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Showing posts with label astrology and politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrology and politics. Show all posts

Mar 29, 2024

Matt Schlapp's Astrology Chart

An Astrologer 1867 versus A Political Operative 1967

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

If Republican operative and lobbyist Matt Schlapp, pictured above, weren't such an election denying fool for Herr Trump, it might be somewhat amusing that he shares his steamy Fire-Water Sun Sagittarius-Moon Cancer personality blend with legendary Scottish astrologer, writer, lecturer, and theosophist Isabelle Pagan (1867-1960).

Here they are now:

So as you see above, the two were born 100 years apart! Mystic visionary Pagan on December 12, 1867, and Mr. Schlapp on December 18, 1967. Naturally, there are similarities and differences between them shown by their planetary placements so my study notes are messily squished upon the dual images for the curious reader.

One stand-put factor is that their Jupiters oppose one another by sign with Pagan's Pisces Jupiter indicating altruism, while Schlapp's Virgo Jupiter suggests excessive ambition. Considering their vocational callings, this makes sense. One similarity is that both were born with Chiron in Pisces, the crisis over connecting with the God force placement (Hand-Clow), and having a crusading temperament "in pursuit of the Ring of Power" (R. Nolle).

Disagree as you wish, but my guess is that such a pursuit for an altruistic astrologer would be for spiritual power and depth of knowledge, while a man working with success-at-any-cost politics would reach for the worldly, materialistic kind of power and control over others. How interesting then that Schlapp's natal Venus in Scorpio opposes Pagan's natal Pluto Rx in Taurus - is this a cosmic time link hint that conjures images of power struggles, underhanded manipulation, and even cut-throat competition? Because it reminds me of mobbed-up Republican operatives doing the bidding of you-know-who, Mr. Materialism himself. And now he's sacriligiously hawking Bibles!

Well after all, the Taurus-Scorpio polarity concerns finances, jealousy, envy, and the need to develop self-control rather than bossing around other people. You know: like control freaks trying to force their religious, social, and political ideas onto an entire country - as if genuine morality can be forced externally.

Okay, I'll quit fussing and add this: if you're wondering are there any other famous personages born under the auspices of the Sun Sag-Moon Cancer blend? Well, I know of at least two folks you've probably heard of: mystic poet and master artist-engraver William Blake, and guitarist extraordinaire Jimi Hendrix whose famous rendition at Woodstock (1969) of The Star Spangled Banner seems particularly poignant right now.

Why? Because here are Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse Updates concerning this tragic disaster. My sincere condolences go to all involved.

Note: during the 24-hour periods of Pagan's and Schlapp's birth dates, the Moons and Suns of both natives remained in Cancer and Sagittarius so we know this is their personality blend even if their birth hours are inaccurate. For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad jc

Apr 1, 2021

Spring and Summer 2021: The Path of Benefic Jupiter

The To-and-Fro of the Benefic Planet of Hope, Expansion, and Discovery

by Jude Cowell

April 1, 2021: On February 25, 2021, when we discussed the Summer Solstice 2021 Horoscope, what has happened since hadn't happened yet. You may remember the chart:

And perhaps you remember that the chart angles in the Spring Equinox 2021 Horoscope mimic those in the Summer Solstice 2021 chart shown above - with Jupiter, planet of hope and expansion, ruling The Goal or Aspiration Point ('MC') in both charts and futuristic, scientific Aquarius rising:

The Path of Jupiter 2021 into January 2022

One significance is that protective Jupiter in Aquarius rises at Spring Equinox (of influence now) which suggests the improvements we're hearing about in health conditions and in the social justice and finance departments. Even our political system seems somewhat less negative than usual, a temporary respite though it may be.

Yet I know you don't need this meager post to clue you in on current news about medical matters or concerning the multiple lawsuits (Jupiter the Judge!) being brought against bad actors, and these are just some of the events and conditions that have occurred since my February post, as noted. And as you see, by Summer Solstice in June, transit Jupiter will have moved into compassionate if secretive Pisces (as you see, strong and emphasized here at Station Retrograde) and will back into Aquarius during the last week of July 2021.

Obviously, delays, reviews, and revisions (Rx) may be expected within the areas that mundane Jupiter rules (finances, funding and budgets, politics, religion, corporatism, exploration, discovery, travel, and/or the military with Jupiter the General) until The Great Benefic turns Direct on or about October 18, 2021 @22AQ19. Naturally, it will take a while for Jupiterian things to move forward again beginning in November 2021, but things won't really speed up until Jupiter reaches and passes his Shadow Degree of 2Pis11 (where he turns Rx in June) during the second week of January 2022 - then it's on to new discoveries.

And as you know, Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, is the traditional ruler of Pisces, and both signs are prominent this Spring and Summer along with their ruler Jolly Jupiter. Why, on the day of Spring Equinox 2021, Jupiter arose with fixed star Alpheratz (keywords: wanting freedom and movement, two things that Jupiter always insists upon!)

'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses: 'Wild Cards of the Universe' = Agents of Change

Now there are two major cosmic events of directional change possibilities that we should be aware of during Jupiter's 2021/2022 to-and-fro: the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021 @5Sag25 and the 5 South Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 on December 4, 2021 with its potentials for 'good news, benefits, peak experiences' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Jupiterian Truth has its own ring and hopefully, we'll be hearing and appreciating more and more of it as freedom-loving Jupiter glides along his cosmic path through Spring and Summer 2021.

And so for the sake of comparison, let's close with a consideration of the midpoint pictures that involve Jupiter in the two horoscopes (seasons) shown above and their potential expressions which are not all cases of peaches'n'cream:

Spring Equinox 2021: 'inventiveness, mobility' (echoes starry Alpheratz), 'far-reaching activities, success' (Sun = Jupiter-Uranus) and 'raised hopes, powers of visualization and perception, inspiration, pretending or putting on an act' (Jupiter-Neptune = Mercury) with the Jupiter-Neptune duo also suggesting 'political conflicts', 'speculation' and bubbly 'inflation' (which stock markets can't exist without).

Summer Solstice 2021: pictures have both positive and negative qualities and include potentials for health issues, social safety net programs, government systems, and realism vs fantasy - Saturn-Neptune = Jupiter: 'expanded ideas that reality is just a vision' (Row Row Row Your Boat?), 'deceptive practices concealed by religious ceremony or implication, fortunate answers, very upset with the ways of the world, narrow-mindedness, egoism, sensitivity, easy upsets, liver or lung disease, joyous excitement, unexpected events' (Venus-Jupiter = Uranus).

And, with liver imbalance possibly involved, here I'll add the potential for moodiness.

For more midpoint picture info see: Noel Tyl, Reinhold Ebertin, and Michael Munkasey.

Apr 24, 2015

Confirmed: Attorney General Loretta Lynch May 21, 1959

Astro-Notes on the Natal Planets and Senate Confirmation of Loretta Lynch

by Jude Cowell

Since Loretta Lynch was finally confirmed by the US Senate as US Attorney General on April 23, 2015 after the longest wait for confirmation in US history, I peeked at her natal planets (May 21, 1959, Greensboro, NC, birth hour unknown so I'm using noon) and was little surprised that a significant transit was in progress: Jupiter stationed direct upon her natal Uranus @12Leo39 on April 8, 2015. Astrological Jupiter on one level represents politicians and legal matters and natal Uranus denotes genius and change, and by sign, how a native behaves.

In soon-to-be-sworn-in Attorney General Lynch's case, the sign of her natal Uranus is Sun-ruled Leo (leadership; pride) and a planetary stationing upon a natal planet designates a very strong emphasis on matters related to the planets involved. Uranus can also be a disruptive influence and there are indications in her natal chart and the transits of her confirmation-vote horoscope that tradition and the upholding of it (or not) will be one of themes during her term as Attorney General. With Jupiter to Uranus, certain skids are greased in the realms of Politics, Finances, and Group Causes and Activities. It's a very inspiring transit full of newness and promise and if negative factors don't interfere overmuch, she will benefit in her new position from the independence and freedom Jupiter suggests for both planets insist upon freedom.

Loretta Lynch, Harvard Law School Graduate

Of interest during the Senate vote for her confirmation which was scheduled for 2:00 pm or so Thursday (4.23.15), her natal Pluto @1Virgo was rising then--the planet of power, transformation, stealth, and wealth. Pluto in Virgo potentially indicates an ability to achieve much with the simplest means, pursuit of scientific objectives with fanatical zeal, a desire to collect, and an inquisitive mind (Ebertin). Natal Pluto conjoins Royal Star Regulus, the planet that represents the US Capitol Building in the original Federal Triangle plan with the star's keywords: success if revenge is avoided. As you know, her ultimate confirmation was never seriously in doubt. The long stalemate was for the sake of political gamesmanship.

You must have heard that her fund-raising opponent Senator Ted Cruz skipped out on the vote entirely since he didn't get his way on blocking Lynch's confirmation--that was a big laugh on Mr. Green Eggs and Ham!

So with such a lofty position in society, it's unsurprising that Lynch's natal planets form a Locomotive pattern of high-powered success and executive ability with natal Mercury @15Taurus leading the engine--her natal Mercury conjoined Midheaven at 2:00 pm Thursday as did transit Mercury (votes and meetings) and had just returned to natal position along with transit Mars in Taurus to natal Mercury denoting a faster pace of life and potentials for verbal combat, energetic discussions and meetings, and/or a large volume of communications.

Actually at 2:00 pm a midpoint picture formed: Mercury-Mars = MC hinting at courage, determination, readiness for action, and an ability to retaliate in a proper way if necessary (Ebertin).

Now 'confirmation Venus' @14Gemini (perhaps representing the lady herself) on Thursday, was and is out-of-bounds as is her natal Venus @12Can25 (near goddess star Sirius @14Cancer, The Shining One or, The Scorcher) and since power and control issues are at stake, we must note that in Lynch's natal horoscope, there is a Grand Cross between her Sun-Jupiter opposition and a Pluto-Chiron opposition which necessarily includes Sun square Pluto and Chiron, and Jupiter square Pluto and Chiron.

Sun square Chiron indicates a life in which socio-cultural issues of authority play a significant part; Jupiter square Chiron hints at severe conflicts at some point due to being at odds with socio-cultural norms; Pluto opposite Chiron (from Virgo to Chiron @27AQ conjunct US natal Moon, We the People) will struggle on behalf of certain archetypal energies that seek to force their way into mass awareness (R. Nolle).

Though in dissociate signs, Lynch's natal Pluto opposing US natal Moon we expect that there will be citizens who resent her authority and control. Transformative plans may be implemented that many see as threatening--and perhaps they will be. Or not. Either way, no easy ride as US Attorney General is promised her by such astrological contacts with the public, historical as her promotion may be. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in aspect with plutocratic Pluto denotes an influx of exploitation and repression vibes though if her tenure turns out to be oppressive, she's probably following The Script that all must follow if they wish to buy a ticket for the Global Government train. 'Offers they can't refuse', and all that, with no option to do otherwise.

A Sun-Pluto square person is the 'might makes right' kind of mindset while a Jupiter-Pluto square indicates a wheeler-dealer who may exaggerate burdens to justify neglect of responsibilities and engages in large scale enterprises where great returns may be expected from little effort! (Pelletier).

Solar-Lunar Notes

As for Loretta Lynch's Sun-Moon personality blend, the Moon remained in Scorpio for the 24-hour period of May 21, 1959 but the Sun changed signs--from very late Taurus to 00Gem00:00 at 2:42:05 pm EST. So if born before that time, she has a muddy Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend of Earth-Water; afterwards, the influence is a Sun Gem-Moon Sco blend of Air-Water energies.

Let's consider a few notes on both combinations:

Sun Tau-Moon Sco is an earthy blend of pragmatism and practicality. Taurus/Scorpio is the Desire/Money Axis and relates well to her position in law enforcement since intense Scorpio's realm includes death, investigation, and surveillance. Late Taurus is near the difficult Fixed Stars of the Pleiades constellation and her natal Sun @29Taurus (or 00Gem) conjoins starry, unlucky Alcyone, one of the seven sisters, with keywords something to cry about and exile.

As for her coming to public attention, the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @00Gem conjoined this star and Lynch's natal Sun simultaneously making the 29Tau/00Gem degrees very sensitive and significant for her and denote an eventful or famous life if other eclipses and Fixed Stars concur.

Star Note: In the confirmation-vote horoscope, transit Pluto @15Cap32 Rx conjoins Fixed Star Vega with potentials for 'luck in politics' and 'wealth through dealing with the government' but also 'fleeting fame' and 'double-dealing' (A. Louis). Additionally, the Sun is unaspected as are Saturn @3Sag39 Rx and the 2:00 pm Ascendant (the confirmation itself). Seems the Sun and Saturn are in league (president and Congress?) with the Sun @3Tau15 revealing a Sabian Symbol that supports the Vega implications--"4Tau" = "The Rainbow's Pot of Gold" (Jones). As you know, this is Chiron's Discovery degree (1977: 3Tau08) and it is opposed by Lynch's natal Neptune @4Sco56 Rx.

The claim-your-territory blend of Sun Tau-Moon Sco describes an impassioned leader of social causes and a shrewd business person. Independent, protective, 'bossy', and resourceful are hallmarks along with staying power, perception, and a willful stubbornness. Risk and challenge are sought and a change of mind seldom occurs. There is administrative power in this personality blend, a magnetic presence, and enormous self-confidence within the 'dark enigma' that is Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio.

The blend's negatives may include: 'strongly subjective responses, fixed prejudices, a difficult temper, and a ruthless desire for power'.

Taurus-Scorpio's conscious-unconscious Images for Integration are: "Persephone and Pluto...The Phantom of the Opera...The Mating Season...Dennis Potter's The Singing Detective. Note that this natal blend is that of President Harry Truman of "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" fame.

Sun Gem-Moon Sco is a lighter, breezier combo with a misty quality and may not tally with a legal official in high office. Plus, somehow I don't see her teary-eyed, do you? At least not in public. But let's consider the blend anyway for it could be hers if born after 2:42:05 pm--and her Locomotive leader Mercury, planet of intellect, is the ruler of Gemini after all:

Communicative yet secretive describes this blend along with a quick wit and a full heart. It may be totally committed or changeable, restless and superficial with a deep reluctance to face the darker side of life. How inconvenient for one who works with criminality!

Sun Gem-Moon Sco Images for Integration are: "An elegant hostess puts on a party and exhibition to help a worthy cause...A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions...Elgar's Enigma Variations--'to my friends depicted within'"

Well, I can't say that the accomplished Loretta Lynch is not an 'elegant hostess' but I do think the gravity of her past and new positions in the legal profession call for the more serious Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend, don't you?

There are many other chart factors in her natal horoscope and in the confirmation-vote chart worth mentioning but my schedule doesn't allow so perhaps you'll set up the chart and have a peek for yourself! And wouldn't it be excellent if the birth time of Loretta Lynch turned up online or if someone took the time to rectify her horoscope?

Jun 16, 2011

Weiner Leaves Congress, Ulysses Meets Twitter 6.16.11

Today mad-sexter Anthony Weiner has resigned (been forced out) of Congress so this common gooder assumes his populist rants have caused our one-world-government types a bit of trouble as Democrats unite to banish one of their own from the political limelight of Capitol Hill. Dems hope Weiner's disappearance will end the brou-ha-ha as reported on the Thom Hartmann program as I type.

Seems that Mrs. Weiner returned to the US on Tuesday (6.13.11) from abroad and consulted with her husband on his/their best course of action. (So again: why is Vitter still in office?)

Meanwhile on a happier note, it's Ulysses Meets Twitter today marking with tweets the 97th anniversary of Bloomsday (June 16, 1904), the 24-hour focus of James Joyce's groundbreaking stream-of-consciousness novel Ulysses with its 'a day in the life of Leopold Bloom' theme which set the literary world on its ear in the early 21st century.

You may wish to check out some notes and links I've just published over at my tapestry blog Jude's Threshold (a bloggish blend woven with strands of Art, Astrology, Politics, & News) within a post containing a few astrological details on June 16, 1904 (Bloomsday.)

My brief observations on James Joyce's natal chart and his birth data are included.

May 12, 2010

Kagan supports media censorship

President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan supports media censorship including the internet but which may or may not include books!

A Blog Note: last evening I wrote a post on Kagan's natal chart but when I published it to my Wordpress blog, the post was eaten alive by web gremlins. No censorship involved, just auto-save-draft issues. There's no time to re-do it now (a real world job awaits) but I hope to reconstitute it asap and will link to it here when it's published.

You know, the more I read about former Harvard Law School Dean Elena Kagan the more she sounds like a NWO shill like the rest of them. No surprise, really. Just thought I'd share that disappointment with you.

Apr 18, 2010

Reaching for Chiron in Pisces

Reaching and actually grasping anything in Pisces is a tall order, if not an impossibility, and all through last week I made notes on Chiron in Pisces and related subjects in the political realm only to face this weekend's Mercury Rx (conjunct my natal 9th cusp - ouch!) which seems to undergird a freeze on actually writing or posting anything from my notes about Chiron traversing the deepest, most compassionate zodiac sign around.

Then today I find that astrologer Mandi Lockley has had much the same experience recently (one of Chiron's words, experiential) yet she has come through with flying colors and helpfully published Chiron in Pisces: Water Over Rocks, an article I highly recommend to you.

Mandi includes Chiron's schedule of retrogrades as The Centaur returns to Aquarius, then zooms back into Pisces in a few months, so do check out the shamanic Wounded Healer's whereabouts and what Mandi has to say about Chiron in Pisces, a placement that gives those who have it natally a crisis over connecting with the God force, the universal oneness, as noted in Barbara Hand Clow's invaluable book Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets (revised edition 2002.)

Seems to me that the collective is experiencing just such a crisis due to the harrowing events of the New Millennium: 9/11, a pre-emptive, illegal invasion based on lies and its resultant nation-bankrupting occupation (our bankruptcy as the US plays 'global cop'), and the power-elite-planned Financial Collapse of 2008.

Plus, since Chiron's orbit lies between Saturn and Uranus, the planets associated with the Middle East (particularly with Israel-Palestine), we may hopefully expect the Rainbow Bridge effect to lead us somewhere pragmatic yet compassionate while Chiron travels through Pisces. Hopefully (and prayerfully), the much-discussed World War III is not on Chiron's Piscean agenda for our era.

And while on the subject of Chiron, it would be remiss of me not to add a link to Julie Demboski's excellent book Chiron in the Natal Chart, also highly recommended reading for understanding more about one of Astrology's most interesting catalysts in our natal charts and psyches.

As for my own Chironic blogging schedule, the Politics of the thing must willingly wait until I get around to blogging about it because, in spite of Washington DC's gross mismanagement of our nation in recent decades, Politics isn't going away any time soon. Pity.

At least, that's been my experience of it.


Were you born when Chiron was in Pisces? Yes, if born within these dates, give or take a few hours:

3/20/1910 - 8/29/1910
1/16/1911 - 3/31/1918
10/23/1918 - 1/28/1919

3/27/1960 - 8/19/1960
1/21/1961 - 3/31/1968
10/19/1968 - 1/30/1969
