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Showing posts with label Summer Solstice 2021 Horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer Solstice 2021 Horoscope. Show all posts

Apr 1, 2021

Spring and Summer 2021: The Path of Benefic Jupiter

The To-and-Fro of the Benefic Planet of Hope, Expansion, and Discovery

by Jude Cowell

April 1, 2021: On February 25, 2021, when we discussed the Summer Solstice 2021 Horoscope, what has happened since hadn't happened yet. You may remember the chart:

And perhaps you remember that the chart angles in the Spring Equinox 2021 Horoscope mimic those in the Summer Solstice 2021 chart shown above - with Jupiter, planet of hope and expansion, ruling The Goal or Aspiration Point ('MC') in both charts and futuristic, scientific Aquarius rising:

The Path of Jupiter 2021 into January 2022

One significance is that protective Jupiter in Aquarius rises at Spring Equinox (of influence now) which suggests the improvements we're hearing about in health conditions and in the social justice and finance departments. Even our political system seems somewhat less negative than usual, a temporary respite though it may be.

Yet I know you don't need this meager post to clue you in on current news about medical matters or concerning the multiple lawsuits (Jupiter the Judge!) being brought against bad actors, and these are just some of the events and conditions that have occurred since my February post, as noted. And as you see, by Summer Solstice in June, transit Jupiter will have moved into compassionate if secretive Pisces (as you see, strong and emphasized here at Station Retrograde) and will back into Aquarius during the last week of July 2021.

Obviously, delays, reviews, and revisions (Rx) may be expected within the areas that mundane Jupiter rules (finances, funding and budgets, politics, religion, corporatism, exploration, discovery, travel, and/or the military with Jupiter the General) until The Great Benefic turns Direct on or about October 18, 2021 @22AQ19. Naturally, it will take a while for Jupiterian things to move forward again beginning in November 2021, but things won't really speed up until Jupiter reaches and passes his Shadow Degree of 2Pis11 (where he turns Rx in June) during the second week of January 2022 - then it's on to new discoveries.

And as you know, Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, is the traditional ruler of Pisces, and both signs are prominent this Spring and Summer along with their ruler Jolly Jupiter. Why, on the day of Spring Equinox 2021, Jupiter arose with fixed star Alpheratz (keywords: wanting freedom and movement, two things that Jupiter always insists upon!)

'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses: 'Wild Cards of the Universe' = Agents of Change

Now there are two major cosmic events of directional change possibilities that we should be aware of during Jupiter's 2021/2022 to-and-fro: the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021 @5Sag25 and the 5 South Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 on December 4, 2021 with its potentials for 'good news, benefits, peak experiences' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Jupiterian Truth has its own ring and hopefully, we'll be hearing and appreciating more and more of it as freedom-loving Jupiter glides along his cosmic path through Spring and Summer 2021.

And so for the sake of comparison, let's close with a consideration of the midpoint pictures that involve Jupiter in the two horoscopes (seasons) shown above and their potential expressions which are not all cases of peaches'n'cream:

Spring Equinox 2021: 'inventiveness, mobility' (echoes starry Alpheratz), 'far-reaching activities, success' (Sun = Jupiter-Uranus) and 'raised hopes, powers of visualization and perception, inspiration, pretending or putting on an act' (Jupiter-Neptune = Mercury) with the Jupiter-Neptune duo also suggesting 'political conflicts', 'speculation' and bubbly 'inflation' (which stock markets can't exist without).

Summer Solstice 2021: pictures have both positive and negative qualities and include potentials for health issues, social safety net programs, government systems, and realism vs fantasy - Saturn-Neptune = Jupiter: 'expanded ideas that reality is just a vision' (Row Row Row Your Boat?), 'deceptive practices concealed by religious ceremony or implication, fortunate answers, very upset with the ways of the world, narrow-mindedness, egoism, sensitivity, easy upsets, liver or lung disease, joyous excitement, unexpected events' (Venus-Jupiter = Uranus).

And, with liver imbalance possibly involved, here I'll add the potential for moodiness.

For more midpoint picture info see: Noel Tyl, Reinhold Ebertin, and Michael Munkasey.