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Showing posts with label Locomotive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Locomotive. Show all posts

Jun 12, 2020

June 25, 2020 Venus Direct: Trying to Save What's Left

DC Horoscope: June 25, 2020 Venus Rx Station Turns Direct @5Gem20:11 first moment at 2:48:01 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Venus, Rising in 1st House and Chart-Ruler with No Applying Aspects:

With this chart's Angles conjunct those of modern US Inauguration Horoscopes the significance of the June 2020 Venus Direct Horoscope is multiplied particularly in relation to the US, to Washington DC, the White House, and to The National Treasury for there are multiple financial indicators such as 9th house Pluto leading a Locomotive (a high-powered executive ruthlessly determined on success). Of course, wealthy manipulator Pluto conjoins Jupiter, the banker/politician/pastor/guru/The General/CEO planet, and, having crossed US Inauguration 2017's Midheaven ('MC': The Goal), transit Saturn Rx, planet of law and order, conjoins US Inaugural Sun @00AQ26/49. The first such conjunction occurred on April 3rd, the second of three exact conjunctions perfected on June 18, 2020, and the final Saturn-to-Sun (POTUS) conjunction arrives December 24, 2020 suggesting that 2020 is a period when responsibilities and consequences of past actions and decisions must be faced; it is a time of isolation for Donald Trump, political and professional, as well as physical. Yes, restriction, restraint, constraint, accountability, and maturity are demanded by lesson-bringer Saturn but with Trump's massive ego (Sun) and self-serving mindset, what are the chances he'll step up?

Besides, we know that Trump will not take Adam Schiff's recent advice and stay snugged within the White House bunker until the 2020 Election, thus causing no more harm! But perhaps ongoing lawsuits involving Trump's finances will cycle up and the miracle of holding criminals accountable for their crimes will be addressed and adjudicated by the legal system and/or lawmakers, both realms of legal-eagle Saturn.

Jupiter-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn 2020

So as you see, the three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 are in progress: exact on April 5, June 30, and November 12 in the degree range of 22-25 Capricorn, a highly sensitized and activated Zodiacal zone of late which emphasizes governmental, power/authority, legal, and investment issues in particular. Note the strongly influential midpoint picture penned on--Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter with potentials for "trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; and/or trying to save what's left" (Tyl). At 2017 Inaugural MC and this chart's MC (where US natal Pluto is enthroned since January 20, 1937), scandals, loss, and mourning are visible for the whole world to see during this time frame of America's fated, karmic struggle as We The People endure the loss of our nation's global status and reputation. And as you know, America and the world are in an old order vs new order phase which officially begins at Winter Solstice 2020 with the Great Conjunction of societal planets *Jupiter and Saturn. Washington DC Politics are front and center for us because the conjunction perfects upon US Presidential Sun, as noted. (For a few potential expressions, see their midpoint picture, below.) Perhaps you've thought or heard some politician or pundit remark about a 'new day' or a 'new world' - actually, there's 'a new vision fighting to be understood' (old Saturn + new Uranus = visionary Neptune) as the digital world is taking over society more than ever before.

Qs: Does the heavyweight trio at MC depict a destructive blend of the ruling class adopting additional austerity measures to oppress We The People while gifting themselves and their corporate pals and enablers with even more funds and tax breaks they don't need? As I've fussed on SO'W for years, bankrupting the United States is a primary goal of foreign and domestic zealots working toward anarchy and America's collapse (as did the Soviet Union in 1991: revenge). So does Pluto in Capricorn ('the dictator' placement--Ebertin) represent more than figurehead mobster Trump but also sorehead Putin in league with China? That's for you to decide, dear reader. I know what I think. But what do you think? As always, your on-topic comments are much appreciated (and are moderated for spam!)

Sun @4Cancer-Moon @24Leo

Now with Sun and Moon in mutual reception, some amount of friendliness is shown here between leadership (Sun) and the public (Moon), but not necessarily toward or from Trump. Note that Luna in dramatic Leo is about to conjoin Trump's natal Mars, then his Ascendant, and may trigger the Moon-Mars opposition that exists between cantankerous Trump (Mars rising) and the American people (Moon) so the friendliness could refer to his nibs but also to leaders other than his nibs. Another potentials is that friendliness is not felt by or toward everyone. Actually, when it comes to Trump, anger at being assaulted from or by the Oval Office (ruled by Venus!) is more like it for a majority of us. For his assaults are ongoing and are part of a larger plan. Plus, penned in the center of the chart is a midpoint picture of US natal Venus-Jupiter = transit Sun @4Cancer: "foreign raids on the treasury" (M. Munkasey).

As for June 25th's cosmic weather, a peek at its steamy, volatile Fire-Water Sun Cancer-Moon Leo blend of conscious-unconscious energies reveals tendencies toward clannishness, pride, and deep feelings. Zealotry and even jealousy may also be part of the cosmic picture (with Venus turning vicious and venal if scorned). The Sun is posited in a money house (2nd) with the fluctuating Moon in the 5th house of Speculation and Gambling - dramatic Leo's natural house - so we may be looking at another financial indicator with this blend's business shrewdness, plus, a devotion to family or clan. Showy Leo wants to risk and play while business-oriented Cancer tends to be more cautious, hiding in its emotional shell like a crab (like a bunker boy?). Moodiness, rejection of all criticism, and a need to 'rule the roost' are possible results of this combination. Yet another chart factor is that the Moon is unaspected (Ptolemaically speaking) which suggests an alienated, isolated, and/or estranged populace. Personally, I resemble that remark. Don't we all these days?

Matters of Health and Funding

Now as you see, other indications can be located within the horoscope which relate to health issues (inconjuncts, sesquisquares, and a semisquare) and infections (Mars-Neptune in watery Pisces, the duo fresh from their June 13th conjunction @20Pis59). Plus, we find disruption of family life, separations, isolation, and turmoil in society (see Uranus in Taurus opposing Inaugural 2017 Moon in Scorpio penned on). Yet with Venus rising and acting as chart-ruler (in greedy Taurus but in duplicitous Gemini - and also ruling 6th house) added to the prominent Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn trio at MC, the US is, as we know, experiencing a period of financial turmoil with Venus connected to currency, expenditures, luxury (or its lack), extravagance, smaller amounts of money, (diplomacy, relationships). As you see, her sign of Libra (balance!) is intercepted (karmic dealings which echoes the karmic trio at MC) in the 6th house of Health, Daily Rounds, Civil, Military, and Police Service. And as you know, the current Venus retrograde ('Rx') period (since May 13th @21Gem50) has spotlighted all these matters along with actions and non-actions of the US Congress which allegedly continues to control America's "purse strings".

However, we know that transit Venus won't reach and surpass her own shadow (where she turned Rx) until the last week of July so we'll see how financial and other societal conditions begin to alter once Lady Venus is again 'in the light' astrologically and heads toward her prominent role in the November 2020 Election/s. Meanwhile, funding and/or defunding of police departments turns up here as well, although for me, the word "re-allocation" of funds seems a more rational choice rather than allowing a lawless society to result as zealous Utopians and saboteurs would prefer. In addition, America's extravagant military funding is again being mentioned recently thanks to the ongoing protests against the death-by-police of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. Military and police funding and budgets are issues that bring Congress into this Venusian picture as America continues to borrow from China to keep our illusion of solvency going. Or should we include on our list of creditors one or more of the Middle Eastern regimes? America indebted to foreign actors: just what the Founding Fathers feared!

And of course, Trump's tangled finances and 'hidden' alliances have only made our nation's circumstances less transparent and unsustainable - and, sad to say, replete with paranoia and dread. He seems to be an extremely blackmail-able guy who'll do anything for money and power, no matter what it costs the American people.

Donald Trump is, in fact, too expensive to keep.

*December 21, 2020: transit Jupiter-Saturn = (Presidential/POTUS) Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Tyl).

For more cosmic blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.