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Showing posts with label Election 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2016. Show all posts

Sep 9, 2024

Election 2016 and Election 2024 Midpoint Picture Potentials

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Well, today I've printed out a curious little graphic showing the Election 2016 and Election 2024 midpoint pictures with potentials as they stood and will stand at 8:00 pm est Washington DC on November 8, 2016 and November 5, 2024. This post is inspired by the fact that a few political wags have suggested that Election 2024 resembles Election 2016 in certain respects based on their political views and information.

However, yours truly must be primarily dependent upon planetary horoscopes and historical trends which resonate with Eclipse Cycles, other cosmic informants such as the Venus Cycle, plus, a smattering of listening to and reading the news, unsettling as it often is.

Other sources include certain podcasts and one of my favorites is by a plain-speaking New Yorker, David Feldman, whose current episode is a don't-miss in my political playbook: Trump Now Makes the Race about Race (You may need to 'rewind'.) Well, of course he does! And this the day prior to the September 10th Harris-Trump Debate (horoscope shown). You know, for a primitive Uranian, Mr. T really is quite predictable.

You may also wish to see Can Election 2024 Venus Symbolize Kamala Harris?

Admittedly, there is one cosmic factoid in particular that I do not care for at all: that the Predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024 @9Scorpio is basically a Moon Return to Inauguration 2017's Moon position. Of course, at best this may only symbolize Trump voters from 2016 coming back into the cultish fold - likely because they're afaid not to.

So here's a visual aid with a few notes penned on. Other details are typed, below:

Election 2016 Midpoint Pix 8:00 pm est:

Sun-NN = Jupiter: seeking public recognition; success with the public.

Sun-Pluto = Saturn: ruthlessly overcoming obstacles.

Jupiter-Neptune = Venus: love dreams.

Mercury-Mars = Venus: quarrels over women.

Sun-MC = Pluto: desire to attain leadership by the use of force; a violent attainment of aims; extraordinary plans; a tragic destiny.

Saturn-MC = Mars: giving in; feeling defenseless; lack of initiative; accepting one's destiny; enforced separation; mourning and bereavement.

Moon-Venus = Mars: actions guided by feelings; living by instinct; a devoted wife.

Moon-MC = Neptune: false emotional pictures; worry; losing hope easily; troubles through females.

Election 2024 Midpoint Pix 8:00 pm est:

Sun-Venus = Mercury: expressions of love.

Moon-Jupiter = Neptune: bad social conditions; loss or disadvantage through speculation or wastefuness.

Uranus-Pluto = Neptune: sympathy; knowledge of human nature; insecurity; uncertainty; unfulfilled wishes; neuroses; fatigue; delving into supernatural realms.

Note: midpoint picture potentials are paraphrased via Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad.

Thanks for reading! And if you'd like to encourage more Political Astrology posts on SO'W by helping defray expenses around here, a cup of coffee would be much appreciated! jc

Feb 15, 2024

March 2024 Trump Trial: a Lunar Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

Today NY Judge Juan Marchan confirmed that the criminal trial of Donald Trump will indeed go forward on March 25, 2024, the day of the Libra Lunar Eclipse displayed, below. Yes, it's difficult to keep all the 'Trump trials' straight, but this the one that concerns Trump's $130,000 hush money payment to Stormy Daniels in order to keep her quiet about their hook-up just a couple of weeks prior to Election 2016, because such a sex scandal might've "looked bad" to Trump voters - and perhaps keeping the illicit night of amour from Melania might have mattered to him.

So above is the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of March 25, 2024 surrounded by a few of Trump's natal placements highlighted in blue. Primarily, this revealing eclipse lands directly upon agent orange's natal 2nd hou$e Neptune Rx (6Lib55), planet of secrets, fraudulent schemes, disguises, deception, ideals, and more. Of course, "disguising" his actions is what he tried to do, but testimonies from Stormy and others should hopefully remove the mask from his underhanded machinations. Naturally, Trump's natal Chiron and stationary Jupiter in Libra (the boundary-breaker, always whining it's not fair! when he's in a jam) are part of the action via the Lunar Eclipse and this will add additional energies to the complexity of the situation.

Of course, as with all Full Moons, relationships are major components of the Lunar Eclipse and the trial itself, particularly since it's in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of Partnerships and the Scales of Justice. Plus, full awareness and perhaps a culmination phase will be reached issuing from the planning/seeding stage at the New Moon of March 10, 2024 @20Pis17: that's Pisces, sign of secrets and confusion - unless the Piscean fish swims upward toward the higher realms.

So! My study notes are messily penned on the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope in case you want them. Examples include: Moon conjuncts the defendant's natal Neptune, Sun opposes his natal Neptune, Eclipse Mercury (testimony) squares Trump's natal Saturn, planet of realism, facts, karma, limits, accountability, authority, and the law. And as usual with this defendant, delays may occur or be attempted, and/or communications might be limited in some way. A gag order comes to mind.

Then squished into the aspect grid area are a few notes concerning the Eclipse's unaspected Saturn, plus, listed are cosmic links to the natal Sun, Moon, and Mars of Stormy Daniels. Additionally, a dear reader such as yourself will spy more planetary contacts, I'm quite certain.

Now to close, here's a famous quote from a fellow who shares the Sun Aries-Moon Libra combo of energies of this Lunar Eclipse, journalist-essayist-critic William Hazlitt:

"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."

To me, this describes the tiresome, anti-societal Democrat v Republican stalemate used by US politicians against us with one party believing that taxpayer monies are for We the People's needs, while the other finagles all monies toward the wealthy class, while embezzling the rest.

Note: Hazlitt's natal chart has no accurate time but if you glance at it, you'll see multiple contacts from the Libra Lunar Eclipse of March 25, 2024, including the fact that the brilliant fellow is in the midst of a posthumous Pluto Return!

Above image: Pisces: Two Fishes, a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell.

Aug 25, 2023

An Eclipse Heralded the Trump Regime

The 2016 Virgo Eclipse Led a Ruthless Locomotive

by Jude Cowell

With Mercury the Messenger now retrograde ('Rx') in fact-based Virgo until September 15, 2023, here's a review or a reconsideration of the 19 North Eclipse under which Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 took place. For as you know, our reality vs fiction fantasy issues continue, with the primary example of Trump's "Big Lie" causing most of the trouble.

DC Horoscope: Sept 1, 2016 Eclipse @9Vir21 Opposed by transit Neptune Rx in Shady, Contagious Pisces

Study notes are penned on the chart for the curious, plus, a few current planetary positions are highlighted in lavender (Mars @28Virgo, the Mars-Saturn midpoint @12Sagittarius, and Saturn @4Pisces conjunct 19 North's rebellious Uranus-Pluto midpoint indicating potentials for self-will, egoism, hatred, exposure to great pressure, separation bwo major force - R. Ebertin); also see lower left corner for Cupido conjunct IC, the Foundation and HOW? Point of all horoscopes:

Major factors in the above Eclipse Horoscope include the planetary aspects to the 19 North Eclipse (@9Vir21) which are listed here and on the chart:

Squares from the Mars-Saturn conjunction (the death axis: rebellion; physical abuse), an opposition from deceptive, subversive Neptune Rx in Pisces (truth vs fiction; fraud; lies; confusion, chaos), a trine from Pluto (assistance from powerful, hidden people, and from certain government officials), and a sesqui-square of complexity from anarchist Uranus, planet of attack, radical reforms, disruption, revolt, upheaval, and more chaos.

In addition, a few Sabian Symbols are also marked on the chart as are the Themes of 19 North, highlighted in orange, and paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Then looking ahead to Election Year 2024, there's a significant transit to the 19 North Eclipse Horoscope coming on March 3, 2024 when transit Saturn, Lord of Karma, and the legal eagle planet, lands directly upon Neptune (10Pis18) in the 2017 Inauguration Horoscope. Check out the bi-wheel showing the Saturn-to-Neptune transit which is aka, the 'grim face of reality' transit.

May fantasist Trump the fraudster finally face reality if not forced to do so prior to March 2024.

Feb 16, 2023

19 North Eclipse 2016 and Valkyrie 1944

Eclipses: Cosmic Time Links in History

by Jude Cowell

Made famous in our day by a film starring Tom Cruise, Operation Valkyrie was a real event, one of over 40 assassination attempts against Adolf Hitler, and the most well-known attempt by Germany's high-ranking military officers of aristocratic descent. Many of them had also committed crimes, but to their credit, the plotters wanted to end the war and bring down the brutal, murderous, racist, psychopathic Hitler regime. However, as you know, the briefcase bomb exploded during the meeting at Hitler's Wolf's Lair headquarters, but the damage didn't reach Herr H himself, more's the pity.

The failed assassination attempt took place in what is now Poland on July 20, 1944, the very day of a Solar Eclipse @27Cancer in the 19 North Saros Series. Of significance to current US events of a fascist-nazi nature, is the fact that 19 North is the series in which our 2016 Presidential Election took place as well as the 2017 Inauguration of foreign agent orange (horoscope linked, below).

As a cosmic time link, we can note that the 19 North Eclipse of 1944 manifested in opposition to America's 1776 Pluto which suggests "a critical point in karmic development" when arrives a choice between "striving for higher attainments on the spiritual plane" - or, "reverting to animalism" (R. Lineman). It's no stretch to see the connection between America's turn from the animalism during the Hitler era and World War II, and its tragic embrace by a mobster-like figurehead and his rabid followers in our day as the struggle of a pro-democacy America against fascism (which opens the door to nazism) continues toward Election 2024 and beyond.

We might even say that in America circa 2016, a big bad wolf crashed into the henhouse, and on January 20, 2017, the thieving wolf was allowed to take over the egg-shaped Oval Office, vowing to "end" American carnage, yet we now see its flowering via his 'failed insurrection coup 2021', and violent events perpetrated all around our nation against children and others with weapons sales promoted by the NRA - and most crimes having obvious links between "white power" then and now.

DC Horoscope: 19 North Eclipse @9Vir21 September 1, 2016 5:03:06 am EDT:

'Big Lie' Beliefs Float Upon Fluffy Clouds of Neptune

With approximately one third of US voters swayed by the rhetoric of Herr Trump, the September 1, 2016 repetition of a 19 North Eclipse was unfortunately opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces, a cosmic implication of falsehoods, fraud, deception, delusion, dissolution, illusion, and gaslighting if there ever was one. 2016 Neptune was used by enemies of America to create a cosmic counterbalance to the fact-based themes of 19 North:

"Realism; coming down to earth and seeing an old situation for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth" (paraphrasing B. Brady). Disappointingly, Neptune in Pisces clouded every issue within the public discourse and continues to do so, including within the Neptunian realms of mass media and the masses, aka, the Collective.

Aspects to the above Eclipse contain potentials of rebellion, belligerent use of force (square Mars), immature people taking the easy way out and denying reality (square Saturn), reality vs fantasy, chaos, confusion, self-delusion (opposite Neptune), and people who can see beneath superficial layers of reality (trine Pluto, with Pluto conjunct US 'Powell' Moon of July 1, 1776 notated on the horoscope as turmoil, emotional trauma, upsets, strong emotions).

Then for political involvement in 2023, we have only to consider which party was founded under the nebulous rays of Neptune in Pisces: the Republican Party of 1854. The party's recent Neptune Return spotlights the planet's dissolving and undermining functions as absurd conspiracies and false ideals lead their 'maga' agenda into superficial pursuits designed to neglect the country's real issues and concerns which need serious attention on Capitol Hill. Yet as authoritarian Republicans know, an America collapsed into chaos is a good time to attempt to establish a new form of government, as history shows, be it fascist as it may be.

So my fuss for today is that the "old situation" that every voter in 2016 should have seen for what it really was and is describes the brutal animalism of fascism and nazism, and the choice Americans had - and still have - to choose a higher course for our country going forward as Election 2024 nears.

May 10, 2021

Evidence of "The Big Lie" from 2016 and Beyond

Is planet Neptune in Shady Pisces "The Big Lie"?

by Jude Cowell

A few days ago when Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"? was published here on SO'W concerning Rep. Liz Cheney's recent WaPo op-ed about the GOP's "turning point" from conservatism in favor of Trump's delusion of "The Big Lie," two progressed horoscopes were included which revealed that yes, the Republican Party (1854) does currently have "turning point" YOD patterns in both progressed charts, one with US Saturn (14Lib48) at apex and clear-eyed Saturn the planet of reality, truth, fact, and karma.

The subtitle of the above-linked post relates directly to the focus of today's offering: 'Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!'. Now it's true that a case can be made for June 2015 when Tr*mp officially threw his red cap into the presidential ring, but let's take a look back to 2016 via the lens of Astrology to find "Big Lie" indications in real time, the real time of 2016 through the auspices of a certain 19 North Solar Eclipse.

For on September 1, 2016, a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo manifested in the 19 North Saros Series (family) with themes of: 'realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it is rather than what he or she thought it was; a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Dual DC Horoscopes: Inauguration 2017 and Inauguration 2021

Note gaseous Neptune in Pisces in 11th house opposing the 19 North Eclipse in 5th house (across the self-will axis) in the lower left Horoscope of Inauguration 2017. Eclipses are, as usual, penned on charts as 'PE' (Prenatal Eclipses).

So as you see, what made the 2016 repetition of a realism-promoting 19 North eclipse significant and inspired the misdirection of its honest energies was the Saturnian fact that transit Neptune in its own sign of shady, secretive Pisces directly opposed the eclipse and made the finding, uncovering, and speaking of truth highly challenging if not impossible for a time. Add to this the facts that the 19 North eclipse of 2016 occurred during Campaign 2016 (so full of lies, liars, and Neptunian confusion and delusion!) and is the series that affected (or dare I say was responsible for) Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. So perhaps you agree that the atmosphere in the US of fact vs fantasy closely describes the White House residency of Donald Tr*mp, born under a deceptive Mercury-Neptune square (from Cancer to Libra) which just keeps on misperceiving and lying, even to himself. Yep, add such unfortunate energies from early parental input and The Prevaricator has become a fantasist extraordinaire, a veritable lie factory! Would you dare to say he's The Father of Lies?

Well, unfortunately, the former guy's fantasies are continuing to bedevil US society and The Gullible among us well into 2021 and beyond and they form the basis for donations to the orange one, plus, lawsuits, recounts, and voter suppression laws in various states written and passed under the Neptunian guise of "securing" future elections. Translation: assuring Republican "victories" because their draconian policies can't win with a majority of the American people which makes cheating the GOP's only recourse for grasping power. News Flash: cheating isn't winning, it's stealing.

And of course, when the Republican Party formed in 1854, Neptune in mid-Pisces was at or very near the "A Lady in FOX Fur" degree (my BOLD). Now as you know, early on the most prominent mouthpiece for GOP lies was, of course, Fox 'News' but now they have other propaganda platforms from which to spout falsehoods and Tr*mp's "Big Lie" in order to fuel his and the GOP's sordid attempt to coup the White House (again!) or least to make a 2024 presidential bid seem plausible and justified to the cult followers that agent orange constantly fleeces. This way, he hasn't completely lost the White House as his lucrative cash cow!

To close this fussy post, a few details concerning dubious Neptune afflicting a solar eclipse include conditions of chaos and confusion, states of tension and deception, people being pulled between reality and illusion/truth and fallacy, and a need for Saturnian objectivity if any karmic progress at all is to be made. Hopefully, our society is better situated in 2021 (with the former guy scheming in Florida) to see things and people for what they really are (come on Trump supporters!) so that criminals will be held accountable and justice on behalf of the American people will at last be served.

Related Posts: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope and America and the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy showing the May 1, 2021 Horoscope of transit Neptune in contagious Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in fact-finding Virgo, sign of health and employment; plus, America has reached many turning points through the years such as the one in 1981 under the rays of the Reaganomics Eclipse and after 40 years of the "trickle down economics" delusion promoted by economic royalists, its harmful influences are finally, hopefully, coming to an end via the pro-America policies of President Joe Biden and his promise that "help is on the way."

Nov 15, 2019

Eclipse Spotlights Eclipse: The Truth on Trial

Please note that, as of January 25, 2025, this post contains significant updates toward the end of the text as edited by yours truly. The influences of the 19 North Solar Eclipse opposed by Neptune in Pisces continues to take an unfortunate toll upon our nation via Neptunian lies, confusion, theft, loss, dissolution, subversion, and chaos. And so, I update:

A Solar Eclipse Activated by Degree: 1331 vs 2020

by Jude Cowell

With the first public impeachment inquiry into Trump and his machinations in Ukraine now in process on Capitol Hill and, as usual, truth being on trial via Trump, it seems interesting that the eclipse themes of "realism; coming down to earth and seeing a situation for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth" (Brady) continue to closely apply to and influence the misguided, misbegotten administration of Donald Trump who acts on behalf of Russia and other foreign entities while such themes continue as a mission--an imperative--of the United States government attempting to root out Trump's style of organized crime and corruption.

So because the 19 North Solar Eclipse which manifested on September 1, 2016 @9Virgo (opposed and gummed up by transit Neptune, planet of deception and confusion) influenced both the 2016 Election and Inauguration 2017, it's significant within eclipse and historical cycles that 19 North's initial eclipse occurred on July 5, 1331 (OS) @20Cancer32:02, a critical degree and a Solar Eclipse that will be activated, triggered, and/or spotlighted by the Lunar Eclipse of January 10, 2020 @20Cancer (DC horoscope shown).

So will another 'wild card of the Universe' eclipse uncover inconvenient facts for the guilty and disrupt any or all proceedings? Why of course!

Plus historically, in 1331 the Battle of Plowce was fought between Poland's army and the German army of Teutonic Knights, a military Order--which reminds me of D. Trump and his Germanic-Bavarian roots.

Now stepping into the role of POTUS again (2025), I wonder if fantasy-prone Cadet Bone Spurs plays a "knight" in his fondest dreams?

Well, Mr. T is a fan of Herr Adolf and his invasion and war against Poland in 1939 which sparked the beginning of World War II. Now, with Mr. P's war against Ukraine, it's Russia threatening Poland and other European countries via territorial expansion - just as belligerents did in 1331.

Jun 1, 2019

Trump as Apollo, Hercules, Bacchus? Venus applauds!

Image: Bacchus; Peter Paul Reubens 1638/1640; public domain

By studying his natal horoscope, curious cosmic myths and mysteries turn up concerning Donald Trump who, if one is to believe, was born June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am edt in Queens, New York. Notice the royal reference of his place of birth and, if his hour of entering the earthly flux is accurate, also note that royal star Regulus, the "king maker" or "little king", rises with his natal Ascendant (@29Le55: Self; Physical Body) at the moment of his birth. Also rising is a 'godly' asteroid, Apollo, the ancient 'sun god' along with a certain midpoint associated with goddess (or god) worship, veneration, and idolatry, Venus-Neptune. Perhaps you've noticed that in his own perverted way, Trump worships the female form, craves its beauty. In fact, only young, beautiful women will do! But is his vain self-image detached from reality? In the outer world, yes, but not on an inner level for he sees himself as the handsome Apollo and a royal king, the divine ruler! And we witness his sun worship via the orange face and white circles around his peepers ad nauseum! So whether by spray tan or tanning bed, there slouches our orange-hued 'Apollo' for all to see and marvel upon, red tie pointing ominously downward!

Yet there are deeper mysteries and intrigues under the surface of this superficial Gemini (Uranus-North-Node-Sun) who desperately longs to be taken seriously and to have speaks with world leaders of the strongman variety for Trump considers himself a strongman, too. But as with all human beings he is weak and flawed yet we find clues to his essence by his Regulus rising with lusty Mars in royal Leo (26Leo46) and in the myths associated with the royal star that Roman poet Ovid called Bacchi Sidus, "Star of Bacchus" (the Roman name for Dionysus, who remains well-known for his popular cult following). Of course these days, Regulus-rising Trump enjoys a (dwindling) Twitter following but still reaps benefits from the usual 'cult of personality' made familiar to the American public since the hallowed days of the high-minded George Washington (with whom his nibs can never compare, imho; in fact, they're opposites).

Now everyone knows that the leonine Regulus (now progressed from Leo to 00Virgo) is associated with the Nemean Lion who kidnapped maidens and kept them as hostages in his lair deep within his cave. (This sounds much like the myth of cave-dweller Pluto, god of Hades, and perpetrator of murder, assassination--and rape.) The warriors from surrounding towns would attempt to rescue the damsels in distress but misfortune resulted and so the myth goes that Heracles (the Roman Hercules, the strongman) was given the task of killing the Nemean Lion which he did by breaking its back with his bare hands for the Lion was impervious to all weapons. Does this remind you of the myth of "Teflon Trump"? Apparently it should. And according to the Trumpian mythology of his nibs, he plays the roles of both the Lion and the strongman who conquers!

Now curiously, Bacchus is associated with Regulus, an intriguing connection when it comes to D. Trump. Follow the Dionysus link, above, for more mythological info but I'll include a few details of interest here so you might consider whether or not they apply to his nibs. Such as:

Bacchus is known as the god of fertility, ritual madness (delirium), freedom to do as one wills (as with the satanic Thelema cult "of the Crowned and Conquering Child"), the harvest (grapes in particular), theater (Trump the thespian plays POTUS on TV!), and wine--or in the case of fussy narcissist Donald Trump, whine. In some cultural references Bacchus is a sibling of Apollo, and as the god of epiphany, Bacchus is "the god that comes" and his "foreignness as an arriving outsider" is an essential part of his cult and his reputation.

So if we cast our fatigued minds back to the 2016 Election, we find the Venus Cycle and goddess Venus' 4-and-8-year predictive relationship with the US Presidential Election cycle. In 2016, "Venus in Sagittarius supports a change to someone 'different'", I wrote then--in other words, election Venus in Sagittarius in 2016 supported the coming of a foreigner, a member of the rival party, an "outsider" who would be victorious over the incumbent party. A Bacchus figure, we might say if we wished.

Now let's allow goddess Venus to lure us back to Trump's natal midpoint picture of Ascendant = Venus-Neptune. Ebertin says of the Venus-Neptune pair (in no particular order per Trump and with a few mild edits):

'an erotic imagination, illusion, a person easily influenced, a dreamy nature, high ideals (when it comes to feminine beauty, at least--jc), a mistaken sense of love, indecision, uncertainty, a seducible character, erotic aberrations, inclination to mysticism (ex: idol worship; the occult--jc), romantic reverie, a poorly developed sense of reality, weakened glandular functions, pathological enlargement of the glands, weakness of the sex organs, lover of beauty and art, mystics, dreamers, visionaries, longing for love, peculiar desires and objectives, an unstable existence and changing occupations, difficult realization of ideals and wishes, awakening from emotional infatuation with awareness of disappointment or disillusionment, wrong ways of love.'

Add Trump's Ascendant for more specific potentials: 'A peculiar disposition with regard to love life, impressionable, lack of good taste, a union with persons of a peculiar disposition, and/or disappointment in love'. (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.)

Now let's consider the combined energies of the Venus-Neptune pair in the realms of Politics and Business a la Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets through his helpful inclusion of the Hegelian Dialect used by ivory-towered societal meddlers and chess players of the world for whom we are only the pawns:

"Thesis: Appeals to the ideals of the people; an inflated treasury; use of inflation as a means for controlling or manipulating growth; wealth derived from gas, chemicals, or oil; exaggerates or misstates internal resources.

Antithesis: Scandals concerning the misuse of, or deceptive practices within, the treasury or internal resources; subversives who desire to gain access to finances; spies in the financial branches; monetary fraud; art deception." For Trump I would add, artful deception.

And Munkasey's Venus-Neptune potentials conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant?

"An appreciation of how reality can be altered for your own enjoyment; indulging in another's fantasy for personal gratification; perceptions about the illusions of how matter or form combine in the world."

And so it seems obvious to me that Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square, a major fantasy-prone factor of misconception and falsehood lurking deep within his psyche, aids and supports his Venusian-Neptunian dreams, imaginings, illusions, and deceptions quite perfectly. Yet on this can we ever agree?

As you know, all royal stars in contact with personal horoscopes contain a caution not to be ignored. Here's A Very Closely Related Post: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?.

Apr 22, 2018

The 2016 Solar Eclipse That Heralded The Prevaricator

This DC Horoscope image is a re-posting of the 19 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Its themes still inform the public discourse and affect the current social and political climate with its truth vs fiction, realism and coming down to earth, tackling the truth (Mr. Mueller!), and seeing things for how they really are and not how you'd thought they were (Brady):

As you see, or perhaps remember, transit Neptune, influential in its own sign of Pisces, opposed the 19N Eclipse which denotes multiple negative potentials, some of which are penned upon the chart, upper right. In pink are marked the natal Pluto and Mars of Donald Trump which snug around the eclipse's Ascendant (19Leo40) and form a midpoint picture which is highlighted in pink, lower left: a coercive demeanor that intimidates (Munkasey). And with his already bombastic, imposing personality!

Now normally under the auspices of a 19 North Eclipse conditions would have been more relaxed even as secrets are suddenly uncovered (as all eclipses can do with Uranian flare) but this time we 'gained' transit Neptune and Mr. Trump with his life-long tendency for truth-bending, avoiding responsibility for his actions, and taking credit where it isn't due. His natal Mercury-Neptune square plays right along and describes his fake (Neptune) news (Mercury) antics and the propaganda, misconceptions, scandals, indiscretion, vagueness, deception, and corruption that attend it. Add to this his Geminian tendencies for duplicity and multiple personalities and you get a sneaky Trump hiding behind disguises such as 'John Baron' and 'John Miller' in order to build himself a larger yet false reputation!

Well, hopefully the chart image will enlarge for closer viewing in case you wish to read my notes for I'm tired of typing on this rainy Sunday afternoon in Georgia. However, here is a link to on of my original posts concerning the September 1, 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse sans edits. Cover-ups, leaks, secrets and hidden emotional ties (Vladdie? more ladies? a secret child?), plus, scandals, lies, guilt, and self-pity are embedded within this eclipse chart so perhaps a reconsideration of its implications is merited in light of what we now know of Donald Trump and his personal flaws as he plays POTUS on the world stage, a role he arrogantly assumed would be so easy (or so he said).

As for the eclipse chart with Leo rising, the Sun (leader) rules the chart although Mercury conjunct Jupiter @28Virgo rules the eclipse--details matter, expansive plans implemented, risky reforms are on the menu). Chart-ruler Sun makes four applying aspects to other planets resulting in these possibilities:

1. Sun square Saturn (0A42): a leader expected to measure up and be accountable; 2. Sun oppo Neptune (1A18): vagueness, mystery, disguising one's true self, wearing masks, hidden goals, misconceptions; 3. Sun square Mars (4A47): anger, frustration, challenges and competition, aggression, stress and strain; 4. Sun trine Pluto (5A43): setting priorities, gaining assistance from higher ups (exs: wealthy manipulators and financiers, hidden puppet masters, organized crime figures--Putin? is that you? a different blackmailer perhaps?) Also note that the Sun is the engine leading a Locomotive shape of the planets which denotes a person of ruthless actions determined toward success no matter what.

Oh! And that's Vladimir Putin's vengeful natal Venus in betraying Scorpio at the Foundation Point, the IC of the chart, and in 4th house, a Mars-Saturn conjunction of hard feelings, anger, limitations, and a need for self-restraint over impulses. Add unscrupulous, immoral Neptune to the scene and America is suffering from some seriously eroding power and a leaky boatload of Donald Trump's lies and schemes. Add to the 2016 election and the current US presidency an eclipse in Mercury-ruled Virgo and we have karmic conditions in which a strong sense of duty and honest analysis are necessary for best results, otherwise karmic progress will be stalled if not all together stymied until a later time.

To close, here are some background details posted in 2016 concerning 19 North Solar Eclipses with their previous dates/degrees and a few events and entities they heralded:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo; July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter and near Trump natal Mercury 8:51). 19N is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), and the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962). Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for Politics? You see, correlating the years of 19N with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative since history doesn't repeat as much as it rhymes.

And for those who wish to Look Ahead here's the DC Horoscope of the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms which has been labeled The Tower Solar Eclipse for its theme of collapse and rebuild. Could that be Trump Tower or perhaps the Trump Organization a-jumble in the dust?

Dec 8, 2016

Meet the Republican Elector Who Is Refusing to Vote for Trump - interview

When the Electoral College meets December 19, 2016 to decide whether (the unqualified) Mr. Trump is a demagogue and thus unfit to be US president, there is the possibility that 'faithless electors' may intervene and refuse to vote Trump which is precisely why Alexander Hamilton championed the Electoral College method--to deny demagogues the presidency in times when a gullible public is swayed.

Here Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, interviews Christopher Suprun of Texas who penned an op-ed in The New York Times on Monday describing his reasons for turning into a 'Hamilton Elector':

For a few astrological influences on December 19th which will affect the natal planets of Donald Trump, check out the day's Cosmic Conditions, a post for which I have had some Republican push back. Yes, 37 electors changing their votes and refusing Mr. Trump is a long shot but that's all it would take!

Related links:

Why the Electoral College?

Brief astrology notes on John Kasich, mentioned in the Suprun interview as a potential write-in candidate on December 19th.

Nov 25, 2016

Has Trump Already Committed Nixon-Esque Treason? (w/ Guest: Lamar Waldron) video

From November 22, 2016 Part One: Thom Hartmann speaks with historian Lamar Waldron, author of Watergate: The Hidden History concerning Donald Trump's use of Nixonian political tactics via his adviser Roger Ailes who also shoehorned Richard Nixon into the White House with something new: a television campaign. Run time is 21 minutes for this very informative interview:

Previously, on Stars Over Washington, a related post: 1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series Ends (as did the gold standard); post contains a link to the text of Hunter S. Thompson's He Was a Crook.

Go to Watergate: The Hidden History, Nixon, The Mafia, and the CIA. Is it curious how mainstream media during the 2016 campaign failed to mention the possibility of hidden mob ties to New York mogul Mr. Trump? He must surely have run across such crooks and made deals during the course of his extensive career in construction and real estate, don't you think?

Nov 9, 2016

Democrats Didn't Realize Republicans Were Playing The Long Game - video.

November 9, 2016: Here's progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann with a few words concerning last night's Trump Triumph against Hillary Clinton:

Nov 5, 2016

Jan 6, 2017: 115th Congress Counts Election 2016's Electoral Votes as a New Session Begins

Big Picture in Focus: a New President, the 115th Congress, and Jupiter Leading the Throng

by Jude Cowell

Nov 5, 2017: If like me you've been clinging to hope that Election Day 2016 will soon end without causing major mayhem to our nation, perhaps you've had a moment to notice that Wikipedia has the low down on the 115th Congress which extends from January 3, 2017 to January 3, 2019. Electoral votes from Presidential Election 2016 are scheduled to be counted in Joint Session on January 6, 2017 which will hopefully settle the matter. VP Joe Biden acts as Senate President at least until January 20, 2017 at 12:00 pm est when a new White House occupant takes the Oath of Office.

Now since we're about to end 2016 and enter 'Happy New Year!' 2017 with a spiffy new Congress, perhaps you remember the 114th Congress and its cosmically auspicious beginning when an ongoing transit of Pluto opposed America's natal Sun (the president and the leadership of the country), a time of challenges, power struggles, contests of wills, and no-compromise attitudes. All this while Pluto and the January 2015 Sun in Capricorn hooked up and created potentials for displays of aggression, domination, self-interest, and ego-based demands.

And even though it's doubtful that President Obama's Republican opponents needed the synchronicity of a double Sun-Pluto condition (power cravers all!) to continue their sabotage of his presidency (and America with it), that's definitely the theme under which they labored while We the People marveled at how brazenly in-breach of the public contract so many of them were.

And of course, 14 Cancer is the position of the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, the Dog Star, aka, The Scorcher. Maybe you agree that Pluto's presence in mid-Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and authority) has deepened and intensified events of 2015 and 2016 (ex: the insulting Campaign of 2016) so perhaps we should see if anything stellar is occurring over Capitol Hill on January 6, 2017 which will imprint upon political and societal matters during the upcoming congressional sessions and the first two years of a new president's term in office.

January 6, 2017: Well, obviously the Sun is in Capricorn so Pluto's manipulative influence continues but not as intensely (at 9:00 am est, Sun 16Cap26 and Pluto 17Cap08--both in the 12th house of Politics and Karma--chart set for the Capitol Building). The 'new world order' (global government) pair of planets, Uranus and Neptune, are near by Sun and Pluto by degree and in spirit since their 1993 conjunction/s occurred on or about 18 Capricorn, the POLITICAL POWER degree of 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones) which sounds more Trumpian than Clintonian, doesn't it? Unless you think Hillary is a manly woman, that is! ("You're a puppet, no you're a puppet!" - Stephen Colbert on Hillary's and Donald's debate).

Additionally, the overstayed-its-welcome Uranus-Pluto square is involved in something of a Thor's Hammer pattern if you don't mind counting the North Node (public contact; future direction) so we may as well consider the midpoint picture the trio forms: Uranus-Pluto = NN: accomplishing immense tasks through teamwork; sharing upsets or excitement with others (Ebertin). Along with this there's Sun and Pluto at apex of a T-Square between the Jupiter-Uranus opposition (which can become despotic) so we have a powerful amount of far-sightedness and a strong awareness of objectives involved as 2017 gets underway. Jupiter and Uranus also make up the rim of a BOWL shape with Jupiter leading all the other planets--probably alternating his roles as politician, banker, fund-raiser, professor, The General, the priest, the CEO, the actor, the promoter, and other societal roles he likes to play when it suits.

As for We the People, we'll be more than a little riled up with Moon in Mars-ruled Aries separating from rebellious Uranus, 5S42) in the 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and the National Treasury. Radical reformer Uranus opposes the 8th (corporate) house where Jupiter leads the merry cosmic throng in the cause-advocating BOWL pattern.

Now as you suspect, there are more chart factors of interest but I'm only listing the ones that pop out at me on first glance. We see from this chart and the events it times, that America is not out of her destructive Sun-Pluto phase of forced conquest, and the world remains in the grip of illuminating Uranus-Neptune and Uranus-Pluto with wealth-hoarding saboteur Pluto at apex of 1993's prominent conjunction degree which imprints 2017 and beyond as the 'Big Picture' demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise era (Tyl). Add to that the fact that when the revolutionary energies of Uranus and Pluto clash, we have: collapse of the old order, construction of the new (Ebertin) which for me echoes the far-sightedness and strong awareness of objectives mentioned, above, of a long-range plan for order out of (purposefully created) chaos.

The 2017 Eclipses begin in February and we'll cover those background influences later on. Meanwhile, we remain under the rays of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse until February 2017 but paradoxically there is transit Neptune (10 Pisces) opposing the eclipse's realism and tackling the truth themes via confusion, illusion, fraud, lies, and deception which muddles things up for some, while others see things more clearly than ever before as Neptune's mirror reflects the degree area of 9 to 10 Virgo. And of course, astrological Neptune also represents the masses, mass delusion, and mass media, the largest propaganda spreader of all.

So with the Electoral Vote Count and a new Congress approaching, we may wonder about the day's Sun Cap-Moon Aries blend of energies, an Earth-Fire combo of 'scorched earth' tendencies that mimic Sirius 'The Scorcher'. This relates to more wildfires, drought, and to more political tactics in Washington by politicians and their backers who'd rather burn the place down than lose a jot of their earthly power and prestige. Actually, Sun Cap-Moon Aries is known for its tendencies toward overvaluing career success, insensitivity to the needs of others, and for an emphasis on crass materialism. Sounds like most pocket-lining politicians to me!

Update Nov 6, 2016: see PoliticusUSA's article that mentions the continuation of Republicans' 'scorched earth' policy toward a Clinton presidency.

And so, as New Year's Day 2017 approaches, yours truly is pre-wishing Joy and Good Fortune to everyone around the world--for the shrivel-hearted rich elites can take care of themselves and are completely insensible to how very very poor they really are.


Recommended books: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, Marc Edmund Jones; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Sun Sign-Moon Sun, Charles and Suzi Harvey; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier; The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger; The Occult Conspiracy, Michael Howard.

Nov 4, 2016

Horoscopes: Inaugurations 1993 and 2017 with their Sun-Moon Blends

In case anyone cares to review the horoscope of Bill Clinton's 1993 Inauguration, here it is with notes scribbled on the chart. Please enlarge for reading:

And for comparison, here is the Inauguration 2017 horoscope which could turn out to be a total Clinton-plus-Clinton affair--but how I dread the incessant yapping at her heels and obstructionism by a sore-loser GOP, evn though I know it's only Political Theater designed and directed by shadowy manipulators hiding behind the curtain:

And here are the Images for Integration for both presidential terms. Sun = conscious, Moon = unconscious; Sun-Moon midpoint = marriage partners, so the Sun-Moon blends of both inaugural charts closely apply to our wealth-accruing political couple, the Clintons:

1993: Sun AQ-Moon Cap: "A revolutionary is elected president...An alien civilization comes to Earth to rescue man from imminent destruction."

2017: Sun AQ-Moon Scorpio: "A scientist dissects a scorpion with great tenderness and absolute precision...A researcher presents his findings to his (or her) colleagues at a Science for Humanity conference...Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

I shall leave it for you to decide how the 1993 Images apply to the first Clinton presidential term amidst government corruption, violence, so-called 'trade' deals, and his gutting reforms of New Deal programs (ex: Welfare), a goal which some say Hillary as president would continue until Social Security is privatized on behalf of Wall Street hedge fund managers who've just got to get their greedy claws on those trillions of SS dollars! One note tough--you see the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in governmental Capricorn which perfected three times in 1993 and signifies the so-called 'New World Order' which is what a Hillary presidency would, above all, continue implementing and we see this via 2017 Pluto now conjoining the 1993 position of Uranus-Neptune with its telling midpoint picture: the big picture demands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl).

So with the 2017 Images and inaugural Moon in Scorpio, it seems that Hillary Clinton's Sun, Mercury, South Node, (and Ascendant if you prefer her Scorpio Rising birth time) is featured, plus, the second Image may relate to climate change issues and/or other scientific realms of research, oceanic and otherwise.

Now here's President Obama's Weekly Address of August 13, 2010 concerning the super-dumb, reckless, and corrupting idea (my description!) of privatizing Social Security--or at least, this is what POTUS said then (though in 2016 and beyond, Hillary Clinton doesn't seem to agree):


For more details on Sun-Moon blends and their word pictures (i.e. "Images for Integration"), see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Oct 29, 2016

Election Day 2016: Midpoint Pictures Tell a Tale

Election Day 2016 Astro-Notes

by Jude Cowell

Using horoscopes set for November 8, 2016 at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Washington DC, here is a print out of the day's midpoint pictures. Some may be activated at some point, others may not but here are their potentials. You'll notice that four of the pictures remain the same from 8 am to 8 pm, while 8:00 am (when polls open, if memory serves) shows two of its own and 8:00 pm(polls close) adds four more pictures to our Election Day tale:

Yes, my scribbles are quite messy (as usual!) but hopefully you can make them out. Additional details concerning November 8th are on the right including the 8:00 am rising of Hillary Clinton's natal Jupiter @00Sagittarius in tandem with the transiting political asteroid Juno (aka, The Wife, and former First Lady). Then at 8:00 pm, Donald Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer rises and as you know, Mercury is the (planet of voters, voting, ballots, decisions, etc)...yes, water is the strongest element, but Jupiter (the politician) in its own fiery sign is definitely weightier than little Mercury in Moon-ruled, watery Cancer (the trader, the salesman).

Circled and highlighted in parrot green (one of my Prismacolor oil drawing pencils) are the midpoint pictures in effect at both 8:00 am and 8:00 pm. Venus is out-of-bounds (OOBs) denoting detachment--of a power-elite lady? Of perspectives and/or values? of secret relationships? Transit Jupiter @12Libra (now gearing up for Mr. Trump's next Jupiter Return in December @17Libra) is lead planet in a Locomotive pattern of executive ability and success, plus, Venus and Jupiter are in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms--are Hillary and Donald secret pals?)

Also listed on the right is the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse (PE) of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 @9Virgo (Sept 1, 2016) with its realism, tackling the truth, seeing old situations for what they really are vibes (Brady). For me that has meant seeing Hillary Clinton as the neoliberal 'new world order'/global government candidate, and Mars-rising Donald Trump as the candidate who boasts loudly about disrupting said 'new world order' yet who can hardly be expected to do this without plenty of help in Washington. And who, shills and infiltrators that they are, will take on such a monumental task against a global syndicate that has everything already in place to keep itself in power and totally in control?

Well, there's always the chance that Mr. Trump has campaigned in order to give We the People the impression that someone speaks on our behalves and that he intends to fulfill his extraordinary promises to improve America once he's installed in the Oval Office!


Related: September 2016 Solar Eclipse affects Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 and Election Day 2016: an Unaspected Mars in Capricorn.

Midpoint picture potentials from Reinhold Ebertin (though two are from Noel Tyl); any, all, or none of these midpoint pictures may express before, on, or after November 8th and are subject to transits, progressions, and solar arcs and of course comparisons with each candidate's natal and progressed planets will provide additional insights but such comparisons are beyond the scope of this post. jc

Oct 28, 2016

Michael Moore Explains Trump's Appeal Like Only He Can - The Jimmy Dore Show

Oct 27, 2016 The Jimmy Dore Show is part of the Young Turks Network and the following segment features Michael Moore explaining the groundswell for Mr. Trump, along with Jimmy Dore's input on the topic. Their remarks will sway some voters toward Donald Trump, I do believe, in spite of all his very considerable flaws. How scary that Trump doesn't believe he has any! (Plutonian that he is).

Astrologically, this relates to the influence of our current Solar Eclipse (Sept 1, 2016 @9Virgo) which include seeing an old situation for what it really is rather than what we thought it was (Brady)--here, that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Neo-liberal policies of the New World Order~Totalitarian Global Corporate Government and its handmaiden, Perpetual War, arranged at least in part by a global banking cartel made up of the banking houses of Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other oppressive surveillance-state meddlers in people's lives:

Video link in case it's removed from SO'W even though on YouTube is says Please Share This Video.

Can you imagine a presidential candidate answering a question such as: if elected, precisely how will you wield the surveillance state against the American people? That would be good to know pre-voting.

Oct 25, 2016

Who Started The Destruction Of Public Trust? - clip (plus, Astrology)

Destruction of the Public Trust has been a topic through the years here on SO'W so I'm glad to find that progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann and Professor Robert Reich have something to say on the subject. In the brief video, below, Thom discusses Professor Reich's recent article which points to the win-at-any-cost antics of Republican Newt Gingrich during Bill Clinton's presidency as one of, if not the, culprit.

Remember that destroying the American people's trust in the US government is an integral part of the Global Government plan for domination so that when the dust clears after the chaos they create, we'll all say, Oh, please please establish a One World Government for our problems are too difficult for Washington politicians to handle, or something to that effect. Puh! Well, there are many examples of dry runs on behalf of this devilish Hegelian scenario but one that comes to mind is the creation of a "super Congress" in 2011 so that sequestration (austerity measures) could be shoved into place, funds diverted, and 'Congress' wouldn't be blamed for the results.

If you recall there was even a Sequestration Solar Eclipse in November 2011 with sinister vibes of "a peculiar turn of events" to reflect in the heavens the non-traditional behavior on earth of our infiltrated US government and its 'officials' who continue to act in breach of the public trust.

Also note that Mr. Trump and Mr. Gingrich were born under the exact same personality blend of Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius, if that tells us anything. See Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper for more details. Or view A Natal Chart for Newt Gingrich where you'll see his Sag Moon that will soon (Feb 2017) be hit by a transit from restrictive Saturn (same as Trump's Moon but earlier) followed closely by Saturn opposing their natal Suns.

This transit would be doubly difficult for anyone--unless in the realms of Politics, Saturn brings them authority and responsibility instead of, or along with, loss, ill health, family concerns, broken relationships, and/or an end to their shared desire for power. Whether the Saturn transits are positive or negative for them, I Do Not Want Gingrich, Cheney, Rove, Delay, or any of their particular criminal brotherhood in power, do you? As if all they perpetrated is now okay. It isn't.

So in spite of all globalist ploys to undermine our trust and betrayals of American sovereignty, their Hegelian tactics don't work with this Child of the Revolution because I continue to esteem our form of government while calling foul on the corrupting infiltrators and agents who work from the inside to dissolve our Republic on behalf of a 'new order'. (Perhaps you've seen my 11+-year-old blog description under the title, above--it has not changed!) Do globalists underestimate the fervor of those of us whose ancestors sacrificed, fought, and died for the sake of America? For that is my suspicion!

Now here's Mr. Hartmann:

Astro-Notes on Solar Eclipses of 2015--2017.

Oct 24, 2016

In 2016 Even Dead People Don't Vote Republican!

In These Late Days Mr. Trump Sees Zombie Voters

Over the weekend, former NY mayor Rudolph Guiliani continued his advocacy on behalf of Donald Trump and the candidate's "rigged election" claims that include the idea that dead people vote. However, Mr. Guiliani puts a finer point to the argument by noting that dead people tend to vote Democrat which must fairly suggest the opposite--that dead people (who usually have sent in their ballots and then had the misfortune to achieve their demise prior to Election Day with many states counting their votes) so that a compelling argument may be made for the idea that even dead people don't vote Republican, a wise choice which this blogger heartily yet belatedly agrees with.

As he increases the odds for a future status as a sore loser (and in this he is definitively Republican), you may wish to check out Mr. Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims at

Oct 19, 2016

The Real Vote Rigging: Republicans Make It Harder for Millions to Vote in 2016 - clip

Posted October 19, 2016 President Barack Obama advises Mr. Trump:

A study of Election 2000 and we can see some real rigging by multiple players. Tamper tamper!

Oct 7, 2016

Oil spill at Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York - video (w/ Eclipses)

When an American politician calls for a "full investigation" of an incident, event, or a crime (environmental or otherwise), We the People have learned that more often than not the probe is used as a cover-up or a whitewash no matter how disturbing or criminal the act.

Yes, oily Neptune in its own sign of murky, watery Pisces is tragically busy these days as we see with Hurricane Matthew churning up the Florida and Georgia coasts on its way North.

Now this is the sort of event and "full investigation" that can really benefit from our current Solar Eclipse Series, the 19 North, which manifested in earth sign Virgo on September 1, 2016 with themes of: realism, coming down to earth, becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is rather than what we thought it was. Down to earth sounds environmental enough and truth is what should be revealed during a "full investigation" along with the accountability and responsibility that reality-based Saturn demands from the establishment vs the culprits.

Saturnian Realism or Neptunian Deception?

Two weeks after the September Solar Eclipse manifested, its cosmic mate, a Lunar Eclipse occurred in Pisces, sign of the oceanic realms of king Neptune. If you wish, follow the link, above, for brief notes on the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of September 2016 with transit Neptune opposing the Solar Eclipse, a condition which seems to be interfering with the realism and truth that the 19 North Solar Eclipse promises since deceptive (or inspirational) Neptune also rules disguises, masks, cover-ups, and leaks. Even so, I for one will be waiting to hear honest revelations via the "full investigation" of the Indian Point nuclear power plant oil 'spill' which threatens the Hudson River and beyond.

Also note that the current manifestation of 19 North is the Pre-Natal Eclipse of Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017--two more events that could greatly benefit from realism, truth, and seeing things (and campaigning candidates) for what they really are, whether racists or neocons. The tragedy is, whoever wins the 2016 Election will have to become a globalist once they enter the Venusian Oval Office...if they weren't one before.

Eclipse theme from Brady's Predictive Astrology; opinion from yours truly, as usual (with the exception of additional content--I'm not always in full agreement with the variety of linked articles and videos you'll find here on SO'W. jc)

Oct 5, 2016

The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Hillary Clinton

Part 2: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Well, my joy at finally having an accurate birth time for Hillary Clinton is now squashed since The Mountain Astrologer has published a joy-squashing article disagreeing with Marc Penfield's 2:18 am chart with a Virgo Ascendant for Hillary. However, for the purposes of this post, any birth time will do as long as the date is correct so let's continue with our consideration of the two 2016 candidates--yesterday Donald Trump (follow the link, below) and today Hillary Clinton who was born with an unaspected Jupiter in its own sign of sagittarius and quirky Uranus out-of-bounds (OOBs) in late Gemini.

For a general view of out-of-bounds and unaspected planets please see Part 1: The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump.

Here's a view of both Clinton's and Trump's natal charts as shown in yesterday's post:

Hillary Rodham Clinton October 26, 1947:

There are two natal planets to consider for Mrs. Clinton--an unaspected Jupiter @00Sag27 in the 3rd house of Communications (ex: unavailable emails!), and an out-of-bounds Uranus @25Gem56 Rx in the 10th house of Career and Public Status. Or course, Jupiter-Uranus are the 'lucky break' duo but here we'll consider them separately.

When Jupiter, planet of expansion and corporatism is unaspected its functions that would moderate other facets (planets) of her psyche are lacking or perhaps we can say, unconscious. As you know, an unaspected planet is strong yet has a detached, mentally remote quality and Jupiter's usual breadth of outreach and sociability are limited here unless other chart factors supply spontaneity and judgment to the personality. There may be noticed a tendency toward erratic bursts of enthusiasm which quickly fade--perhaps you've seen it.

And without Jupiter to influence and uplift her other planets via major aspects, she may feel weighed down by the gravity of life and retreats to an 'ivory tower' (supported by her me-time Pisces Moon in the 7th house of Partnerships with its 7th house cusp in Jupiter-ruled Pisces; as Dane Rudhyar observed: "Marriage, and other kinds of partnerships as well, can be a field of unresolvable tensions." Obviously, with a Pisces Moon, compassion is a reigning need and the loner position may be an emotional necessity from time to time in order to recharge her energy level and organize her thoughts).

Now since astrological Jupiter has to do with morality, ideology, philosophy, and how one responds to others (here, like a Sagittarian), an unaspected Jupiter denotes one who feels disconnected from current religious and ethical standards of behavior, and is detached from cultural norms.Self-containment and an unique vision may be evident with improvements to be found in the house where Jupiter is posited (3rd). This condition of Jupiter may account for some of her opponents' "above the law" accusations against Mrs. Clinton. However, other charges of "neocon warhawk" and similar charges against her resonate with the Sabian Symbol for Jupiter's degree of 1Sag: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire."

Hillary's OOBs Uranus

Naturally, things become quirkier with the planet of genius, reform, and disruption, Uranus, in the sign of communications and sales, in the 10th house where everyone in the world can see its behavior which in Hillary's case is Geminian. Already on the wacky side, Uranus when out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and out of touch with other natal planets denotes an out of control quality to her public status and she certainly has risen above the crowd. And this may support her 'loner' tendency noted with Jupiter unaspected. Apparently she's lacking the electric stimulation that Uranus when affecting another planet can provide (in those with enough self-awareness to handle transpersonal energies). Plus, you've probably heard the criticism of Mrs. Clinton for not being 'exciting' enough during Campaign 2016, right?

Another tendency resonating with her Jupiter via OOBs Uranus is the above-the-law accusation her opponents are always quick to level. That is, she may think she's above the law (to the point of criminality) yet it seems that most if not all politicians think the same and this is one reason they enter politics in the first place (money being the other).

So we find that spontaneity, humor, and zaniness are expressed occasionally by Hillary Clinton in short bursts of hilarity that quickly fade and she is not known for telling jokes well. But maybe voters will turn out on November 8th and show appreciation for the serious, studious, sober, policy-wonk Mercury-Saturn square of politician Hillary Rodham Clinton rather than voting for the reality-challenged Mercury-Neptune square of Mr. Trump. It amazes me how many of us forget that campaign rhetoric seldom brings policies to fruition yet we fall for politicians' empty promises election after election.

And what about Hillary's VP pick Tim Kaine? Oh, he has an out-of-bounds Mars which the American people will have to deal with if he ever becomes president! Perhaps we observed his OOBs Mars last evening during the VP debate with Mike Pence as aggressive Mars interrupted Pence wa-a-a-y too many times, thus making a garbled mess of the proceedings.

For more on unaspected planets, you may wish to see Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.