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Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts

Jul 16, 2024

Felon nominee taps JD Vance as VP sidekick

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

While at Yale University, JD Vance met future wife Usha Chilukuri who has law clerked for such justices as Kavanaugh and Roberts. White there, the pair collaborated to organize a discussion group focused on the topic, "social decline in white America." One can guess that Vance's best-selling book resulted in part from this study.

Word is, JD Vance converted to Catholicism about 5 years ago and we see his Neptune Rx @29Sag01 in his natal chart with Neptune's rounded-up Sabian Symbol, "The Pope Blessing the Faithful."

Now as a freshman US senator, Vance has been described as "a right-wing populist" and a "neo-reactionary." Born August 2, 1984 in Middletown, Ohio (Butler Co), the suave JD Vance can be willful and rebellious according to his Sun Leo-Moon Libra personality blend, detailed underneath his noon horoscope image.

August 2, 1984 "noon" Middletown, Ohio

Because the Moon remained in Libra for the 24 hours of his birthdate, we know that Mr. Vance was born under the influence of a fire-air Sun Leo-Moon Libra combination of conscious-unconscious energies. Fire-Air blends are charismatic "live wires" full of ideas and zeal, are long-winded with bluster and bombast - even to the point of getting carried away by their own rhetorical eloquence.

Plus, Sun Leo-Moon Libra is a bossy blend that is intellectually curious, a lover of luxury, and tends toward an imperious manner. Only his intellectual curiosity doesn't track with Herr Trump's personality! Additionally, Vance is a stubborn guy as is Trump so we'll see how their relationship proceeds.

And yet it may go well, for a while (at least until Vance outshines his narcissitic comrade) because Sun Leo-Moon Libra types have a darker, more serious side to them that can lead to controversy and provocative behavior - perfect for hurling accusations against political opponents. Perhaps this includes his past public assessment of Herr Trump as "America's Hitler." So who does Vance aspire to be: "America's Goebbles"?

But for now, their relationship may trend closer to one of Trump's touted "bromances"!

Weaknesses of this blend include: Vanity, unconscious snobbishness, self-righteousness about moral issues (a Catholic convert) who tends to lean on others without always acknowledging their support, and/or a lazy streak which may occasionally surface (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad). He has changed his name, too, and was born James Donald Bowman.

Themes of the 4 North Saros Series

As for the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') into which Baby JD was born, that would be the difficult 4 North Series which manifested for him on May 30, 1984 @9Gem26 conjunct US 1776 Uranus (8:55), and Trump's natal PE (8:46). Themes of 4 North include: restriction, restraint, inhibition, separation, and illusions. Obstacles occur and there's a tendency to misjudge strength or the situation (B. Brady).

4 North Eclipses have manifested in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, 1966, (1984), 2002, 2020 (Summer Solstice Eclipse June 21st @00Cancer), and next in 2038. Meanwhile, the initial 4 North Solar Eclipse occurred May 25, 1389 @12Gem08 with 1389 Pluto at the currently significant degree of 24Tau47, a disturbing cosmic time link with Herr T's natal Midheaven.

Possibly of interest: Events of 1389.

May 6, 2024

Between Two Horoscopes "The Cruelty Is the Point"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

A few days ago a controversial comparison of natal planets appeared here in the form of a question concerning two individuals who have been compared to one another in the press so I wondered what Astrology might have to say about them in bi-wheel form.

Today on SO'W comes another comparison between natal planets from 1946 to 1740, inspired by the obvious sadism now trying to make a comeback in American society and politics, and across the globe. And in the US it's lifted up by one political party in particular by strong-armed paternalism, misogyny, and holier-than-thou religious dominionism driving their anti-societal demands - in the minority though they are.

So undoubtedly, when it comes to the Republican Party (or what used to pass for it before "maga" took control), you've heard political pundits and others intone that the cruelty is the point. We can look directly at the GOP/Heritage Foundation plan to implement their Project 2025 agenda if a maga-lover should finagle the White House in November 2024 as a ready example of their cruel intentions which they've actually written down for all to read - as if their plan is inevitable! But it isn't.

Cruelty: The GOP War On Compassion

As you noticed years ago, the GOP's old "compassionate conservatism" was merely a political slogan used to gaslight voters into submission. Presently, the damage from SCOTUS' Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v Wade has led to cruel schemes, loss, and denial of medical care against American women and their pregnancies while threatening doctors and others with fines and prison terms for showing compassion and decency.

Meanwhile, the destructive energies and interference in people's medical decisions by paternalistic politicians grievously affect women and their family members but cold-hearted politicians and their backers don't care. And you know about the huge scandal of the moment which tells a sadistic tale: "bad*ss" Kristi Noem's easy execution of her dog, goat, and possibly other animals. Her chance at being selected for a VP run has apparently disintegrated - not because of the cruelty of her actions but because of the media storm it caused.

For after all, as we see via "30 Sagittarius," The Pope Blesses the Faithful, yes? So the order of the day is, control through cruelty, manipulate through fear: in a word, sadism:

Jupiter-Chiron Extremism Then and Now

So above you see a second planetary comparison between a certain two individuals, probably again on the controversial side. Therefore, one of the names has been disguised to protect the guilty, and study notes are penned on including Jupiter-Chiron conjunctions in both charts which indicate their shared extremism and zealotry, with taboo-breaking involved as well. Add to this various factors that suggest tendencies toward violence and anti-social behavior which appear around and between the natal horoscopes. Plus, 1740 Jupiter conjuncts 1946 Uranus, a contact which suggests a meeting of two minds!

Then as you see in the bi-wheel, the emphasis is on their shared Gemini and Cancer placements which include very close aspects both men have with Venus-Saturn conjunctions in Cancer, an aspect of discontent in relationships, although some measure of longevity in unions may also occur.

Now there are other planetary contacts from 1946 to 1740 too numerous to mention in this brief post so I'll leave them up to the curious reader. Suffice to say that cruelty is the point and man's inhumanity to man and woman has become 'the style' once again in this, The New Millenium.

Previously on SO'W a bi-wheel: Roe v Wade Decision 1973 and Roe v Wade Overturned 2022.

Dec 14, 2023

Women, the GOP, and the Comstock Act

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Seal: The New York Society for the Suppression of Vice

Perhaps you've read the Wikipedia page detailing the Comstock laws which tells of anti-vice crusader and Post Master General Anthony Comstock (March 7, 1844--September 21 1915) and the Comstock Act of 1873 which was passed by Congress on March 3, 1873. Naughty items sent through the mail became illegal, and certain books were burned, as shown in the above image. Sound familiar much?

Because now in 2023, biological and/or ideological spawn of Mr. Comstock and his fellow crusaders of 1873 are acting to conflate "vice" issues of their day with American women's healthcare in the realms of childbirth, birth control, sexual activity, and other private matters that are none of misogynist politicians' and SCOTUS justices' business.

Feeling control slipping away, strong-armed paternalists are desperate to rule the roost again as they propagandize and divide society with "cancel culture" and other 'culture war' tactics which, if nothing else, muddy public waters, waste time and money, and interfere with clear thinking concerning these important matters. Solutions remain unsought by the non-governing Republican Party, as with every other issue that We the People need addressed. Besides: ripping apart our social fabric and collapsing US society is the GOP's game. They're paid well for their sabotaging efforts, and no doubt, glowing promises have been made. Failing financial manipulation, threats can keep them in line.

Can Astrology uncover factors describing the current turmoil between genders?

Well, the fact that US 1776 Mars turned retrograde by progression in 2006 is one such factor running in the background of society and the change of direction has been noted in previous posts. Still, it is significant that US Mars has symbolically progressed into Libra rather than staying in Gemini as in 1776 when men were 'ready for action' and easily able to accomplish two or more things at once. Perhaps we can agree that overstraining the US military in the Middle East is involved along with disabled soldiers returning home, but the topic is beyond the scope of today's post. Even so, with the warrior planet in Venus-ruled Libra, Mars loves teamwork but tends to be on the moody side, and its Rx condition suggests US Mars turning its aggressive energies upon US society (and women) by many of our male population - but thankfully not all! Then as you know, the Rx condition of US Mars doesn't 'cause' the changes, but it does help symbolize, time, and describe them.

Past Can Inform Present and Future

And an astrological lens is a great magnifier for any investigation:

Dual Charts: The Pilgrim Fathers of 1620 (lower left; Campion #362) and the 1620 Pilgrim Fathers' Solar Return ('SR') of 2023 (upper right):

Of note is transit Pluto (the rapist; the puppet master) in 2017, the year of Trump, reaching the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction degree of 1993 of (18 Capricorn: 'POLITICAL POWER; strong-armed paternalism'--Jones) with the potential of: "The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed; little option to do otherwise" (N. Tyl). For me this brings in the fake issue of "wokeness" (Uranus-Neptune), plus, the wealthy financiers and ideological meddlers who control US politicians such as Trump. His power potential is completely dependent upon their continued support propping him up, with mobsters and thugs coming along to do the dirty work - via Pluto of the Underworld, with a bit of bone s*w ass*ssin in the mix.

Is Religion Still the Opiate of the Masses?

Then of much significance concerning the suppression of US women of child-bearing age is the religious extremism of the Christian Nationalists and Dominionists (evangelicals) who now bedevil America and oppress American women, for their beliefs uncannily resemble a group of early immigrants to our shores known as the Pilgrim Fathers, as shown above. Actually, this post is intended as a small astro-check-up concerning their current condition via the 1620 group's Solar Return 2023 which perfects on December 22, 2023 based on the Sun's return to its 1620 position of 00Cap08, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation.

The study notes penned on both horoscopes include a few intricate factors for the curious reader with the Vatican making a small cameo appearance. However, a previous post displays the 1620 Horoscope unmarked and suitable for printing, if you prefer.

Now a major factor is the 1620 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction in Taurus, sign of intolerance, which cues us to the authoritarianism, bossy paternalism, and the objective of Plutocrats determined to grasp power, traits which current-day Republicans now exhibit against the fairer sex, no matter the tragic consequences for women, girls, their families, and society in general. Apparently, conflating these legitimate societal concerns with olden views of 'vice' means that scarlet letters are being embroidered as I type - and prison cells are being prepared.

And so if any of this information and commentary identifies certain strong-armed politicians as the 'spawn' and inheritors of the Pilgrim Fathers' paternalism, extremist religiosity, zealotry, and misogyny, so be it: for my work here is done.

Dec 5, 2023

The regressive GOP targets Zoomers!

GOP 2024: Zoomers, Minority Voters, Women Unwelcome in Voting Booths

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy

As you know, Generation Z, aka, Zoomers, are those born from 1997 to 2012 - "The Future Innovators." Well, obviously, innovation is the last thing the Republican Party wants since regression and backward time travel are major features of their authoritarian agenda of dystopian oppression and misogyny.

Yes, Zoomers are being targeted by Republican operatives because even the entity called the GOP realizes that younger Americans (who will live in the future) will vote in droves in November 2024 for candidates with progressive policies, aka, beneficial ones, rather than settle for the crabbiness, corruption, and greed of low-charactered GOPers, whether indicted yet or not.

For a better explanation, check out The GOP has Declared War on Their New Mortal Enemy: Zoomers, by progressive broadcaster and author, Thom Hartmann.

Image: A Close-Up of Pluto (NASA photo)

So with the multiple GOP tactics, both known and, so far, unknown, such as purging voter rolls (Pluto, planet of purges) they hope to sway Election 2024 their crabby way. Regressives demand a Past vs Future struggle as if clocks can be turned back!

And so we may wish to consider any cosmic predictors (As Above, So Below) that we can find in order to forewarn and forearm American voters of all ages. And we all must do what we can to sound the alarm against regressive Trumpianism and Fascism while taking whatever defensive actions possible in order to avoid America being turned into a dictatorship. In other words, the threat is real: Vote Blue in 2024!

Note to GOP: Time Advances Forward, Never Backward!

Now if you as an American, agree, read on. If you disagree, then you're probably in the wrong country and are reading someone else's Unsealed Letter.

Then there's the fact that transit Pluto of primal violence fame has already inched a twisted hoof temporarily into progressive Aquarius back in December 2020, and Mr. Transformation will be residing in Aquarius in time for Inauguration 2025 - but will still stomp on 29Capricorn for Election 2024, with 29 a critical/crisis degree of impatience. But with Pluto in Aquarius, we may expect more folks to express a communal sense than before. And yet we know that the depressingly long sojourn of Pluto in Capricorn, the cosmic marker for The Dictator (R. Ebertin), is fading as I type even as effects of our three-fer US Pluto Return all through 2022 will be with our nation going forward including the US Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776 and the surveillance state its energies made possible.

One reliable cosmic marker for Election 2024 is its prior New Moon, a lunation that can affect earthly events like a Solar Eclipse and in a similar disruptive fashion as radical planet Uranus often does. Changes of direction are suggested and secrets may be revealed, so Election 2024's Predictive New Moon Prior is worth keeping an eye on.

Then on a Sun-Pluto power-wielding or abuse level, there's a previous SO'W post you may wish to revisit for its Plutonian oppression-suppression potentials, When Pluto Hits America's POTUS Sun (00AQ53), an exact conjunction that occurs three times: February 18, July 22, and December 26, 2024.

And on the topic of the US Pluto Return, see GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America which includes an informative Thom Hartmann clip, plus, a tri-wheel image of all three conjunctions of transit Pluto to its natal position on July 4, 1776.

In closing, there's another potential indicator of US electional outcomes and it's planet Venus. America's presidential election cycle follows the Cycle of Venus via our 4-year vs 8-year presidential terms. For more details see Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say? and please be certain that all the voting-aged Zoomers in your life remain aware of the GOP strategies against their right to vote. Don't let an irrational GOP of brutal authoritarians negate America's future!

Oct 2, 2023

Baseless Impeachment Undermines US Authority, says Saturn

Enemies of America Busier Than Ever

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When the Impeachment of President William J. Clinton took place on December 19, 1998, House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his Republican comrades thought they were destroying the Democratic presidency of the 42nd President of the United States. Two articles of impeachment were entered: lying under oath (about an illicit sexual affair!) and obstruction of justice (aka, standing in the way of his Republican opponents' goal of removing him from the White House).

Yet with 'Bill' a highly popular president, the American people were having none of it so Republican machinations against Mr. Clinton, unsubstantially based to begin with, didn't turn out to be as harmful as they'd intended. Hillary had outed the "vast right-wing conspiracy" but it needed more practice to achieve its anti-societal aims. However, certain results did occur, and of these I fuss today!

Fuss because the Clinton impeachment campaign (and his unsavory behavior - but no "high crimes") undermined the reputation and authority of America and of the US Presidency around the world by the late 1990s and into the New Millennium. With the weakness of the Republican impeachment argument against President Clinton, the GOP went a-searching for justification just as they've attempted in 2023 - and have become laughingstocks.

A Tarnished Political Party - But Which One?

Back then, America's authority and reputation were tarnished by zealous Republican anarchists - just as the GOP-MAGA zealots try to do now against Democratic President Biden via his son, Hunter. And during both periods of time (1995/96 and 2023), GOP efforts to shutdown the government while they stew in tantrum mode occurred (more damage) and are occurring in order to make their Democratic rival for the White House 'look bad' at the 2024 election. Radical reactionary GOP-ers are really quite predictable, aren't they? No good policies from them for the American people, only malicious obstructionism and spiteful schemes of sabotage (exs: J6; government shutdown; Project 2025).

Pouty McPoutfaces then, Pouty McPoutfaces now

President Clinton's second Inauguration occurred January 20, 1997, and 1998 was also a very eventful year as US SP Saturn was getting underway in backward, inwardly turned motion; therefore presidential authority had subtly shifted and was not as 'looked up to' as our exalted Saturn had been. After all, an impeached president isn't a 'good look' for a boastful America, leader of the free world, as we styled ourselves. Of course, symbolically, US Saturn had progressed from Libra into Scorpio some time back but that's beyond the scope of this post. The point here is that by progression, US Saturn stood still in a manner of speaking, on January 4, 1997, changing direction - and that particular point in time is what you see in the horoscope, below, with a real time transit chart underneath showing Saturn conjunct Aries Point +1 degree:

And below are the planets at 9:09 am EST on January 4, 1997 Washington DC ('Trs' = transits), 16 days prior to Bill Clinton's second Inauguration. Wonder if Bill ever thanked the Republicans for re-electing him!

Saturn Rx Energy: Washington a Law Unto Itself?

So given the importance of karmic planet Saturn when it comes to authority, accountability, reputation, authenticity, limitation, consolidation, and other things such as government, law, and business, America's 1776 Saturn, exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice, suggests that the US system of justice has also been affected by Saturn retrograde by progression and, symbolically, no longer in Libra. Plus, Saturn represents the safety urge and with its energies turned inward toward isolationism, little if any concern may be shown toward the consequences of America's actions which are often taken independently. On some levels, SP Saturn Rx reminds me of an unaspected Saturn, capable of acting without conscience in a lawless manner, never mind the collateral damage.

Now if any of these Saturnian shifts and conditions suggest to you the feeling that many Americans have noticed in recent years - that our national leadership, and others in authority (CEOs, etc), act as if they're above the law, domestically and in the world, while wearing a mantle of authenticity - then sorrowfully, dear reader, I must say that you and I appear to be on the same page.

And so! In November 2024, let's not further lower the US presidential office and America's standing in the world by allowing a convicted criminal and fraudster to take the helm of the Oval Office, agreed?

Jul 18, 2023

The Eclipse of the GOP's PROJECT 2025

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday, the issue of democracy vs authoritarianism was discussed in a post concerning the GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America, but I'd yet to hear about Trump-GOP Project 2025, their plan to completely change America's form of government into a fascist dictatorship once Trump, or another fascist Republican, is sworn into office on January 20, 2025.

Perhaps you caught this disturbing news in the NYT about the treasonous plot to concentrate all power in the White House, or heard Rachel Maddow's report re: PROJECT 2025 last evening. 'Chilling' is the operative word here, folks. Theirs is a malicious, sinister scheme to end all schemes--and to end democratic governance upon the Earth, as they grandly hope. And we have the Heritage Foundation of busybodies to "thank." May the unwieldy scheme collapse under its own bloated weight.

Despair Is NOT An Option!

Of course, you realize that criminal saboteurs reveal such ideas and plans ahead of time so that the public will feel demoralized and the plotters' dystopian ideas will seem to be inevitable. They're not inevitable, but that's how enemies of America want the US public to feel--as if democracy has run its course, and big (sinister) changes are in the air. Yet being world class liars, why should anyone believe anti-democracy plotters concerning their big vision for this country? Why, any dumblehead knows that the majority of the American people does not want to live under a fascist dictatorship. Besides: this evil has been tried before and it was a huge failure full of danger, destruction, and misery.

Wild Cards of the Universe: 1934 Eclipses Repeat in 2024 w/ Disruptive 'Change of Course' Vibes

Now it's true that the third of three Great American Eclipses to split the country (Southwest to Northeast this time) perfects on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Wounded Healer Chiron (also @19:24); Chiron-Eclipse = grand schemes; "patriotism") in the 8 North series, but 8 North is not the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series in which Election 2024 falls (an "AI Election," some say--beware 'deep fakes' and even more deception than usual), nor is 8 North the PE of Inauguration 2025.

For both events, that would be 8 South occurring October 2, 2024 @10Lib06:48. Then after 6 months of the "dreams, visions, flashes of genius" vibes of 8 North fade comes the more difficult 8 South series with themes of 'loss, separation, partings', and a potential for 'physical injuries and/or overstrain' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Mind how you go.

So below is the 8 South Eclipse Horoscope set for Washington DC October 2, 2024; if you enlarge to read my study notes you'll find positivity but also some difficult indications, even a few cosmic time links such as Trump's Secondary Progressed Moon ('SP') on Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th) clocking in @9Sco29--conjunct the Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal) of the 8 South Eclipse chart, but also conjunct the Moon's position in the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. I kid you not!

9 Scorpio+ rounded-up to "10 Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper Reawakens Unforgettable Ties": 'FRATERNITY"; negative expression: "surrender of individual distinction and exaltation of naive animality" (Jones). However, the "fraternity" may not be the pro-society kind, more like the hooded kind. Yet as we know, forewarned is forearmed:

For an unmarked 8 South DC Horoscope suitable for printing, try this.

Now since a coup-worthy authoritarian take-over of government is once again the plan these days, I tend to look back to eclipse series which manifested in the 1930s or 1940s, and 8 North and 8 South do not disappoint. 8 North: February 14th, 1934 @25Aquarius; 8 South: August 10th @17Leo (pride comes before a fall, Leo).

A glance at a list of 1934 Events reflects the authoritarian energies of the two visions-then-loss eclipses and provides clues as to the influences that 8 North and 8 South may bring to society in 2024. As we might surmise, most of the upheavals and reforms of 1934 were triggered by fascist and Nazi barbarians--as they are now and will be for some time to come. One prominent cosmic factor back then is that 1934 was another grim year of suffering under a harsh Uranus-Pluto square of fanaticism, zealotry, anarchy, and forcefully pushing through extremist reforms.

p>Nowadays, we're dealing with the stuff of nightmares: barbaric saboteurs, Herr Trump acting as their figurehead, and issues of revenge and violence--his "American carnage". In other words, barbarism and animalism of the destructive spirit unleashed upon the Earth.

So for comparison, 1934 examples of events include: January 30th: Nazis abolish the political power of Germany's federal states via the Law on the Reconstruction of the Reich (Trump-GOP's PROJECT 2025 echoes similar actions against US states after Inauguration 2025--I typed it before and I'll do so again: 'MAGA" = Make America Germany Again); May 17th: The "May Constitution of 1934" announces the beginning of the Austrofascist Federal State of Austria"; June 30th--July 2nd: "Night of the Long Knives" in Germany, a violent Nazi purge (what Trump wants to do: purge all those are are against him--and he promises he will via PROJECT 2025); August 2nd: AH becomes 'Fuhrer' of Germany after the death of President Hindenburg; August 19th: in the 1934 German referendum, 90% of the population is said to have approved AH's assumption of powers; in September both the Soviet Union and Afghanistan join the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations.

Then at the IC (Foundation) of the 8 South Horoscope lurk two midpoints: Jupiter-Neptune (fortune-hunters; spendthrifts; speculators; religious charlatans; losses; political conflicts--R. Ebertin), and Chiron-Uranus. In fact, many moons ago I wrote a SO'W post describing Chiron-Uranus Types in Government which you may find useful.

So in summation, if the American people prefer democracy as their form of government rather than a dystopian authoritarian dictatorship run by psychotic zealots and violent extremists with barbaric Fascist-Nazi leanings, We the People must stand up, be counted, Vote Blue in 2024 in massive numbers (too big to fudge the results!), ignore third party candidates who split the democratic vote on Trump's behalf--and do anything else that firmly rebuffs the GOP and their PROJECT 2025 plot to destroy America.

Because our and our children's futures depend upon a democratic victory in November 2024, no matter the GOP's tricks and tactics.

Jul 17, 2023

GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America

In case you missed it, here's a recent video segment from the progressive broadcast of Thom Hartmann: "GOP in League With Hostile Foreign Power to Plan Single Party Dictatorship," and I'm certain anyone reading this post knows which of our two political parties are being used to sabotage democracy in America:

The GOP, Dictatorship, Plutocracy, and Powerful Pluto

by Jude Cowell

Today transit Pluto @29Cap13, a critical 29th degree, shows that the planet of sabotage has yet to reach Aquarius and remain there; this won't occur for good until January 2024. Meanwhile, with US 1776 Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn @27Cap33 Rx, America is experiencing her first-ever Pluto Return, a three-fer which can be seen in the tri-wheel image, below; you'll find astro-details in a previous post:

US Pluto-Mercury Opposition: Demagogues, Spies, and Suggestive Orators

Now obviously, the Capricorn placement of insidious, power-grasping Pluto relates to America's Plutocratic and Oligarchic conditions since day one; also note that our 1776 Pluto-Chiron midpoint of exploitation conjuncts 1776 US Ceres, asteroid of democracy, and of our food supply controlled and adulterated by corporate Plutocrats. Tellingly, Reinhold Ebertin gives Pluto in Capricorn a description of the dictator. These are the difficult energies and forces that pro-democracy types in government and in society have fought against all along. Among other things, America's Pluto Return/s may be considered a timing device for the surfacing of these power issues which culminated in 2022 but are ongoing.

So if curious enough, we might even compare events in year 1776 with year 2022 events since historical cycles tend to rhyme in similar fashion. One example: economic royalists oppressed us then (via King George) and now we fight oppressors hiding behind the masks of Republicanism with 'maga' extremists the more violent of the saboteurs of our freedom, independence, civil rights, and democracy. After all, monarchical rule is a form of dictatorship, yes? Then through the repeal of Roe v Wade by SCOTUS justices of the Catholic persuasion, we saw Vatican interference boldly peeking through, with one of Pluto's mundane roles of manipulation being 'the Pope'. Now there's a foreign power for ya, though certainly not the only one with selfish interests to promote in the US.

Astrologically, the time period is extended by using America's Secondary Progressed ('SP') position of Pluto @29Capricorn+. But whether we consider this or not, our nation has entered her second generation of Plutonic energies so that the 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition is re-energized and re-activated, primarily through the power to influence the masses, and to control communications, knowledge--and wealth.

"American Carnage": A Violent Demagogue Appears

So as we know, the democracy vs authoritarianism issue reared its head big-time once Donald Tr*mp became the figurehead of bigoted authoritarians in the US and elsewhere (many of whom still bristle with resentment from our Civil War days, and/or from Hit*er's defeat) so that Tr*mp's escalator announcement to a paid audience at NY's Trump Tower on June 16, 2015, was timed by the morning's Gemini New Moon. As many people realized then or have realized by now, Herr T's destructive intentions were telegraphed during his initial "prez bid" announcement. Meanwhile, in 2022 into March 2023, Mars returned to position in the June 16, 2015 New Moon horoscope. In fact, that morning's 'Prez Bid' New Moon conjoined aggressive warrior planet Mars (suggesting violent acts), all within Trump's natal 10th house of Career and Public Status where his Uranus-NN-Sun trio of radical reforms hangs out.

As noted, transit Mars returned to position in Trump's 2015 New Moon chart three times, most recently: twice in 2022, and once in March 2023. Not that transit Mars hadn't hit the chart before, but 2022 and 2023 are the focus of this post. For as you know, the 2024 campaign season has already begun--and Election 2024 is projected to be America's "AI election" of deep fakes and even more desperate power grabs.

So one factor I'm personally keeping an eye on is the transit in August 2024 when warrior planet Mars returns to his Gemini New Moon position of June 16, 2015, a lunation cosmically yoked to Tr*mp's presidential ambitions. Besides, you know that hotheaded Mars symbolizes Tr*mp with his Mars rising, right?

For further reading: Remember way back in 2013 when transit Pluto Opposed US Sun?

May 11, 2023

Midpoint pictures of a Neptunian GOP: Crossing the Great Water

Image: You May Cross the Great Water; pencil on paper; Jude Cowell Art 2006+

As you know, the Republican Party, founded in 1854 with Neptune in mid-Pisces, experienced its first-ever Neptune Return, a multiple affair occurring in 2017 into 2018 - the "Trump years." These days, a few pundits have noted that the party is circling the drain, a perfect metaphor describing the dissolution, loss, and ending of what was once an actual political party, now morphed into a Trumpish death cult of violence. These watery circumstances inspire my use of the above image with which to begin this post:

With messenger planet Mercury now retrograde, here's a review and a quote from a vintage SO'W post written and published way back in 2013 (sans edits) which then contained a video that's no longer available for viewing. Remaining, however, is a bit of Astrology concerning the 1854 horoscope and planets of origin of the Republican Party which may be of interest considering the current GOP/maga cult's extreme, seditious behavior against the Federal Government, and their vile threats and acts of violence against Americans who reject their fascist views on behalf of a democratic America:

As you may already know, there's an interesting midpoint picture in the GOP natal horoscope which to my way of thinking, applies closely and basically to their current modus operandi and it involves the 'confused, confusing, or hidden self image' duo of Sun and Neptune:

Sun-Neptune = Uranus: upsets caused by ignoring reality while dreaming; indifference toward others (M.M.).

Now feel free to disagree with me on this (as always!) but both potentials contained within this midpoint picture when added together undergird much of the anti-governing Republicans' lack of good faith behavior these days and in other days when things don't go their way enough to suit their massive egos.

After all, the party's current progressions show another descriptive midpoint picture: Saturn-Pluto = North Node (future direction): a destiny about holding or abusing power. (Michael Munkasey.) And what the Republican Party with their austerity measures has in mind for the future of the American people is found nestled within this midpoint picture's analysis by Reinhold Ebertin: the misery of the masses.

Of course in 2023, what conveniently muddies the waters for many Americans, too busy or apathetic to pay much if any attention to politics, is the fact that Republicans and Democrats 'switched' parties thanks to tricky Richard Nixon's and Barry Goldwater's campaign ploy called the Southern Strategy which turns up in a previous post concerning the The Dixiecrats of 1948. You'll find Tricky Dick's crabby claws involved with 1948's Dixiecrats linked directly to 1968's Southern Strategy.

And whether FDR actually said it or he didn't, my years residing in Washington DC and studying our blighted politics makes it clear to me that, to paraphrase the famous quote: Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happens you can can bet it was meant to happen. And I must add that timing is the primary ingredient for success, as DC astrologers well know. For only Astrology adds timing to an analysis.

So all this for me begs a question or two:

Are We the People mere pawns in what has essentially become only a One Party System of Politics with one side playing the devil's advocate role in order to create the appearance that our grievances are at least being heard? Is this why progressed policies that would improve our lives have become so difficult to pass into law because 'the fix is in', the ultimate result of the game already determined? Was this starkly revealed in 2017 when transit Pluto reached the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction (the 'nwo' duo of Enlightenment) with its potential for: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; little option to do otherwise"? (Noel Tyl.)

If this is even partially so, then tragically the GOP's current shove toward fascism and nazism can turn out to be a cosmic picture of America circling the drain, to be drowned in Grover Norquist's infamous bath tub, and it will include, to the world's sorrow, the drowning of democracy. Yet this will be made easier for them if we let Republicans win in 2024.

Besides, years ago Grover revealed the GOP's plan for America. Didn't you believe him?

Apr 17, 2023

America’s Slow Civil War w/ Jeff Sharlet - Thom Hartmann

Well, it's Monday, Mitch McConnell is back at work in the Senate, and here's a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann Show with author Jeff Sharlet discussing his new book on the "slow Civil War" now in progress thanks to the Republican Party death cult of seditionists who want all the power and control.

And if they should manage to grab it, don't think that We the People will continue to worship as we please either, for their brand of morality will be legislatively enforced across the land while corruption will only grow. It'll be an exported version of sharia law roosting - in America!

Now as everyone knows, our country has already experienced a Civil War of ritual sacrifice (as all wars are), so personally, this pro-democracy citizen (despite CSA ancestry) prefers America's Perpetual Union - sans any and all fascists and nazis, violent criminals as they are.

Because you see, originally, as the 1781 Horoscope linked above shows, our nation was founded on enlightened principles of rationality through which we could analyze the past and actually learn from it! So no matter how many cheating tactics Republicans have in place for Election 2024, a free America's only hope is to Vote Blue in 2024 as if our democratic Republic depends on it.

Because, dear reader, it does.

Now here's a question: do you know that the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Aries is in the same Saros Series that brought America the Civil War of 1861? And the eclipse conjuncts warrior planet Mars' 29Aries position during the insurrection of January 6, 2021, which was an opening salvo of the 'maga' plan for another 'civil war'.

Dec 13, 2022

Saturn and the 12N Eclipse of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Saturn in Cancer: Hypersensitive, Discontented - and with Family Aggravations

by Jude Cowell

As you've heard, Marjorie Taylor Greene boasted over the weekend at a Young Republicans event in NYC that, had she and Steve Bannon "led" the January 6, 2021 insurrection, they would have "won" (with guns ablazing as if there weren't guns - and deaths - involved already). My suspicion is that she must've meant that fascists like her and Steve could've pulled off the heist. CNN's Don Lemon has spoken of the brazen boast of violent uprising by Marjorie Taylor Greene in case you missed it.

And while it's true that Mizz Greene has appeared on SO'W once in October in a Mehdi Hassan video segment How the GOP Lost Its Mind, her boast of overthrowing the US government by 'armed riot' has made QAnon darling Mizz Greene's dream of grabbing power and control in the US House of Representatives (the 118th Congress) more obvious to the point that another post concerning my fellow Georgian, however reluctantly considered, must occur.

This is that post.

Marjorie Taylor Greene born May 27, 1974 Milledgeville, Georgia; Sun Gemini, Moon Leo or possibly in Virgo (her deep need for attention and leadership suggests a Leo Moon); birth hour unknown so 'noon' is used in the bi-wheel, below, her natal chart surrounds her 12 North Eclipse Horoscope:

As you see in the bi-wheel, Greene's natal planet of authority, authenticity, and realism, Saturn @4Can03, opposes her 12 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @2Cap40 indicating one who refuses to face up to their karmic obligations and blames their problems on other people (anyone but themselves - like Tr*mp, also born with a watery Saturn in Cancer with its Moon-Saturn signature). For karmic progress, the individual must face up to reality and correct problems in a responsible manner (R. Lineman). Let's not hold our breaths.

Because instead, Mizz Greene craves more power and authority once the 118th Congress gavels in on January 3, 2023 and, sorry to tell you, but the themes of her Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 12 North Saros Series support more than hinder her power grabbing efforts. Significantly for her zealous activities, Greene was born on a day when the disruptive chaos-creator planet of anarchy, Uranus, arose with starry Spica ('the spike') with its potential for brilliance and a cosmic connection to the Washington Monument, and thus, to the presidency! Could this ultimate power position be Marge's eventual goal? Her ego is certainly large enough.

Yet the thing is, such politicians are anti-democracy so apparently their hook-up with the global fascist-nazi movement now working to sabotage America into collapse and establish a fascist-style dictatorship is close to Mizz Marge's aim. Such saboteurs gnaw away at American Democracy from the inside, as we'll see when the House gavels in the 118th Congress, and continues making a mockery of the US government.

So here's an unmarked, printable Horoscope of her 12 North PE which manifested prior to the birth of little baby Marge; the chart is set for Milledgeville, Georgia on December 24, 1973 at 10:07:02 am EST, and its themes are listed, below, and notably, the initial 12 North Eclipse @28Tau38 (of May 19, 1613) conjuncts the IC, the Foundation and Root of the 1973 12 North manifestation which gives extra strength to its themes; additionally, there's a YOD of crisis and opportunity if one counts the Midheaven (28Sco45 - conjunct President Biden's natal Sun-Venus) with a Mars-Saturn sextile (with its talent for organization) at its base, and with the Mars-Saturn midpoint as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin); so the YOD has violent implications which are beyond the scope of this post - other than the above noted 'armed riot' remarks of Mizz Greene:

12 North Themes: 'Opportunities to accept greater respnsibilities come suddenly; new commitments appear due to another person's inability to carry on; events are difficult but outcomes in terms of harmony or self-esteem are positive' (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). The last 12N occurred in January 2010 @25Capricorn, the next 12N occurs on January 26, 2028 @6Aquarius conjunct the US South Node of 1776.

And of course, 12N's "inability to carry on" reminds one of Kevin McCarthy and his deperate attempt to become Speaker of the House, yet said to be lacking the necessary votes, as reported so far. And considering the 'supportive' themes of her PE, I suspect you see what I mean about Mizz Greene.

Oct 21, 2022

How The GOP Lost Its Mind | The Mehdi Hasan Show - MSNBC

Finding a 'Share to Blogger' option with the following, I'm taking a chance curating a Mehdi Hasan segment which will probably be mysteriously disappeared in short order from SO'W. So here's a link to the segment should you need it.

Because I suspect you've noticed that if Herr Trump does manage to run again in 2024, a possible running mate whose name is now being floated is opportunist Marjorie Taylor Greene. And wouldn't that be a bizarre political ticket of banana republic porportions?

Oct 18, 2022

Alarm Bells Ring: Ultra-Right Threats to Democracy 2022: Vote Blue!

Ultra-Right Saboteurs Spotlighted by Rachel Maddow

Now that Episode 3 of Rachel Maddow's Ultra podcast is available, I recommend it most highly. If only voters who don't know or care about the Nazi threat we now again face in America would listen and take its lessons to heart.

Or perhaps before the November 8th Midterms with its Taurus Lunar Eclipse, Republican leaning voters will run across the new ad premiered by Rep. Eric Swalwell, Lock Her Up which shows just what America would be like under a GOP Nazi-style rule with women arrested for making medical decisions, a fate that Republicans have made very plain. (No word yet on the role of pills such as 'viagra' have to do with anything.) Thing is, the GOP's regressive laws will necessarily include Republican women, and we know that the Republican Party's anti-abortion laws are not about saving life - they're about exercising power and control. It's as if the chastity belt industry is tooling up with giddy expectation, not to mention the prison industry.

And so we now must deal again with the themes of the 6 South Solar Eclipse manifesting in a few days on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio. And with a disturbing flurry of 'history rhymes' implications, 6 South was the Saros Series that brought the world the Third Reich (January 30, 1933 Berlin, Germany), Herr Adolf's official take-over. The fight against Nazism and Fascism is enjoined again. Pass it around.

20 Aries: Overcoming Crisis With Compassion

Yet none of my comments above even touch upon the fact that a Republican take-over of House or Senate at Midterms 2022 would mean that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are set to be reduced and ultimately deleted from the fabric of our society. If accomplished, Republicans will realize their long-term vision to toss recipients onto the streets of America and at the mercy of the generosity of their family members. If such support there be. Basically, the total breakdown of American society is their goal - and that's when brutal dictatorships are easiest to implement.

Meanwhile, in closing here's a quirky little comparison of two horoscopes: lower left is Trump's 'Prez Bid' New Moon of June 16, 2015 along with the first of three Uranus Returns to the Third Reich Horoscope (upper right) which perfected on June 17, 2015 - the next day. But it must be merely a crazy coincidence, right?

Previously on SO'W: Eclipses of 2022 Hit Austrian Psychopath's Horoscope.

Jul 8, 2022

The 2024 Presidential Election's Eclipse

In 2022, with Midterm Elections and a Lunar Eclipse coming this November, few Americans can continue ignoring the fact that our nation and our Perpetual Union Horoscope of 1781 will be 'going through some things' in upcoming years with the idea of perpetual union under threat by seditionists and saboteurs harboring fascist, neo-nazi, authoritarian, and/or oligarchic visions and plans for the US government which do not include a perpetually democratic Republic.

Concerning such a difficult topic, it's entirely possible that this particular Political Astrology post will bring no comfort to many readers, if any. Yet being aware of 2023-2025 cosmic events can add to our understanding and prepare us for effective ways to meet titanic challenges mounted by those working hard to cancel America as we've known her. Therefore, monitoring underlying causes and motivations through the lens of astrology is an excellent idea when malicious bad faith actors are manipulating people and events to their advantage, and this is an organized global movement of paternalism that the forces of democracy are facing. May I suggest ye olde chastity belt as the regressive GOP's logo?

Eclipse Cycles Echo Historical Cycles: See the List Below

Now as you know, eclipses have a reputation for disruption, often to the point of a complete change of course for Earthly events as inconvenient secrets are revealed and scandals may result. Two nicknames for eclipses are self-explanatory: wild cards of the Universe and cosmic blinks, and they're often referred to as 'Uranian' due to their similarity in behavior to chaos planet of diruption, anarchy, and zealotry - Uranus. Perhaps you'll remember how Donald Trump was born with a 10th house (Career) Uranus @18Gemini, his oriental planet (rising just before his Sun) which means that erratic Uranus is his guiding planet, and in Mercury-ruled Gemini, made him a convincing orator (for some, for a while). However, Gemini is the sign of duplicity, which helped a majority of Americans see through his overblown rhetoric full of lies.

So when it comes to the US Presidential Election of 2024, the Solar Eclipse Series in which its 2024 manifestation falls, plus its Themes, are significant for our nation, and that's the 8 South Saros Series with themes of 'loss, separation, partings, sadness, overstrain, and/or injury' (B. Brady). And even though solar eclipses occurring in Venus-ruled Libra relate to issues of fairplay, cooperation, and causes that promote world justice, 8 South themes of loss prior to the upcoming presidential election may refer to a political party's loss, or to the tragic loss of American democracy unless US voters turn out at the polls and Vote Blue en masse.

Can this be any more obvious? Because we're told that a certain party is now rigging Electoral College Electors in various states to ignore the popular vote in a more aggressive and outrageous way than ever before. They hope it will be the conclusion and fulfillment of their January 6, 2021 coup attempt.

So for your consideration (if you have yet to do so), check out the Horoscope of 2024 Election's 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 with details by following the link provided, above.

And in case the following is useful for someone, here's a list of all Solar and Lunar Eclipses from 2023 to 2025 w/ brief descriptions of solar Themes:

Additionally, here's a previous post concerning the three US-splitting, Total Great American Eclipses of 1878 (6 South: repeats in October 2022 @2Sco), 2017 (1 North @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus), and 2024 (8 North, as noted, and partile conjunct Chiron) Obviously, a political and social 'splitting' of our country is a distinct possibility as symbolized by 2024's 8 North Eclipse path of totality stretching from Texas to Maine and beyond into Canada and Newfoundland.

For basic information try the Wikipedia page of the 2024 US Presidential Election.

And be ready to participant in our democratic Republic, so we can keep it!

Jul 1, 2022

History Of GOP Slide To Fascism: From Eisenhower To DeSantis - Thom Hartmann

July 1, 2022

Here's an important segment from a recent Thom Hartmann broadcast:

You know, on Aril 20, 2023 the 7 North Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse cycle repeats, and since eclipse cycles and historical cycles resonate one with the other (an eclipse often bringing around similar events - this, from 1933 to 2023) the disruptive Uranian 'cosmic blink' event repeating in our day is a major heads-up in the forewarned-is-forearmed department for those who prefer democracy.

So here's a view of the April 2023 Eclipse Horoscope at a critical 29th degree: 7 North and the Chained Woman. And I suspect we might all agree that with the Supreme Court's recent Handmaidish ruling, the chaining of the feminine half of the population has already begun.

May 26, 2022

June 2022 Full Moon stirs loser's 2020 Solar Eclipse

DC Horoscopes: 4 South Solar Eclipse (inner) @23Sag08 which manifested on the day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote (for Joe Biden, not loser Tr*mp) surrounded by the June 14, 2022 Full Moon @23Sag35, a culmination of sorts uncovering revelations or secrets in relation to the 2020 Electoral College Vote that spurred Trump's promotion and use of 'The Big Lie' tactic. This Full-Moon-to-New-Moon synchronicity suggests major potentials for information revealed or leaked, most likely during the House's series of public hearings concerning Trump's J6 coup attempt. As you know, the J6 public hearings are scheduled to open on June 9, 2022 with the 'Flag Day' Full Moon perfecting 5 days later.

Now perhaps you'll lament it, but lots of my study notes are squooshed upon the bi-wheel charts for the curious, plus, a few notes are added to the text below the image. You'll note that the shared emphasis on the rounded-up degree of the 2020 4 South Eclipse and the June 2022 Full Moon seems significant for current events on Capitol Hill as Trump's loss on December 14, 2020 is 'reflected' upon, discussed, and probed:

"24 Sagittarius" = "A Bluebird Standing At The Door of The House" ("Keyword: FORTUNE" - M. E. Jones):

As you see, a major transit is in progress by creepy, subversive, wealth-hoarder Pluto Rx @28Cap08 while committing America's first-ever Pluto Return/s all through year 2022. 2022 Pluto conjoins 2020 Jupiter denoting that greater power and influence in the realms of politics, finance, and religion are being sought - but total honesty is required for best results. Meanwhile, potentials exist for intolerance and fanaticism to increase especailly with the ongoing Neptune-opposing-US-Neptune transit of racial and other persecutions (now it's Women!) along with the generational clash of ideals we're experiencing across the Virgo-Pisces axis.

Then transit Pluto taps 2020 Saturn (and is already within orb of the tapping, actually) which marks a period when past actions are regretted and need correcting, and abuse of power issues must be confronted or they'll only worsen. This sounds like a job for the J6 hearings to me.

Now you may be wondering why no mention of June 14th as Herr T's birthday. Well, a Full Moon in a Solar Return chart can indicate fortunate endings and new starts for that particular year. However, Herr T's Solar Return 2022 actually perfects on June 13th at 7:26:15 pm edt with the SR Moon @15Sag34 in the Balsamic phase of Endings perhaps by tying up loose ends. "16 Sag" = "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship" and this word picture seems quite appropriate to me when it comes to the lunar masses and the media watching the orange blighter's every move - which way will the ole tugboat list? However, this discrepancy is a cosmic quirk and may not dampen the Full Moon's influence overmuch, while emphasizing the squares from deceptive Neptune which possibly undermine his vitality, affect his health, yet seem to inspire him to promote self-dealing lies and fraudulent schemes.

Yet it's the aspects to his natal Sun that gain prominence in his Solar Return 2022 chart, and there are two: transit Neptune continues to square his Sun-Moon opposition (wavering alliances; leadership, integrity, and honesty questioned; a sense of unreality attached to his image; domestic troubles; health issues, as noted), and a helpful trine from authoritative Saturn supplying donations, legal and other counsel, and support to keep him at the head of the GOP (the 'Guns Over People' Party) while he raises large amounts of money by pretending he'll run again in 2024.

So as you know, America has everything riding on the outcomes of the J6 Select Committee's public hearings so my plan is to support them however I can while awaiting the legal involvement of the DOJ. How about you, dear reader?

May 23, 2022

The Disturbing Reason Why GOP Thinks Biden’s presidency is illegitimate

May 23, 2022

Admittedly, I find everything about the GOP and their malicious sabotage of America disturbing. But here's Thom Hartmann with additional information:

Feb 15, 2022

Does the GOP Have Any Future? - Thom Hartmann (plus, Uranus-Neptune)

February 15, 2022

Here in a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann program is a timely question from Thom that you and I may want to consider:


True Identity Uncertain: Neptune's Urge to Merge

1854 (party founded) + 164 years (Neptune's orbit) = 2018

Naturally as a novice astrologer, Thom's question causes me to think back to recent times when the Republican Party experienced its first-ever Neptune Return, an extended period due to planet Neptune's retrogradation habit with exact return dates dependent upon which founding horoscope for the party one uses. Was the dissolution function of Neptune, planet of deception, lies, and fraud, a cosmic signpost on the road to the GOP's current merging into whatever the Hades it's become, nazi or otherwise, under figure-head mobster Tr*mp, his thugs, and wealthy puppet masters, both foreign and domestic?

Meanwhile, as the Cosmos would have it, April 2021 timed the Republican Party's Uranus Return with radical Uranus, planet of rebellion, change, reform, upheaval, anarchy, technology, and - futurism - in rigid Taurus, often a sign of intolerance and greed. Check out astrologer Zeebling Monroe as he shares his views on the topic.

Well, I have to say that major changes of and by the outer planetary pair of Uranus-Neptune is no superficial matter. Together, Reinhold Ebertin gives the duo quite a curious list of Correspondences as potentials, and I quote:

Principle Elimination of the Waking Consciousness


+ The development and growth of subconscious powers or forces, inner vision, inner illumination and enlightenment, inspiration, idealism, an interest in spiritual subjects, religious problems, mysticism, art.

- Lack of control of the waking consciousness leads to want of clarity. Instability, lack of emotional balance, nervous sensitivity, wrong ideas, one-sidedness.

C (onjunction)

Extraordinary and unusual inclinations.


Mystics, people engaged in psychic research, mediums.

Probable Manifestations

+ Peculiar psychic states, inspiration, spiritual cognition and understanding. Long journeys. (Contacts with foreign countries.)

- Lack of stamina and vitality, confused psychic states, peculiar inclinations, losses.

Additionally, Ebertin also gives the planetary pair Biological Correspondences which include heart failure, paralysis of rhythmic processes, and/or apoplexy of the brain. (Perhaps an uncaring cold-heartedness belongs on the list.)

Then we should also note that Uranus and Neptune are the 'Enlightenment Planets' of the 1700s ('The Age of Reason'; Science vs Faith), and in our era are associated with the 'new world order', aka, 'One World Government', a long-term plan of craven social meddlers. As you know, the two planets met in Great Conjunction three times all through 1993 @18Capricorn (18 to 20 degrees, actually), the degree area of the Zodiac which transit Pluto transformed in 2017 (arriving with Herr Tr*mp and his handlers) because a major midpoint picture was formed by the trio, one that has been mentioned multiple times in previous SO'W posts when societal conditions were not as stark and down-to-the-wire as they now are shown to be:

Uranus-Neptune = transit Pluto: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl). Could that be a 'new world order' one supposes? A turn from democracy to authoritarianism? Here's my version of the 1993 NWO Horoscope set for October 24th Washington DC. Of interest is that the October 24th Sun in this chart will be eclipsed on October 25, 2022 with 6 South eclipse themes of 'being forceful, taking power' and 'exerting huge effort in group activity' (B. Brady). 6 South energy is known to be manic, so please be aware.

Well, an additional clue did appear when a new social order began when societal planets Jupiter and Saturn conjoined @00AQ29 on December 21, 2020 - conjunct US Inaugural Sun! Of course, a desperate Tr*mp was still playing at the role of POTUS then and Ebertin says the planetary trio's midpoint picture = change of residence and moodiness due to liver disturbance. But as you know, that's not all that disturbed the wide-girthed sore loser after the November 2020 presidential election and the Electoral College Vote in favor of Joe Biden on December 14th, the day of a difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 manifesting near Tr*mp's separative Moon-SN conjunction of unpopularity when negatively expressed (childhood estrangement from Mama can do difficult things to a person).

So now in closing, I must add that there's no solace in the Sabian Symbol for 18 Capricorn although its negative expression does precisely describe the authoritarian mindset of the plutonian 'Republican' Party and their enablers of various persuasions: "smug or strong-armed paternalism."

Sound bossy enough for you?

Sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones. #ad

Sep 22, 2021

Can Dems Get a Handle on Crime? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a segment from Thom Hartmann posted September 21, 2021. Thom says that Republicans are already "licking their chops" over crime rates going way up this year after rates were down last year when everyone was safely snugged inside. And with the all-important Midterms 2022 on the calendar, Republicans won't be letting higher crime rates go (with many states having Democratic governors) considering the spiteful vow of the GOP to 'make President Biden fail':


Fretsomely for the future of our country, our Midterm Elections are scheduled for November 8, 2022, the very day of a Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus when inconvenient secrets may be revealed, disruption could be on the menu of bad faith actors, and results could turn out unpredictably and/or inconclusively.

So did you say, all bets are off?

Aug 15, 2021

Will the Authoritarians & Their Useful Idiots Win? - Thom Hartmann

Sunday August 15, 2021: Here's a recent segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann on Why do Conservatives want America to fail?

This disturbing topic always brings to mind Grover Norquist and his urge to 'shrink the US government so small it can be drowned in a bath tub' - which was an urge and a promise! Because: is America drowning now? For decades the GOP and its wealthy backers and enablers have been quite successful 'hollowing out' our country so that such a question must now be asked. However, I suspect that few if any people in Grover's day realized how deeply the white-supremacist-neo-fascist crowd would be involved, as we now see so starkly. Or maybe they did but they weren't telling.

So here's another Thom Hartmann segment that was shared here way back in 2016: The Republican Plan: Destroy America, Let Corporations Rule which follows the Republican model of: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And although Benito Mussolini coined the term "fascism" in the 1930s, his promotion of the link between corporatism and fascism can be disputed.

Even so, the accuracy of the equation has certainly turned out to be the case.

Links of interest may include:

Authoritarianism and Useful Idiot. And here's a previous post concerning Mussolini's fascist party seen through the 'cosmic blinks' of an Eclipse Timeline.

And we may as well add a little something about the socialism that Republicans pretend to dread even though it's been with us all along:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism." - Chief Justice Earl Warren

Don't they though?

Also see: Hey America: You Already Have Democratic Socialist Programs - and the list is long!

Jun 8, 2021

Coming in early July: America's Solar Return 2021

US Solar Return 2021: So Far Our Democracy Has Weathered 245 Years

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday June 8, 2021: This summer we can expect America's Solar Return to our July 4, 1776 Sun degree (@13Can19:19; mundane Sun = leadership) to perfect actually on July 4th (at 10:51:37 pm edt; horoscope shown) which is not always the case. However, as you know, everyone's Sun always returns to natal degree within one day or on their birthday. For those who prefer a late afternoon horoscope for the founding of this illuminating 'experiment' in self-governance with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising (I tend toward '5:09 pm LMT' because it places Cardinal World Points of manifestation and recognition on the MC-IC angles of the chart but I'm not wedded to this chart and don't mind calling it 'speculative') - in the Solar Return 2021 Horoscope ('SR') we find US natal Moon rising (ASC @26AQ30) when the chart is set for Washington DC. If you follow the above link you can see this for yourself.

Also of note is that all planetary returns repeat whatever aspects a returning planet makes in the natal or founding chart; for America that would be Cancer Sun square Saturn exalted in Libra, a time for taking responsibility, having to measure up, and delayed rewards) yet a mitigating factor of optimism is the US Sun-Jupiter conjunction with Venus in Cancer nearby.

Also rising in our SR 2021 Horoscope are the assertive, destiny-changing Uranus-MC midpoint (hastiness, excitement, sudden adjustment to new conditions - Ebertin), and transiting Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation (against anti-democracy seditionists? count me in for as I've typed on SO'W multiple times through the years, America is my only nag in the race - which includes the common good, a sovereign nation, and a Republic replete with democracy).

Now readers familiar with the natal horoscope and planets of the former guy (that some call the KKK's Grand Dragon) know that US SR 2021's ASC @26AQ30 conjunct US natal Moon places agent orange's natal Mars in Leo upon the SR 2021 Descendant so his aggression (Mars) targeting the American people continues (see the Tr*mp vs America Synastry Grid). Yet admittedly, no Astrology is necessary to realize any of this concerning the revenge-loving fellow so fond of retaliation who was contentiously born with hot, fiery Mars rising (if 10:54 am is his actual birth time on June 14, 1946).

Plus, the heat has recently been turned up via former guy's threat to run for Congress in 2022 but this seems like a stretch, doesn't it? For one thing, a seat in Congress is not elevated enough for Mr. Ego and the thought of his laziness with a bunch of paperwork on his desk is laughably absurd. Yet could a congressional seat be a stepping stone to another presidential run for agent orange? For many politicians it definitely could be but he's not a 'regular' politician, is he? Or one at all to my way of thinking.

Besides, his 'grand', wide physical presence in Congress, the place he sent shock troops to attack its members on 1/6, would certainly shake up congressional proceedings like no one else could do. Stop them entirely, one supposes. His antics could easily shut down the US government as he has done multiple times before. Which makes me wonder: could the Capitol Building (Masonic temple as it is) be made safe enough for such a 'grand' figure?

Meanwhile, one thing seems certain to me based on many things including the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope: demagogue Tr*mp is not done harming and undermining our nation. And with a Democratic Party seen as weak, milque-toast, and possibly not up to the task of again successfully beating back (the now Tr*mp-style) neo-nazism (aka, neo-fascism), it falls upon We The People (US natal Moon rising in our SR 2021 chart!) to make clear that draconian authoritarianism is totally unacceptable because We The People prefer to Keep our Republic as We were challenged to do by Benjamin Franklin on September 17, 1787 (shown: US Constitution Horoscope with Mercury-Pluto = MC: the ability to cope).

So to close this fussy post, here's a question for you: do you know that the Midpoint Pictures in the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope perfectly describe many of the outcomes the American people experienced while Tr*mp was crouching (rent-free) in the White House? I thought you did.