1933 Coup Attempt Now a 2024 Corporate Coup Attempt
by Jude Cowell, Still Ridin' With Biden
According to political commentator David Feldman (see below), this weekend at Sun Valley, Idaho wealthy elites such as Rob Reiner, Barry Diller, and Abigail Disney have gathered together for vetting at least one potential replacement on the Democratic ticket for November 2024, and her name is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. If their pie-in-the-sky work-around Joe brings their desired results, they may be electing a convicted felon.
Tellingly, the governor wasn't in Michigan as President Biden campaigned last evening, instead she was joining wealthy elites and corporate types at Sun Valley, those who are supposedly fearful for the US Constitution if the global fascist movement manages to shoe horn their figurehead agent orange back into the Oval Office with the chaos-creator's tiny finger on The Button.
And naturally, as David points out in the following podcast episode, Biden's poll numbers are higher since the subpar debate - and for wealthy elites, backstabbing Joe Biden after all he's accomplished for this country is not about the money at all!
Now here is the A-rated natal horoscope of Gretchen Whitmer in case it should become of interest going forward, or if you wish, follow this link to her A-rated horoscope:
As if President Biden doesn't have enough to deal with already!
So as it turns out, Baby Gretchen was born into the 9 New South Saros Series which perfected on August 20, 1971 @27Leo15:18 conjunct Juno, the nation-state asteroid, and just shy of the 1971 position of royal Regulus, the kingmaker star.
Plus, here's a view of the upcoming repetition of a 9 New South Solar Eclipse occurring on September 21, 2025 which I posted on my WordPress blog. Basically, it's an Autumn Equinox Eclipse, and will conjunct Governor Whitmer's natal 6th house Pluto thereby activating her Pluto's aspects with natal Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and North Node. Eclipse-Pluto combined represents a power aspect and negatively can indicate a misuse of power, or even criminal offenses (R. Lineman)