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Showing posts with label The Vatican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Vatican. Show all posts

Dec 14, 2023

Women, the GOP, and the Comstock Act

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Seal: The New York Society for the Suppression of Vice

Perhaps you've read the Wikipedia page detailing the Comstock laws which tells of anti-vice crusader and Post Master General Anthony Comstock (March 7, 1844--September 21 1915) and the Comstock Act of 1873 which was passed by Congress on March 3, 1873. Naughty items sent through the mail became illegal, and certain books were burned, as shown in the above image. Sound familiar much?

Because now in 2023, biological and/or ideological spawn of Mr. Comstock and his fellow crusaders of 1873 are acting to conflate "vice" issues of their day with American women's healthcare in the realms of childbirth, birth control, sexual activity, and other private matters that are none of misogynist politicians' and SCOTUS justices' business.

Feeling control slipping away, strong-armed paternalists are desperate to rule the roost again as they propagandize and divide society with "cancel culture" and other 'culture war' tactics which, if nothing else, muddy public waters, waste time and money, and interfere with clear thinking concerning these important matters. Solutions remain unsought by the non-governing Republican Party, as with every other issue that We the People need addressed. Besides: ripping apart our social fabric and collapsing US society is the GOP's game. They're paid well for their sabotaging efforts, and no doubt, glowing promises have been made. Failing financial manipulation, threats can keep them in line.

Can Astrology uncover factors describing the current turmoil between genders?

Well, the fact that US 1776 Mars turned retrograde by progression in 2006 is one such factor running in the background of society and the change of direction has been noted in previous posts. Still, it is significant that US Mars has symbolically progressed into Libra rather than staying in Gemini as in 1776 when men were 'ready for action' and easily able to accomplish two or more things at once. Perhaps we can agree that overstraining the US military in the Middle East is involved along with disabled soldiers returning home, but the topic is beyond the scope of today's post. Even so, with the warrior planet in Venus-ruled Libra, Mars loves teamwork but tends to be on the moody side, and its Rx condition suggests US Mars turning its aggressive energies upon US society (and women) by many of our male population - but thankfully not all! Then as you know, the Rx condition of US Mars doesn't 'cause' the changes, but it does help symbolize, time, and describe them.

Past Can Inform Present and Future

And an astrological lens is a great magnifier for any investigation:

Dual Charts: The Pilgrim Fathers of 1620 (lower left; Campion #362) and the 1620 Pilgrim Fathers' Solar Return ('SR') of 2023 (upper right):

Of note is transit Pluto (the rapist; the puppet master) in 2017, the year of Trump, reaching the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction degree of 1993 of (18 Capricorn: 'POLITICAL POWER; strong-armed paternalism'--Jones) with the potential of: "The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed; little option to do otherwise" (N. Tyl). For me this brings in the fake issue of "wokeness" (Uranus-Neptune), plus, the wealthy financiers and ideological meddlers who control US politicians such as Trump. His power potential is completely dependent upon their continued support propping him up, with mobsters and thugs coming along to do the dirty work - via Pluto of the Underworld, with a bit of bone s*w ass*ssin in the mix.

Is Religion Still the Opiate of the Masses?

Then of much significance concerning the suppression of US women of child-bearing age is the religious extremism of the Christian Nationalists and Dominionists (evangelicals) who now bedevil America and oppress American women, for their beliefs uncannily resemble a group of early immigrants to our shores known as the Pilgrim Fathers, as shown above. Actually, this post is intended as a small astro-check-up concerning their current condition via the 1620 group's Solar Return 2023 which perfects on December 22, 2023 based on the Sun's return to its 1620 position of 00Cap08, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation.

The study notes penned on both horoscopes include a few intricate factors for the curious reader with the Vatican making a small cameo appearance. However, a previous post displays the 1620 Horoscope unmarked and suitable for printing, if you prefer.

Now a major factor is the 1620 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction in Taurus, sign of intolerance, which cues us to the authoritarianism, bossy paternalism, and the objective of Plutocrats determined to grasp power, traits which current-day Republicans now exhibit against the fairer sex, no matter the tragic consequences for women, girls, their families, and society in general. Apparently, conflating these legitimate societal concerns with olden views of 'vice' means that scarlet letters are being embroidered as I type - and prison cells are being prepared.

And so if any of this information and commentary identifies certain strong-armed politicians as the 'spawn' and inheritors of the Pilgrim Fathers' paternalism, extremist religiosity, zealotry, and misogyny, so be it: for my work here is done.

Jul 2, 2023

SCOTUS decisions: Law and Domination

by Jude Cowell

When the Supreme Court decided Marbury v. Madison on February 24, 1803 in favor of William Marbury, the legislative branch of government that we now call 'SCOTUS' (Supreme Court of the United States) flexed its muscles and established itself as being above the US Congress as the final judge of constitutionality with the power to overturn acts of Congress. The decision defined the constitutionality of the Judiciary Act of 1789 and, as the dual horoscopes show, reveal an "urge to impose one's will on others" (Sun = Pluto-NN). Intellectual domination is their thing along with "taking over leadership" (Moon-Mars = Ascendant) via Marbury v Madison.

In addition, there are other interesting planetary factors in the two horoscopes, below. Upper right is the decision's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in which the decision took place a mere 3 days later (3 North Saros Series, the PE Series of 9/11/01 and of the CIA), and lower left set for the speculative hour of 10:00 am LMT, a Horoscope of the Marbury v Madison decision with 21Tau14 rising, a degree notable for its appearance later in this post, plus, the Moon-Mars midpoint as mentioned, above:

Saturn: Planet of Law, Government, and Karma

Now back in a very busy 2020, we discussed how the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction landed directly upon the SCOTUS 1st session's Saturn, planet of law, authority, structures, systems, control, lessons, tasks, management, consolidation, and karma. Shown is the 1st session's horoscope of February 1, 1790 with Saturn @20Pis55. So knowing that transit Saturn is now in Pisces, we see that the SCOTUS 1790 Saturn will experience a Saturn Return in early 2025. More about this in a future post.

We also see that nebulous Neptune by transit, the watery planet of erosion, dissolution, deception, inspiration, mysticism, visions, fraud, and disappointment, has spread itself all over the SCOTUS Saturn in Pisces as recently as late 2021, which indicates several possibilities such as disintegrating traditions and/or structures, authority figures (ex: justices) who are not as honest as they should be, the promotion of high ideals and ethics, or strange or misguided notions.

Now you know that we've seen many of these potentials express via "conservative" justices like Thomas and Alito who, as members of a group of Roman Catholic justices, are having a grand old time legislating from the bench. Of course, this is exactly what the Supreme Court is not meant to do but Marbury v Madison seemingly puffed up the entity's self-image to overblown ego status.

Anyway, if you're like me, when SCOTUS repealed Roe in 2022, my first thought was that the Vatican had finally had its anti-abortion way in the US despite what the majority of Americans prefer (never mind us, we just live here). If you wish, check out the Roe v Wade Overturned Horoscope (June 24, 2022) with the repeal's North Node of destiny @21Taurus--conjunct the North Node in the Vatican City State 1929 Horoscope. Seems mighty clear to me: the repeal of Roe was timed by the Vatican City's Nodal Return. A coincidence? Not to me it isn't, considering the church's long-held stance on abortion.

Plus, there's another cosmic time link in play around these issues: radical Uranus, planet of disruption, chaos, separation, and zealotry, hit the very same 21 Taurus degree on June 30, 2023, the day the most recent SCOTUS decisions were "handed down" from on-high.

So let's close this fussy post with a few potentials of the Uranus/North-Node duo quoting from Munkasey's Hegelian Dialectic form of analysis (any, all, or none may apply especially with erratic Uranus involved):

Thesis: The changes which accompany new efforts to alter the direction of events; alliances which follow revolution or unexpected changes in leadership; help from others who assist with modernization activities.

Antithesis: Revolution for the effecting of popular changes; business changes which evolve with society; treaties for modernizing facilities which benefit another more; a society that does not appreciate modernizing (sounds like regressive Republicans, so-called "conservatives," and radical magas).

Well, we may disagree on this, but in the US "conservative" justices on the SCOTUS bench have 'altered the direction of events', all right, with the hierarchy of the Vatican pulling strings from "on-high." After all, one of the many roles powerful Pluto can play is "the pope."

A related post: The Vatican II Horoscope of 1962. Note that Uranus @25Taurus is a bit beyond a Uranus Return to the 1929 chart but the way the planet lurches about, who can say, really.

Uranus-NN info: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad.

Aug 17, 2015

The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell - Guest: Leo Lyon Zagami

From June 8, 2015 here is Canadian broadcaster Rob McConnell interviewing Leo Lyon Zagami concerning Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Vatican, the papacy, and more:

Dec 17, 2014

Cuba's natal horoscopes 1902 and 1959: Alan Gross is released

Has America Faced Reality on Cuba?

by Jude Cowell

On today's happy occasion of the release of American Alan Gross from five years of captivity in a Cuban prison, here are details of the two natal horoscopes I have in my files for Cuba; both are set for Havana:

Cuba--Independence: May 20, 1902 '12:00 noon'; Sun 28Tau45 conjunct MC; Moon 9Sco58 in 3rd house; Cuba--Communist: January 2, 1959; Sun 11Cap06 3rd house; Moon 8Lib29 in the 12th house of Imprisonment.

Andrea Mitchell and others are reporting that the Vatican played a large role in Mr. Gross' release. Other sources report that an unnamed US intelligence officer imprisoned twenty years ago is also being released (and perhaps others as well). Cuban prisoners in the US are freed in a "separate" release, and President Obama's long-stated objective of normalizing relations between the US and Cuba are apparently being realized before our eyes.

Here, it is now 12:16 pm and POTUS has just remarked on this topic on TV as Raul Castro spoke to the Cuban people. I shall mention only a major astro-note: that Cuba's 1959 Sun @11Cap06 has been catalyzed for some time by transit Pluto thus deeply transforming the nation's leadership on various levels and perhaps bringing the Global Government and its banking network to knock on Cuba's door--and this time, the door has seemingly been answered as more money and other resources are about to be sent to Havana.

That is, after all, what the original embargo was about 55 years ago--Cuba refused to play ball with 'new world order' thugs. Perhaps you agree that the US embargo of Cuba has been a massive failure on many levels--neurotic South Node behavior on Washington's part as if expecting different results after 55 years of sanctions is a sane policy. However, it will take the US Congress to drop the embargo!

Of course, all this relates closely to the current collapse of oil prices and Russia's and Iran's currencies. "It's time now for a new approach," says President Obama (translation: a new order). And be the behind-the-scenes machinations however they may be and for whatever the ultimate goal of globalists, I must concur for the sake of the good people of Cuba, their relatives here in the US, and for released captives and their families.


Foundation data for Cuba: The World Book of Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion.

Mar 28, 2014

Birth Data for St. Francis of Assisi

Mildness Is as Mildness Does

by Jude Cowell

Here is a charming presentation on the life of St. Francis of Assisi:

In his out-of-print book, Astrology of the Famed, Noel Tyl gives both possible natal horoscopes of Francis of Assissi, that of 1181 and 1182. He rectifies the natal chart by life events and chooses the birth date of September 26, 1181 noon LMT Assissi, Italy 12E37 43N04.

Here are the chart angles and planets' positions of St. Francis of Assisi:

Sept 26, 1181 noon LMT: ASC 19Sag17; MC 12Lib53; Sun 9Lib57, Mercury 00Lib54, Venus 26Leo06 in 9th house; 4th house: Moon 1Tau09, Uranus 3Tau05 Rx (the 1977 discovery degree of priestly healer and bridge between Earth and the Heavens, Chiron), Jupiter 8Tau30 Rx which will be conjoined by the Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014.

1st house: South Node, a Saturnian point of separation and isolation @20Cap51 (a critical degree), and Mars 19Cap54; 2nd house: other-worldly Neptune, the Divine Source, @2AQ57 Rx; 7th house: North Node 20Can52 and Pluto 3Can35; 8th house: Saturn 9Leo39.

Plus, if you'd like a peek, astrodatabank has the natal horoscope (rated AA for BC/BR in hand) of the current Pope Francis I who named himself after you-know-who to make a particular point at this juncture in time. Are there correspondences between their two natal charts? Of course.

For example: Pope Francis' natal Jupiter 3Cap32 precisely opposes St. Francis' natal Pluto 3Can35 (not a very mild contact!) and his Chiron 20Gem14 conjoins St. Francis' natal Descendant of Partnerships. Pope Francis I's first natal planet to rise in St. Francis of Assissi's chart is his Sun 25Sag54 as his subtle choice of his papal name obviously shown a spotlight on St. Francis of Assissi (who was never actually a pope).

Feb 23, 2014

World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes reveals...(2-hour video)

Well, it isn't as if we don't already know that the crooks are in charge, right?

Knowing this in general is one thing but if you're easily spooked or already distressed, you may wish to avoid watching the following revelations from Karen Hudes, formerly of the World Bank, concerning the long-planned global plot now afoot because the video contains two horrific hours of information, if you ask me and I've studied Astrology charts of such topics and of devilish chaos-creators (who royally suck) for years:

So let's give a mild hurrah for President Obama making the journey to Rome to meet Pope Francis on March 27, 2014. After all, that gold ring can't kiss itself, y'know, poverty issues to discuss or not!

And another illustrious supplicant will peek out of her palace long enough to travel to meet Pope Francis for the first time: Queen Elizabeth who will spend only one day in the Vatican. But it should be enough time to pucker up and show some respect to the ecclesiastical head of the *goddess-worshiping Catholic Church.

Money on My Mind and My Mind on My Money?

The rest of us really have to wonder exactly which topics and plans are really being discussed when political and religious leaders clump together in such a publicized manner inside what is a very private sovereign state called Vatican City. So if you have about one hour to spare and are curious, you may wish to view an informative History Channel presentation which I hope won't be removed from this blog since I make no income at all from any of its posts:

If the video is removed perhaps its YouTube link will do the trick and whisk you away to the Vatican door. Note: the topic of why US presidents visit the Pope is addressed about 21 minutes in.


*Venus (goddess)--Neptune (worship; idealization) aside, it's only fair to add here what I always do when fussing about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church: that many of the most charitable and kind people I have met and known all through my life have been devoted to the Catholic persuasion. It is only the church hierarchy and their lamentably bad behavior that I complain of, Protestant as I am. jc

Jan 15, 2011

Thom Hartmann on the 'Party of No' (video)

For nine minutes progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann sums up the dynamics of the recent tragedy in Tucson and gives an historic overview of the conservative 'Party of No' beginning with President Obama's uplifting message about our nation and that of Sarah Palin and her ilk.

The Party of No has quite a laundry list of obstructionism to its credit (debit) and I shudder to think what this nation would be like now if they'd always gotten their way through the decades. Thom mentions one of the more interesting eras, that of the Gilded Age of the Robber Barons. It's their biological and philosophical spawn who continue their heartless plunder across the globe now and threaten a complete rent in the social fabrics of America and every other nation. Their and the *Vatican's vision of a one-world-government drives us forward - yet backward - into totalitarian rule.

So with Monday January 17, 2011 being Martin Luther King Day, I hope you'll take a few minutes to listen to what (imho) places the credit where it squarely belongs for whatever social progress our nation has managed to obtain against the forces of No.

A Goose-Step Down Memory Lane?

Remember that ridiculous GOP campaign slogan of recent days, compassionate conservatism? Compassionate?? Hilarious! We don't seem to hear about that little misnomer anymore which makes a lot of sense considering what John Boehner and the goose-steppers are about to try in Congress next week because they'd rather focus on undermining a Democratic (and democratically elected) president than to move forward on behalf of all the American people, not just their rich contributors and global bosses!


*It's been a while since I mentioned the Vatican here and since you, dear reader, may be a new visitor, I shall repeat what I've always said since further blogging on the Vatican and the Illuminati within it may become necessary at any moment: all through my life some of the most compassionate, kind, and practically helpful people I have known have been of the Catholic persuasion (even while I felt they'd been hoodwinked by their church hierarchy - as have most people in organized religious denominations.)

So if and when I grump against the Vatican on this blog or another, I do and will not refer to ordinary members of the Catholic Church, but to those in the uppermost rungs of power in Vatican City, that bastion of the New World Order and stronghold of priestly pedophilia. jc

Aug 29, 2010

Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes

In my last post I wondered aloud if the world is any better off because the British Empire morphed into the American Empire. World populations still groan in pain under imperialistic oppression no matter its national origins or current moniker. And my deepest suspicion is that US-Brit political relations show a joining of empires more than is usually admitted in public although some inner conflicts between factions on each side of the Atlantic and ego games for control are in evidence.

Yet no real rift between us exists when it comes to global conquest.

In fact, puppet master Pluto of secret hand fame rises with Fixed Star Altair each March. The keywords for Altair (alpha Aquila) are: boldness and determination; exploration (Brady.)

So each US Inauguration Day since 1937, the Sun (leader) conjoins Altair at 00AQ+, and on January 20, 2009, Mercury Rx joined in on that degree. Oath-taking Mercury's Rx condition resulted, as you know, in President Obama's taking a second Oath of Office due to Justice Roberts' flubbing (Mercury) when administering #1.

It seems no accident to me that during FDR's administration the date for US presidential inaugurations was changed from early March (usually the 3rd or 4th) to January 20 - after all, to paraphrase FDR's famous quote: Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happens you can be sure it was meant to happen.

Freemason F. D. Roosevelt would have known about the astrological differences of the date switch which was done purposefully. (Teddy R. was also an initiated Freemason.)

(FDR's admission about politics under girds many of my snarly remarks on this and other blogs concerning Politics as practiced in Washington, DC and the loss of hearing on Capitol Hill when it comes to the voices and preferences of we-the-people. Consider me permanently in a snit of miffdom over Washington politicians' sorriness and the ordinary US citizen's deplorable lack of representation.)

And since I've been intending for years now to post a dual view of FDR's Inaugurations 1933 and 1937, I shall do so below. Hopefully you can read the basic chart details by clicking to enlarge the image. Note the change of ASC degree and Sun degree and the changing Fixed Stars they highlight - 1933 vs 1937...the changes are no accident, as FDR might say (notwithstanding the thin justifications given for the date switch at the time. As you know, Freemasonry is big on Fixed Stars and on using Electional Astrology to time events such as cornerstone layings, speeches, wars, presidential inaugurations, etc.)

FDR Inaugurations 1933 (lower left) and 1937 (upper right.)

Now astrologers, hip to the use of the Roman symbolism of The Eagle as America's totem, often note the connection with the mystical sign of Scorpio and its eagle, scorpion, and phoenix archetypes representing various levels of evolution.

This may be one reason not to automatically jettison the use of the speculative Scorpio Rising chart as a natal horoscope for the US, imho, though I agree that a Sag Ascendant with Jupiter ruling has much merit given our nation's traditional optimism, expansion urges, and constant search for wealth and resources (even though they may belong to someone else.)

Capitol Hill named after Jupiter's Temple in Rome

The US natal horoscope I'm using is set for July 4, 1776 6:30 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA: ASC 29SAg43...'30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" which as you see describes another link between Washington, DC and Rome. And yes, there is a particular astrological reason I'm using the 6:30 pm chart which does just barely keep Jupiter as chart-ruler while having a crisis-ridden 29th degree on the ASC-DESC axis. You may have noticed that if America doesn't have a crisis situation or enemy to deal with, she always manages to find a few and make some others.

Then there's the much-touted "Manifest Destiny" which is one of Jupiter's calling cards, too, with its embedded superiority complex allegedly allowing our nation to do as it pleases, no matter the consequences, and against all odds - Jupiter's lucky chance/risk-taking function in play as we brazenly invade other nations.

My feeling is that the American War Machine's insistence on promoting endless war has been a dire result of that particularly American vision of US presidents and those who install them for world domination purposes, with terms such as New World, New Atlantis, one-world-government, New Order of the Ages, and the supposedly mild 'New Age' and 'Aquarian Age' as euphemisms for the New World Order of totalitarianism.

Plus, you don't get to be #1 in the Oval Office (egg-shaped = Venus, our Inaugural chart-ruler since 1937, hence the ruler of the Office of the President) without adhering to the Utopian vision which in the New Millennium is revealing its intended global reach and its true motivations. Did you really think as president that Barack Obama would or could be any different?

"Every day in every way I am getting better and better." (The Jupiter Mantra of Emile Coue.) That's until you've over-extended yourself and you're not.

Yes, even our national 'pursuit of happiness' falls under jolly Jupiter's sphere of influence - and US n Jupiter conjuncts n Venus closely (happiness and felicity!) and conjuncts n Sun by 7 degrees (ego inflation.) US n Mercury Rx is also in home-oriented Cancer so we tend to think and speak that way as well; our Mercury/Pluto opposition indicates plutonic control and manipulation of our thinking and communication functions...Pluto's propaganda has been used against us since our nation's founding or before.

I say 'before' because our national Mercury/Pluto cycle began with their conjunction on January 18, 1776 @ 26Cap32, our modern-day Inaugural Midheaven degree. The transiting and oppressive Pluto/Chiron midpoint conjoined the Jan 20, 2009 MC, and off and on goes ahead into Aquarius to conjunct US Inaugural Sun, the President!

'27Cap' = "Pilgrims Climbing the Steep Steps Leading to a Mountain Shrine"; keyword: UPREACHING (Rudhyar.)

This relates to the vision of the Pilgrims and to the floating capstone on the back of America's Great Seal and the US dollar bill with its Eye of Providence in place of a monarchical Sun emblem. Pyramid symbol = Mountain and perhaps we can discuss this later. Or have yourself a Google and a Bing and you won't need me. The Chymical Wedding may be a good starting place if you require one.

Now it's fairly unusual that I copy/paste another's text to such a degree as I am about to do with the info I've just found. You'll find a link to the text at the end of the author's text for your convenience.

George Washington envisioned a wooded area alongside the Potomac River as the new federal city. The highest hill in the area, Jenkins Heights, was then owned by Daniel Carroll. In 1663, the owner of this land had been Francis Pope. Pope's name for the high hill was "Rome", and he called the nearby waterway "the Tiber." [1]

Ancient Rome was a mere city which conquered the world. Although it apparently declined and fell, some say it did not fall but changed its form into the Roman Catholic Church and still dominates the world. Echoing this idea, science fiction writer Philip K. Dick theorized an enormous false memory imposed upon all humanity in which the last 2000 years of "history" never happened. According to Dick, author of the VALIS trilogy, we have been brainwashed by the Roman Empire to think we are living in what is really a totally false world. [2]

Read more of The Empire Never Ended.

There is a Vatican-Jesuit-Illuminati-Templar connection to our nation as well but it's beyond the scope of this spontaneously typed post.

Another wrinkle may be found in the Sabian Symbol for our presidential Sun @ '1AQ', as of 1937: "An Old Adobe Mission" = keyword: DURABILITY...

positive manifestation: effective breadth of vision and a respect-compelling depth of character;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: lack of ambition and blind adherence to superficialities. (Marc Edmund Jones.)

Dane Rudhyar gives '1AQ' as THE CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL and says it 'implies the "immortalization" of an individual within a great collective and cultural enterprise.'

The enterprise is a Utopian, secular America and the helming of it and the 'immortalization of an individual' relates to the presidential cult of personality we've been conditioned to be so fond of as the land of Sun (leader) worship, with revolutionary Uranus, the planet of individuality and independence, closely identified with our original patriot cause.

This word picture relates on a deeper level to Hermeticist and Dominican monk Tommaso Campanella (1568 - 1639) and his novel City of the Sun which tells of a Utopian society of 'Solarians' where all goods are held in common - including women who are not allowed to hold leadership positions. This is a form of theocracy that sets up an "ideal Solar civilization" and I have to say that America is the model vehicle for this so-called Utopia so far. Prior to 1776, Campanella's novel and its Solar ideas were well known to those who seeded the founding of the New World. Old world kings ruled under the symbol of the life-giving Sun.

Here I refer you to the excellent book The Secret History of the West by Nicholas Hagger from which I quote; paperback, page 224 details Freemasonry and (Sir) Francis Bacon's influence upon our founding:

"At Bacon's instigation towards the end of the 16th century distinguished people who were not builders were admitted into the fraternity (often to help with funding) and were called "Accepted" Masons. They received the secret universal knowledge of the oneness and brotherhood of mankind and the Secret Doctrine of the Ages that America would become a Utopian New Atlantis and create a better world in which humanity would be deified. In this paradise, men would follow a religion of reason and become gods and work for a universal world republic that would replicate the Utopian conditions in Atlantis throughout the world. Meanwhile the secret knowledge would be passed on from generation to generation in the Freemason's Temple."

Note that human beings are to stand in God's place in this society. Or so they think. Yet in the 1790s, its chaotic principles of 'reason' didn't work so well in France, did they? I think our Thomas Jefferson just fanned himself in his grave.

Bacon, Hagger notes, is considered the founder of English Freemasonry and of the Rosicrucian Order; a Rosicrucian code decipher was found in the effects of Thomas Jefferson after his demise. Hagger also states that Bacon believed that English colonization of the New World would result in the New Atlantis as a Utopian society.

And Washington DC remains the legendary 'Shining City on a Hill' for Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr said so as have others. Senator Ted Kennedy made this statement during the confirmation hearings for John Roberts:

"From the start, America was summoned to be a shining city on a hill. But each generation must keep building that city."

"Summoned"? How very esoteric of him! And one assumes that Justice Roberts is part of the vision's implementation and wouldn't sit where he sits if he weren't.

Actually, 'Shining City on a Hill' is one of John Winthrop's ideas, a Pilgrims' vision (if you click, be aware that some propaganda may apply on the site.)

Well, after all my grousing today I shall merely suggest that the current condition of the United States of America either confirms or denies the intelligence and the prudence of such a far-seeing endeavor especially now that Jupiter the General is leading the way, ignoring national borders and sovereignties, and bankrupting our nation while we-the-people's needs are considered 'too costly' by our Jupiterian Capitol Hill crew. (The Bush-Cheney-Obama TARP money was surreptitiously sent to foreign banks, remember.)

So congratulations! For if you've slogged through and read this far you now know much of what I think about these topics. But what do you think?

Jul 3, 2010

Chemtrails Over Washington

In honor of America's Independence Day 2010, here's a sadly enlightening video report concerning geoengineering and barium-laced chemtrails over America with my post title suggesting that the blame falls over Washington where the pentagram-shaped Pentagon slithers (and the brass insists the blame isn't theirs.)

From blocked sunlight to raised blood pressures, immune system damage, and other distressing health problems, barium seems to be the primary ingredient in the soup creating fake clouds known as 'chemtrails' so check out the brief video above which I found within a wide-ranging article containing much more info on the clouds that scientists are finally admitting are being caused by chemtrails.

You've seen them in your area of the sky, haven't you? The article shows a photo of a sky full, if you need to positively ID them. Human culprits are harder to find.

Yeah. Well, Happy Fourth of July 2010 to us knowing that Washington continues experimenting with new and exciting ways to commit covert and overt population control, part of the New World Order agenda to garner all resources for the use of a select few of the power elite, a group I would today call (in my current state of grumpiness after reading the article) - psychopathic inbreds.

It's through that much-bally-hooed and over bred (though well-spread) Merovingian bloodline and even further back into the mists of Time from whence our modern-day troubles issue.

You may also be interested in visiting The Dark History of the Vatican while we're on the subject of criminal behavior and ritual murders (ex: Princess Diana was assassinated inside the Pont d'Alma tunnel - 'bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess' Diana - a goddess which satanists of the bloodline are said to worship even now. Diana echoes the Egyptian goddess Isis), and pedophilic obsessions and sacrifices of Catholic Church priests and bishops with its rumored Jesuit (Illuminati) connection. ('Mary' is an Isis stand-in for some people!)

One thing that interests me is all the famous leaders, emperors, pharaohs, princes, kings, and queens involved in the Merovingian bloodline (and before) with one notable queen whose natal chart I recently located: Cleopatra (Jan 13, 69 BC, 2:08 am LMT, Alexandria.) Follow the link to see Noel Tyl's rectified natal chart of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra who dubbed herself "the new Isis."

Placing Cleopatra's chart in my Solar Fire program, I find that she was born with Isis 4Lib40 Rx conjoined with Osiris 4Lib09 Rx - the mythic significance of the two I will allow you to discover for yourself if you aren't familiar with them.

Plus, Isis and Osiris conjunct Cleopatra's Pre-Natal Eclipse 3Lib53 yet Solar Fire isn't showing this Solar Eclipse on its Series list so I can't match it up with its modern-day time link (it isn't listed in my older version of the program. And no, I don't want any more bells and whistles, thanks! 'Nuff to do as it is.)

Born during a Great Conjunction of Uranus and Pluto (in late Taurus), 'the new Isis' was certainly a fascinating personality, a force active in her environment so perhaps I shall get around to posting more fully on the natal chart and life of Queen Cleopatra whose genes are apparently affecting today's events...maybe through the descendants of the twins she bore Marc Antony (who had his own connections to the bloodline) with her natal Moon 28Can53 giving us a Babylonian symbol to consider from the Sabian Symbol for '29Can'...

"A Greek Muse Weighs in Golden Scales Just Born Twins."


And her Sun @ critical degree 20Cap18? Her Sun arose with Fixed Star, Schedar (Alpha Cassiopeia), keyphrase: female sovereignity which Brady's Fixed Stars says gives 'the archetypal concept of the queen' along with 'a natural ability to command respect, endowed with wisdom, embodying a leadership style based on the feminine model that incorporates intuition and mysticism.'

Ms. Brady also notes that Britain's Princess Diana was born with Schedar culminating at natal Mc while her royal Jupiter set which magnified the influence of the star.

For Schedar, Vivian Robson mentions 'sorrows in love' and 'demonic power' and we know that Princess Diana experienced the first, as did Cleopatra. We might say that for both love led to death if you agree that Diana's relationship with Dodi had something to do with their murders.

And one may assume (given the bloodline/satanic info given above for your consideration) that 'the new Isis', the Queen of the Nile, probably possessed the latter.


Update 10:19 pm: just found a fascinating post on Quantum Spirit published July 3 as well. It concerns the possibility that the death of Cleopatra may have been a result of lethal poison rather than snake bite.

May 28, 2010

Bilderberg Cabal Agenda: June 4 - 7, 2010, Spain

Perhaps you've heard of journalist Jim Tucker who has worked for 25 years to shine a light on the worms of the World Shadow Government by tracking the secret meetings and finaglings of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group who meet in secret cabal on June 4 - 7, 2010, in Sitges, Spain, 12 miles from Barcelona.

The meeting's agenda, according to Mr. Tucker, has two primary goals: a US attack on Iran, and a financial bail out of Greece and other EU nations in financial straits.

BP is a Bilderberg member and its oil 'spill' in the Gulf of Mexico plays in financially (see previous post with a petition to sign against US taxpayers Bailing Out BP for damages to the Gulf Coast!) which could be the missing link in the story of the oil fiasco.

On May 20 just past, the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post called for making the IMF a "global overseer" so that modern challenges can be more efficiently met, and, attributing the view to Liliana Rojas-Suarez (senior fellow @ the Center for Global Development) WaPo states that, "It may take a global agency like the IMF to address the problem."

Translation: US taxpayers (bwo the IMF) are pegged for bailing out failing financial systems and governments in the EU including Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and who-know-where-else.

This is how creating a 'New World Order' is being framed for public consumption with the IMF and the UN Bank ruling the global financial roost, US borders dissolved into a North American Union (with Mexico and Canada, a major goal of the Bilderberg Cabal), and world totalitarianism on the rise.

That these are the same players who helped set up global markets and financial systems into a global network so that they can all be crashed simultaneously is what's behind the Ozian Curtain which we're supposed to ignore.

In his article, Mr. Tucker goes on to quote President Obama from a few days ago when he gave a shout-out to the NWO but I was too busy dealing with power outages here to make note of it on this blog as I would have preferred.

In his West Point commencement address to cadets, Mr. Obama said, in part, "The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times."

Well, my pointy ears perked up when I heard him say that! For it was spoken like a true NWO shill by a Bilderberg-owned President of the United States...and probably an Illuminatist at that...or at least, he's their 'cat's paw' as other US Presidents have been!

So the Bilderbergers meet in Spain June 4 - 7, 2010?

Why, the Illuminati is said to have its earliest roots in Spain! Plus, today it is being reported by BBC News that Spain's credit rating has now been downgraded by a second agency. Hmm...


Blog Note: am studying the charts now so that early next week a post can be published here on the Astrology of the Bilderberg Cabal in Spain, June 4 - 7, 2010, so return if you can, study ahead if you will, and we can discuss. If you check the charts for June 4, 5, 6, and 7, I think you'll see which chart I'll be using for its precise triggering of the Aries Point of World Manifestation!

(The global puppeteers who run such cabals to discuss and disseminate their NWO 'futuristic' info and plans to their political and other operatives and hacks think they're 'gods on earth' if you know what I mean. You know - like the Illuminati-Jesuit demons of the Vatican. There. I said it.)