Vorwärts, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Forward!, They Said
by Jude Cowell
Today, April 20 2023, "Little Adolf," the Austrian psychopath turns 134 years old in his grave, wherever it may be. But to be more specific, his Solar Return 2023 actually perfects tomorrow, April 21, 2023 at 6:02:11 am CEDT in Berlin with his natal Sun (00Tau48) conjunct Phaethon rising (unprepared for leadership and Sun at a degree of violence).
Radical planet of anarchy, sedition, and zealotry, Uranus, rises in his 2023 Solar Return 1st house @17Tau52, one degree beyond Herr Adolf's natal Venus-Mars conjunction @16Taurus+, a planetary duo active during our Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse when 'maga' Republicans managed to take over the House of Representatives.
In fact, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan has been in New York City showcasing his maga efforts for Trump, and a Trump-appointed judge has handed Jordan a legal gift which only adds fuel to the orange monster's gas tank for more 'Big Lie' gas lighting ahead.
Yet none of the above are reasons for this Friday post.
What I want to share with you is that while reading about the rise of Herr Adolf, I came across the name of the media baron, industrialist, and politician who, among others, aided the Austrian's rise to power. Soon sidelined, his name is Alfred Hugenberg. Holding multiple official positions in the German government, Hugenberg helped Hitler become Chancellor on January 30, 1933, Germany's first goose-step toward Nazism. Yet Herr Hugenberg, who had studied law and economics, had lost his political clout with Hitler by the end of 1933 but continued serving as a "guest" member of the Reichstag (parliament).
And like other of Hitler's early enablers, Hugenberg miscalculated bigly that Herr Adolf would be easily controlled once in power. Might this be echoed by certain assumptions made by the Republican Party in 2015 and 2016 concerning you-know-who?
Related: Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump.
Now if the initial support of publisher Hugenberg for Hitler (until Alfred was tossed aside!) reminds you of Murdoch for Trump (until Trump turned on Fox News toward the more conducive outlets, NewsMax and OANN - while actually it was more a case of Murdoch turning against Trump for not conceding his 2020 loss) - then basically we're on the same history-rhyming page. Parallels and cosmic time links exist between the two men for a curious seeker to discover, not the least of which is the repetition of Rupert's natal 4 South Eclipse on Electoral Vote Count Day 2020.
So subsequently, an idea ocurred to me to look for Alfred Hugenberg in the back of The Sabian Symbols in Astrology (M.E. Jones #ad) and there he was: birth time and all. So in case you're one of the curious, here's Hitler-enabler Alfred's birth data according to Dr. Jones, plus, a few astro-notes and contact details:
Alfred Christian Alexander Hugenberg
June 19, 1865 11:45 pm LMT
Hanover, Germany
Prenatal Solar Eclipse Total @5Tau21 in the 11 South Saros Series: 'systems and methods fail; unions suddenly end; any blocks are tragically or violently removed' (B. Brady).
Natal Ascendant 16Pis23; Midheaven 24Sag53 conjunct Jupiter Rx @23Sag32 (publishing) opposing at IC his Sun @28Gem34 conjunct Uranus @29Gem34 = an unpredictable non-conformist (A. Oken); Hugenberg's natal North Node of destiny conjuncts Herr Adolf's natal Ascendant in late Libra (a personal relationship; estrangement or separation); Alfred's natal Venus @16Tau43 conjuncts Adolf's natal Venus-Mars conjunction so he may have seemed charming to Alfred early on; however, they share a Mars-Saturn contact which suggests potentials for 'destructive energy, separation, and cases of death' (R. Ebertin).
Publishers Hugenberg and Murdoch
Meanwhile, the natal planetary contacts between the two demagogue-supporting publishers, media baron Alfred Hugenberg ('AH'), born 1865, and media titan Rupert Murdoch ('RM'), born 1931, are worth mentioning. They include:
RM Moon @24Sag08 conjunct AH natal Midheaven-Jupiter Rx (publicity, plus, money via publishing); instinctively, Rupert knew what had to be done for his natal Moon was 'eclipsed' by the 4 South Eclipse of December 14, 2020 when sore-loser Trump's belly-achin' shifted into overdrive. Driven by desperate motivations from near and far, sensitive old Donald refused to concede, and he was, and remains, bu*t-hurt.
RM 4 South Total Prenatal Solar Eclipse @27Lib46 (October 21, 1930) conjunct AH natal North Node - and conjunct Hitler's natal Ascendant. Now as you may remember, 4 South ('strong emotions over money and/or relationships; frustration; ending alliances' - B. Brady) is the series in which the Total Electoral Vote Count Eclipse manifested on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08, and which functioned as a cosmic signal for promoting the resentful, vengeful Herr Trump's 'Big Lie' that allegedly 'justified' his violent coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress - not to "stop the steal" but to perpetrate it.
Also related the Horoscope of the Third Reich of January 30, 1933.
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