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Showing posts with label Juno. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Juno. Show all posts

Jul 13, 2024

Elites Now Vetting Gretchen Whitmer

1933 Coup Attempt Now a 2024 Corporate Coup Attempt

by Jude Cowell, Still Ridin' With Biden

According to political commentator David Feldman (see below), this weekend at Sun Valley, Idaho wealthy elites such as Rob Reiner, Barry Diller, and Abigail Disney have gathered together for vetting at least one potential replacement on the Democratic ticket for November 2024, and her name is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. If their pie-in-the-sky work-around Joe brings their desired results, they may be electing a convicted felon.

Tellingly, the governor wasn't in Michigan as President Biden campaigned last evening, instead she was joining wealthy elites and corporate types at Sun Valley, those who are supposedly fearful for the US Constitution if the global fascist movement manages to shoe horn their figurehead agent orange back into the Oval Office with the chaos-creator's tiny finger on The Button.

And naturally, as David points out in the following podcast episode, Biden's poll numbers are higher since the subpar debate - and for wealthy elites, backstabbing Joe Biden after all he's accomplished for this country is not about the money at all!

Now here is the A-rated natal horoscope of Gretchen Whitmer in case it should become of interest going forward, or if you wish, follow this link to her A-rated horoscope:

As if President Biden doesn't have enough to deal with already!

So as it turns out, Baby Gretchen was born into the 9 New South Saros Series which perfected on August 20, 1971 @27Leo15:18 conjunct Juno, the nation-state asteroid, and just shy of the 1971 position of royal Regulus, the kingmaker star.

Plus, here's a view of the upcoming repetition of a 9 New South Solar Eclipse occurring on September 21, 2025 which I posted on my WordPress blog. Basically, it's an Autumn Equinox Eclipse, and will conjunct Governor Whitmer's natal 6th house Pluto thereby activating her Pluto's aspects with natal Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and North Node. Eclipse-Pluto combined represents a power aspect and negatively can indicate a misuse of power, or even criminal offenses (R. Lineman)

Oct 5, 2022

Right-Wing calls for Civil War grow louder

Recently seditious right-wing calls for another Civil War have been re-spotlighted during the current trial of J6 militia leader Stewart Rhodes who calls himself a patriot. In fact, he and his comrades are using his trial for the purpose of promoting the seditious idea.

So perhaps you remember that it was not so long ago we discussed such topics with a display of the 1861 Civil War Horoscope surrounded by transits emphasizing Neptune in Pisces conjunct the 1861 War's Ascendant (the War itself) with the deceptive Mercury-Neptune conjunction rising. Note that Mercury-Neptune with more Neptune = "added dreaminess to thinking and reasoning; contriving ideas and solutions--" (M. Munkasey).

And of course, Herr Trump, cult leader of Mr. Rhodes, would be lost if he couldn't constantly express and use his deceptive, gossip-loving, propagandizing, loose-lipped Mercury-Neptune square which resonates all too well with the 1861 War's Mercury-Neptune = ASC of exploitation.

Pluto in Capricorn: Ready For His Close-Up

So politically speaking, underneath it all the Republican Party's Neptune in Pisces (1854) is being masterfully used for its abilities to deceive, confuse, disguise, cloud, erode, undermine, gaslight, and sabotage what originally is America's Neptune in fact-based Virgo of 1776, and this opposition times a karmic, titanic transit of ideological and generational clashes, along with persecutions of various kinds including those fueled by racism and misogyny. And to make matters more complex and unstable, our Neptunian problems are occurring in tandem with America's first-ever Pluto Return/s ('Mr. Hades' shown above) occurring all through 2022 - and with a worldwide authoritarian political movement recognizing current conditions as a huge opportunity to overwhelm democracy and freedom - long-planned.

Same with the predicted global recession made worse by Fed head Jerome Powell's overdone interest rate increases. Instituting a windfall profits tax in the US would help economic matters but will Republicans agree? Since GOP-ers want societal conditions to worsen to weaken Democrats before the 2022 Midterms, of course not. The US could also freeze oil prices - but one glitch: which politicians hold oil and gas shares in their stock portfolios?

Meanwhile, a wider view shows that such negative societal conditions are being promoted, supported, and funded by the global totalitarianism movement (which tends to rise when the Earth heats up), and unfortunately America's power position in the world has been eroded while we watched.

No wonder America right now is like a kitten tangled in sinister string! My suspicion is that calls for world government will soon grow louder, too, with the nation-state concept thrown under the proverbial bus. Listen for it! And if you can, keep tabs on the transiting positions of Juno, the nation-state asteroid, and Ceres, asteroid of democracy.

Because, sad to say, the world is going to miss America when she's gone.

Three Related Posts: Oct 8, 2022: Pluto Turns Direct @26Capricorn (DC Horoscope shown) conjunct US Inaugural Midheaven, a milestone indicator. And, speaking of a second civil war, riots in the streets, and the long-planned sabotage of America see Who Is Albert Pike? (video included), a plotter of sedition in the 1800s along with his comrade, Guiseppe Mazzini, founder of the Sicilian mafia; plus, Mercury-Neptune and the Presidential Records Act.

Oct 3, 2022

Oct 2022: Stars Over Washington is 17!

Shall Stars Over Washington Continue Its Mission?

by Jude Cowell

In two weeks, on October 16, 2022, Stars Over Washington completes its 17th year, and is already gray around the muzzle! Below are dual images displaying SO'W's original founding chart of October 16, 2005 (lower left), plus, its Solar Return 2022 Horoscope with Mercury in Libra rising; astro-notes are penned on for those who care to read them:

In the Return 2022 chart, the Goal Point ('MC' @11Can30) when rounded-up gives an intriguing symbol, "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message"; conjunct MC from the 9th house of Publishing is the out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Moon @9Can03 - conjunct fixed star, Alhena, keywords: "To have a mission." Add to this the fact that the Moon's rounded-up symbol is "A Large Diamond Not Completely Cut," and so I reluctantly surmise that SO'W isn't done yet and should be carried forth into 2023 (although I have been puzzling all year over such possibilities: SR 2022's Seesaw shape of planets = pros vs cons).

My uncertainty as to its continuance is due in part to the fact that as a novice astrologer, I see ahead that 2023 contains personal difficulties via a double Saturn transit, so I'll keep writing and publishing for as long as I can - always for the sake of America and the common good. However, you may as well know that karmic Saturn rules four of my natal planets, so we'll have to see - and naturally I'm taking precautions already since I know of these transits ahead of time.

Note: If you wish, check out the "Chinese Woman" link, above, for a view of my illustration of the symbol, plus, some expansion concerning the degree's meaning.

And so, as turmoil covers the Earth, the following is what I really want to type about today. But please note that readers who are overly sensitive to esoteric, existential, eclipses as portents, and/or eternal considerations may want to skip the rest of this post - and absolutely no blame if you do!

Turning Point: The Woman, The Dragon, The Child - and an Eclipse (Sun-Moon)

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 12 we find a certain description,

"Now a great sign appeared in the heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars."

The KJV gives this as "a great wonder" while the Revised Standard Version of the Bible says, "a great portent." - which is part of what I wrote in my ephemeris on the October 2005 page under the listing of the October 3, 2005 7 South Solar Eclipse @10Lib19. A great sign, wonder, portent! Well, here's all that I wrote and no, I didn't list where the information came from, but here it is for your consideration in light of Earth upheavals and other current events of a turbulent nature which some ascribe to an existential crisis,

"October 3, 2005 Solar Eclipse 7 South is said to be the eclipse of Revelation 12 - the Great Portent." And the woman's identity with her garland of twelve stars and sun and moon connections? This may well be a reference to the Constellation of Virgo (the maiden), the second largest constellation in our skies. But are there 12 stars in the Virgo constellation? No, not now but there may have been previously because above the maiden's head there's a circle of stars, and due to precession it's possible that Coma Berenice is indicated as well. Then in the SO'W Solar Return 2022 Horoscope, we find feminine asteroids (archetypal figures) within the Virgo-Pisces polarity: Ceres and Demeter in Virgo, and Juno, Diana, and Astraea, the star maiden of justice, purity, and innocence.

And yes, the October 2005 manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse that inspired Stars Over Washington, meaning that under its themes, yours truly felt compelled to create the 'personal weblog' you're reading right now - because of my anger against "what politicians were doing to the place," aka, America (exs: preemptive war; "Homeland" Security; The "Patriot" Act). And so I can tell you, dear reader, that 7 South themes contain a deeper meaning for me now than in 2005. How could they not?

7 South Themes: "Immense power, anger, and force" of the intial 7 South's "Mars square Pluto is channeled into this family of eclipses" (via the Mars-Pluto square of June 22, 1248). {}"Huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through very rapidly; either way, things will seem to move at great speed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now as you may or may not know, Mars-Pluto square energies are formidable and on a mundane (political) level suggest power struggles, jealousy, destructive anger, and the urge to take revenge. Well, we both know who in the political realm this sounds like so his name shall not be mentioned in this post, not this time.

As for SO'W, I can only hope that such powerful energies and themes have been used on a positive level through the years for then something useful can be accomplished. And Capricorns do like to be of use, you know!

So in closing, mention should be made of the next manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse for it is soon-coming and occurs @21Lib07:33 on October 14, 2023. It isn't a Total eclipse, only Annular so its potency will be somewhat muted, thankfully, since all 7 South eclipses carry the forcefulness of a Mars-Pluto square within them. However, the eclipse in October 2023 will fall between the planetary pair of strong political opinions, Mercury and Mars - and Jupiter @13Taurus during the eclipse conjuncts the North Node of destiny in the SR 2022 Horoscope, above, which suggests religious groups interfering in legal processes, and closed legal societies (M. Munkasey).

So perhaps we can agree that these potentials are already underway with America's tradition of separation of church and state underfire by bossy theocrats, ideologues, and mafia-esque criminal types determined to take total control of our country. Therefore, we must out-determine them and use the Mars-Pluto energies ourselves toward positive outcomes!

Now if only fussy words in a political astrology post, significant eclipse portents, and Biblical passages could inspire lovers of democracy to bestir themselves in November and Vote Blue in droves for the sake of America!

An Additional Note: A cosmic time link exists which directly affects America and the 2024 Presidential Election thanks to the 8 South Solar Eclipse @10Libra of October 2, 2024, the Prenatal Eclipse of Election 2024. Falling at 10 Libra, this activates by degree, fully or partially, the themes of the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005 which you see marked within the lower left horoscope's 2nd house so that the themes of both eclipses could combine in a variety of ways when 7 South returns in October 2023. jc

Jul 13, 2016

Horoscope: US Moon Return on Election Day 2016

November 8, 2016: Synchronicity and Sadness

by Jude Cowell

Since basic notes are penned upon our November 8, 2016 Lunar Return horoscope (please enlarge to read), I'll simply add a few thoughts in the following text. This Return chart is based on America's July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA horoscope which many astrologers use as the US natal chart--the date, if not that precise moment.

On November 8, 2016 at 11:37:43 am EST, the critical degrees of 20Capricorn and 20Cancer are rising and setting which makes status quo authoritarian Saturn the chart-ruler. Saturn @15Sag 12 is in the 11th house of Groups and Associations and is within US natal 1st house having been plopped on our nation's Ascendant, crossing and recrossing, for some time during which we've seen Republican attempts to hold Hillary Clinton accountable. Some little effort has been made to hold Donald Trump accountable for his several financial irregularities as well, and of course, President Obama never completely escapes the moral high horse of the Republicans.

Yet Moon Return Saturn provides a bright note. See it, upper right on the chart for chart-ruler Saturn applies to a trine with Uranus in 3rd house, giving a lift to business and financial sectors, and possibly affecting student loans or other economic matters. (My nag in the race is eternally the American people, oppressed by a greedy ruling elite.)

Then there are the Democrats--those who fund them and those who tend to vote for them--who have also participated to varying degrees in the Hold Accountable Political Sweepstakes as transit Saturn has lurked about, ready to file lawsuits if they were deemed beneficial to the litigant. Tragically for the American people and our form of government, our degraded justice system has continued to perform in a less than stellar manner as our nation's formerly exalted-in-Libra Saturn now progressed and retrograde in betraying Scorpio can attest.

So is this a significant synchronicity we see with a US Lunar Return occurring on a very important Election Day? To me it seems so. Here the Moon (27AQ09) rises in the 1st house but only after contentious Mars, at a critical 29th degree, rises. Powerful, wealthy Pluto has just arisen @15Cap23, conjoined with the lovely fixed star, Vega, and a few hours earlier, the Sun arose with Vega (aka, Wega), a star with potentials for: luck in Politics, wealth through dealing with the government, but also fleeting fame and double dealing. Problems via mother also may apply (A. Louis).

And with Mars and Pluto (ruler and sub-ruler of Scorpio) rising, we have what may be a picture of force, violence, compulsion, war, and/or nuclear potential rising. The 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies may be involved since the Moon is ruler there with 20Cancer on the cusp and Twin stars Castor and Pollux spotlighted, the light and dark twins. Both stars denote creativity yet murder and other crimes and scandals are tucked away for future reference (via either the Clintons or Mr. Trump, if he's the GOP nom.)

Okay, there is much more to say about this curious horoscope with its synchronicity standing out like a you-know-what thumb but I won't just now--except for one question: is a Lunar Return on Election Day 2016 a symbol of the American people (Moon) re-turning to Hillary Clinton, also signified by the Moon (a woman)? The planets are in a Locomotive shape with political planet Jupiter in the lead and indicating a high-powered executive. The Scorpio Midheaven, Sun, and Mercury (just past Hillary's Mercury Return!) seem to whisper if not shout her name while wifely Juno (politics) @00Sag conjoins Hillary's natal Jupiter. Also @00Sag is the day's Sun-Saturn midpoint which hints at good fortune for an older person (Grandma Hillary?) and this pile-up spotlights the degree's Sabian Symbol: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Plus, Sun-Saturn links to karma and Mrs. Clinton apparently expects to garner the White House Oval Office for her past efforts towing the Global Government line (which must include the corporate coup, the TPP).

This militaristic word picture reminds me of Hillary Clinton as neocon with her warhawk-esque stance that the baton-passing on January 20, 2017 will give a nod to in Washington's quest for perpetual war and world domination. Was she anointed from the start to follow the 'new world order' script? In my opinion, yes, she was, and the overblown Political Theater which the Mainstream Media has pedaled 24/7 as "Campaign 2016" has done its best to disguise that very sad fact.

Now let's close with the one chart factor that may override all the others and 'run away with the chart' and the day's big event: Mars at a critical 29th degree is unaspected. Is this Donald Trump going it alone to the White House? Perhaps, or does Mars represent former President Bill Clinton who will be the very first First Gentleman we've ever had in the White House? It may even be the temperament of Hillary Clinton which the latest tell-all book says was explosive and nasty in her days as First Lady. Well, I'll add here what I understand about an unaspected Mars and let you decide his or her identity--or identities:

When Mars, the planet of motivation, energy, and action is not aspecting other planets (actors) in a chart it is able to express its traits in an undiluted, unrestrained fashion since limitations from other planets are nonexistent. This is a first-house Mars rising which emphasizes its Aries nature and its aggressive warrior tendencies. Here, Mars rules the 3rd house of Communications and the 10th house of Career and Public Status so these departments are where his unrestrained, boundless energies will express most visibly.

An unaspected Mars tends to be self-centered which may be seen as he acts in his own self-interest (this describes most politicians in general!). He prefers to be in constant motion, always on-the-go, or, he may operate in fits and spurts. A lack of compromise may also be evident along with an independent mindset that is compulsively one-pointed in its focus. Although components in his psyche are missing, boundless enthusiasm may be noted though the negative Martian traits such as aggression, anger, violence, a me-first attitude, and foolhardiness (where angels fear to tread, etc) are unmodulated by planetary influences for he listens very seldom to others and disdains advice. Bad tempered may be a mild description depending on how often things go his (or her) way.

Then if we add a Martican 'never admits to his mistakes' we can envision Hillary's fly in the ointment as Mr. Trump playing the spoiler role as the unaspected Mars who runs away with the Oval Office on November 8th. Plus, there's Mars' Sabian Symbol for '30Cap': "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs"...'EXECUTIVE POWER' (Rudhyar), a picture which speaks of an 'occult hierarchy' and a 'supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings.'

Hmm. That sounds like those who select presidents--those often described by Max Igan as, "the powers that think they be."

But then there is the feminine influence on US Presidential Elections of the 8-year Venus Cycle...


For more info on unaspected planets, see Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

Jul 1, 2016

The Highest-Resolution Thermal Images of Jupiter Yet - MSNBC

Jupiter in scientifically minded Virgo is in the spotlight on July 4, 2016! Astrologically speaking, this could have something to do with Jupiter and the North Node (of the Moon) traveling together in Virgo this year with the North Node relating to encounters, publicity, and public contact and Jupiter the planet being encountered by spacecraft Juno!

The Highest-Resolution Thermal Images of Jupiter Yet at MSNBC.

Apr 14, 2016

Washington DC Horoscope of Inauguration 2017

For Inauguration 2017 (January 20, noon EST, Capitol Building), the American people may expect a horoscope and planets that look like this:

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbles of basic information and scroll below for the midpoint picture potentials active during the day.

Providing the cosmic conditions for the 2017 Oath of Office and the 4-year term of the next president is a 5th house Solar Eclipse @9Virgo and if you're curious, here is a previous post concerning this 19 North Solar Eclipse which describes background influences for both Election 2016 in November and Inauguration 2017 in January. According to 19 North it's time to 'tackle the truth' though with our nation's capital city running on lies and deceit we must wonder how politicians will deal with such a frightful experience of the truth getting out. Unless, that is, the presidential victor is one of 'the outsiders' like Trump or Sanders. For my dime I prefer plain speaking Bernie Sanders over showman Donald Trump whose Mercury-Neptune distortions of facts and indiscretion are well known now in April 2016. Plus, Mr. Trump may not make it beyond the RNC 2016 nominating process so we'll see if any other truth tellers come forth for consideration in July and on November 8, 2016. After all, there will be a Capricorn Full Moon during RNC 2016 so facts and secret information may be cast into the public spotlight, and very inconveniently for some.

Another caution in the truth-telling department is that deceptive Neptune @10Pisces is the chart's and the inauguration's final dispositor--everything comes back to Neptune which is not a stable planet--strong and contagious in its own sign--on which to pin our hopes for increased realism and truth. Actually, stark Saturn favors realism, truth, and accountability and there he is in the 8th house of Corporatism near the political asteroid Juno. Conservative Saturn can be quite doubtful and doubt-provoking when in Sagittarius (sign of the truth seeker!) and often describes those with a strong sense of justice, prudence, and possessing legal talents. Will this be enough to satisfy the impetus of the 19 North Solar Eclipse?

Looking back, 19 North is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of America's Great Seal (June 20, 1782), the Republican Party (July 6, 1854), and Inauguration 1981 of Ronald Reagan. Quite a trio! And not necessarily a trio of realism and know.

So as you see in the horoscope, the Oath of Office will be taken during an active Hour of Mars, and there's a Bowl shape to the planets with the 6th house Jupiter in Libra in the lead. This shows a Jupiterian person who advocates for a cause, deals with needs, and is challenged by the empty area of the chart--here, it's Taurus through Virgo which includes America's natal Uranus and Mars in Gemini, our Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury in Cancer, and our natal Neptune in Virgo (sign of The Worker and Critic.) A major agenda has the next president but don't they all? Yet we know that global government types bedevil the American people who prefer the nation-state we're accustomed to! It's a long process forcing something upon people who say, No Thank You, and the Hegelian Dialect has been one of their favorite methods as the power elite 'solve' the very problems they themselves created and engineered.

As for Jupiter in Libra, we know that this placement denotes a strong sense of justice and fair play. An example is Mr. Trump whose natal Jupiter in Libra is quick to shout, "it's not fair!" when things aren't going his way. So we may be tempted to prognosticate Mr. Trump as our next president due to his Jupiter Return/s (17Lib27 Rx) which manifest three times: December 4, 2016, April 13, 2017 (Rx), and August 4, 2017. This should be a time of rewards for him.

However, there are other transits causing frustration such as disruptive, rebellious Uranus in Aries opposing Trump's natal Jupiter (a money planet that also relates to thespians and politicians--his Gemini Sun is an actor and a juggler.) Plus, there's a square from transit Pluto in Capricorn to his natal Jupiter. This imposing square denotes that his exaggerations of self-importance bring obstacles to his political aims and are not favored by those with more power and influence. In short, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square in Cardinal signs has engaged his Jupiter off and on so I'm guessing it's the dynamic T-Square the trio forms which played a part in encouraging him to (finally) make a run for the presidency.

(Jupiter-Uranus = Pluto contains potentials for: far-seeing creative activities; a change of fortune; tremendous drive to success; great gains. On its own the Jupiter-Uranus pair indicates optimism and lucky breaks--but can also involve conflicts, holding one-sided views, and a lack of compromise--Ebertin; Tyl.)

So let's not redecorate the Oval Office in gold gilt just yet! For on the cosmic agenda in 2017 Mr. Trump will experience difficult transits to his natal Sun-Moon opposition: truth-bringer Saturn will conjoin natal Moon @21Sag and oppose his natal Sun @22Gemini during his three-fer Jupiter Return. Ouch! These are periods when one's ego, integrity, leadership, and generosity are challenged by those with more power and seniority, and feelings of emotional deprivation and loss bring worries, depression, and a potential for illness. Now some pundits say that Donald Trump doesn't actually want the job of president and with this doubly difficult transit coming it seems to me that if he's (s)elected, the restrictions of living in the White House and the rigors of the job itself will be greatly disappointing for his nibs--in part, thanks to old man Saturn affecting his natal Full Moon. Personal relationships and family may be affected as well and it will take other more positive planetary input to relieve these stresses along with a letup of Saturnian energies thanks to retrograde periods which will allow some respite.

Now I didn't intend to type this much about one 2016 candidate but there it is. I compose at-keyboard so I'll not delete my Trump remarks now. However, we should consider the applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus @17Pisces, a critical degree, in the wishful 11th house of Groups and Alliances (where 'she' usually is at inauguration time: money/relationship planet Venus is exalted in Pisces, as you know.) There are two Ptolemaic aspects made by Venus in the horoscope that give hints as to how the 4-year presidential term will proceed:

First, Venus squares restrictive Saturn (5A46) which is in a Money House, the 8th, as noted above. This suggests difficulties in cooperative endeavors and in gaining favor and/or material assets, and a preference for isolation instead of attending social events. Legal matters, debates, and taking on responsibilities may not bring satisfying results, or the costs may simply be too high. Rough sailing? Yes, but things can still work out okay in the end especially for the win-win class of power elites.

Next, Venus conjoins Mars (6A37), a transit denoting joint efforts with partners and/or allies are pleasant as is travel--perhaps Air Force One is suggested since luxury travel is indicated and a meeting is in the cards. Is this a lady (Venus) president meeting with the guys? Perhaps. A reporter (perhaps Robert Costas on MSNBC?) said this week that Wall Street titans "are not afraid of what Hillary will do" if she's elected, whereas Bernie Sanders--well, that's a candidate of a different stripe all together, isn't it?!

To close, here are the previously published midpoint pictures for January 20, 2017 noon EST Capitol Building Washington DC; please enlarge the image for reading purposes and note that all, any, or none may apply and are subject to activation by transits and progressions:


Note: the rim of the Bowl, the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, is the culmination of their current cycle which began in 2010/2011 with three conjunctions: June 8, 2010 @00Ari18 = Aries Point and conjunct US natal IC; September 19, 2010 @28Pisces, and January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. This marks the period when 'Tea Party' candidates infiltrated the US Congress intent on shaking things up, plus, it relates to the debt issues that Congress pretended to 'deal with' in 2011 so with the Jupiter-Uranus opposition we may expect more financial stalemates and fiscal difficulties as a new president accepts the baton and runs with it, taking We the People into what the transnational Money Trust intends to be a global new world economic order--allegedly legalized on December 23, 1913 with the surreptitious and illegal passage by Congress of the NY Federal Reserve scam.

And with this post and many others since 2005, this American demurs and dissents.

Mar 28, 2009

Astrology of Mar 27 - 29, 2009 with Asteroids!

Astrologer Julie Demboski has done it again showing how the Big Picture informs the Little Picture of life on Earth!

Beginning Friday (3.27.09) and running through the weekend, she provides the astrological details on the love and power vibes permeating the air right now.

This weekend's energies have been distilled to their essences for you - and I love the way Julie includes the major asteroids (Juno, Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta) to help fill out the As Above, So Below picture for us mortals!

Jul 4, 2007

America's Solar Return 2007

Here are a few July 4 headlines to mark America's 231st birthday today although the Sun actually returns to her natal degree July 5, 1:27 pm, Washington DC.) Beware: propaganda may be present in nebulous quantities:

Bush invites just a few to hear Independence Day war-promo speech and reads from a 1777 newspaper article about the 1777 celebration in Philadelphia--they "toasted democracy" back then--and since history repeats--so does Bush!

Kidnapped BBC Reporter Freed in Gaza which is my favorite news of the day so far!

Gore's Son Arrested on Drug Suspicion as the fragrance of marijunana wafted from the car window, Al III's bail was set to a mere $20,000 even with a bunch of Viocodins, Valiums, Xanaxes, and Adderall tabs on the menu. Guess it's who you know.

Putin Predicts Progress in US Relations (who didn't see that coming?)

Search for Sept 11 Remains to Continue (someone ought to be ashamed--six years!)

And there's a Solar Eclipse on Sept 11, 2007 in the 9 New South (18Virgo); this series tends to bring to the surface or the consciousness long-term worries about loved ones, health, or issues to do with paperwork or communications (those mysteriously missing emails, Karl?).

This eclipse series first manifested July 19, 1917 with Sun/Moon 25Can51, and Venus at 18Leo18--her degree on Sept 11, 2001, and the Solar Eclipse degree of Aug 11, 1999, the "Mother of All Eclipses" or aka The King of Alarm Eclipse of Nostradamus.

Bringing to the surface seems to already in progress as described in the article!

America's 2007 Solar Return Chart:

Here are the applying aspects of the Sun which describe how things will go in the next year for the initiatives, goals, and aspirations of our nation (and of her 'leader'):

1. Sun Quindecile (165 degr) Pluto (1A06): intense drive gains power and control; ruthless, manipulative, intimidating; purges old concepts; can possess strength of character; self-evaluation needed and beneficial (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

2. Sun inconjunct (150 degr) Chiron (1A18): total drive toward The Quest; rigidity about destiny hardens; the effect is like a loaded stick of dynamite (Chiron, Barbara Hand Clow.)

The Sun squares SR ASC (1A18; 14Lib37 so US natal Saturn is rising along with her natal Sun SQ Saturn--SR Sun is at MC, 2007 is a pivotal year for America with SR Sun conj an angle.)

Sun also is applying to MC (3A24), MC 16Can43 which links to the Pentagon's natal chart.

3. Sun trine (120 degr) Uranus (5A19): good fortune comes but may not be manipulated; some who seek more ego-satisfaction may advance; leadership, willpower, and career goals may prosper--but 'expect the unexpected.'

With America's natal Sun/Saturn square being in focus in the 2007 Solar Return chart we also find two asteroids rising as well with n Saturn (responsibility; restriction; control; accountability; the Old Man; authority figures) and these are:

Juno, the Wife, associated with legal relationships, wanting justice, fairness, and balance; restrictions (echoes Saturn); the abused/the abuser.

Tisiphone: retaliation.

The only midpoint picture becomes two when you substitute SR ASC for n Saturn:

NN/ASC = Pluto: strange or fated associations; power plays with others for personal advancement.

NN/ASC = n Saturn: oppression; suppression; separation or seclusion; conservatism; prevailing with wisdom and realism (that'd be refreshing coming from Washington, wouldn't it?)

There's a lot more I could say in the "speculation; wastefulness" areas for this Solar Return year but I'd be repeating myself since the beginning of this blog about the fleas and other crawly things of Washington. Attacked from without and within, America needs a lightening bug of truth to illumine her way in spite of all who wish her harm, and the maturity to stand up and make the changes which are now so obviously necessary.

Perhaps Saturn rising for 2007 will remind us of her natal ability for taking responsibility for past actions (planet Saturn would love that!) and our eternal youth image in the world (Gemini) might ripen to wiser maturity.

For abolishing a government not doing the People's will is our right...see this document and substitute Bush-Cheney for the king we railed against 231 years ago.

Seems an Ideal's dream of perfection is never done, is it?