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Showing posts with label 9 New South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9 New South. Show all posts

Jan 22, 2025

USA and the Saturn-Neptune Cycle

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

As you know, there are multiple potentials (quite a mixed bag) that can express via the Saturn-Neptune pairing. Within their 33-to-36-year cycle, the two planets meet once again in Great Conjunction on February 20, 2026 @00Ari45, the Aries Point of World Events. Their current cycle began in 1989 with three exact conjunctions in the Zodiacal range of 10--12 degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn.

Their placements in Capricorn suggest possibilities such as industry, a strong will, realism, truth, self-restraint, diplomacy, endurance, one-sidedness, slow advncement, economy, egocentrism (Saturn), plus, success through crooked means, strange objectives, delving into religious problems, deep research, people with little sense of reality, secrets, subversion, liquids, fumes, gases, poisons (Neptune).

Then depending on which technique we prefer for three-fer returns and conjunctions, and because a fresh conjunction arrives next year, I'd say that we are now operating within the third phase of the pairing which began with the November 13, 1989 Conjunction @10Cap22. This chart is shown as the outermost horoscope in the following tri-wheel and it's the DC Horoscope operative until their next conjunction on February 20, 2026 at Aries Point (2026 chart shown, below):

Saturn-Neptune Meet February 20, 2026:

So here's a partial list of potential expressions of the Saturn-Neptune duo when their energies combine; any, all, or none may apply or may alternate expression:

Social safety net programs, Socialism and other forms of -isms in government, delusions among leadership, inefficient use of capable advice, policies that restrict spies, using and hiding lies and deception, false hopes that lead to nothing, secret or invisible government, weakness, depression, pessimism, and/or illness, mistaken religious leaders, uncovering or restricting fraud, continuing detrimental practices, regrets, denial of responsibility, utilizing illusion, shabby practices, neglect in society, abandoning responsibility, an illusion of respectability, breaking through existing circumstances toward "the dream", loss via dissolution, erosion, or theft, martyrdom, a sense of being wronged, losing focus, Earth and Water events - and the list goes on and on when restrictive Saturn and urge to merge Neptune act as a "team" (Oken; Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl), their energies heightened at Conjunciton.

Then as you know, both planets are considered karmic in nature due to Saturn's orbit lasting 28--30 years, while pokey pup Neptune takes 164 years to complete an orbit. Meanwhile, inadequately addressed conditions and neglected problems pile up until they must surface. Yes, events feel as if they come from the outside, but the issues have been with us all along, often bubbling on a back burner.

Now additionally, there are basic concerns about the upcoming Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in 2026 because of the last few years and it's the fact that the planets meet during what will likely be Year Two of the second go-round of Mr.T. "manning" America's helm with finger on The Button, a convicted felon and figurehead in the US of a global Underworld network of crooks and looters (Neptune-Pluto). Concerns include delusions and illusions (Neptune) about authority figures (Saturn). And as we've seen, running the American Ship of State aground is the aim of our enemies, domestic and foreign, and they must be stopped. Yet now that the fox is in the henhouse again, it will be complicated. Some folks are calling for the impeachment of Mr. T., a valiant effort which could boost Democrats at Midterms 2026.

Of course, all of the difficulties have been the case for years now but as a new cycle of Saturn-Neptune begins, we may expect the gaslighting, lies, and fraud to increase, both here and abroad, along with a potential for societal events to manifest, perhaps some weather-related - any of which may trigger hysteria (R. Ebertin) within sections of the population.

Now here are a few general astro-notes concerning Saturn in Pisces where the lesson bringer planet of Old Age, accountability, fears and flaws hangs out until 2026. And you know how Neptune, floating through in its own sign of shady Pisces, has timed a period of contagion, confusion, mass migration and delusion - and fears and paranoia.

Then looking at soon-coming lunations as we must, here are the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2025 (DC Horoscopes shown) including themes of both Solar Eclipses, all of which energies will run in the background of society - until influences from the 10 North Eclipse of February 2026 @29AQ take over; notably, the Saturn-Neptune Conjunction of 2026 occurs under the 10 North.

For more information see Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad

Nov 8, 2024

Cosmic Blinks: 2025's "Wild Card" Eclipses

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Viewing Year 2025 through the cosmic lens of the year's disruptive "Wild Card" Eclipses reveals emphases on the signs of Aries (one solar) and the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis (one solar, both lunars). This spotlights or activates the planets Mars (Aries), plus, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune (Virgo-Pisces) for Cosmic Blink imperatives sent from Above. Changes of direction in earthly events will likely occur and secrets and/or inconveient facts are set to be uncovered.

So today, for my Friday end-of-the-week post, you see below a dual image of the two Solar Eclipses of 2025 in the 9 New North and the 9 New South Saros Series, along with a dual image of both Total Lunar Eclipses of 2025.

Yet being as fatigued with it all as you are, dear reader, further notes concerning the four eclipses of 2025, other than themes listed below, are hereby postponed to be published later on, most likely to my Stars Over Washington Patreon page exclusively for my special Patreon subscribers who generously support my work here on Stars Over Washington which helps defray expenses. (As can Buying Me a Coffee!) My Thanks to you all, btw!

Meanwhile, here are the four eclipses of 2025 set for Washington DC as a symbol for America; first, the Solar Eclipses:

And below are the Lunar Eclipses. As you see, the first eclipse of 2025 is the Total Lunar Eclipse of March 14th @23Vir56 which conjuncts US 1776 Neptune and squares our 1776 Mars in Gemini. This eclipse ruffles our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square with its "unconscious habit patterns not appropriate to present reality" (Sakoian and Acker), plus, misdirected motivations, and the fog of war.

Underlying it all is the Moon-Neptune pairing which suggests potentials for refined feelings, subconscious stirrings, faulty assimilation of impressions, illusions and self-deception, oversensitivity, a lack of confidence, strange notions (R. Ebertin) - and the same old mass delusion aligned with our beguiling fantasy that Tr*mp will continue to exploit to the utmost:

Then as our calendars make clear, society begins 2025 with the eclipse energies of the October 2, 2024 8 South Eclipse @10Libra with its difficult themes of loss, partings, and separations. Both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 occur under the auspices of the 8 South - and it turns out that freedom is the loser.

On to Solar Eclipse Themes of 2025

9 New North: great physical effort; accidents; sudden physical events; potentials for violent actions; keep a watchful eye on safety; initial 9NN August 21, 1664 @28Leo50; PE of Abraham Lincoln and El*n Mu*k.

9 New South: longterm worries surface concerning health and/or loved ones; issues regarding paperwork or communications; worrisome news with a sense of destiny or fatedness attached, and/or responsibilities with paperwork come home to roost; initial 9NS July 19, 1917 @25Can51 (conjunct US 1776 Mercury: logic required for best results); PE of Charles Koch.

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad

Aug 16, 2024

Autumn Equinox 2025 with a Virgo Eclipse

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Skipping ahead to Autumn Equinox 2025, we find that a 9 New South Solar Eclipse enters the cosmic mix. This celestial circumstance will need further information added at some point but for now, I want to place a dual image of two DC Horoscopes: Autumn Equinox 2025, aka, Libra Ingress (lower left), and the 9 New South Eclipse (upper right) which will manifest the afternoon prior to the Sun clocking in @00Lib00:00 on September 22, 2025.

For as you know, the sign shift marks the beginning of Autumn 2025 in the Northern Hemisphere, so here are the two Horoscopes, Equinox and Eclipse of September 2025, with a few astro-notes sprinkled about for curious readers:

When a Solar Eclipse falls in Mercury-ruled Virgo, issues may include discrimination, circumspection, and the work ethic. On a positive level, we notice attributes such as dedication and a strong sense of duty. And since Virgo is one of the practical Earth signs, there may be physical demands, an analytical approach to problems will likely be deemed necessary, and perception and keen observation should be used for best results.

More negatively, Virgoan issues of criticism, perfectionism, and a focus on insignificant details can interfere with finding solutions. Obviously, health concerns, including chronic and/or genetic conditions, dietary matters, and the possibility of contagion are factors which must be dealt with, along with the typical implications of the Virgo-Pisces polarity (victim-savior). Additionally, agricultural issues and food supply concerns cannot be ruled out of the autumnal Virgoan picture, a time of harvest.

Plus, complicating matters are two planets opposing the Eclipse:

Saturn which indicates those who refuse to own up to their responsibilities and place blame on anyone but themselves, and Neptune (conjunct Aries Point) suggesting the tiresome stand-off between reality vs fantasy, delusion and self-delusion, and the chaos and confusion such twisted conditions activate with the aid of bad faith actors.

Naturally, our social safety net programs are denoted by the Saturn-Neptune pairing (weak-poor-ill people), as is materialism vs idealism, and/or invisible or shadow government.

Now while it's true that all the potentials of a 2025 Virgo Solar Eclipse relate to someone's first term in the White House, such an extensive topic is beyond the scope of this post at this early date. However, please check the image for a brief listing of the themes of 9 New South Eclipses.

Meanwhile, if this post entertains or informs you, dear reader, please consider buying yours truly an encouraging cup of coffee because this will help defray domain fees and supply costs and will keep Stars Over Washington moseying into its 19th year as of this October.

Thanks a Bunch! jc

For more Eclipse details see Brady's Predictive Astrology, and Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse (AFA) #ad.

Jul 13, 2024

Elites Now Vetting Gretchen Whitmer

1933 Coup Attempt Now a 2024 Corporate Coup Attempt

by Jude Cowell, Still Ridin' With Biden

According to political commentator David Feldman (see below), this weekend at Sun Valley, Idaho wealthy elites such as Rob Reiner, Barry Diller, and Abigail Disney have gathered together for vetting at least one potential replacement on the Democratic ticket for November 2024, and her name is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. If their pie-in-the-sky work-around Joe brings their desired results, they may be electing a convicted felon.

Tellingly, the governor wasn't in Michigan as President Biden campaigned last evening, instead she was joining wealthy elites and corporate types at Sun Valley, those who are supposedly fearful for the US Constitution if the global fascist movement manages to shoe horn their figurehead agent orange back into the Oval Office with the chaos-creator's tiny finger on The Button.

And naturally, as David points out in the following podcast episode, Biden's poll numbers are higher since the subpar debate - and for wealthy elites, backstabbing Joe Biden after all he's accomplished for this country is not about the money at all!

Now here is the A-rated natal horoscope of Gretchen Whitmer in case it should become of interest going forward, or if you wish, follow this link to her A-rated horoscope:

As if President Biden doesn't have enough to deal with already!

So as it turns out, Baby Gretchen was born into the 9 New South Saros Series which perfected on August 20, 1971 @27Leo15:18 conjunct Juno, the nation-state asteroid, and just shy of the 1971 position of royal Regulus, the kingmaker star.

Plus, here's a view of the upcoming repetition of a 9 New South Solar Eclipse occurring on September 21, 2025 which I posted on my WordPress blog. Basically, it's an Autumn Equinox Eclipse, and will conjunct Governor Whitmer's natal 6th house Pluto thereby activating her Pluto's aspects with natal Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and North Node. Eclipse-Pluto combined represents a power aspect and negatively can indicate a misuse of power, or even criminal offenses (R. Lineman)

May 26, 2024

Libertarian Party Audience Heckles Trump

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

By now you've seen clips of Trump being loudly booed and heckled as he attempted to deliver a speech at the Libertarian Convention now in progress (May 23--May 26). Agent Orange was trying to beg for Libertarian votes in November!

Checking the history of the Libertarian Party (US) we find that the party formed on December 11, 1971 after months of debate by a Committee founded on July 17th. The new party was publicly announced at a press conference on January 31, 1972. According to the party's Wikipedia page, the group formed partially as a response to Nixon's price controls and the ending of the Gold Standard.

Actually, we've discussed these topics previously such as in March 2021 with this: An Eclipse Series ended in 1931: The End of an Epoch. That was in the UK. The 9 Old South Series that ended on July 22, 1971 is noted therein with 1971 being the year that the US ended reliance upon the Gold Standard which helped sparked the formation of the Libertarian Party.

So! Let's take a peek at a noon Horoscope of the Libertarian Party, shall we? Unmarked by my usual study notes, it's suitable for printing if you wish:

Horoscope: Libertarian Party December 11, 1971 "noon" Colorado Springs, CO; Hour of the Moon (changes; fluctuations); ASC 13Pis26; MC 20Sag49; Sun 20Sag04/Moon 12Lib11, a 'live wire' Fire-Air blend with tendencies toward gregariousness, intellectualism, charisma, and a quick wit. The Harveys describe this combination of conscious and unconscious energies as a "frequenter of coffee shops" (!), and a blend which can be gullible, has a need for social advancement, and to "come down to earth" when being overly expansive. The blend's "Image for Integration" is rather interesting: "The Dead Poets' Society" and is shared natally by Jane Austen and Walt Disney.

Then as you see, there's a high flying Kite pattern of success anchored by the Saturn-Neptune opposition of subterfuge (Neptune the nose, Saturn the tail) but only if we allow the South Node @6AQ30 to be one of the points of the Kite. Perhaps we should since this South Node conjuncts US 1776 South Node marking the period as a Nodal Return for America, a time when new associations are formed.

Meanwhile, powerful wealth-hoarder 1971 Pluto @1Lib53 leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of the planets while radical Uranus @17Lib29 conjuncts the natal 2nd house Jupiter Stationary of NY playboy Donald Trump, age 25 in 1971. Perhaps this planetary contact partially accounts for the booing and heckling of Le Donald at the Libertarian Convention since Uranus symbolizes separation and disruption and is Trump's natal 10th house guiding planet of chaos, zealous radicalism, and Utopian ideals of lawlessness. He's uncontrollable and they know it.

Venus, planet of pespectives, evaluations, and currency is out-of-bounds @15Cap45 (conjunct US 'Powell' Moon in the July 1, 1776 "first vote" chart), and this founding chart reveals a 3rd quarter phase - crisis in consciousness - strong with Mutable-Fire Angularity (noon is only speculative). No planet is in a Fixed sign, only the South Node in Aquarius.

Then there's Mars in Pisces squaring Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter with potentials for restlessness, self-seeking, a sharp tongue, compulsive speech repetition, extravagance, overindulgence, and/or taking on too much at once.

To close, I'll mention two more factors: the most prominent midpoint picture in effect all day is Pluto-NN = Neptune: success through lies and fraud (R. Ebertin); the power of the half-truth; deception as a tool; win at any cost (N. Tyl), and the Party's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") which influenced its formation, the 9 New South @27Leo15 (conjunct you-know-who's natal Mars rising which suggests his headstrong, violent tendencies) which manifested on August 20, 1971.

Themes of 9 New South include worrisome news and responsibilities with paperwork come home to roost (paraphrasing B. Brady). The next 9 New South arrives on September 21, 2025 (basically an 'Autumn Equinox 2025 Eclipse') @29Vir05 with Uranus Rx @1Gem21 conjunct the Libertarian Party's 1971 Saturn suggesting reevaluation and possibly the altering of certain rules, regulations, and restrictions. Notably, the 2025 Eclipse will land upon the Party's 1971 Pluto, a power aspect that negatively can indicate revelations of criminality (R. Lineman).

All in all, the Libertarian Party's founding horoscope is quite Jupiterian (Sag), plus, the Gold Standard and price controls set them off, so I'd suppose that most issues then and now have to do with finances, don't you? But with a side order of Jupitarian issues of freedom, ideology, and boundary-breaking - and quite a large load of deception.

Many Thanks to all readers who have 'bought me a coffee' for your generous support encourages the continuation of this lonely work! Jude

Dec 31, 2023

American Democracy targeted in 1971!

The Powell Memo, Corporatism, and Trump circa 1999

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And with the third of three total Great American Eclipses approaching on April 8, 2024, this one falling within the 8 North Saros Series, Year 2024 marks a critical turning point for the United States of America, and thus for the rest of the world. For with democracy on the ballot, brutal fascism demands a do-over of the mayhem, death, and suffering its perpetrators brought upon the world in the days of Mussol*ni and Hitl*r, malignant narcissistic psychopaths as they both were.

Now in our time, another malignant narcissistic psychopath raises his Medusa head and will cheat to steal our votes. But will American voters help him in November 2024 by being that self-destructive and stupid--that eager to toss away any decent future for their children? Has empathy been deleted from the heart of America? Despite all obstacles, will a Blue Tsunami wave of voters on November 5, 2024 save our country from the barbarian onslaught that threatens us? Because that's the sizeable response it will take to push back the bullies and send them packing.

So one reason for this particular fuss is to mention that the Powell Memo of August 23, 1971 was an initiating factor in a Republican-led declaration of war on democracy by the corporate class. So asserts Thom Hartmann today in his How the Monopolists Stole the US Government: How Big Business Destroyed the American Dream, an excerpt from Thom's series of "Hidden History" books. And part of his focus in today's excerpt is Lewis Powell Jr's memo. Plus, "American Dream" reminds us of the 8 North Eclipse's theme of 'dreams and visions', yes?

Well, below is a previously published noon horoscope of the Powell Memo, and naturally the Saros Series which influenced the memorandum is signifiant (actually a letter that Lewis Powell wrote to his friend, the then-director of the Chamber of Commerce). That would be the 9 New South @27Leo15 which I believe triggered by degree the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017--the one that Trump removed safety glasses and stared straight up at, playing his "sun god Apollo" role. (If actually born on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am, asteroid Apollo was rising at his birth.)

Astro-Notes are penned on the 1971 'Powell Memo' Horoscope with additional details messily included; an unmarked 9 New South Eclipse August 20, 1971 Horoscope follows:

Aspects to the 1971 Eclipse: Venus conjunct = fair play vs materialism; Jupiter square = a past lack of integrity brings karmic obligations, a need for ethical behavior; Neptune square = chicanery, deception, fraudulent tendencies, a need for realism and honesty; MC/IC square = a "success at any price" attitude compounds problems, acting like a "big shot" to prove one's capabilities, lack of respect for home and family, skewed values (R. Lineman AFA).

Notably, a 9 New South Eclipse repeats on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo, at Autumn Equinox 2025, conjunct the 1776 Midheaven ('MC" @00Libra+) of America's so-called 'Sibly Horoscope'. Then if you've read SO'W posts before, you know that forewarned is forearmed around here, and America's goals and global status (MC) may very well be affected with the "American Dream" possibly dissipating within a Fascist fog of authoritarianism and cruelty to one's fellow man. That is, if Pro-Democracy Voters fail to turn up at voting booths across the land on November 5, 2024.

Because regressive reactionary Republicans are expressing their vile reptilian brains, don't you think?

For more eclipse details see: 8 North Eclipse 2024 vs 6 North of 1986 (horoscopes shown), a recent post about the visions and dreams of the April 2024 Eclipse blending with the "need for authority and control" themes of 6 North's manifestation during the Reagan Era. Plus, here are astro-notes concerning all three Three Great American Eclipses: 1878, 2017, and 2024.

Donald Trump Considered a Prez Run in 1999

Past 'Trump Events' of 1999: Where's the Integrity?

From Buzzfeed News posted January 6, 2017 came an article by Anne Helen Petersen Donald Trump Showed His Hand in 1999, But No One Was Looking concerning a couple of favorable polls in 1999 - one poll by the National Enquirer if that tells us anything. The article contains a list a few major events for Trump in 1999.

Such as: he finalized his divorce from 2nd wife Marla Maples and began dating Slovenian model Melania Knauss, he gloried in a rejuvenation of the Miss USA pageant, he floated the idea of starting a modeling agency, Big Donnie fought a coalition of Upper West Side residents including Walter Cronkite, Paul Newman, and Kofi Annan over the contruction of a huge tower near the UN building, and he "spent months flirting with a run for president."

To quote Trump in 1999, "If the Reform Party nominated me, I'd probably win. And if I did, I would ask for an immediate recount." Such a jokester! However, ongoing opinions on the street at the time included, "Trump makes things happen," and "he's at home with the guy on the street." (They're so fleeceable: he loves the uneducated, he says.) Now these are the same delusional sentiments that were expressed during the 2016 campaign! But this time is different: he's running again, but trying to avoid prison by regrasping power, and itching to make Fascism happen in America so that he can take revenge on all his enemies, please his bosses, and stay in office until he keels over.

And that, ladies and gents, is America's orange albatross.

Dec 25, 2023

Trump Rally Trail for early January 2024 feat. Noem and Greene

Acting as if he's a normal candidate campaigning in a traditional US Election cycle, sans any court appearances, the indicted Mr. Trump has quite a busy schedule lined up as 2024 gets underway.

From the Trump website (and subject to change), here's a list of his early January 2024 rallies and Maga events: all events are scheduled for various locations in the state of Iowa:

Jan 3, 2024: Maga event with Gov. Kristi Noem Sioux City, IA 7:00 pm CST;

Jan 4, 2024: Maga event with Marjorie Taylor Greene Keokuk, IA 7:00 pm CST;

Jan 5, 2024: Caucus Rally Sioux City, IA 4:00 pm CST;

Jan 5, 2024: Caucus Rally Mason City, IA 7:30 pm CST;

Jan 6, 2024: Caucus Rally Newton, IA 1:00 pm CST;

Jan 6, 2024: Caucus Rally Clinton, IA 4:00 pm CST.

Now here's a little Astrology concerning maga Republicans, Noem and Greene, with both women operating under the nebulous influence of their deceptive, delusional Neptunian natures as they angle for a seat at Trump's dystopian table where he intends to serve the special American Carnage dish he and his enablers have been baking since at least January 20, 2017:

For bio details, check out the Wikipedia page of Kristi Noem (nee Arnold) born November 30, 1971 in Watertown, SD under the vibes of a 9 New South Eclipse @27Leo (negative issues: pride, pomposity, vanity) with themes of 'worries over paperwork and/or health issues surface and come home to roost' with a 'feeling of destiny or fatedness attached'; last occurrence in 2007, next 9NS occurs on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo. The first lady governor of South Dakota was born during a Saturn-Neptune opposition suggesting a tendency to always try to avoid paying dues. The Saturn-oppo-Neptune aspect is labeled "SUBTERFUGE" by Alan Oken, plus, her Sun-Neptune conjunction implies an active fantasy life (suitable for fantasist Herr Trump).

Then there's the sparsely filled in Wikipedia page of another fantasist, Marjorie Taylor Greene with her birth date listed as May 27, 1974 (nee Taylor); This gives her Sun in early Gemini opposed by Neptune Rx in early Sagittarius, an aspect Oken labels, The Chameleon and The Psychic, which suggests that 'MTG' is a highly sensitive individual, with a bit of a powder keg temperament, imho. She was born under the auspices of a 12 North Eclipse @3Capricorn (negative issues: selfishness and avarice) with themes of 'accepting commitments due to another person's inability to carry on'. Obviously, with Capricorn trouble with authority figures is involved, as we've seen by her behavior. A 12N Eclipse last manifested in 2010 and the next will occur on January 26, 2028 @6AQ - conjunct US 1776 South Node, a separative influence.

So continuing in US Politics in 2024, we have the curious threesome of Trump, Noem, and Greene - a trio of fantasists now popular with the QAnon/Freedom Caucus crowd, most of whom are not too shabby themselves in the fantasy department. And that's putting it mildly.

To close, here's a related post: Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion.

Eclipse info: paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Sep 22, 2023

Lachlan Murdoch: Pluto = Sun-Uranus

by Jude Cowell, on behalf of democracy and the common good

Yesterday the news broke of a major transition at the head of Fox and Fox News Corp, that Papa Rupert had anointed son Lachlan Murcdoch to carry on; however, Papa says he'll be "watching." Apparently, Lachlan has been "groomed" since birth to carry the Murdoch family torch - now, into an uncertain future. Word is that Laclan is more authoritarian than his father, but Laclan did, after all, have an experienced teacher. Notable is that yesterday into today, the Sun conjoins Lachlan's natal Pluto so his power potential (carrying his Sun-Uranus 'radical reformist' vibes) are in the spotlight, a global spotlight.

Below, see the aspect grid of multiple squares and oppositions within their dynamic relationship. Even their natal Suns are in opposite signs!

Born with a significant midpoint picture of power, rebellion, radical reforms, and a potential for tragedy (Pluto = Sun-Uranus), Mr. Murdoch the Younger is a radical reformer (R. Ebertin) so this is one spot in his psyche where authoritarianism can creep in. Apparently, Fox and Fox News Corp are in for additional changes and shifts which may have already begun. Let's watch for shake-ups!

Plutocrat Pluto: Power, Control, Manipulation, Exploitation, Extreme Wealth, The Underworld

So here's the natal horoscope of the 'new boss, same as the old boss':

Lachlan Murdoch born September 8, 1971 9:00 pm CET (RR: C) Wimbledon, UK; a sprinkling of study notes are added including a few details re: his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'), the 9 New South, which repeats on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo conjunct his natal Pluto (see lower right corner):

And here's an aspect grid between father and son:

And btw, do you know that a German Media Baron Aided the Rise of Hitl*r?

Related: Rupert Murdoch's natal chart and Prenatal Solar Eclipse (contains a link to a 2015 Business Insider article about Rupert "stepping down" and "handing the reins to his son" but Papa will still have a "voice." As we say, history does rhyme (and sometimes does repeat).

Jun 28, 2023

Social Security's Saturn Return Is Near!

August 2023: Social Security Turns 88 yo w/ a Saturn Return in 2024

by Jude Cowell

As shown in the video, below, to relieve poverty of the aged President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act on August 14, 1935 under the auspices of a 9 New South Eclipse. So first, here's an excerpt from a 2022 post that celebrated the Act's 87th birthday detailing the themes and influences of 9 New South Eclipses:

Bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, health, or issues to do with paperwork or communications; this could manifest as a worrying piece of news about a loved one or responsibilities with paperwork coming home to roost; any news will have a sense of fatedness or destiny attached (paraphrasing B. Brady).

And here's FDR signing up Americans to contribute to the greatest social safety net program We the People have ever known--the one that Republicans want to take away:

The Social Security Safety Net's Planetary Pair: the Ilness Axis

That would be the Saturn-Neptune duo so a previous post of horoscopes showing the current cycle of the two planets's conjunction/s in 1989 (three times from 10--12 Capricorn), with the cycle ending and the next beginning on February 20, 2026 Conjunct the Aries Point. Obviously, the fact that the one-time Conjunction in early 2026 lands upon the primary Cardinal World Point of manifestation and global events (00Aries) grabs our attention, especially those of us who continue to use America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope with Aries Point conjunct IC, the Foundation of the Matter. Yes, Endings may be involved, too, and we should take into account what Reinhold Ebertin gives for Saturn-Neptune = the first point of Aries: Hysteria. Yes, neuroses and undermining circumstances that lead to illness are also suggested and may come with the chaos if Republicans manage to destroy our Social Security program thus tearing apart the social fabric of American society.

And yet there's a bright note in the current Saturn-Neptune horoscope (March 3, 1989) for 'higher power' Pluto @15Scorpio, the Point of Regeneration, sextiles the conjunction and indicates that a defense from victimization may be found in the law with researchers and journalists having important roles to play in the 'rescue' of Social Security.

Aug 14, 2022

Happy 87th Anniversary Social Security!

August 14, 2022

Because the 87th anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act by President Franklin D. Roosevelt has arrived, here is a bi-wheel of horoscopes showing the signing of the Social Security Act ("noon"; inner) with the popular, life-saving social safety net program's Solar Return 2022 planets (outer) which actually became exact yesterday afternoon:

Yes, I know, way too many of my study notes are squooshed upon the charts, my usual mea culpa. Actually, marking the charts took quite some time this Sunday morning so that now I have company coming and no time to type a bunch upon the topic. However --

An Eclipse 'Cosmic Time Link' Theory: 2022 to 1935

Toward Social Security, threats have often been made, including by Donald Trump and his GOP comrades. Meanwhile, in light of America's current problems concerning the Trump-Espionage Act turmoil, there is a factor I am compelled to add to this post and it involves the Solar Eclipse Series in which the SS Act was signed - the 9 New South.

Penned on the inner chart in 9th house you see it there where it manifested in 1935 @6Leo17. My 'cosmic link' theory about this is that the recent New Moon of July 28, 2022 @5Leo39 activated or is echoing the themes of the 9 New South Solar Eclipse and bringing them up in the Collective for society to deal with. 'Certain conditions open to scrutiny that were previously hidden' is part of this picture, and of course, New Moons can behave in similar disruptive fashion to Solar Eclipses (and Full Moons like Lunar Eclipses: even the Full Moon @19AQ21 on August 11, 2022 'hit' the SS Act's Syzygy Moon @20AQ47, and 2022 Saturn Rx now restricting the Act's Full Moon - see top center of the image).

Additionally, I've long had a theory that when turmoil takes over the media air waves such as we now have, it's always prudent to look in the opposite direction, so to speak, because something is happening in politics that public attention is being diverted from. Poorly explained, but you know what I mean: slight of hand, and under table deals. Now the Schumer-Manchin deal seems positive enough but considering current transits to the 1935 horoscope, a primary concern is about the health and future of the Social Security Program that millions of Americans depend on - and the malevolent tendencies of certain greedy politicians and the wealthy ideologues who bribe them.

So in closing, I hope you'll consider 9 New South themes which mimic current Trump-Espionage Act circumstances (my italics) - unless I miss my guess:

Bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, health, or issues to do with paperwork or communications; this could manifest as a worrying piece of news about a loved one or responsibilities with paperwork coming home to roost; any news will have a sense of fatedness or destiny attached (paraphrasing B. Brady).

And one more thing: among the multiple topics involved, the purloined documents that Trump illegally squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago could contain secret information about the WTC attacks of 9/11.

Dec 30, 2020

Astro-Notes: Louie Buller Gohmert August 18, 1953

Image above of the US Capitol Building in Washington DC

A Few Astro-Notes Concerning the Obsessive Mr. Gohmert

by Jude Cowell

If you're curious about the career path of Rep. Louie Buller Gohmert Jr (R-TX) and a few bio details, you may wish to check out his Wikipedia page where you'll see that Baby Louie was born on August 18, 1953 in Pittsburg, Texas but was "raised" in Mount Pleasant, Texas.

Assuming office in the House of Representatives on January 3, 2005, the former JAG attorney seldom ceases to amaze and not often in a good way. A current example is his frivolous lawsuit against VP Pence in an attempt to overturn the 2020 Election on behalf of Donald Trump on January 6, 2021. Glenn Kirschner has the absurd details and his usual measured commentary. Now Mr. Gohmert's lawsuit asserts that gavel-holder Mike Pence should simply 'declare' Trump president on January 6th instead of certifying Joe Biden as victor of the 2020 presidential election. However, VP Pence's position in Congress does not grant him such liberties. Ordinarily. The outcome of their farce remains to be seen and you may want to pop an extra bowl of popcorn on January 6th. (Note: The horoscope is set for 10:00 am est which may be too early for the proceedings but as you can see, the Sun @16Capricorn opposes Gohmert's natal Venus @16Cancer so that relationships, alliances, and legal matters proceed unfavorably for him; however, the Sun conjunct his natal Chiron Rx @16Cap02 so he may feel that he's on the right course to fulfill his life's quest! And his natal Venus-Chiron opposition suggests that a mentor is involved or that he is someone's mentor--R. Nolle.)

A Related Post: Astro-Notes on the 117th Congress.

So perhaps a very brief look at a few of the quirky Mr. Gohmert's natal planets would be of interest to one or two readers:

On August 18, 1953 the Sun was in the proud, vain, dramatic, 'natural leader' sign of Leo for the 24 hours (24--26) while the fluctuating Moon floated from 29Scor44 (12:00 am CST) to 12Sag28 (11:59 pm CST). So chances are good that Gohmert's natal Moon is in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius with its 'idealistic thoughts guide action' quality (Ebertin) and this would make him a volatile double Fire personality, so certain of the rightness of his beliefs, rather than a steamy Fire-Water combo that can sterilize or scald.

Louie Gohmert's Solar Eclipse in Leo: For karmic Progress Avoid Egocentricity

His Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 9 New South Saros Series manifested on August 9, 1953 @17Leo, is also his Syzygy Moon, and contains themes of 'bringing to the surface longterm worries about health or loved ones, or about issues that concern paperwork and/or communications; responsibilities with paperwork could come home to roost, and any news has a sense of fate or destiny attached' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Note that the last 9 New South Eclipse occurred on September 11, 2007 @18Virgo, the next will occur on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo, a critical 29th degree.

Now in his natal chart and psyche Rep. Gohmert 'enjoys' a few planetary pairs - conjunctions, that is - with the concentrated energies and potentials they suggest: Saturn-Neptune in Libra (21-23) indicates that he's a performer (as lawyers and politicians tend to be); Mercury-Mars in Leo (7-13) denotes strong political opinions with Leonine ego involvement; Venus-Uranus in Cancer (16-21) describes a strong insistence on retaining his freedom and independence, especially within relationships and alliances.

Last but not least by any means is Gohmert's power-craving Sun-Pluto conjunction in royal Leo (23-26) which provides him with intense, obsessive qualities that yours truly would call zealotry.

What would you call it, dear reader?