The 2016 Virgo Eclipse Led a Ruthless Locomotive
by Jude Cowell
With Mercury the Messenger now retrograde ('Rx') in fact-based Virgo until September 15, 2023, here's a review or a reconsideration of the 19 North Eclipse under which Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 took place. For as you know, our reality vs fiction fantasy issues continue, with the primary example of Trump's "Big Lie" causing most of the trouble.
DC Horoscope: Sept 1, 2016 Eclipse @9Vir21 Opposed by transit Neptune Rx in Shady, Contagious Pisces
Study notes are penned on the chart for the curious, plus, a few current planetary positions are highlighted in lavender (Mars @28Virgo, the Mars-Saturn midpoint @12Sagittarius, and Saturn @4Pisces conjunct 19 North's rebellious Uranus-Pluto midpoint indicating potentials for self-will, egoism, hatred, exposure to great pressure, separation bwo major force - R. Ebertin); also see lower left corner for Cupido conjunct IC, the Foundation and HOW? Point of all horoscopes:
Major factors in the above Eclipse Horoscope include the planetary aspects to the 19 North Eclipse (@9Vir21) which are listed here and on the chart:
Squares from the Mars-Saturn conjunction (the death axis: rebellion; physical abuse), an opposition from deceptive, subversive Neptune Rx in Pisces (truth vs fiction; fraud; lies; confusion, chaos), a trine from Pluto (assistance from powerful, hidden people, and from certain government officials), and a sesqui-square of complexity from anarchist Uranus, planet of attack, radical reforms, disruption, revolt, upheaval, and more chaos.
In addition, a few Sabian Symbols are also marked on the chart as are the Themes of 19 North, highlighted in orange, and paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.
Then looking ahead to Election Year 2024, there's a significant transit to the 19 North Eclipse Horoscope coming on March 3, 2024 when transit Saturn, Lord of Karma, and the legal eagle planet, lands directly upon Neptune (10Pis18) in the 2017 Inauguration Horoscope. Check out the bi-wheel showing the Saturn-to-Neptune transit which is aka, the 'grim face of reality' transit.
May fantasist Trump the fraudster finally face reality if not forced to do so prior to March 2024.