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Dec 13, 2024

US Midterm Elections 2026

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Details concerning America's 2026 Midterm Elections are easy to find online but what we can't find, at least at this point, is whether or not Midterms 2026 will be held at all. Even so, let's grab a quick look at the Midterms 2026 Horoscope/s set for November 3, 2026 8:00 am EST (lower left) and an 8:00 pm EST chart (upper right) with both horoscopes set for Washington DC.

As you see, voting planet Mercury is Rx which suggests potentials for do-overs, delays, mistakes, recounts, reviews, renunciation, and/or perhaps null and void situations, at the worst:

Mars-Pluto: Police/Military; Upheaval; Chaos; Covert Operations; Assault

The Scorpio Sun (leadership) on November 3, 2024 is apex of a willful midpoint picture: Mars-Pluto, and of course, we both know how active the planetary pair of force and brutality has been in recent years. The picture Mars-Pluto = Sun contains potentials for hardworking efforts; working until collapse; violent measures; accidents or injuries; and/or upsets or shocks caused by the intervention of higher power (R. Ebertin). N. Tyl phrases things a bit differently with: a passionate attack to achieve an objective; intervention of some undeniable force or authority; and/or accident potential.

Then considering the bad faith actors, saboteurs, spies, and outright crooks involved with the Midterm Elections of 2026, plus, the upcoming fasc*st regime in 2025, and how the balance of power in the US Congress must necessarily shift depending on 2026 election outcomes, let's include the aggressive picture's potentials from Michael Munkasey: effectively forcing ideas and theories upon others; a strong, unyielding will; pushy, demanding people; achievements attained by superior techniques or endurance.

Then when it comes to the Mars-Pluto duo in any situation we must consider their cycle, and the current cycle as I type began with the Mars-Pluto Conjunction of February 14, 2024 @00AQ46 (which echoes the above midpoint picture since this is the position of US Inaugural Sun = POTUS), and the January 27, 2026 Mars-Pluto Conjunction @3AQ34 which will influence the Midterm 2026 Elections.

A Previous Yet Related Post: Pushy Mars-Pluto and US Election 2024.

In closing, here's a Note to my Amazing Patreon subscribers: the two Mars-Pluto Conjunction Horoscopes (2024 and 2026) mentioned in this post make an interesting study and the conjunction charts will be shared soon to the Stars Over Washington Patreon page. Hope to see ya there! jc

For additional midpoint details see: The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; Solar Arcs, N. Tyl; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey. #ad

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