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Showing posts with label astrologers. chart readings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrologers. chart readings. Show all posts

Aug 5, 2007

Astrologers who've read my chart!

Here's my complete list of astrologers who had given me personal chart readings... most have been birth/natal chart consultations, one was for Solar Returns, and one (you know who) was for my Fixed Star Report.

All but two were done by phone with a tape sent along afterward. The Fixed Star Report was by tape only due to distance (Australia), and one was sent by email for the same reason (UK.)

I'm putting them in order of readings with links to their blogs/sites although some are connected with astrology organisations and a few of them write for other sites or have free Astrology Newsletters available as well:

Moses Siregar

Noel Tyl

Alan Oken

Erin Sullivan

Madalyn Hillis-Dineen

Bernadette Brady

Mary Shea

John Frawley

Whew! That's quite a bit of info, isn't it? For me, I mean! All provided detailed, useful information on the bundle of cells that is moi, although I do have a couple of favorites--and I'm wondering if you have had readings from anyone on this list?

These links will take you to blogs/sites where you'll find free newletters to sign up for, informative articles to read, heads-ups to well-written astrology books, and a plethora of links to other pertinent locations of note, NCGR included.

Now that I see the astrologers all in a row, it's quite an illustrious list, isn't it? And because I'm a "9" kinda gal, it seems I need one more reading...suggestions anyone?