by Jude Cowell
The natal chart of Wallis Simpson the American divorcee who married the abdicated King of England, Edward VIII, are known to have been supporters of German dictator Hitler in a Nazi kind of way. Note that this is only my quirky way of describing their degraded values yet many sources are available online and in books which concern the couple's fascist and Nazi sympathies. One connection: their multiple meetings with Oswald Mosley, head of the Union of British Fascists, an organization that was apparently disbanded in 1940.
Once he had abdicated the throne, Edward and Wallis were married on June 3, 1937 in Paris where they lived most of their lives together; both passed away there, Edward on May 28, 1972 of throat cancer, Wallis on April 24, 1986, possibly through Alzheimer complications. Follow the above links to view their natal horoscopes separately.
Meanwhile, below is a bi-wheel of Wallis Simpson's natal horoscope, the 10:30 pm version (but there are other versions such as 7:00 am with 27Cancer rising and Moon @12Libra) on the inside, and the upcoming 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Libra (outer) which will 'eclipse' Wallis' natal Moon in the 10:30 pm natal chart while opposing her natal Mars @21Ari42; in other words, the October 14, 2023 Eclipse activates her natal Moon-Mars opposition with potentials for hidden information to be uncovered that, if ignored, karmic setbacks will occur through past mistakes being repeated; the October 2023 Eclipse opposing her Mars, strong in Aries, denotes resentment and tug-of-war conditions.
And if we add Edward's natal Pluto (19Ari26 Rx) to the Moon-Mars-Eclipse mix we get the barbaric animalism and gang violence perpetrated by fascists, Nazis, and other Underworld criminals that now target democracy as in past decades. These are their tactics toward governmental take-over with Trump acting as their mobster figurehead and threatending violence toward all who would hold him to account for his alleged crimes. Mobster tactics!
7 South Themes are penned on the chart and are highlighted in orange:
Emotions Count: Major Lunar Aspects of Edward and Wallis
Edward: his Moon-Saturn square denotes a brooding man with Mummie issues. A crafty, cunning, calculating personality is indicated along with limited emotional expression and distressing memories that made him a prisoner of the past. A moody isolationist with an inferiority complex, Edward's Moon-Saturn square reveals a bleak view of life, an austere attitude, and can place a 'dark cloud' over his head. Trouble with women is a given, and an awkward shyness is exhibited. His lack of confidence could not inspire others to have confidence in his lackluster leadership ability. Alan Oken labels the Moon-Saturn square, The Cold Heart.
Wallis: her Moon-Mars opposition across the Aries-Libra axis of Partnerships reveals a volatile emotional nature that tends to lose its temper over petty domestic annoyances, and leads to quarrels especially when under the influence of alcohol. Irrational actions can damage relationships with others and a carelessness with other people's money is often present and leads to debts and financial losses. Mummie issues are problematic for Wallis as with Edward, and impatience with routine indicates the restless nature of a wandering spirit. Emotions are pent-up and violence may have been a natural facet of her nature along with easy eruptions of rage. Sexual perversions or aberrations are suggested with her Moon-Mars opposition, support for which is penned on the bi-wheel, above, through a midpoint picture of Sun-Neptune = Venus. Alan Oken labels the Moon-Mars opposition, Don't Tred On Me.
In closing, I direct your attention to the lower right corner of the chart where listed is the 7 South Eclipse's Mercury-Chiron opposition and its demand for answers, plus, the fact that transit Mercury conjuncts the natal Jupiter of Donald J. Trump and is simultaneously opposed by transit Chiron @17Ari37 Rx. Expanded thoughts and plans are indicated along with Trump's own 'demand for answers', plus, a potential for overseas travel (!) for the Mango Mussolini. The opposition from transit Chiron to his boundary-ignoring Jupiter hints at his moral and ethical conflicts now shown in stark relief via the multiple allegations and litigations that now must be penciled onto Donald's desk calendar and which represent the legal gauntlet that awaits him.