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Showing posts with label Sun to Capricorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun to Capricorn. Show all posts

Oct 1, 2021

Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope: Jupiter "at the bends"

October 1, 2021: As you can see in the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope, below, Pisces rises and Jupiter in Aquarius rises and rules the chart and the winter season. However, Jupiter @28AQ36 makes no applying aspects to other planets but is square the Nodal Axis and thus is at the bends - with South Node, a sacrifice or an offering is implied. Plus, Jupiter square the Nodal Axis suggests people whose social, religious, and ethical attitudes and aims are out of harmony with the society in which they live. Of course, expansive Jupiter contains multitudes so malcontents and zealots are not the only folk this Jupiter may represent. So if I were you, I'd include corporatists in one bunch or another along with military types, religious leaders, broadcasters, politicians, and, in Aquarius, humanitarians and philanthropists. Hopefully, a Jupiterian word, some form of protection will be afforded with Jupiter rising.

Winter Solstice December 21, 2021 10:59:08 am EST Washington, DC

With the Solstice Sun @00Cap00:00 falling within the 10th house of Career and Public Status, America's national reputation is on full display - and subject to scandal. Contained in the 9th house of Higher Education, Philosophy, and Foreign Lands, is activist Mars @5Sag47 conjunct the separative South Node of the Moon, an indicator of loners who tend to act independently (and possibly violently) but may also represent those who question the military values of our country (9th house = abroad) and, as has been the case for decades, of overblown defense spending (at the expense of the public's needs). So it looks as if the GOP won't be giving up their political advantage over the Biden administration through their criticism of the Afghanistan withdrawal or of other military and security policies into 2022. Sore losers can be that way.

Now as you see rising in 1st house are oceanic Neptune @20Pis31 suggesting large or mass events, probably involving water and/or storms or other weather-related events. That wounded healer Chiron rises as well is not lost on me yet I've no idea what this may entail unless healing is part of the compassionate Neptunian picture. Hopefully, any goodwill expressed will be genuine rather than superficial.

A 5th House Moon in Cancer

Highlighted on the chart is a YOD pattern with apex Moon @27Can01 (opposing US natal Pluto) in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Creativity, and Children. This pattern sometimes indicates crisis conditions (which we know we have) and can also be a health indicator. Naturally our thoughts go to Covid infections and to innoculations which are said to be coming for younger children possibly by the end of the year. Either way, children, women, and families are spotlighted by the 5th house Moon in her own sign of Cancer. That the Moon opposes US natal Pluto (or is opposed by it) hints at extreme feelings, possible domestic difficulties, and the pairing makes objectivity and taking a positive attitude crucial for best results. Also we must guard against giving in to faulty assimilation of impressions that lead to self-defeat! (B. Tierney).

Meanwhile, YODs may also denote turning points, special tasks (with correct timing a key issue - the Moon is an excellent timer), and/or karmic opportunities for progress. Whatever is suggested here, the Moon at apex of a YOD pattern puts Lunar folk in the spotlight for taking positive, well-timed actions despite any emotional traumas of the past which cloud their perception of current reality.

Cosmic Blinks of Disruption: Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Ruling 2nd hou$e via Aries and 9th house via Scorpio, this 9th house Mars activates the Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 @5Sag and the conditions and circumstances of that time period. Perhaps you remember that the May 26th Lunar Eclipse gave clues as to society's emotional reactions to the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, the day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote. Well, you know very well what issues are involved from the 2020 Election, no need to type them here.

But time moves on and Winter Solstice 2021 falls within the 5 New South Eclipse Series which manifests on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 with benefits promised. (The 12Sag Eclipse is in 9th house of this chart conjunct Midheaven although it isn't penned upon the chart - and the Midheaven is unaspected by any planet so the beneficial themes of the eclipse may be the objectives of the winter season!) Heads up to those who use a US Horoscope with Sagittarius rising around 11/12Sag because this personalizes the December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse to the US and implicates Jupiter as even more significant in this Solstice 2021 chart since the Great Benefic rises - and rises at 28AQ36 conjunct the people's Moon in the 'Sag rising' horoscope of 1776. This transit is meant to be a happy time of life unless other planetary factors interfere with or mitigate the positivity of a Jupiter-to-Moon transit. Considering the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope I'd say that our prognosis is mixed which means that political, financial, and other social tussles and negotiations continue through the winter season but with some benefits attached as Year 2021 ends and 2022 begins.

However, you may be pleased to note that only one mention of Tr*mp is marked on the chart - his natal Jupiter (@18Lib27 in his natal 2nd hou$e and Stationary) conjunct the Winter Solstice 2021 8th cu$p. And of course you know the Sabian Symbol for "19 Libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding." Very appropriate for the career grifter.

Now admittedly, there are many more chart factors of note (Mercury in Capricorn, the common-sensical yet possibly fraudulent "Mercury-Jupiter" on the Angles, the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square of old order vs new order, Saturn working in isolation, testy Mars leading a steamy Locomotive revealing him to be a ruthless, high-powered executive driven toward success, etc) but, mea culpa, I cannot possibly mention them all in this text. Therefore, penned on the chart for those who wish to read them are my study notes.

Yet before this post ends, mention must be made of the intense 11th house Venus-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investment. Here is a paraphrasing of the Hegelian Thesis-Antithesis model from Michael Munkasey's book, Midpoint: Unleasing the Power of the Planets (#ad) by which we may find that the Venus-Pluto duo pretty much sums up the majority of what I've typed, above. And of course you know I must mention that "Thesis" = conditions set up on purpose so that solutions("Antithesis") 'must' be implemented just as ivory tower social tinkerers intended to do in the first place - with the aid of certain politicians, media figures, and other compromised actors who have been bought off and don't mind betraying America on behalf of a vicious global authoritarian movement, as we now see:

Thesis: Extremes of wealth hidden in secret places; model or beautiful waste processing or disposal systems; genetic alterations; transforming the natural beauty of a country.

Antithesis: Attracting elements of organized crime; breakdown within the social fabric of society; volcanic activity which destroys financial or agricultural centers.

As always, feel free to leave a name-tagged, on-topic comment if you wish and you know that your Shares are always much appreciated. Because if the readership of SO'W fails to grow, then what am I doing this for? jc