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Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts

Aug 10, 2007

Endeavor's belly gouge worrisome

Guess you heard that NASA found a gouge on Endeavor's belly so hopefully it can be repaired safely. Whether caused by Neptunian foam or Uranian ice, they do not know.

And astrologically speaking, foam is solid so it's Saturnian, ice is frozen, solid water so they're both Saturnian as well since Saturn = form.

Here's my post on the Endeavor launch which mentions having few options but I hope they have just enough to bring them home all apiece!

UPDATE Aug 15: NASA seems to be leaning toward not repairing the post also mentions 'remaining at the mercy of external conditions without trying to make a firm stand.' Doesn't sound smart, m'peops...hope NASA is correct about this.

Aug 8, 2007

Endeavor, Challenger, and Pluto/Chiron

After last evening's loss--my little rural neighborhood vs big dog developers--with Pluto/Chiron midpoint rising as the county Board of Commissioners meeting began, and moneybags Jupiter at MC as the charade-of-a-vote was taken (Jupiter at the "Golden-haired goddess of opportunity" degree, no less, and conjunct Antares: obsessed with success), I'm a little verklempt this morning for my quiet home is about to be horned in upon by 196 half-million dollar houses!

So much for peace and quiet with lichen and bracken growing on tree limbs signifying as it does for now, pure air.

Anyone who has fought massive development with its environmental threats and its squirrelly math making glowy promises will know the feeling of powerlessness this engenders. And of course you would know that water is a major issue here as it is all over the globe. Seems there's either too much of the stuff or not enough.

Even the excess liquidity that's been pumped into the economy is problematic. But I digress and for good reason--after looking at the charts, I don't really want to post on the Endeavor launch this evening, reported launch time: 6:36 pm edt, Cape Canaveral,FL.

And I didn't want to revisit the Challenger disaster (Jan 28, 1986, launch time: 11:38 am est; break-up: T+73.162 sec) but the media and NASA won't hush up about it because of Endeavor's obvious connections to the Challenger crew.

Here's Challenger's WIKI link if you'd care for it.

But doesn't the Endeavor launch chart for 6:36 pm est look "throttle up"?

ASC 21Cap16, Pluto/Chiron just risen; MC 7Sc049 conj Challenger 1986 Pluto 7Sco19.

The 1986 Pluto was conj SN 3Sco52, a typical indicator of violence; *Moon 11Vir02 conj Fixed Star Zosma, the victim, Mercury 6AQ08 (Medina degree) conj asteroid, Minerva (desire to be accomplished.)

There are more violent indicators but I'm fading fast so I'll mention a few more things that concern me about tonight's chart.

Aug 8, 2007:

At MC (along with 1986's Pluto) is asteroid, Nemesis: the unbeatable opponent; one who inflicts retribution or vengeance.

Venus Rx and Saturn are snugged about the 8th house cusp, with Venus conj Regulus, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, one of The Watchers, keywords: success if revenge is avoided.

SN of the out-of-bounds Moon is conj Fixed Star, Facies: ruthlessness or the victim.

There are other ways to read these chart factors so perhaps being verklempt isn't the best time for me to peek at it...and as I've mentioned before, sometimes you just want to be wrong. Or perhaps bad weather conditions will postpone the launch...that'd be good because:

with 1986's Uranus 20Sag58 and Neptune 4Cap35 having at their midpoint Endeavor's Pluto this evening we see:

Uran/Neptune = Pluto: remaining at the mercy of external conditions without trying to make a firm stand; the necessity to give in; losses; calamities; the big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed--very little option to do otherwise.

Well, I hope this midpoint picture doesn't tell the tale and show Pluto/Chiron's plutocratic, oppressive ways taking over the destiny of this nation one more time in order to serve their globalist agenda (Uranus/Neptune = NWO.)

I wish the Endeavor crew well and hope their mission is completed safely, and though there's more to say about the launch chart, perhaps I'll go lie down for awhile...

*Moon's position is reflecting the natal Ascendant of then-VP G.H.W. Bush. And Reagan was to give the SOTU address that very evening--and would have--but aides convinced him it would be unseemly, so he went on TV anyway and quoted poetry to us.
Come to think of it, watching him, I was feeling verklempt that night, too.

Note to John: revised/corrected natal chart for Republican Party now on file...thanks a bunch! (I appreciate all corrections, Y'all.)

Jun 29, 2007

Venus and Saturn: get your 'scopes!

Space Weather News for June 29, 2007:

VENUS & SATURN: Saturn and Venus are converging in the sunset sky for a beautiful close encounter this weekend. At closest approach on Saturday, June 30th, the two planets will be a mere 2/3rds of a degree apart. It's a pretty sight for the unaided eye, and a great target for backyard telescopes. Even small 'scopes will reveal the rings of Saturn and the crescent shape of Venus.

Check for sky maps and more information.

FIRST LIGHT FOR AIM: NASA's AIM spacecraft is sending back its first pictures of noctilucent clouds from Earth orbit. The clouds photographed by AIM have the same intricate structure and electric-blue glow familiar to sky watchers on Earth, but the panoramic view afforded by the spacecraft's 600 km high orbit is unlike anything we've seen before.

Check today's edition of for one of AIM's first light images plus an updated gallery of ground-based sightings.#


Mar 30, 2007

New World Order proceeds

Here's the chart for the NWO with a few notes scratched around the chart.
Read my Nov 2005 notes on this devil's spawn here and here you'll find a March 2006 post with natal chart for The Illuminati if you wish.
My friend Alex D'Atria sent me a link to an excellent article by Leuren Moret, Planet Earth As Weapon and Target which spells out so many things, I cannot tell you.
Examples: NWO, 9/11, weather modification including Hurricane Katrina, GWEN towers, HoSec, FEMA, mind control, NASA, Skull'n'Bones, Illuminati + Adam Weishaupt, Hegelian philosophy, the Bilderberg Group/Trilateral Commission/CFR, Brzezinski, space warfare, ethnic-specific bioweapons, US's permanent war economy,"wars on terror, drugs+", Valerie Plame and the pan-Islamic bomb, CIA's true purposes, and much more.
You'll need some time to read, m'peops, for we may as well gaze into our self-styled "masters' eyes." Any neo-cons of the unwashed masses still out there? Boy have you been duped--and taken the rest of us along for the sorry ride.