nuclear war? And while right wing Christians often say "Jesus didn't say the Government should do it", the point is that it isn't Christ-like to support taking from the poor to give to the rich and war mongering. Voting for Republicans these days is supporting these policies.

The Golden Rule. Things would be a LOT better if we went back to living like that, and not worry so much about greed, status, materialism, and being better and more powerful than others.

The Golden Rule Matthew 7:12.

Agreed, Kevin! And thank you for sharing your views here at Stars Over Washington where a variety of your posts may be found. Readers be sure to check out Kevin's Pallas/ethics research for more political and cultural insights at his Left Wing Astrology blog where you'll find an ethics analysis of James Comey and others.

Because after all, millennials are society's future!

Nov 6, 2017

Jupiter in Virgo and The Ethics of Robert Mueller

In the Realms of Jupiter

Here is how a recent post concerning the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump began with an explanation of Jupiterian personalities such as Mr.Trump whose Libran Jupiter is quick to call out, "it's not fair!":

"We no longer live in religious times, but the human need for the numinous, for something greater, more perfect and more powerful than ourselves has not disappeared. It has, however, taken a perverse turn. Instead of aspiring to the Infinite, we make gods out of mortals. We create 'super-stars' of athletes and artisans. We inflate, glamorize and worship actors, sports people, and musicians. We exalt them in other words. This phenomenon of elevating the ordinary to the extraordinary is a quality of Jupiter and Sagittarius (not so much Pisces). It emerges at the behavorial level in two basic ways:

1. The mantle of hero or king seems to fall most easily on those strong in Jupiter or Sagittarius.

2. Equally, the Sagittarian-Jupiter type can have a more than average tendency to idolize and hero worship. - Paul Wright.

As you know, Robert Mueller enjoys a longstanding reputation for integrity and independence. Therefore, let's consider the moral and ethical implications of astrological Jupiter (a boundary-crossing freedom lover) and its sign in his natal chart. Mr. Mueller's natal Jupiter @2Virgo38 sextiles his natal Saturn (@5Can59--conjunct US natal Jupiter). With no accurate birth time for former FBI director Mueller I'm looking at a noon horoscope for August 7, 1944 NYC.

The Totem Animal of Pallas (aka, Minerva): The Wise Old Owl

But first here's an assessment by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes who analyzed Mr. Mueller's ethics via his natal Pallas (@27Cancer--in Cancer = a protector of home and family) which conjoins natal North Node, a point of public contact, publicity, and future direction:

"Libertarian - Pallas conjunct NN, ruler of Pallas Moon trine NN;

Authoritarian - nothing. This suggests very strong ethics which isn't a surprise considering his actions and how he's handling the attempts to discredit him by the right." Thanks Kevin!

This supports Mueller's placement of Jupiter in Mercury-ruled Virgo which denotes a man with an expanded ability to discriminate and an innate understanding of the appropriate use of such discrimination. Attention to minute detail and organizational ability are talents and in a practical Earth sign, Jupiter tends to take on responsibilities and possess a large quantity of physical energy. Steadiness, reliability and pragmatism are in evidence. Why a Virgoan Jupiter alone grants its holder ethical and moral values!

And when Jupiter sextiles Saturn (the two societal planets relating to balance, and in government, to 'checks and balances') we find a man for whom self-improvement and accomplishment are lifelong pursuits. This sextile suggests a modest and conservative fellow who prefers traditional philosophies and who solves problems with a pragmatic approach.

Slow and steady development (as political pundits have credited him with during the Russia-Gate investigation) is his modus operandi with Jupiter in Virgo yet he seeks recognition and at times may fail to recognize his own limitations. Therefore, proper guidelines must be followed because over extension often leads to failure and, in addition, budgets must be carefully managed by this magnetic, intense loner (Sun conjunct Pluto in royal Leo).

For more astro-notes on Special Counsel Robert Mueller you may wish to see The Prenatal Eclipse of Robert Mueller or a brief post on the current transits to his natal planets (natal horoscope shown sans birth time).

Recommended reading: Stephen Arroyo's Exploring Jupiter: Progress, Prosperity, and Potential (now available on Kindle!)

Above image: Owl of Minerva, a botanical drawing set in a mystical glen by yours truly.

Aug 30, 2017

Partisan Politics - How to Solve the Problem

Another in a series of posts written by a millennial astrologer with the betterment of society on his mind:

by Kevin Estes

This is a post from my other blog, The Aquarian Paradigm, that also fits the subject matter here as well. If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend that you do so, as its purpose is to explain why the events that are going on right now are happening, as well as archive some very important knowledge in one place.

Over the last few years, the divide and conquer game that has been implemented by the elites has become very prominent. Pro life vs. pro choice, gay marriage vs. traditional marriage, creationism vs. evolution, rich vs. poor, liberal vs. conservative, capitalism vs. socialism, white vs. minority, flat earth vs. round earth, etc. Like I've mentioned before, all of this is to distract us from the real enemy, the elites, also known as the Illuminati.

And it's destroying our society

While the Democratic and Republican parties have existed for years, the friction between the left and the right has never been greater. A lot of it is because both parties are prioritizing the needs of the party over the needs of the general population, but we need to take a lot of the blame as well. We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, yet we're letting the divide and conquer game and party politics tear us apart, when our leaders are taking orders from the "deep state". It wouldn't even surprise me if events like Charlottesville were planned for the purpose of taking away our freedom of speech. After all, the Obama years were full of false flag attacks designed to try and implement gun control, and the Patriot Act was signed suspiciously shortly after 9/11, making it likely that it was written prior to the attack.

How do we solve this problem?

In my Left Wing Astrology blog, I expanded on Alan Lin's theory of identifying political ideology in the natal chart to include the charts of celebrities, local and state politicians, and people I know, while using my knowledge of how to determine people's rising signs. In my expansion, the theory still holds up in a big way. This proves that people are naturally liberal or conservative, as well as naturally ethical. If this method becomes mainstream knowledge, we can avoid electing ethically bankrupt politicians, which a large amount of the GOP and Democratic "establishment" politicians are. If we understand that our political differences are shown in our natal charts, we'd then understand that there is no right or wrong ideology, which would put an end to the divide and conquer game immediately. After all, an economic crash or loss of freedom of speech will effect everyone, not just the left or the right.

To put it shortly, we need to put our differences aside, not fall for the divide and conquer game, and unite against the real enemy that has enslaved all of us for over 200 years.

Also by Kevin Estes: Liberal Media and Conservative Media

Jul 10, 2017

Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Society

Today Stars Over Washington presents the latest post by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes with a generational overview of Neptune through the signs and how people and society as a whole are influenced by this most insinuating of planets:

Generational Astrology and The Signs of Neptune

by Kevin Estes

In Generational Astrology, the sign that Neptune is in represents the image and culture of the age group. This also means that the sign Neptune is in is the image and culture of the time period, as everyone born is "trapped" with the astrological weather of the time they were born for the rest of their lives. With the outer planets, generations are basically "torchbearers" for the time period they grew up in which is why people tend to be nostalgic for their childhood years, as Pluto and Neptune stay in the same sign for years after a person is born unless they're at the tail end of a generation. Because of this, Neptune's influence is very significant, despite its not being as personal as the Sun, Moon, ascendant, or inner planets.

Neptune in Leo (1914-1929)

This was the Roaring Twenties, as the culture of these years was based on celebrities, movies, jazz music, and extroversion in general after the invention of the telephone and automobile. As a result, the children born during this era have a warmth and thirst for the "good life" that the generation after them didn't (also with Pluto in Cancer).

Neptune in Virgo (1928-1943)

This was the Great Depression and WWII. The culture in this era basically WAS the Depression, as people just wanted a job and a roof over their heads which many didn't have then. The children born during this era are more serious than the Neptune in Leo-Pluto Cancers, as Neptune in Virgo was a more serious era in general.

Neptune in Libra (1942-1957)

The postwar era. These years were known for classical music (Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby), postwar prosperity, conforming to social norms (one of the shadow sides of Libra is vanity and wanting to fit in, which is why many Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers come off as vain as they have Neptune and Pluto in Libra respectively), and overall peace after the Depression and WWII. As a result, the children born during this era are known as the "flower children" and made up the majority of the Vietnam War protesters, as their desire for peace along with their Pluto Leo pride led to the Hippie movement.

Neptune in Scorpio (1955-1970)

The Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll era. These years were when the Neptune in Libras became teenagers and young adults, and became rebellious in a way that the previous generations weren't. The Hippie movement, Vietnam protests, Summer of Love, and Woodstock all took place during Neptune in Scorpio, as well as the JFK and MLK assassinations (Scorpio rules violence and secrets). This era was dominated by classic rock, and the main acts during this era, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and The Doors to name a few, were a big part of the Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll culture. Motown, girl groups, rockabilly, and Doo Wop were also big during this time, but more in tune with Pluto in Virgo.

As a result of the cynicism of this era, the children born in this era are very cynical in nature (like the Pluto Scorpios in the mid 80s to mid 90s), and are the first "tattoo generation" (the other Scorpio generations, Uranus in Scorpio from 1974-1981 and Pluto in Scorpio from 1983-1995, are also heavily tattooed).

Neptune in Sagittarius (1970-1984)

After the cynical 60s, the Neptune in Sagittarius 70s and early 80s group was way more vibrant. This was the era of disco, arena rock, and new wave music, all of which had more vibrant and unique sounds than that of the 60s. Bands that were active in the 60s, like the Rolling Stones and The Who, changed their sound to a more 70s-style sound, and the lyrics to the songs had more to do with love and relationships (Libra, as the artists that were big during Neptune in Sagittarius had Neptune in Libra and Pluto was also in Libra at the same time as Neptune in Sagittarius) than sex and drugs (Scorpio). Also prevalent during this era was the rise of religious fundamentalism, as a response to Roe vs. Wade and the previous Hippie culture. As a result, the children born during this era tend to be very jovial and vibrant, and the conservatives born during this era tend to be extreme religious fundamentalists.

Neptune in Capricorn (1984-1998)

The materialism culture. As a member of this generation, I was subject to the idea that the goal (Capricorn) in life was to be what you want to be in order to get a lot of money in order to buy material possessions. In the early-mid 90s, some of the most well known commercials were the Sally Struthers ICS commercials, which were Neptune in Capricorn at its most in your face (they're on YouTube if you haven't experienced them). The music associated with Neptune in Capricorn tended to be slower than the previous era, as soft rock and easy listening music became dominant (Madonna, Michael Jackson, Prince, George Michael, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Gloria Estefan, etc.), as well as heavy metal, rap, grunge, and hair bands, which were more in tune with Pluto in Scorpio.

Also playing a big part of Neptune in Capricorn was the family TV boom, as numerous sitcoms (Fresh Prince, Roseanne, Family Matters, Full House, Cosby Show, Married With Children, Home Improvement, Seinfeld, Saved By The Bell, Cheers, Different World, Friends, Boy Meets World, Step By Step, Wonder Years, etc.) and cartoons (Doug, Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Aaahh! Real Monsters, Hey Arnold, The Angry Beavers, etc.) were all big during this era. As a result, the children born during this era, like myself, have a very serious and determined nature.

Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2012)

The technology culture. When Neptune in Aquarius hit, the internet and cell phones became mainstream, social media became a tool used by everyone (Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube all have Neptune in Aquarius with Pluto in Sagittarius), and reality TV became a mainstay on TV, giving normal people the chance to become stars. Neptune in Aquarius was known for being the era of Nu Metal (like metal, but with DJs and turntables being used), indie rock, emo, and techno pop, while Boy Bands and bubblegum pop were also prevalent but more in tune with Pluto in Sagittarius. As a result, the children born during this era are very eccentric in nature.

Neptune in Pisces (2011-2026)

This transit is still ongoing, but some common themes of this era are a rise in alternative spirituality and the PC culture. Pisces rules compassion as well as sensitivity, so it's no coincidence that the PC culture only came into existence during the Neptune in Pisces era. With Pluto in Capricorn happening at the same time, exposing the corruption in government and big business and making knowledge of the Illuminati more mainstream, Neptune in Pisces is making alternative spirituality more mainstream, as an alternative to the organized religions controlled by the Illuminati (Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Mormonism, etc. are all man-made religions and are pitted against each other in order to divide and conquer...a (New World) Order out of chaos (division creates chaos).

As with Pluto, all Neptune eras are connected. Extroverted Neptune in Leo came before depressing Neptune in Virgo, which came before peaceful Neptune in Libra, which came before cynical Neptune in Scorpio, which came before jovial Neptune in Sagittarius, which came before serious Neptune in Capricorn, which came before eccentric Neptune in Aquarius, etc., and when these Neptune generations become young adults, Pluto enters the sign their Neptune was in at birth, destroying the illusions they were conditioned with during their childhood (Neptune also rules illusions).

Also notable is that the masculine Neptune eras are more upbeat than the feminine Neptune eras, which goes hand in hand with the masculine Neptune generations having a more outward image and expression than their feminine Neptune counterparts, which I've noticed in person. In 2026, Neptune will go into Aries for good, which will likely result in a more upbeat era once again.

Dates of Neptune in the Signs

Thanks, Kevin! Readers may also wish to check out your previous SO'W post Pluto Generations: the Evolution of Society and your blog Left Wing Astrology where the above post was originally published.

Apr 23, 2017

Kevin Estes on Left Brain--Right Brain Politics

Once again Stars Over Washington is happy to present for your consideration an insightful article by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes:

The Left and The Right - Reversed?

by Kevin Estes

In the political spectrum, it's well known that liberals are known as the "left" and that conservatives are known as the "right". However, the left brain is associated with conservative traits, and the right brain is associated with liberal traits, as this link and a picture will show:

Conservative Left Brain Liberal Right Brain

As the picture shows, the left brain is associated with these things: order, logic, math, analytics, detail, and linear thinking. The right brain is associated with art, colors, music, the big picture, randomness, emotion, and creativity. The vast majority of the things listed as right brain characteristics are things that are ruled by Neptune, and as my blog Left Wing Astrology shows, people with their Venus (economics) and Moon (culture) in aspect to Neptune but not overcome by the North Node lean to the left.

For the left brain, the things listed under it are things associated with the Earth signs, which have a reputation as being the most conservative in astrology (Venus rules Taurus, an Earth sign). Some people divide the halves of the Zodiac as the left hemisphere, but if that was the case, the sign of Pisces, which is associated with the majority of the right brain characteristics, would be associated with the left brain, as it's the 12th sign of the zodiac, and Virgo, which many of the left brain characteristics are associated with, would be associated with the right brain, as it's the 6th sign of the zodiac. That wouldn't make sense.

With this knowledge available, is what we call the "left" actually the "right", and vice versa? Maybe. The liberal people I know fall heavily into the right brain characteristics, and the conservative people I know fall heavily into the right brain characteristics. This is why most celebrities lean to the "left" as actors/actresses and musicians are very creative people, and why Libertarians are associated with the "right", as they tend to base their lifestyles around logic and self sufficiency, which are left brain characteristics. This left and right brain divide also supports something I've noticed in person, which is that left brain conservatives and Libertarians tend to be much more rigid than their right brain liberal counterparts, who tend to be much more open minded and flexible in person.

As for the research on my blog, I'll still label liberal astrological impulses as "leftist" and conservative astrological impulses as "rightist" in order to prevent confusion among readers, but this knowledge is something that should really be considered, as it would make a whole lot of sense to label liberals as the "right" and conservatives as the "left", based on left and right brain characteristics.

To read more articles by Kevin Estes visit his blog Left Wing Astrology.

Apr 9, 2017

Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Our Society

Pluto Generations - The Evolution Of Our Society

by Kevin Estes

In generational astrology, the sign Pluto is in represents the role that your age group will play in regards to the evolution of society, as Pluto is the transformer. It also indicates the core reality of your age group (Pluto in Cancer is family oriented and patriotic, Pluto in Leo is creative and individualistic, Pluto in Virgo is very health and service oriented, Pluto in Libra is very relationship and beauty oriented, Pluto in Scorpio has extreme depth and doesn't accept anything but the truth, Pluto in Sagittarius is very reckless and freedom oriented, etc.), so while Pluto's influence may not be as well known as that of the Sun, Moon, and inner planets, it has a very important role nonetheless.

Pluto in Cancer (1912-1939)

This generation's main role was to transform family life. It was this generation that's responsible for the current family structure of an average of two to three kids, also known as the nuclear family. And this generation is responsible for women becoming a large part of the workforce, as WWII forced housewives to enter the workforce and support their families with their husbands being away for war.

Pluto in Leo (1937-1958)

This generation's main role was to transform childhood, as children were to be seen and not heard until this generation came, and a lot of the artists of the 1960s, such as Elvis, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and The Who to name a few, were created for this generation. The Vietnam War protests that this group is known for led to the abolition of the draft by Jimmy Carter.

Pluto in Virgo (1956-1972)

This generation has had many accomplishments, most notably the expansion of technology throughout their adulthood. The computer began to replace the typewriter during their years as young adults in the early 90s, and after their Saturn returns is when the internet and cell phones became mainstream. This generation is also a driving force behind the green and vegan movements, most notably the left wing members of this generation. Virgo rules health and the environment.

Pluto in Libra (1971-1984)

This generation has all had their Saturn returns, and with Libra being the sign of fairness, it's no coincidence that this generation, most notably the left wing members of the generation, is a driving force behind issues like minority rights, gay rights, and equal pay, and gay marriage eventually being legalized two years ago. Libra is the sign of harmony, and thus a major portion of this generation is also anti war. It is no coincidence that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan dominated when this generation were the young adults.

Pluto in Scorpio (1983-1995)

This generation is currently the young adults, and the oldest are already going through their Saturn returns. Scorpio rules the occult, and Neptune, the dissolver, is currently in the sign of secrets, Pisces, and it's no coincidence that the secrets about the world's institutions (Pluto in Capricorn) are slowly coming out. As a card carrying member of this generation, my writings are mainly to expose how political ideology and generational characteristics are shown in your birth chart, as well as the reality of the system altogether (the Illuminati control everything mainstream, and people are "wage slaves" for the elite until they are physically unable to do it anymore).

Note: The Pluto in Libra generation and the vast majority of the Pluto in Scorpio generation have the asteroid Quaoar in Scorpio, which is said to fit the timeline of the Indigo children, whose role is to break down outdated systems that aren't in humanity's best interests, and I'm one of them.

The Pluto in Sagittarius (1995-2008) generation is still in the school system, with the oldest being in college, and the Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2024) generation is still being born, with the oldest being third graders, so they have yet to make their mark, and thus they're not listed.

The main reason for this article is to show that while all the Pluto generations are different, all have a unique role to play in the evolution of society, and that all are connected. Pluto in Leo rebelled against Pluto in Cancer's rigid family values, Pluto in Virgo cleaned up Pluto in Leo's mess, Pluto in Libra's tactfulness came after Pluto in Virgo's criticism, Pluto in Scorpio are willing to go into the dark side that Pluto in Libra isn't, Pluto in Sagittarius is optimistic whereas Pluto in Scorpio is cynical, Pluto in Capricorn will bring order to Pluto in Sagittarius' recklessness, etc.

The more we understand our generational differences and that each one has a specific role to play, rather than trying to make each generation act like our generation, the better off society will be.

Links explaining Quaoar in Scorpio's influence:

Karmic Astrology

Astrology Weekly

About the characteristics of an Indigo, in case you may be one:

How to Tell If You Are Indigo

Dates of Pluto in the Signs.


Thanks, Kevin!

This article published here by author's permission. Visit Left Wing Astrology for more articles by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes.

Apr 6, 2017

Millennial Astrologer Analyzes Economic Systems

Stars Over Washington's ongoing series of articles authored by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes continues as Kevin shares his astro-analysis of the four main economic systems in society and how to recognize the indicators in a horoscope:

Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism Defined: Which Is The "Right" System?

by Kevin Estes

The US is commonly labeled as a capitalist country, but when looking at the definition of capitalism, the US is clearly not a capitalist country, at least not anymore. The four main economic systems, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism, will be defined in this post, and the system that fits the current US economic system will be quite surprising for you if you don't know what all of them truly are.


"An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."

In a capitalist society, there would be no public schools, no public colleges and universities, no state funded highways, and no safety net programs. This sounds good to many with strong right wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the North Node, 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus, with cultural indicators and Pallas aspects varying), which indicate a preference of capitalism, but many people need those safety net programs, especially those with low incomes, disabilities, and people who get laid off. Of course, it's easy to say "that's what your family is supposed to be there for!", but quite a few people don't have family members in close proximity to be there for them, as they can be living in another state, not on speaking terms, or even worse, not be alive at all. And some will also say that it should be the church's job, but many aren't religious at all.


"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

In a socialist society, the needs of everyone are met. Safety net programs for people who are laid off or just can't work at all (retirees, mentally ill, disabled), free public schools for children, health care for everyone, business regulations to improve the quality of the work environment, etc. The US is much closer to socialism than capitalism, though not purely socialist. Socialism in the natal chart is generally indicated by left wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, the sign of Pisces, Neptune, and the South Node), with defensive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node), and often with left wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, Neptune, and the South Node), as making sure the needs of everyone are met also involves social issues like abortion rights, gay rights, minority rights, environmentalism, etc.


"A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs."

Communism is basically an authoritarian version of socialism, in that private property is not allowed and society is completely devoid of economic classes. Basically, everyone's needs are met, outside of freedom. Communism is indicated by left wing economic indicators and aggressive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node and in hard aspect to Jupiter), generally with left wing cultural indicators. The US has never been communist, as economic classes are still prevalent to this day, though they're dwindling rapidly, which brings us to:


"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization."

Fascism is a right wing economic system, where the corporations control the government, opposition is stifled, and is occupied by nationalism. Sound familiar? That's because it is. Ever since 9/11, many have been arrested as "terrorists," just because they were true patriots and whistle blowers. In the current Pluto in Capricorn era, corporations have gained more and more control over the government, and as a result, the wealth gap has been expanding rapidly every year.

Fascism is indicated by left wing economic indicators (because the wealth of the people is being dissolved and going to the 1%, which is why there's such a large gap between the rich and the poor, while the middle class is disappearing rapidly), along with aggressive Pallas and right wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 4th house, the North Node, and the sign of Cancer). The left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators are present in numerous GOP politicians, including George W Bush (he has defensive Pallas but his VP Cheney had a strong aggressive Pallas), Ronald Reagan, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and Condoleezza Rice, which is basically a "who's who?" of the GOP establishment. Out of the four systems, fascism is what the US is closest to right now, and what the economic system will likely be if the NWO actually comes to fruition.

Many Republicans who are anti-socialism and anti-communism, yet claim to be capitalist, may actually be supporting fascism instead, especially if they're in favor of deficit spending on the military rather than the safety net programs, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans regardless of how much job growth they're creating, and not batting an eye when GOP politicians like Trump attempt to suppress freedom of speech. Not everyone with left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators is fascist though (ex: the Catholic doctrine is known for promoting a socially conservative doctrine, while promoting a very leftist economic view).

The Right Economic System

With all these economic systems defined, which one is the right one? Technically, none of them. Out of the four, socialism is the closest, as it makes sure everyone's needs are met, while being significantly less authoritarian than communism, though the government plays a huge role in socialism, which brings the risk of its growing into communism over time. However, as I've mentioned before, the economic system itself is a modern version of slavery, in that in order to make a good living, you need to work an average of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for over 40 years until you reach the age where you're no longer productive enough for the elites anymore, which means you'll be eligible for retirement. I am not saying that people should sit at home all day, but that it's immoral to force people to be "wage slaves," or else have extreme difficulty surviving. If you cannot survive without being a "wage slave" to the elites, then it is not true freedom.

Personally, the "right" economic system is one where everyone's needs are met unconditionally with free health care for everyone by way of Medicare expansion, with the freedom for people to pursue whatever career they want, yet not rely on that career just to survive, as work life and family/social life would be more balanced and everyone would have enough to survive comfortably unconditionally, which would happen by way of something like a Social Security expansion for everyone (jobs would give people the extras, such as traveling and seeing the world). That system doesn't exist right now, as it would have to be created when the current system, which encourages people to want more and more in order to get ahead financially, collapses. With Pluto in Capricorn and the Pluto return coming in 2022, and Pluto entering Aquarius right after the Pluto return in 2023, this could actually become a reality.

Be sure to check out more articles by Kevin Estes at Left Wing Astrology.

Mar 28, 2017

Political Ideology in Astrology

Once again here is Guest Blogger Kevin Estes, a young California astrologer who writes the Left Wing Astrology blog, updating us on his work with Political Ideology indicators in Astrology charts:

Political Ideology In Astrology

by Kevin Estes

This is an updated guide explaining the theory of Alan Lin at and AstroLibertarian which I have expanded to include celebrities, local politicians, and people I know, with a few tweaks to it, as shown below.

The Aspects

Conjunction - 0 degrees (positive); Opposition - 180 degrees (negative); Square - 90 degrees (negative); Trine - 120 degrees (positive); Sextile - 60 degrees (positive); Semi Sextile - 30 degrees (negative); Semi Square - 45 degrees (negative); Sesquiquadrate - 135 degrees (negative); Quincunx - 150 degrees (negative); Quintile - 72 degrees (positive); Biquintile - 144 degrees (positive); Squine - 105 degrees (negative); Quindecile - 165 degrees (negative); Parallel - equivalent to a conjunction in declination (positive); Contraparallel - equivalent to an opposition in declination (negative).

Both the parallel and contraparallel are 0 and 1 degree orbs. I give wider orbs, often as many as 10 degrees (for tiebreakers, Alan goes up to 12 degrees for conjunctions and oppositions regularly, which I sometimes go past 10 as my Mercury is conjunct the Venus that's opposite my Neptune, and both are in Gemini, and thus ruled by Mercury. The usual limit is 7 degrees, as 8 degrees is over a quarter of the sign), to conjunctions, oppositions, squares, sextiles (he goes to three degrees here, though the sextile is a much bigger aspect than than the quincunx, sesquiquadrate, quintile, and biquintile), and trines, and up to 5 degrees for the minor aspects (he goes two to three degrees for minor aspects).

Rising Signs

I use the collages at this link to match someone's picture with each rising sign until I get the best match: Linda Goodman Forum24.

Aries risings tend to have arched eyebrows similar to a ram's horns, Taurus risings tend to have thick necks and a sensual look, Gemini risings tend to have playful eyes and a youthful look, Cancer risings tend to have a very innocent and homey look, Leo risings tend to have long hair and a dignified look, Virgo risings tend to have an ordinary look, Libra risings tend to have a very beautiful and balanced look, Scorpio risings tend to have penetrating eyes, Sagittarius risings tend to have diagonally arching eyebrows and a narrow head, Capricorn risings tend to have a very bony look, Aquarius risings tend to have an aloof and weird look, and Pisces risings tend to have a dreamy look. Always look to see if the first influence you find is because of the Sun or Moon sign, as these placements also have a huge influence on the appearance.

The Planets

Moon - The Moon, its ruler, and 4th house ruler in aspect to the North Node, 4th house, and the sign of Cancer indicate a conservative impulse in terms of social issues (abortion, gay rights, immigration, environment, prayer in schools, death penalty, drugs, stem cell research, etc.), and aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the 12th house, and sign of Pisces indicate a liberal impulse. Mixed signatures trend to lean to the right, unless the leftist aspects clearly win (like a trine to the South Node and conjunction with Neptune vs. a sesquiquadrate and quincunx with the North Node).

Venus - Venus, its ruler, and 2nd house ruler in aspect to the North Node, 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus indicate a conservative impulse in terms of economic issues (taxes, entitlement programs, free trade, school vouchers, minimum wage, gun control which implements restrictions on the purchase of guns, health care, etc.), and aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the 12th house, and sign of Pisces indicate a liberal impulse. Mixed signatures lean to the right, unless the leftist aspects clearly win. A strong Pallas can sway someone to the right economically as well. Many people who are culturally conservative can have left wing economic indicators, though this doesn't always point to supporting left wing economic policies, as left wing economic indicators can point to strong support of deficit spending in order to strengthen the military, and even fascism, which likely explains the left wing economic indicators of George W Bush, Paul Ryan, and Donald Trump.

Pallas - Pallas or its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node indicate a libertarian impulse, wile aspects to the South Node and Pluto as well as hard aspects (opposition, square, sesquiquadrate, quincunx) to Jupiter indicate an authoritarian impulse. Most politicians have mixed Pallas or aggressive Pallas, signifying a strong authoritarian nature, whether it's accepting bribes from corporations or forcing their innate world view on the people.

The Nodes - The conjunction, trine, sesquiquadrate, and quincunx aspects are stronger than their counterparts (opposition, sextile, semi square, and semi sextile respectively), and thus they should be given more weight (for example, the North Node conjunction would count over the South Node opposition).

The Left

In all of my research so far, leftists tend to have strong left wing indicators both economically and socially. The reasoning for this is because Neptune has no boundaries in its empathy. It empathizes with the lower class who struggle to meet ends meet, women who were rape victims or who aren't ready to have a baby, oppressed minorities, people who are discriminated for being LGBT, etc. Neptune's strong influence on those in the left without strong Moon and Venus aspects to the North Node may be a cause for males on the left to appear more handsome than males on the right (examples being most of the Hollywood actors and the last two Democratic presidents).

The Right

Unlike the left, rightists often have right wing indicators in one area only (some have them in both categories, like Ted Cruz), and it doesn't matter which one. People who lean right usually do so because of fear in a certain area. Fear of communism, fear of going to "hell" for supporting socially liberal policies, fear of being taken over by another country, etc. This is what makes conservatives come off as more rigid in person than liberals who come off as more loose. Influence of Venus and the Moon without Neptune's influence overwhelming it may be a cause for females on the right to appear more feminine (NOT attractive, that's different) than females on the left (Michelle Malkin is a prime example).

Fake Liberals and Conservatives

While most people tend to express the views related to their astrological impulses, there are people who have risen to prominence whose charts show the opposite ideology of what they express in public. These people are quite common in Hollywood and the state and federal government. In Hollywood, the liberal celebrities are much more famous and successful outside of the actors in action movies (Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stallone, Steven Seagal, Bruce Willis, Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger) and game show hosts, who are extremely conservative as a whole.

For example, Billy Crystal is a notable actor who expresses left wing views, but his chart shows the exact opposite, which means that he's likely a Democrat in order to be successful in Hollywood. And Rick Perry is well known for being an Evangelical extremist, yet his chart has a strong left wing pattern, which shows that he is likely Republican in order to be successful politically in Texas, a very conservative state. The reverse is also present as Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein has a strong right wing pattern, which means that she's likely a Democrat in order to be successful politically in California. This hasn't happened yet with local politicians, as their elections are non partisan, and thus their party affiliations match their astrological impulses. In regards to journalists, news anchors, and political commentators, this is a non issue as the conservatives tend to be featured on conservative news channels and websites, and the liberals tend to be featured on liberal news channels and websites.


It is well known that the liberal "blue" states are along the coasts (while the northern Midwest states like Illinois are around lakes) while the conservative "red" states are more inland, and that liberal areas are more urban than conservative areas, which are more rural and suburban. This is because Neptune, the main indicator of liberalism in the chart, rules water. And the reason for conservatives, especially cultural conservatives, living in more isolated areas is because Cancer, the sign that the Moon rules, is associated with cultural norms and security, and thus cultural conservatives tend to live in areas with people who share the same views. This is why the southern "Bible belt" states, the northwestern states that aren't on the coast (which includes rural Alaska), and the Midwest states outside of Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are more conservative than Nevada, the Pacific coast states (which includes Hawaii), and the Northeastern states, which are known for a more urban lifestyle, which goes hand in hand with more population density.

In my state, California, the more rural middle portion of the state (which includes Bakersfield, Fresno, Stockton, Merced, and Modesto) is significantly more conservative than the more liberal southern and northern portions of the state, where Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland are located, which are more urban. I grew up in a city that was very suburban and car oriented, and it's no coincidence that most of my high school classmates are conservative, as are around half the teachers at that high school. Where I live now, everything is more centrally located, and it's no coincidence that most of my neighbors are liberal and that there's more population density. That's why the wealthy urban cities in SoCal, like Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, are significantly more liberal than equally wealthy suburban cities, like southern Orange County. This is why Hollywood (which Neptune also rules as it rules TV, film, and culture) celebrities, who are extremely liberal, are located predominantly in these urban areas next to water.


Political views are an astrological complex, just like character (the signs your planets and ascendant are in), which is why it's pretty much impossible to change someone's viewpoint, no matter how well thought out your argument is, thus making it a waste of energy to even try. If more people knew this, there wouldn't be as much division in the world as there is today, because people would know that neither side is right or wrong. I'm not saying that you can't express your opinion on a news article publicly, but not to force those same views on others, as it rarely, if ever, ends well. Hardcore socialists? They can't help it. Extreme capitalists? They can't help it. Patriotic Christian conservatives? They can't help it. Pro choice LGBT rights activists? They can't help it. Anti police state Libertarians? They can't help it. Just like how you can't help it if you express a certain trait because of your Sun's sign. Only authoritarian Pallas aspects should be controlled (just like how only the negative traits of your Sun sign should be controlled, as they could have a negative effect on others), otherwise you won't be expressing your true self. The more people realize that political viewpoints are innate, much like your gender, skin color, and sexuality, the more we can focus on the true enemy, that is purposely dividing us because of these innate characteristics.

Here are some references which show how political ideology expresses itself in your appearance and actions:

Survey Says GOP Women Are Prettier; Political Views Innate Acquired; A Face for Politics: New Study Shows We Can Tell Democrats from Republicans in Head shots; How Ideology Colors Morality; Biology Ideology: John Hibbing Negativity Bias

Thanks Kevin!

Also by Kevin Estes: Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return.

The above article is published by permission of its author and appears on his blog Left Wing Astrology.

Mar 6, 2017

Liberal Media and Conservative Media: Controlled Opposition

The following article originally appeared March 4, 2017 on Left Wing Astrology and is written by Kevin Estes who generously shares his views and analysis with the readers of Stars Over Washington:

The Liberal Media and The Conservative Media - Controlled Opposition

by Kevin Estes

In the US today, people tend to get their political news from TV channels and websites that align with their political world views, which are astrological complexes as the research in this blog confirms. There are many different options on both sides, known as the liberal media and the conservative media.

Liberal Media: ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Alternet, Salon, New York Times, Politico, Think Progress;

Conservative Media: Fox News, Breitbart, Drudge Report, Daily Mail, Infowars, Right Wing News, Rush Limbaugh, Wall Street Journal, Godfather Politics, Free Republic.

This is to name a few as there are many more options on both sides. The thing about all these TV channels and websites is that they are all controlled opposition. While the news anchors and authors featured on them generally do have the views they express to us, as shown in their charts that have been analyzed in this blog, these media outlets all have one thing in common:

They never offer changing the system altogether as an option.

Yes, the liberal media outlets will all call for tax increases on the wealthy, and the conservative media outlets will all call for tax cuts and overturning Roe v Wade, but these things will not change the overall structure of the system (I doubt the wealthiest Americans, many of whom are part of the Bilderberg Group, pay any taxes at all). The current system calls for working an average of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 40 plus years (and since people sleep an average of 8 hours a day as well, you're basically consuming for the other 8 hours, whether it's food, water, gasoline, or electricity so that basically, you're living like a battery, and humanity has a much bigger purpose than that) in order to survive, with a sizable portion being taken back by the Government in the form of the income tax, despite hardly working in anyone's best interest except themselves and the corporations that own them.

This all ends around the age of 65-70, when most people physically can't work anymore, and thus they're eligible for retirement when they're no longer useful to the elites. The last election was a result of people waking up to the liberal media, though like I mentioned before, Trump is a smokescreen, and many of the conservative media outlets that endorsed him, most notably Breitbart and Infowars, are also controlled opposition. Real change will not happen unless the current ways of doing things change.

Imagine a society where the media tells the truth, where everyone's needs are met unconditionally without having to be a wage slave, where all political parties have a chance of winning rather than the two that are in on the Illuminati agenda...

The US Pluto return will take place in 2022, and a year later Pluto will enter Aquarius, the sign of truth, technology (expect robots and machines to do a lot of the jobs we do, and cars that drive themselves), equality (not communism, as Aquarius is also the sign of freedom, and the people being born during this era and the young adults in this era will demand it with Pluto and Neptune in Pisces), and even astrology.

All of that will likely happen, along with the unearthing of suppressed truths, such as political ideology being in your birth chart and the asteroid Pallas indicating people's ethical natures (which would be a way for people to determine if their elected officials will work in their best interests, or do things like accept bribes from corporations, be a war hawk, and force their innate world views on everyone as soon as they gain power). Plus, generations and cultural trends are defined by Pluto and Neptune signs (and even Uranus signs to an extent, as Uranus transits do slightly effect the "flavor" of the Neptune sign culture, most notably switching from progressive rock and disco to New Wave when Uranus entered Sagittarius in 1981, despite Neptune still being in Sagittarius), the Moon, ascendant, and inner and outer planet signs being known by everyone along with the Sun sign, and even what really happens when you die (the concept of Heaven and Hell is another way to keep you from being truly free, much like being a wage slave).

The more we know the truth about our own innate natures and have a society that works in the best interest of everyone, the better off everyone will be.

Previous articles by Kevin Estes:

Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return.

Divide and Conquer: The Illuminati Agenda.

Feb 25, 2017

Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return

February 26, 2017: From West Coast to East! SO'W is pleased to present a second Guest Post by astrologer Kevin Estes who writes the Left Wing Astrology blog:

Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return

by Kevin Estes

We are in a time period where we are becoming more aware of how governments and big business are in cahoots to screw over the average person, and it is also a time period where we are becoming more aware of our own innate natures. There will eventually be a turning point when enough people notice these things and realize that the current ways of doing things just won't work anymore. All three of these things are because of major astrological transits: Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the US Pluto Return.

Pluto in Capricorn:

January 27th 2008 to June 14th 2008

November 28th 2008 to March 23rd 2023

June 12th 2023 to January 22nd 2024

September 3rd 2024 to November 19th 2024

Pluto entered Capricorn around the time the Great Recession hit, then went back into Sagittarius for the summer and fall, then went back into Capricorn for good in the winter of 2008. Before Pluto went into Capricorn, people were spending money they didn't have (housing bubble), global issues were at the forefront (War on Terror), and people tended to actually trust their governments. All are related to the sign of Sagittarius. When Pluto went into Capricorn, people began being more thrifty with their spending, the global issues took a backseat to the US economy and domestic issues such as gay rights, and people have begun to be aware of how their governments are screwing them over in favor of large corporations, whose owners are experiencing substantial increases in their wealth at a time when the middle class is disappearing rapidly. The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements, as well as the Arab Spring began in the early days of this transit, when Neptune was still in Aquarius, the sign of activism.

Neptune in Pisces:

April 4th 2011 to August 4th 2011

February 3rd 2012 to March 30th 2025

October 22nd 2025 to January 26th 2026

Neptune entered Pisces in the spring of 2011, then went back into Aquarius for the late summer of 2011 until the late winter of 2012, when it went into Pisces for good. Before Neptune went into Pisces, people were pretty much addicted to technology and social media. People still are today, but I've been noticing more and more people getting rid of their Facebook accounts, which would have been unheard of a few years ago. Aquarius is the sign of technology, while Neptune represents culture, so 1998-2012 was basically the technology culture, which is quite fitting. Pisces is the sign of sacrifice, spirituality (not religion, that's Sagittarius), and compassion, and it is no coincidence that alternative spirituality (which includes astrology) is being embraced more and more during this transit, as well as veganism and healthier lifestyles in general. I've noticed many innate cultural conservatives embracing gay marriage during this time as well, which would have been taboo in the Pluto Sagittarius/Neptune Aquarius era.

America's Pluto Return

The US will undergo its Pluto Return in 2022, though transit Pluto will still be conjunct natal Pluto before 2022, as early as the time of the 2020 election. What does the Pluto return mean? In generational astrology, your Pluto sign represents the core reality of your age group, and Pluto itself represents transformation. While nobody alive will undergo a Pluto return, countries will. When the US undergoes its Pluto return, our country will basically have to transform, or die. This will likely mean the transformation of values that are outdated. Outdated ways of doing things include the two party political system, where the Democratic and Republican parties get all the media coverage because they work for the globalist agenda, the financial system, which requires you to be a "wage slave" in order to survive until a certain age where you're no longer useful (make no mistake, that's still slavery, just not as in your face), the education system, which basically trains you to memorize and not question authority from a young age (as an Indigo adult, I've always saw through this), and religion, which tells you that you were born in sin and that in order to be "saved", you have to believe in Jesus or else you'll go to "hell" (once again, as an Indigo adult I always saw through this).

These systems can still exist, but need to be radically transformed in order to serve humanity's best interests. Knowledge of people's innate political and ethical natures, which this blog highlights, would allow people to determine if their leaders will work for humanity's best interests or enrich and empower themselves. For the financial system, people can still choose the career they want, but should be given a fixed amount every month in order to survive (and with Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of technology, technology will likely do a lot of the jobs humans currently do) and have free health care. For the education system, the real history of the world should be taught (the Illuminati should be taught in history classes so nothing like that happens again), as well as astrology, in order to get people in touch with their own innate natures (Sun, Moon, ascendant, inner planets, outer planets/generational values, and political viewpoints/ethical natures) from a young age and not feel like they're "right" or "wrong" for being a certain way.

Hospitals should also produce natal charts for every baby along with the birth certificate, so each person can be raised according to their own innate natures rather than how the parents think they should be. Pluto and Neptune signs should be used to define generations rather than years, as they can't be debated. For religion, the truth should be taught rather than that you need a savior because you were born in sin (Jesus' teachings were way different than those of the OT God who is more vengeful, who is the central figure of Judaism. Zionist Jews are at the top of the Illuminati pyramid so there is likely a connection), which is a way of saying that you were born a bad person. The media should always tell the truth and make sure everybody is well informed on every issue. Basically, these systems need to work for the best interests of everyone, not the Illuminati agenda (the Illuminati's Pluto is one degree away from that of the US, so they'll have to transform or die as well).

As I mentioned in my last writing, the elites know that this is coming, and thus have manipulated humanity into ideological and generational warfare, while knowing that political viewpoints and generational values are things we're born with. Thus, these issues will never be settled unless we coexist and embrace our differences and focus on the real enemy, the Illuminati and the politicians, religious leaders, and celebrities they control, who want the New World Order at the expense of innate liberals and innate conservatives. That is their biggest fear, as there are way more of us than there are of them, and innate liberals and innate conservatives embracing their differences and uniting as one will overwhelm them, as will the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Digitals born in the late 90s-2000s embracing their differences and uniting as one.

If we do that, we can create a better society for all of us.

Post originally appeared on Left Wing Astrology.

Check out Kevin's first Guest Post: Divide and Conquer: The Illuminati Agenda.

Feb 18, 2017

A Stars Over Washington Guest Post: Divide and Conquer - The Illuminati Agenda

February 18, 2017: Today I am pleased to present a Guest Post by young astrologer, Kevin Estes writing on what may be a topic familiar to readers of Stars Over Washington. The implementation of a global 'big picture' agenda via the undermining of traditional institutions has come into clearer focus in 2017 and in his post Kevin, author of Left Wing Astrology, covers the generational aspects of current societal conditions as well as several issues now in the news and on the to-do lists of State legislative assemblies across the country. Oh! And then there's the Illuminati mavens of Capitol Hill, the Deep State, the Supreme Court, and that unknown quantity, Mr. Trump.

Kevin sees the power elite now in panic mode. Read on...

Divide and Conquer - The Illuminati Agenda

by Kevin Estes

Pro choice vs. Pro life. Traditional marriage vs. Gay marriage. Christian vs. Muslim. Evolution vs. Creationism. Flat Earth vs. Hollow Earth. Liberal vs. Conservative. White vs. Minority. Baby Boomers vs. Generation X vs. Millennials. Rich vs. Poor. Capitalism vs. Socialism.

What do all these things have in common? They're all methods of division. The elites (the Illuminati/Bilderberg Group) use these divisive tactics in order to get us at each other's throats in order to distract us from the REAL enemy: Them. The Illuminati control pretty much every aspect of society...the financial system, the political system, the education system, religion, the entertainment industry, the media, etc. This can easily be seen by the symbolism in these companies' logos and in the hand symbolism given by major politicians, religious leaders, and celebrities.

More people are awakening to this every day because of one big astrological transit: Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto went into Capricorn in January 2008, around the time the Great Recession hit, and as a result people shifted their focus from the war on terror to how their elected officials are owned by big corporations, and how the middle class has been disappearing while the fortunes of the likes of the Koch Brothers, the Walton family, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and George Soros, to name a few, have become ridiculously large. Pluto is still in Capricorn and will be until 2024, when Pluto will enter Aquarius for good. Because of people doing their research and finding out how the system is really run, the elites, ever desperate in their attempt to create a New World Order, have panicked.

And the divisive tactics listed at the top have been pushed very hard as a result. When the people were unaware of the reality, even as recently as before the recession, these tactics didn't need to be implemented, because the elites didn't feel threatened. Now that the people are aware that their elected officials are not on their side (for the most part), the elites are pushing these division methods hard in order to keep us from uniting against the real enemy.

In my blog, it's proven that political viewpoints are innate in your birth chart and even show in your appearance and how you carry yourself. Cultural/social conservatives have strong Moon/4th house/Cancer aspects with the North Node, fiscal conservatives have strong Venus/2nd house/Taurus aspects with the North Node, and liberals have strong Venus and Moon aspects with Neptune, Pisces, the 12th house, and the South Node, and thus cannot be changed. This is why arguing with somebody who has a different political viewpoint will accomplish nothing, and why liberal college professors indoctrinating students usually always results in conservative students "biting their tongue," which makes it a complete waste of time and energy.

It's even more well known that generational characteristics are a result of people's Pluto and Neptune placements (which is why people tend to get along with and understand their peers very well, as they all have the same Pluto and Neptune impulses). Today's teenagers are freedom oriented and eccentric because they have Pluto in Sagittarius and Neptune in Aquarius; today's young adults are heavily tattooed and can come off as entitled because they have Pluto in Scorpio and Neptune in Capricorn; people in their 30s and early 40s are very social and deeply value justice, fairness, and truth because they have Pluto in Libra and Neptune in Sagittarius. People in their late 40s and 50s are completely focused on their jobs and have a strong interest in mysteries and the occult because they have Pluto in Virgo and Neptune in Scorpio; people in their 60s and early 70s are very individualistic and love being the center of attention, yet value a fair and harmonious society because they have Pluto in Leo and Neptune in Libra; people in their late 70s, 80s, 90s, and even over 100 years old have strong family values and are very patriotic because they have Pluto in Cancer, etc.

Do the elites know this? Yes. That is why they push these tactics in the first place, because they know that there's no chance that these political and generational differences will ever be settled because they're astrological complexes, and because the majority don't know anything about astrology other than their Sun sign, they won't ever know the truth behind why they think the way they do. There's a reason why the media doesn't push astrology hard, and why religions call it "the work of the devil". Because it gives answers to everything that isn't related to free will, which plays out in ways such as the food you eat, the clothes you wear, when you go to bed, etc., but not political viewpoints and generational values. And if political ideologies are astrological complexes, why does the Illuminati have members from both sides in it? Because they fund both sides, in order to give the impression that the people have a voice and that both the main parties have a different agenda (the Democratic and Republican parties support the Illuminati agenda, hence why they get all the media coverage and the other parties don't).

Donald Trump being an "anti establishment" candidate is a big part of this as a response to people being in on their agenda, though numerous photos of him throwing up Illuminati signs were online prior to that, and shortly after taking office he signed the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline bills, which will enrich oil companies. And while a lot (if not most) of the politicians really do have the viewpoints they express, as shown in their charts, they will follow the Illuminati agenda in order to enrich themselves and their families, and this is strongly hinted at with "aggressive Pallas" placements. These people are more prone to compromising their morals in order for power and/or wealth. If knowledge of how the asteroid Pallas effects ethics and morals (Pallas and/or its ruler with Sun, Mercury, and the North Node are indicators of a strong moral compass, while hard aspects to Jupiter (opposition, square, quincunx, sesquiquadrate, semi-sextile, semi-square, squine, quindecile) and any aspects to Pluto and the South Node are indicators of a weak ethical nature) is well known, we wouldn't be continually electing politicians who put themselves and the elites who give them wealth and power over the people who elect them time and time again.

So, what is the message? We need to put our differences aside, wake up, and unite against the ruling elite, for they and their greed are the real reason for the state of the world and why the US is so divided today, not the Bush and Trump loving conservatives or the Obama and Clinton loving liberals, as both sides are being heavily manipulated into being at an ideological war with each other that neither side has a chance of winning, because neither side can help it as their views are astrological impulses, yet they have no idea that that is the case. The sooner we know that our political and generational differences are a result of our astrological makeup, the better off we'll be, as we'll be more understanding of each other and not see either side as "right" or "wrong".

References for how to detect Illuminati symbolism to help you go more in depth as to the nature of their agenda:

Illuminati Symbols

Thanks, Kevin! As a 'Flower Power generation' astrologer, it's great to know you're on the case and to read your insights into the current socio-political condition of society, ailing as it is. My hope is that readers will visit your blog and consider their own innate political viewpoints and generational differences and that We the People will realize that our enormous power as a whole is much mightier than the smaller number of decrepit 'power elites' who exploit society and plunder what should be our collective resources. Jude