by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
As you know, there are multiple potentials (quite a mixed bag) that can express via the Saturn-Neptune pairing. Within their 33-to-36-year cycle, the two planets meet once again in Great Conjunction on February 20, 2026 @00Ari45, the Aries Point of World Events. Their current cycle began in 1989 with three exact conjunctions in the Zodiacal range of 10--12 degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn.
Their placements in Capricorn suggest possibilities such as industry, a strong will, realism, truth, self-restraint, diplomacy, endurance, one-sidedness, slow advncement, economy, egocentrism (Saturn), plus, success through crooked means, strange objectives, delving into religious problems, deep research, people with little sense of reality, secrets, subversion, liquids, fumes, gases, poisons (Neptune).
Then depending on which technique we prefer for three-fer returns and conjunctions, and because a fresh conjunction arrives next year, I'd say that we are now operating within the third phase of the pairing which began with the November 13, 1989 Conjunction @10Cap22. This chart is shown as the outermost horoscope in the following tri-wheel and it's the DC Horoscope operative until their next conjunction on February 20, 2026 at Aries Point (2026 chart shown, below):
Saturn-Neptune Meet February 20, 2026:
So here's a partial list of potential expressions of the Saturn-Neptune duo when their energies combine; any, all, or none may apply or may alternate expression:
Social safety net programs, Socialism and other forms of -isms in government, delusions among leadership, inefficient use of capable advice, policies that restrict spies, using and hiding lies and deception, false hopes that lead to nothing, secret or invisible government, weakness, depression, pessimism, and/or illness, mistaken religious leaders, uncovering or restricting fraud, continuing detrimental practices, regrets, denial of responsibility, utilizing illusion, shabby practices, neglect in society, abandoning responsibility, an illusion of respectability, breaking through existing circumstances toward "the dream", loss via dissolution, erosion, or theft, martyrdom, a sense of being wronged, losing focus, Earth and Water events - and the list goes on and on when restrictive Saturn and urge to merge Neptune act as a "team" (Oken; Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl), their energies heightened at Conjunciton.
Then as you know, both planets are considered karmic in nature due to Saturn's orbit lasting 28--30 years, while pokey pup Neptune takes 164 years to complete an orbit. Meanwhile, inadequately addressed conditions and neglected problems pile up until they must surface. Yes, events feel as if they come from the outside, but the issues have been with us all along, often bubbling on a back burner.
Now additionally, there are basic concerns about the upcoming Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in 2026 because of the last few years and it's the fact that the planets meet during what will likely be Year Two of the second go-round of Mr.T. "manning" America's helm with finger on The Button, a convicted felon and figurehead in the US of a global Underworld network of crooks and looters (Neptune-Pluto). Concerns include delusions and illusions (Neptune) about authority figures (Saturn). And as we've seen, running the American Ship of State aground is the aim of our enemies, domestic and foreign, and they must be stopped. Yet now that the fox is in the henhouse again, it will be complicated. Some folks are calling for the impeachment of Mr. T., a valiant effort which could boost Democrats at Midterms 2026.
Of course, all of the difficulties have been the case for years now but as a new cycle of Saturn-Neptune begins, we may expect the gaslighting, lies, and fraud to increase, both here and abroad, along with a potential for societal events to manifest, perhaps some weather-related - any of which may trigger hysteria (R. Ebertin) within sections of the population.
Now here are a few general astro-notes concerning Saturn in Pisces where the lesson bringer planet of Old Age, accountability, fears and flaws hangs out until 2026. And you know how Neptune, floating through in its own sign of shady Pisces, has timed a period of contagion, confusion, mass migration and delusion - and fears and paranoia.
Then looking at soon-coming lunations as we must, here are the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2025 (DC Horoscopes shown) including themes of both Solar Eclipses, all of which energies will run in the background of society - until influences from the 10 North Eclipse of February 2026 @29AQ take over; notably, the Saturn-Neptune Conjunction of 2026 occurs under the 10 North.
For more information see Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad