by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
Seal: The New York Society for the Suppression of Vice
Perhaps you've read the Wikipedia page detailing the Comstock laws which tells of anti-vice crusader and Post Master General Anthony Comstock (March 7, 1844--September 21 1915) and the Comstock Act of 1873 which was passed by Congress on March 3, 1873. Naughty items sent through the mail became illegal, and certain books were burned, as shown in the above image. Sound familiar much?
Because now in 2023, biological and/or ideological spawn of Mr. Comstock and his fellow crusaders of 1873 are acting to conflate "vice" issues of their day with American women's healthcare in the realms of childbirth, birth control, sexual activity, and other private matters that are none of misogynist politicians' and SCOTUS justices' business.
Feeling control slipping away, strong-armed paternalists are desperate to rule the roost again as they propagandize and divide society with "cancel culture" and other 'culture war' tactics which, if nothing else, muddy public waters, waste time and money, and interfere with clear thinking concerning these important matters. Solutions remain unsought by the non-governing Republican Party, as with every other issue that We the People need addressed. Besides: ripping apart our social fabric and collapsing US society is the GOP's game. They're paid well for their sabotaging efforts, and no doubt, glowing promises have been made. Failing financial manipulation, threats can keep them in line.
Can Astrology uncover factors describing the current turmoil between genders?
Well, the fact that US 1776 Mars turned retrograde by progression in 2006 is one such factor running in the background of society and the change of direction has been noted in previous posts. Still, it is significant that US Mars has symbolically progressed into Libra rather than staying in Gemini as in 1776 when men were 'ready for action' and easily able to accomplish two or more things at once. Perhaps we can agree that overstraining the US military in the Middle East is involved along with disabled soldiers returning home, but the topic is beyond the scope of today's post. Even so, with the warrior planet in Venus-ruled Libra, Mars loves teamwork but tends to be on the moody side, and its Rx condition suggests US Mars turning its aggressive energies upon US society (and women) by many of our male population - but thankfully not all! Then as you know, the Rx condition of US Mars doesn't 'cause' the changes, but it does help symbolize, time, and describe them.
Past Can Inform Present and Future
And an astrological lens is a great magnifier for any investigation:
Dual Charts: The Pilgrim Fathers of 1620 (lower left; Campion #362) and the 1620 Pilgrim Fathers' Solar Return ('SR') of 2023 (upper right):
Of note is transit Pluto (the rapist; the puppet master) in 2017, the year of Trump, reaching the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction degree of 1993 of (18 Capricorn: 'POLITICAL POWER; strong-armed paternalism'--Jones) with the potential of: "The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed; little option to do otherwise" (N. Tyl). For me this brings in the fake issue of "wokeness" (Uranus-Neptune), plus, the wealthy financiers and ideological meddlers who control US politicians such as Trump. His power potential is completely dependent upon their continued support propping him up, with mobsters and thugs coming along to do the dirty work - via Pluto of the Underworld, with a bit of bone s*w ass*ssin in the mix.
Is Religion Still the Opiate of the Masses?
Then of much significance concerning the suppression of US women of child-bearing age is the religious extremism of the Christian Nationalists and Dominionists (evangelicals) who now bedevil America and oppress American women, for their beliefs uncannily resemble a group of early immigrants to our shores known as the Pilgrim Fathers, as shown above. Actually, this post is intended as a small astro-check-up concerning their current condition via the 1620 group's Solar Return 2023 which perfects on December 22, 2023 based on the Sun's return to its 1620 position of 00Cap08, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation.
The study notes penned on both horoscopes include a few intricate factors for the curious reader with the Vatican making a small cameo appearance. However, a previous post displays the 1620 Horoscope unmarked and suitable for printing, if you prefer.
Now a major factor is the 1620 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction in Taurus, sign of intolerance, which cues us to the authoritarianism, bossy paternalism, and the objective of Plutocrats determined to grasp power, traits which current-day Republicans now exhibit against the fairer sex, no matter the tragic consequences for women, girls, their families, and society in general. Apparently, conflating these legitimate societal concerns with olden views of 'vice' means that scarlet letters are being embroidered as I type - and prison cells are being prepared.
And so if any of this information and commentary identifies certain strong-armed politicians as the 'spawn' and inheritors of the Pilgrim Fathers' paternalism, extremist religiosity, zealotry, and misogyny, so be it: for my work here is done.