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Showing posts with label David Feldman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Feldman. Show all posts

Sep 27, 2024

119th Congress: A new House Speaker?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

This morning as I listened to an episode of The Mop Up, David Feldman's podcast, inpiration suggested a comparison of the 119th Congress horoscope with the 'noon' natal chart of Speaker-in-waiting Hakeem Jeffries, now Minority House leader, who will take the gavel if Democrats regain the House of Representatives, and a second bi-wheel with Mike Johnson's 'noon' natal chart.

Of course, this indicates that having their natal charts set for 'noon' means that the Angles of their charts must be ignored in our comparisons, and their Moon positions are approximate, yet if the 119th Congress opens as expected at noon on January 3rd of the New Year, this reliably anchors the bi-wheels for us as shown, below.

But first, here's New York's David Feldman, who begins today's episode with Lousiana's Clay Higgins, mean tweeter and pal of Speaker Mike Johnson, also from Louisiana. David then goes on to discuss in his plain-spoken way several other political topics of interest such as "The Steal" and what will occur if Republicans gain control of the US Senate (more stalemates for us), and Election 2024 as the "horse race" promoted by corporate media to boost their bottom lines while aiding a certain conv*cted fel*n:

Bi-wheel: 119th Congress (inner) and Democratic challenger Hakeem Jeffries:

Bi-wheel: 119th Congress (inner) and Maga Trumper Mike Johnson:

A quick glance at Hakeem Jeffries' planetary contacts with the 119th Congress Horoscope reveals multiple links along with two significant conjunctions: the Moon-Venus Conjunction @00Pisces conjunct his North Node of future direction and public contact with its cooperative and joining qualities, and Uranus Rx @23Tau34 conjunct Mr. Jeffries' natal Saturn, denoting disruption via new conditions in the area of Saturnian responsibility and leadership. However, a mixture of positive and negative contacts suggests many challenges for the new Speaker of the House, some typical, others made more difficult or impossible if Republicans take the Senate.

For as we know, a Blue Tsunami of pro-America voters on November 5th is necessary to lessen the chances that the policies of a President Harris will be smothered in the cradle. Besides, the current 118th Congress has gained the least-effective award in US history thanks to the Maga House, and that negative reputation must not be bested by the 119th - or We the People will be sunk - and possibly deported.

As for the bi-wheel comparison with Mike Johnson's natal planets, the forceful, even violent Mars-Pluto opposition across the willful Leo-AQ axis lands near, but not conjunct Johnson's natal North Node (5AQ15) which to me hints at future trouble for the 2024 Election certification due on January 6th atop election-denier Johnson's to-do list of turmoil. This is supported by Maga Johnson's natal Mars-Uranus opposition (of reactionary politics and possible criminality) rising at noon as the 119th Congress opens.

Additionally, 119th Congress' South Node (00Lib29) of separation conjuncts Maga Mike's natal Pluto (his will out-of-sync with societal standards; time for a separation from a power position), along with other planetary contacts, both positive and negative, which you may wish to consider for a fuller picture.

A Related Post: Horoscope of the 119th Congress marked with my study notes for the brave and hardy reader.

As always, Thanks for reading, and please know that your shares of my posts are very much appreciated as are sending me an occasional cup of coffee to defray expenses and encourage more SO'W posts! Jude C.

Sep 3, 2024

Year 2024 in a Cosmic Nutshell

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

The easiest way to view an entire year - namely Year 2024 - is to post for you two dual images showing Year 2024 at a glance:

1. Spring Equinox 2024 (lower left) with 2. Summer Solstice 2024 (upper right) followed by 3. Autumn Equinox 2024 (lower left) and 4. Winter Solstice 2024 (upper right).

Now as you know, a Spring Equinbox Horoscope (aka, Aries Ingress) actually symbolizes an entire year and may be consulted as such via transits, directions, and progressions. So for Year 2024, here's a link to a previous post displaying the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope set for Washington DC with gracious plenty astro-notes included.

Year 2024 Begins and Proceeds

Our year began with me-first Mars at 27AQ46 conjunct our July 4, 1776 Moon (We the People) suggesting a restless American populace as targets. Furthermore, Mars opposes a certain candidate's natal Mars rising in Leo along with royal Regulus, the "success if revenge is avoided" star. A Mars-oppo-Mars transit shows the folks who are diametrically opposed to old Mars in Leo. In this case, I'd say those folks are a majority of the American people who want America to move on from old grudges and malicious plans for revenge. In fact, some may call it Tr*mp fatigue.

So as you know, 2024 is proving to be an intensely emotional Moon-Pluto kind of year and with Election 2024 on November 5th (an event which falls within the purview of Autumn Equinox 2024) the year (and campaign) additionally becomes a Mars-Pluto opposition affair of forceful competition for power - and ends with Winter Solstice 2024's Moon-Saturn opposition which emphasizes the proper carrying out of responsibilities and "the call to duty" (A. Oken).

These energies sound appropriate for a presidential campaign especially since the oppression of individual rights is also an issue as we enter 2025. Clearly, one 2024 candidate offers oppression, dystopia, and morbidity, while the other candidate offers freedom, progress, and opportunity! The choice seems a no-brainer to me because I'll choose life over death every time - and democracy over fascism.

Meanwhile, it's only the soon-forming Autumn Equinox 2024 Horoscope that isn't ruled by aggressive Mars via the three charts' Scorpio Ascendants but by Venus instead, ruler of Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice. And as you see, Venus is at 29 Libra, a critical 29th degree, rises in the chart's 1st house, and could very well symbolize VP Kamala Harris, former AG and prosecutor. However, a Venus-Pluto square indicates obstacles on the path of Autumn Equinox 2024 Venus, obstacles through her opponents' circulating rumors which will likely involve financial and/or sexual matters.

Now disagree if you wish, but my suspicion is that the Venus-Pluto square reveals the political assaults coming against candidate Harris in the 2024 Campaign which, as political commentator David Feldman and others point out, is about to turn really really ugly.

Jul 13, 2024

Elites Now Vetting Gretchen Whitmer

1933 Coup Attempt Now a 2024 Corporate Coup Attempt

by Jude Cowell, Still Ridin' With Biden

According to political commentator David Feldman (see below), this weekend at Sun Valley, Idaho wealthy elites such as Rob Reiner, Barry Diller, and Abigail Disney have gathered together for vetting at least one potential replacement on the Democratic ticket for November 2024, and her name is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. If their pie-in-the-sky work-around Joe brings their desired results, they may be electing a convicted felon.

Tellingly, the governor wasn't in Michigan as President Biden campaigned last evening, instead she was joining wealthy elites and corporate types at Sun Valley, those who are supposedly fearful for the US Constitution if the global fascist movement manages to shoe horn their figurehead agent orange back into the Oval Office with the chaos-creator's tiny finger on The Button.

And naturally, as David points out in the following podcast episode, Biden's poll numbers are higher since the subpar debate - and for wealthy elites, backstabbing Joe Biden after all he's accomplished for this country is not about the money at all!

Now here is the A-rated natal horoscope of Gretchen Whitmer in case it should become of interest going forward, or if you wish, follow this link to her A-rated horoscope:

As if President Biden doesn't have enough to deal with already!

So as it turns out, Baby Gretchen was born into the 9 New South Saros Series which perfected on August 20, 1971 @27Leo15:18 conjunct Juno, the nation-state asteroid, and just shy of the 1971 position of royal Regulus, the kingmaker star.

Plus, here's a view of the upcoming repetition of a 9 New South Solar Eclipse occurring on September 21, 2025 which I posted on my WordPress blog. Basically, it's an Autumn Equinox Eclipse, and will conjunct Governor Whitmer's natal 6th house Pluto thereby activating her Pluto's aspects with natal Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and North Node. Eclipse-Pluto combined represents a power aspect and negatively can indicate a misuse of power, or even criminal offenses (R. Lineman)

Jun 8, 2024

Campaign 2024: The Biden-Trump Debates

by Jude Cowell, D.A.R. partisan for democracy

The lack of Live audiences for both the June 27th and September 10th Biden-Trump debates will favor the quietly spoken President Biden while Trump's habitual bombastic overtalks and disruptive allegations will have not their usual usefulness for creating skewed sound bites. Lies from either debater will be called out by moderators, one hopes, making the events closer to what debates once were when policies and facts were stars of the show.

If this is accomplished, American voters will be informed on the issues prior to Election Day 2024 - what a grand idea! Plus, differences between the characters of the two men will be made obvious for the confused voter, and for those who stay busy working to pay bills and care for their families. Meanwhile, both debaters are seniors so the playing field on that score is level and therefore, moot.

Of course, this is if a certain felonious debater doesn't pull out prematurely because he and his staffers realize their mistake agreeing to such debate conditions. In his podcast episode from May, The Mop-Up's David Feldman says as much as he discusses Why Trump Will Lose Both Debates to Biden along with other topics and news of the day (#1550 audio only, shown below). David is known to be plain-spoken so beware if your feelings are easily trampled!

Now here is a previously published dual image of the June 27, 2024 Biden-Trump Debate and their September 10, 2024 event, assuming that one or both debates occur:

If held, both debates will occur under 8 North "vivid dreams and visions" influences of the Great American Eclipse conjunct Chiron (19Ari24) which manifested on April 8, 2024. (Also shown is the 8 North of 1986 which suggests a cosmic link back to Reagan's policies and/or events.) Astro-notes concerning cosmic conditions during both the 2024 Biden-Trump Debates are available for the curious.

So which "dream" for our nation's future are We the People having? A dream of democracy and the rule of law?

Or a nightmare of dystopian strong-armed paternalism in which women are slavish baby incubators and r*pe victims while misguided theocrats strut?

Mar 8, 2024

Biden SOTU 2024: Bound to Succeed!

A SOTU 2024 Astro-Review

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Last night's SOTU Address to a joint session of Congress was delivered in fiery fashion by President Joe Biden who, some pundits say, will get him re-elected. Unlike his past SOTUs, President Biden didn't ask the malcontent Republicans to join him in legislative tasks to boost the country, instead he forcefully called them out on just about every issue they truculently oppose. With satisfaction I can type that Republicans' frilly gnatzie underpants were showing!

SOTU 2024 in Balsamic Lunar Phase: Prophetic

Citing a positive vision for our nation's future, Joe Biden symbolically reached ahead toward the promises of the visionary Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 of prophetic dreams, and claimed them to include in his bracing, forward-looking speech. Combative, yes, (his natal Saturn-Uranus conjunction came in handy!) and we can see these facets in midpoint pictures with the North Node of public contact in pioneering Aries at apex; penned on the chart, look for NN = Saturn-Uranus midpoint: combative energy, but also NN = Sun-Jupiter: new plans that feel "bound to succeed" (N. Tyl):

Above: SOTU 2024 9:27 pm est (lower left, Hour of Sun) and SOTU 2024 10:34 pm est (upper right, Hour of Mars); timings used from my phone's time stamp, yours may differ slightly.

Other astro-notes are listed on the charts for the curious including President Biden's natal Mars @12Scorpio rising as he ended his SOTU address--and with transit Jupiter in obstinate, often greedy Taurus opposing his Mars, a challenging opposition that will soon pass from Jupiter's Sabian Symbol word picture: "A Man Handling Baggage."

Well, I'd have to say that last night, Mr. Biden "handled" the dead-weight Republicans very well, those who refuse to govern and only pretend allegiance to America. Yet the quarrels won't end for it's Campaign 2024, after all.

And one, perhaps the major, issue the President has to improve upon is his outward support of Netanyahu's brutality against the Palestinian people and thousands of Michigan voters' recent protest against Biden's public stance--notwithstanding his workings behind the scenes toward a ceasefire in Gaza. See upper right corner for the Nemesis (divine foe) conjunction with Niobe (grieving mothers), both lingering in retrograde, for the Israeli-Palestinian paradox, the inability to forgive leading to endless acts of revenge, has caused strife and suffering in the world for as long as anyone can remember.

A Change of Perspective for Election 2024!

So now it's been confirmed that the Venus Election Cycle may be on the Democrats' side after all. Why? Because with election Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the outsider or stranger, the Venusian forecast is for a rival of the incumbent to be victorious this November, and there have been only a couple of exceptions through the years. But now that it's obvious that it's to be a Biden-Trump match-up and Herr Trump is running as "an incumbent," his Democratic rival is just as likely to win the presidency! Even more likely, if we-the-voters do our parts by turning out in massive numbers to Vote Blue for democracy on November 5, 2024. It's not hyperbole to say that our childrens' futures are on the line - and with women voters, a Biden victory can be assured and, along with House and Senate victories for Democrats, Roe v Wade will be restored along with womens' rights.

So in closing, here's a clear-eyed, plain-spoken, don't-miss podcast episode concerning last night's SOTU 2024 from the excellent David Feldman helpfully giving us The Mop-Up.

More astro-notes can be found in my previous post on Biden's SOTU Address 2024, written before the 9:00 pm start time was announced, and with Spica rising at 9:00 pm--still a symbolic chart for SOTU 2024, but it took several minutes for his glad-handing through the chamber (his old stomping ground) to lead President Biden to the podium where he began to speak at 9:27 pm!

A Closely Related Post: The Saturn-Uranus Cycle of Joe Biden.

Feb 20, 2024

Pushy Mars-Pluto and US Election 2024

Feb 2024 Saboteurs in the US: Win At Any Cost

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As multiple astrologers have mentioned, at Election 2024 - or rather two days prior to the November 5th Election on November 3 2024 - an opposition forms in the heavens between warrior planet Mars and wealthy, deadly Pluto across the Security Axis of Cancer-Capricorn. Depending on how these powerful energies are utilized, this transit times a dangerous period surrounding America's Election 2024.

Now this is not news, even to non-astrologers, but my post today is meant as a study of the 2024 Mars-Pluto Cycle with a cosmic nod to the US Mars-Pluto Cycle which began for America with the planetary pair's Conjunction on December 24, 1775 @25Cap35 in a sensitized and governmental area of the Zodiac. We might also add the energies of the forceful duo to America's Inauguration Midheaven in late Capricorn for a picture of ambition, advancement, and/or extreme measures for increasing power and status. Obviously, this resonates as a description of Election Year 2024 and Inauguration 2025.

Then you may remember that corporate fascists (exs: bankers) attempted a "businessman's coup" of America in 1933 but it failed. Incomplete preparation, one imagines, plus, they approached the wrong military general to lead it. Meanwhile, FDR proceeded to establish his New Deal programs despite strong opposition from the "economic royalists" of his day. Now in 2024, monarchists continue to threaten the destruction of our social safety net programs which would help induce the collapse of America, their longterm dream, and would gift taxpayer funds to Wall Street gentry.

Facing reality, we know that these sinister energies have simmered under the surface of global societies ever since, and in the US (the bellweather nation for democracy) saboteurs retain their clawhold via the unfortunate streak of racist Aryanism, a moral failing which our opponents have long known is America's deepest flaw from our country's earliest days. Add to this sore loser Republicans' promotion of Never Surrender, for this is the concept which must be the case for democratic forces as well - if we hope for victory over the global criminal network.

Our Challenge 2024: Democracy vs Fascism - Again

This time around, since 1933 (and including nazi efforts in the 1940s), fascists and neo-gnatzies have been loading up key positions in the US with anti-democracy thugs and enablers with skewed perspectives, while finagling the charismatic agent orange as their flawed figurehead. So if forewarned is forearmed, please read on if you wish an overview of 2024 Mars-Pluto potentials as We the People march down an uncertain trail toward Election 2024. The two horoscopes are suitable for study by the curious!

Now sigificantly, the Mars-Pluto pairing is associated with potentials for brutal force, primal violence, barbarism, military action and/or weapons, war, crime, attacks, cruelty, sadism, forceful intervention, deviant behavior, violent people, people disabled in war, and/or a military police state (Munkasey), just to name a few. Additionally, success through excessive effort may be positive or negative depending on the motives of those involved.

February 14, 2024 -- November 3, 2024

Above is a dual image of the current Mars-Pluto Cycle (upper right) which began on February 14, 2024 @00AQ46 (conjunct US Inaugural Sun so obviously the office of the presidency is involved along with Election 2024), and the Mars-Pluto Opposition (lower left) @29:45 Cancer-Capricorn of November 3, 2024. So the point of this post is that these two 2024 horoscopes encase and envision an entire Mars-Pluto Cycle affecting America during this pivotal election year as we look forward toward the future of our country - and work to defend a better kind of world for our descendants to inherit.

In closing, here are the Sabian Symbols for the November 3, 2024 positions of Mars and Pluto with their exact oppositional degrees being reciprocal Illumination Points, one of the other:

Mars "30 Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" - Keyword: INHERITANCE; positive expression: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit; negative expression: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority.

Pluto "30 Capricorn" = A Secret Business Conference" - Keyword: OPPORTUNITY; positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.(M.E. Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology #ad)

Please Note: the term "gnatzies" - pronounced like "gnats" - issues from a recent David Feldman podcast episode.