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Showing posts with label coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coronavirus. Show all posts

Mar 11, 2020

March 2020 and the Modern Humanity Horoscope

March 11, 2020:

Health Indicators, Eclipses, and the Modern Humanity Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

In April 2015, the Horoscope of Modern Humanity was published here on SO'W as found in E. Alan Meece's book Horoscope for the New Millennium (1996). Based on the Total Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 in the 2 Old North Saros Series and on the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto in early Gemini, one notable feature is that America's July 4, 1776 Sun @13Can19 conjoins the chart's Midheaven which suggests our nation's leadership and importance on the world stage during our current age. Yes, America's prominence may be passing, but there it is on the chart for all to see.

Of course, current progressions of the 1892 horoscope can reveal current conditions so I'll add a Secondary Progressed ('SP') Chart, below, with a few health indicators and an emphasis on the SP Ascendant (@23Cap40) where natal Mars rises, where the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction hit, and where the three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 will meet (see bottom, right). A few other notes are scribbled upon the chart if you wish to enlarge for reading. For instance, there's a sesquisquare between Sun in Virgo, sign of health, and Jupiter Rx in Aries, suggesting 'illness through wrong nutrition' (Ebertin). Sesquisquares can work as health indicators (see bottom, left) along with semisquares. Yet the Sun-Jupiter duo when working together positively indicates 'regenerative functions of the blood' and 'the restoration of health' (Ebertin).

1892 Horoscope Progressed to March 12, 2020 12:00 pm edt Washington DC:

Themes of Modern Humanity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse: 2 Old North

Now the 2 Old North series contains difficult themes, among them 'unfortunate news about personal relationships, thoughts of separation, and/or the ending of a union. However, a quick grasp of what must be done and quick action can bring positive results' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). Perhaps you remember that a solar eclipse manifested in the 2 Old North series on July 13, 2018 @20Can41 (a repetition of Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse!) and was stimulated on January 10, 2020 by a Lunar Eclipse, also @20Cancer, a critical degree--and both conjoined Castor, a creative star but one with potentials for 'crippling of limbs, mental illness, sudden fame, loss, and/or murder' (A. Louis). As you know, a star's expression depends upon which planets the star conjoins and with an eclipse there (a 'wild card' of the Universe, aka, a 'cosmic blink'), unexpected results tend to occur in similar fashion to the electrical energies of erratic Uranus. Stars may actually 'work through' eclipses, in fact, and vice versa.

Perhaps mention should be made of US natal Sun conjunct Sirius, The Scorcher, aka, the Dog Star, supplying potentials for wealth, ambition, luck, pride, fame, honors, and occult interests. Understandably, dog bites may also be a 'gift' of Sirius.

Well, let's dare to look ahead a few months, for on July 5, 2020, a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse manifests upon the IC of the Modern Humanity Horoscope which suggests domestic concerns possibly with a security flavor, and/or revelations in the realms of US leadership and government.

And finally! This brings me to the point of this post: that the Horoscope of Modern Humanity's 4th house Mars @24Cap58 (spotlighted by a Lunar Eclipse @24Capricorn on July 16, 2019), is being activated by both transit Saturn and Pluto, fresh from their January 12, 2020 Conjunction (@22Cap46 conjunct Trump's natal Vertex) with the following possibilities: health or illness connotations and restraining conditions (ex: quarantine) of transit Saturn conjunct Mars, then transit Pluto conjunct Mars suggests aggressive or intense physical actions, karmic situations and opportunities, secret actions or motives, and/or research and development.

Plus, difficult potentials formed when the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction hit the 1892 Mars and I suspect their effects are still ringing in Modern Humanity's ears. So using midpoint pictures of Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin, here are a few of their potentials; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions:

2020 Saturn-Pluto = 1892 Mars: 'activating plans for much destruction or upheaval; energy to continue restraining activities which contaminate, adulterate, or otherwise poison (or infect? jc); a need to use whatever means or power are available to continue working; the necessity to fight for one's existence; maltreatment; ruthlessness; violence; fighting battles to keep life going; enormous undercurrent of frustration; a gun with a cork in its barrel'.

Do any of these potentials remind you of the coronavirus threat?

Above Photo: Mars (NASA; Hubble)

Mar 10, 2020

Is America on Edge of Recession? (w/ Richard Wolff)

March 10, 2020: here's an insightful discussion of the US economy and its current challenges between economics Professor Richard Wolff and the always informative Thom Hartmann:

Neptune in Astrology: Contagion, Erosion, Corruption, Deception, and Secrets

Now I don't know about you, but I'm ready to give urge-to-merge Neptune floating through contagious Pisces some very loud boos. Besides, you know that Pisces is also the sign of fragile health and of course seniors and folks with underlying medical conditions are most at risk of succumbing to Covid-19. Our financial prospects are being undermined now as well and recessive conditions are a mark of Neptunian activities. Other planets are doing damage, too, but it's Neptune in Pisces I'm fussin' about at the moment.

So when can we look forward to transit Neptune leaving its own sign of watery Pisces and entering fiery Aries? Not until the very end of March 2025 for about 6 months or so. Then the Gaseous Giant meanders back into Pisces the third week of October 2025 and makes her final crossing of the Aries Point during the last week of January 2026 where she'll laze about in Aries, to-ing and fro-ing, until 2039.

Besides contagion, infection, fear, and paranoia, Neptune in Pisces has brought to the Collective surface interests in mysticism, psychism, ghosts, seances, UFOs, divine inspirations, perceptions from higher realms, Astrology, cravings of all sorts (particularly for drugs), loss, vagueness, ocean changes, floods and mega-storms, bubbles (including economic ones), deceptions, delusions, illusions, disappointments, pathological tendencies, hypersensitivity, and/or pessimism--to name a few.

Considering Neptune's 164-year cycle, it feels as if long-term karma has left its calling card for humanity.

However, with Neptune in Aries we may expect a continuation of hypersensitivity, and for some, a love of humanity will blossom. There may be longings for far distances, remote viewing could become more of 'a thing', expressions of rich feelings could be heard more often, confusion may reign off and on, insane ideas will astound, while some folks are prone to feeling a sense of aimlessness or nervousness. Yet from some gifted people will come dreams and plans that benefit the social welfare and make a real difference in society!

Feb 21, 2020

Independence Day 2020 and a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse

Below is a DC Horoscope of the July 5, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @13Cap37 across the 4/10 Security and Career axis. Perfecting at 12:44:17 am edt, America's natal Sun (13Can19) is 'eclipsed' even more closely than it was during the 3 North July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse @10Can37 and you know the turmoil, changes, and disruptive events that ensued for US leadership in the summer of 2019 and beyond. (Exs: Trump's "perfect call' to Ukraine's President Zelenskiy, military and humanitarian aide to Ukraine withheld which benefited Russia, Trump's whistle blower saga still ongoing against the law that protects their identities, plus, Trump's impeachment in 2020!), plus other lunations, some stronger than others. (New and Full Moons may sometimes disrupt and/or reveal secrets much as eclipses like to do.)

And naturally, all Cancer and Capricorn eclipses relate to issues of authority, responsibility, ambition, use of power and control, family and security matters, and/or patriotism, both real and pretended. Plus, commerce, trade, and investment matters are often involved as well, and we should also include the potential for Moon-Saturn influences which may concern health.

Then came the 3 South December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse with its "traumatic transformation" vibes (Brady) under which we now chafe in 2020 at least until the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse (linked, below). And I'll add here a link to a previous post concerning the Spring Equinox 2020 Chart because it's 'good for' the entire year.

So here's the horoscope I've (somewhat snarkily) entitled, Happy Independence Day America 2020. (US Solar Return 2020 perfects July 4th at 4:58:57 pm edt--still with a Capricorn Moon and suggesting some 'unpleasant circumstances'.) Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish and note that this Lunar Eclipse's Syzygy Moon is its 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse ('PE') @00Can21; 4 North themes are penned upon the center of the chart:

So between the June 5, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @15Sag20 (not shown but linked, below) and the July 5th Lunar Eclipse you see, above, comes the Summer Solstice Eclipse 2020 which is Annular yet heralds significant world events with its tinge of 4 North influences. Chillingly, we might wonder if the spread of China's tragic coronavirus contagion disrupting the supply chain to the rest of the world is implicated here due to its potential for interrupting global financial markets. That could do it. Maybe this post should have opened with that.

And so, after studying these 2019 and 2020 eclipse horoscopes and typing this post, I must second Brad Friedman of The BradBlog the way he always ends his podcasts--with a wistful, Good Luck World.

A Closely Related Post: The US Judicial System and the June 2020 Lunar Eclipse