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Showing posts with label Sagittarius Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sagittarius Eclipse. Show all posts

Nov 10, 2020

November-December 2020: Trump Doubly Eclipsed!

Will Trump's 'Glory' End During a Lame Duck Season?

by Jude Cowell

Whether you believe that Donald Trump lost or won the 2020 Election, it cannot be denied that the (apparent) lame duck in the White House enters a significant 'eclipse season' with the Lunar Eclipse of November 30, 2020 (8Gem38) and proceeds on to the Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 (23Sag03). Concerning the turmoil of the November Election, it seems that the season, ('duck season'?), has already begun since eclipses are disruptively Uranian in nature and thus may influence conditions early, late, or never. Considering current events and, so far, his inability to accept defeat, it's doubtful that 'never' applies to Mr. Trump's situation. Plus, eclipses' habit of revealing secrets and triggering scandals is well known.

Of course, I refer to the fact that the November 30th Lunar Eclipse (8Gem38) 'eclipses' Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (8Gem48; May 30, 1946 2 Old North) and the December 14th Solar Eclipse (23Sag03) 'eclipses' Trump's natal Lunar Eclipse (23Sag04; June 14, 1946--his day of birth, an 'eclipse baby' = an eventful life). That the two eclipses of November and December 2020 are 'personalized' for Donald Trump seems obvious to me, if not to you, and the usual qualities of Mercury-ruled Gemini and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius are naturally involved (truth vs lies, logic, reasoning ability, mental fluency; moral and ethical issues, real or fanciful religious convictions, ideology). Additionally, the potential themes of all 2 Old North Solar Eclipses are currently activated: 'unfortunate news concerning relationships or friendships; separations or endings of unions; things initially look glum but fast action can bring positive results' (paraphrasing Brady, Predictive Astrology). Perhaps he'll conclude that scurrying out of the line of fire is his best chance of survival!

Meanwhile, you'll remember that a 2 Old North Eclipse repeated on July 12, 2018 at the critical degree of 20Cancer (20:41) conjunct fixed star, Castor with the star's potentials for 'sudden loss or fame; murder; mental illness; crippling of limbs--A. Louis). These potentials were further ruffled by the significant Lunar Eclipse which opened Year 2020 on January 10th @20Can00 and related, as we later discovered, to the revelation and arrival in the US of coronavirus and Covid-19.

And so I suggest that all these cosmic and earthly events of 2020 are part of the political and personal picture of Donald Trump whose Waterloo may ultimately be traced through the influences of Solar and Lunar Eclipses, often called cosmic blinks and wild cards of the Universe for good reason.

But no gloating here, my fellow Americans, for as I must remind myself for a little while longer: wherever Trump-playing-POTUS goes, so goes the United States of America.

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