Astro-Notes Concerning Senator Chuck Grassley
by Jude Cowell
You see before you the official 2007 portrait of Senator Chuck Grassley. A US senator on Capitol Hill since 1981, here are a few astro-notes concerning the natal planets of this long-serving 90-year-old Republican politician born in New Hartford, Iowa on September 17, 1933, a man who currently carries the water of fascist 2024 candidate, D. Trump. Seemingly, Senator Grassley is a fan of the dystopian Project 2025 agenda of brutality. Is he giddy with expectation of the suffering its implementation would cause?
Now it's notable that the current Solar Eclipse in the 7 South Saros Series happens to be the series into which Baby Grassley was born with its themes of 'crisis' or 'a huge obstacle suddenly clears' (B. Brady). His 7 South manifested on August 21, 1933 @27Leo42 during Herr Adolf's glory days. The repetition of Grassley's Prenatal Eclipse this year means that 7 South themes are currently personalized for the senator from Iowa, although its effects may or may not be in public view.
Two Possible Personality Blends for Chuck
Because the Moon changed signs on September 17, 1933, Mr. Grassley's natal Moon is either in Sun-ruled Leo or in Mercury-ruled Virgo with Luna ranging from 23Leo30 to 6Vir19, and the Moon at noon clocking in @29Leo52 conjunct royal Regulus.
Earth-Fire Sun Virgo-Moon Leo suggests the personality of a hardworking elitist snob who, on his worst days, becomes a finicky know-it-all and fault-finder with a superiority complex. This is the servant vs monarch combination of conscious-unconscious energies which can be timid but with a fiery inner nature; self-pitying vanity can be self-defeating with this blend. Sun Virgo-Moon Leo is shared natally by actor Stephen Fry who said, "I'm always cast as someone in authority...I enjoy it's an expiation of that part of myself that wants to be grand."
Double Earth Sun Virgo-Moon Virgo suggests a Mercurial perfectionist and workaholic blend with a preference for systems and schedules. An excellent analyst of detailed data, practical use is made of available resources, and dedication to work and service is strong; yet a tendency to become "old-maidish" may be noticed. A worrywort, this personality blend identifies an industrious, efficient individual who shares this Sun-Moon combination of energies with President Lyndon B. Johnson who said, "I strive for the best and do the possible."
Well, there are Chuck's possible personality blends. Which do you think sounds more like the long-serving Senator from Iowa?
Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey. #ad