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Showing posts with label 19 North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 19 North. Show all posts

Aug 25, 2023

An Eclipse Heralded the Trump Regime

The 2016 Virgo Eclipse Led a Ruthless Locomotive

by Jude Cowell

With Mercury the Messenger now retrograde ('Rx') in fact-based Virgo until September 15, 2023, here's a review or a reconsideration of the 19 North Eclipse under which Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 took place. For as you know, our reality vs fiction fantasy issues continue, with the primary example of Trump's "Big Lie" causing most of the trouble.

DC Horoscope: Sept 1, 2016 Eclipse @9Vir21 Opposed by transit Neptune Rx in Shady, Contagious Pisces

Study notes are penned on the chart for the curious, plus, a few current planetary positions are highlighted in lavender (Mars @28Virgo, the Mars-Saturn midpoint @12Sagittarius, and Saturn @4Pisces conjunct 19 North's rebellious Uranus-Pluto midpoint indicating potentials for self-will, egoism, hatred, exposure to great pressure, separation bwo major force - R. Ebertin); also see lower left corner for Cupido conjunct IC, the Foundation and HOW? Point of all horoscopes:

Major factors in the above Eclipse Horoscope include the planetary aspects to the 19 North Eclipse (@9Vir21) which are listed here and on the chart:

Squares from the Mars-Saturn conjunction (the death axis: rebellion; physical abuse), an opposition from deceptive, subversive Neptune Rx in Pisces (truth vs fiction; fraud; lies; confusion, chaos), a trine from Pluto (assistance from powerful, hidden people, and from certain government officials), and a sesqui-square of complexity from anarchist Uranus, planet of attack, radical reforms, disruption, revolt, upheaval, and more chaos.

In addition, a few Sabian Symbols are also marked on the chart as are the Themes of 19 North, highlighted in orange, and paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Then looking ahead to Election Year 2024, there's a significant transit to the 19 North Eclipse Horoscope coming on March 3, 2024 when transit Saturn, Lord of Karma, and the legal eagle planet, lands directly upon Neptune (10Pis18) in the 2017 Inauguration Horoscope. Check out the bi-wheel showing the Saturn-to-Neptune transit which is aka, the 'grim face of reality' transit.

May fantasist Trump the fraudster finally face reality if not forced to do so prior to March 2024.

Jul 9, 2023

The Eclipse of Fan-Boy Patrick Byrne

Reality and a Fantasy-Prone Seditionist

by Jude Cowell

As we see on his Wikipedia page, election denier, "Deep State" conspiracy theorist, former paramour of Russian agent Maria Butina, and former CEO of Overstock dot com Patrick Byrne, was born on November 29, 1962 with Sun and Mercury in early Sagittarius, and Moon in late Sagittarius, or more likely in business-and-government-oriented Capricorn.

From August 2019, see Overstock investors cheer after "too controversial" CEO Patrick Byrne resigns as CEO and board member. Apparently, Byrne's romance with Russian agent Maria Butina may have been the last straw for company investors--see a previous post Maria Butina's hearing on Capitol Hill showing the hearing's horoscope of December 12, 2018 with transit Saturn @9Capricorn conjunct her natal Neptune, the "grim face of reality" transit.

For as with 'everything Trump', reality vs fantasy plays the key role in cheating for success, aka, fraud. Astrologically, there's even a cosmic time link between Trump's Big Lie and The Eclipse of Fan-Boy Patrick Byrne, anti-democracy election denier and known promoter of conspiracy theories galore - a perfect co-conspirator for Trump.

For details on Mr. Byrne in the Oval Office that December night of sedition plotting, see Axios: Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency.

And as reported in May 2023 by Sam Levine in The Guardian, Dominion is not done fighting 2020 elections lies via pending defamation cases against Rudy Guiliani, Sidney Powell, pillow guy Mike Lindell - and Patrick Byrne.

So above is a noon natal horoscope for the "mad king" who was present at the 6-hour Oval Office meeting with Trump, Mike Flynn, Sidney "Kraken" Powell, and others on the night of December 18, 2020 until after midnight of December 19th, after which came Trump's "will be wild" tweet (timestamped tweet's horoscope shown, his 2nd hou$e taboo-breaking Jupiter rising) which served as a call to arms and led to his January 6, 2021 coup attempt against the US Congress to stop or disrupt our tradition of the peaceful transfer of power. (Sore loser cries wahhhh!)

Here's the 2:15 pm Trump Coup Attempt Horoscope along with the 2021 seditionist insurrection's Solar Return of 2022. And check out the current J6 coup attempt's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope, as you wish.

Now as you see, Byrne's 19 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ("PE") is penned on the above chart (conjunct the 'noon' Descendant) with themes of: "realism; coming down to earth; seeing an old situation for what it really is; tackling the truth" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Where the cosmic time link comes in is the fact that an eclipse from Byrne's 19 North Eclipse Series occurred on September 1, 2016 (@9Virgo, opposed by deceptive Neptune @10Pisces) and operated as the PE of both Election 2016, and Inauguration 2017. That's fact-based Virgo opposed by deceptive Neptune, planet of mass media, in shady, confusing Pisces - and there's Herr Trump "tackling the truth" - with his 'Big Lie'.

Now it's 2023, another presidential election has been held (and lost!), and America's orange albatross is still trying to tackle the truth - out of existence! Perhaps we can agree that Trump's entire political "career" has been one long reality vs fantasy fiasco for the American people and for democracy. But that's what We the People get when a violent mobster, racketeer, money-launderer, and conman is shoehorned into the Oval Office with a little help from his comrades, and gullible voters. Plus, the words, blackmail and bribery easily spring to mind along with favors and pay-offs.

Byrne's Solar Eclipse in Royal Leo (chart not shown)

So let's return to our consideration of Patrick Byrne's PE which links him right in with Trump's underhanded activities. For Byrne, his 19 North manifested on July 31, 1962 @7Leo48 (rounded-up to "8Leo" = "A Bolshevik Propagandist'). Note that with a solar eclipse in Leo (his Mars sign), one must avoid pride and arrogance for karmic progress to be made. And on July 31, 1962, restrictive Saturn Rx @9Aquarius opposed his natal PE which suggests a man who refuses to face up to his karmic obligations, and places blame for his problems upon others; to correct problems reality must be faced and corrections honestly made. Oops. Funny how this sounds a lot like Patrick's idol, Trump.

In addition, often-deceptive Neptune @10Scorpio squared Byrne's PE which indicates potentials for "inborn fraudulent tendencies" and "chicanery"; "realism and honesty" are necessary in order to erase karmic debts (paraphrasing R. Linemen). This implies inheritance from his father, who must be his role model in business matters, I imagine - which also sounds like Trump and Papa Fred. Byrne's Eclipse and Saturn formed a T-square that points toward Neptune in Scorpio, not the best indicator of morality and, unless temptations are avoided, the placement involves more than a tinge of sex and/or drug abuse.

Byrne's Closest Applying Aspect to Natal Sun

Then there's the domineering "might makes right" attitude shown by his Sun-Pluto square (lower left) which resonates closely with similar Plutonian character traits of Donald Trump. This particular square tends to be a negative for relationships, especially when expressed in the realms of "romance." Still, it suggests that his ego (Sun) was determined to achieve his goals and objectives, with the 'success at any cost' potential for powering through any and all obstacles. Obviously, a strong will is indicated. Oh, but there's more determination --

The Highly Motivated Natal Mars of a Busy Boy

Now before closing, we should mention Patrick Byrne's Mars (@21Leo) which is unaspected in his natal chart by another planet yet is influenced by his powerful Pluto-NN midpoint (penned on the chart, upper right), plus, Mars leads a Locomotive shape of the ruthless executive with the rest of his planets following along. And if you read his Wikipedia bio page, you may be impressed by the large number of his business and political activities through the years. Unaspected, his me-first Mars in dramatic Leo is able to act in an unrestrained, boundless way and with sudden outbursts of anger or aggression; irrational actions can result (B. Tierney).

As for Mr. Byrne's 19 North PE repeating in time to influence Election 2016, he may have exulted over the thought that his barge of Plutonian domination, forcefully driven by fellow fantasist Herr Trump, had finally reached safe harbor in the White House, then in December 2020 Byrne plotted with the others hoping to repeat the 'successful' results of Election 2016 despite the will of a majority of voters in November 2020.

Because for some people, "might makes right," doncha know.

Jun 20, 2023

Virgo Symbolism at the National Archives

Destiny, Virgo Symbolism, and the "Hall of Records"

by Jude Cowell

Since the current embroilment between a slapdash former president (2017-2021) and the National Archives (NARA) branch of government is proceeding into Summer 2023 and beyond, the following post concerns the creation of NARA tasked from its creation with keeping our records safe from harm. Therefore, I've rounded up a variety of information for your consideration, much of which is on the esoteric level of knowledge. My focus is the NARA building itself with its esoteric symbols carved in stone and featuring a Zodiac sign that's sprinkled all over the Federal City: Virgo.

Mercury-ruled and representing humanity's analytical, critical, categorizing, fact-based functions, The Virgin symbolism has appeared through the centuries under many names: Mary, Isis, Columbia, Lady Liberty, Ceres/Demeter, Ishtar, Inanna, and more. Often associated with concepts of protection, nurturance, and truth, the celestial Virgo archetype by any name easily lends her attributes to the protection of America's records. Designed by noted architect John Russell Pope who surrounded the edifice with the sacred number 72, the neo-classical NARA building underscores these concepts with a side helping of Heritage and Destiny.

Of note is a frieze on the North side of the NARA building with these words inscribed in ALL CAPs:

"This Building Holds The Records Of Our National Life And Symbolizes Our Faith In The Permanency Of Our National Institutions."

So here we find one of the reasons why Hmm-hmm-hmm stole classified and secret documents which belong in the National Archives, and which by law belong to the American people -- to further undermine We the People's faith in the permanency of our institutions.

In fact, the National Archives building "was saturated in the Virgoan impulse," asserts astrologer David Ovason, and we see this via two significant events listed in Ovason's The Secret Architecture Of Our Nation's Capital (#ad):

Ground-breaking and formal foundation laying: September 9, 1931 (in the morning) with Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune in Virgo; and,

Cornerstone laid by President Herbert Hoover on February 20, 1933 with Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and North Node in Virgo.

Now Herbert Hoover had been busy with the Depression so it was President Franklin D. Roosevelt who recognized the need for such an archive, a "Hall of Records," and had been active in the movement to persuade Congress for such a measure. Thankfully, FDR was successful - until the recent breach by a faithless, unprincipled man who played the presidential role as if it were reality TV, and who shall not be named in this post.

To close, there exists cosmic time links full of Virgoan (and Piscean) energies between then and now. One is the 19 North Eclipse which influenced Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 through 19 North themes of 'realism; tackling the truth; coming down to earth" (B. Brady) which manifested @9Virgo. Gumming up the eclipse themes of realism and truth and bringing confusion and chaos ever since has been the fact that an opposition to the eclipse came from transit Neptune, planet of deception, fraud, theft, intrigue, and the tiresome gaslighting with which you-know-who and the Republican Party continue to undermine and sabotage We the People and the US government in every malicious way they can devise in an attempt to force our democratic Republic into an autocratic authoritarian dystopia.

Then when we look at the date of the NARA building's cornerstone laying, February 20, 1933, we find two more Solar Eclipses of influence: the 6 South of August 31, 1932 @8Virgo, and the 7 North of February 24, 1933 @6Pisces (because it occurred within two weeks of the event). And 7 North is the series in which this post is being typed at you today.

For more on the topic of permanency, recommended is America's Perpetual Union Horoscope. Let's keep it going, folks!

Mar 14, 2023

Is the FBI Working for the Far Right? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a recent segment from Thom Hartmann who poses a very timely question for the future of our country:

And here's a link to a previous post meant for any reader who may have missed Rachel Maddow's highly informative Ultra podcast concerning Nazis in America circa 1940s.

Plus, the fact that the FBI (1908) and the Republican Party (1854) were both hatched during the same 19 North Saros Series ('realism' and 'tackling the truth') denotes a cosmic time link between the two organizations. This is not conclusive, I agree, but there it is. For context, here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post (with mild edits for clarity):

Dates and Degrees of 19 North include:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo (conjunct Republican Party's Mercury); July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter). 19 North is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962); and Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 of the truth-challenged Mr. Trump.

Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for certain politicians and their secret activities? Correlating the years of 19N eclipses with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative for although history doesn't repeat, it does tend to rhyme.

Sep 20, 2022

2022 Midterms Eclipse a Mars-Pluto Affair

September 20, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Viewing the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 - the influential Prenatal Eclipse of Midterms 2022 - through the lens of 6 South's initial manifestation (March 6, 1049 @21Pis55 conjunct Venus: the very first 6 South in the series) yields revealing information by comparison, shown below, but since eclipse and historical cycles repeat in tandem, this also ropes in 1932's 6 South 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse (see center of the bi-wheel for notes).

Yes, I've been forewarning about these cosmic time links here on SO'W for years and today I'm trying a new way via horoscopes to show how volatile a situation America is in because the 2022 Midterms are just around the corner - and voting is a must if we wish to retain democracy in America!

So as you see in the bi-wheel charts, the intense Mars-Pluto vibrations of power and control are involved in both eclipses but in 2022 are not only on the seditionist side but on The Establishment side as well. No, the 2022 Midterms don't suggest a peaceful period in society for there are certain to be political upheavals and turbulence before, during, and after the 2022 Midterm Elections. This is what seditionist saboteurs using the 'Big Lie' persuasion, the misogynists and abortion-deniers, and those like Trump who threaten violence, are counting on hoping to dissuade the security-minded voter (who'll let others vote to defend democracy).

Mars-Pluto Power Works in Both Directions!

Yet with the backing of the mighty Mars-Pluto forces within the US government, and those who are determined to defend democracy, the US Constitution, and our right to vote freely and fairly, We the People will prevail against authoritarian zealots who wish to set up a 1930s-style government that echoes Germany under Herr Adolf.

So I'll type it again: Vote Blue in 2022! And again in 2024.

Please enlarge or print the chart for better viewing; no, there was no Washington DC in 1049 but there was a spot on the Earth! No known position of Pluto either - but now we can know.

As you see, astro-notes penned on the charts are limited in order to place a focus on the repetition of forceful energies determined to take power in 2022. So here are a few basic Mars-Pluto details:

March 6, 1049: Mars Rx @13Leo26 opposite Pluto @12AQ28: positively, great creative power if lower natures are transmuted; negatively, heavy-handed use of force; ill tempered; brusqueness when dealing with others; using collective power for self-aggrandizement and personal gain. "To win at any cost" (A. Oken)

In October 2022, the Mars-Pluto vibrations of 6 South have evolved into an inconjunct relationship of adjustment so that the oppositional forces from 1049 can be utilized on a more positive level dependent upon paticipants' motivations and careful handling. Mars-Pluto inconjunct (aka, quincunx) suggests that hard work, persistence, a revision of procedures, and diplomacy will provide the most favorable results. Fierce competition is indicated and physical activity will be necessary (exs: knocking on doors to get out the vote!; keep checking to make sure you're still registered to vote at Anger and intimidation come into play with the inconjunct but succumbing to fear will not bring positive outcomes.

So because of the rabid, malevolent, brutal nature of the GOP's nazi-like opposition to democracy, it seems to me that voting in the 2022 Midterms is a great opportunity for the American people to remember FDR's famous "the only thing we have to fear is, fear itself" slogan and take it to heart in the face of a Mars-Pluto-infused eclipse with themes of "being forceful, taking power" as Nazis did in 1932 under the influence of a 6 South eclipse @8Virgo08 - and this degree echoes the 19 North Solar Eclipse (@9Virgo) that influenced the 2016 Election and the 2017 Inauguration of Herr Trump which makes it a cosmic time link by degree.

Related: Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect Midterms 2022.

Trump is building an army. "Fascism depends on the perception of great strength." Thom Hartmann September 20, 2022. Note that the 7 North 'Fascism Rising' Solar Eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @30Aries and forms cosmic time links to the American Revolution and to the failed Trump Insurrection of January 6, 2021.

Aug 21, 2022

America's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle

Saturn-Pluto: Fanaticism and Turmoil Against Rigid Structures

by Jude Cowell

To my surprise, the horoscope of America's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle which began November 21, 1750 sports '23Cap47' rising, a sensitized degree which brings up the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 - along with the natal and karmic Vertex ('VX') of one Donald Trump (22Cap51). Perhaps you agree that our current conditions feel like a double Saturn-Pluto emphasis now bedeviling society, led by an orange-hued figurehead who simply refuses to go away. Recognizing evil when we see it is one part of this cosmic picture, and the practice of Politics, corruptly done, provides decent folk with multiple opportunities to recognize evil each and every day.

Yet for about 1/3 of the US population, the orange blighter is a real pied piper, only fit for fussy fascist-minded fanatics - with fanaticism, violence, and victimhood showing in the horoscope, below.

One example is the Moon in fussy Virgo conjunct victim star Zosma); listed upper right is the fact that 1750 Luna conjuncts September 2016's 19 North Eclipse of "realism" and "tackling the truth," a promising eclipse which had the misfortune to be opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces, a planet of deception, fraud, and the gaslighting that was used to muddy all waters, erode facts, and disguise pathological liar Trump the grifter as being suitable to inhabit the Oval Office. Sad to say, he was, and is, not:

For better viewing, please enlarge the image, print the chart, or set one up for yourself!

Now in the 1750 horoscope, there are other cosmic links to Tr*mp's natal planets for those who care to look, and there are a few chart factors which simply must be listed here. For instance, as noted above, the Moon @8Vir49 reflects the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (19 North) which brought along both the 2016 Election (selection, with Russia's help) and the 2017 Inauguration of the orange blighter whose current plight is our plight, more's the pity. Of interest may be a view of the dual horoscopes of the 1993 Clinton Inauguration and the cuss'ed 2017 Inauguration with its Scorpio Moon of betrayal. (You know, like seditionists and traitors do.)

Curiously, the 1993 Inaugural Moon conjuncts the 1993 Saturn-Pluto midpoint suggesting potentials for 'strong control over people's habits' (Munkasey) and/or 'a tragic destiny for women' (Ebertin). Naturally, the antiquated opinions of Justice Samuel Alito and his reactionary comrades come easily to mind although from 1993, it took the backward misogynists 29 years to overturn Roe v Wade. Yet happily, the Court's bizarre opinion has brought out women voters by the droves! (Did you hear that in Florida, DeSantis' list of banned books now includes The Handmaid's Tale? A brazen attempt to hide his true dystopian agenda for women all barefoot and pregnant, it appears.)

In addition, the Syzygy Moon prior to the 1750 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction falls @21Tau21 (4th house) conjunct a certain asteroid Phaethon, a figure who tends to take on more than he's ready for in similar fashion to the Icarus myth. Wouldn't it would be fabulous in 2022 and beyond if GOP neo-fascists and nazi-wanna-bes turn out to be doing just that - taking on too much so that failure results? However, we should add that the Sabian Symbol for the 1750 Ascendant ("24Cap") is quite descriptive in a handmaiden sort of way: "A Woman Entering a Convent" and yet it hints at "a deep-stirring challenge" (Jones). So it's to the polls, ladies!

Then around the IC of the horoscope (@17Tau16) you see both a solar and lunar eclipse listed. One is the current solar eclipse season we're now in since April 2022, the 6 North (@10Tau28: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take control'), which spotlights the Uranus-Neptune midpoint of 1750 (@10Tau43, 3rd house) with the planetary pair's 'One World Government' vibes (aka, 'New World Order'). Plus, there's a very Uranian Lunar Eclipse in Taurus occurring on the day of our 2022 Midterms at the Base or Foundation of this Saturn-Pluto Cycle chart - with the Eclipse conjunct radical zealot Uranus, intent on stirring things up. Meanwhile, the axis of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse hits the Venus of 1750 (@16Sco12) conjunct the 1750 Midheaven (The Goal Point) which suggests materialism, valuations, and perhaps extravagance on a negative level, but fair play and cooperation if energies are positively directed for then karmic progress can be made.

However, this cosmic time link connects the hard work of Saturn-Pluto, even its violent reactions, to Election Day 2022 via Venus and the Taurus Lunar Eclipse which will certainly lead to inconvenient secrets uncovered or leaked, plus, the potential for disruption on a scale we've seldom if ever known.

Now there's one more chart factor worth a mention in this text: the Saturn-Pluto Cycle's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @11Can33 (6th house) in the 4 South Saros Series with themes of 'strong emotions over relationships and/or money; a desire to suddenly end relationships' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Disturbingly enough, 4 South is the same Series that manifested on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (ruffling Tr*mp's natal Gem-Sag Sun-NN/Moon-SN opposition), the day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden and which times the beginning of the turmoil and turbulence that sore loser Trump and his 'Big Lie' continue to cause our nation as he struggles to shrug off paying for his many crimes while pining for a return to the protection of the Oval Office from whence more larceny and sabotage can be perpetrated by this thuggish creature. If we allow it!

So let us end with the Sabian Symbol for our country's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle's degree of "4 Sagittarius": "A Little Child Learning to Walk" (which America would go on to become via Revolution and the Declaration of Independence):

"Keyword: INDIVIDUALITY: positive expression: exceptional facility for entering experience on its own immediate terms while yet preserving the full genius of self-hood; negative expression" (unconscious/shadow side - jc): "inability to take any real initiative" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones #ad).

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but as an American I can't imagine the initial cycle of our nation's Saturn-Pluto duo, hard-driving and determined as it is, as lacking "any real initiative" at all so let's claim the positive expression for America, shall we?

Looking Ahead: The Cardinal World Points of 2022 into 2023 (Equinoxes, Solstices, etc).

Oct 27, 2021

The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of February 1939 NYC

Such a history has the perverted 'American N*zi Party' that even Wikipedia provides details for the curious.

Said to have been founded in March 1959, the party apparently was dissolved on January 1, 1983 but that specificity could depend upon whom you ask. The assassination of the party's founding leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, on August 25, 1967 in a laundromat parking lot by sniper and former Rockwell follower, John Patler, didn't seem to ruffle the party overmuch for soon the confirmed Hitlerist Matt Koehl took over leadership of the organization. Significantly, Holocaust denier Rockwell had been discharged from the US Navy because of his political views (ex: he 'credited' Jews with the US civil rights movement).

Yet without a specific date in March 1959 for the party's founding, the 1959 Spring Equinox Horoscope can yield interesting information as a symbol of the start of a new enterprise. A quick sneak-peek at the chart (not shown here) reveals the prominent Sun @00Ari00:00 (the Aries Point of World Events) in 2nd house and a 7th house Moon @14Leo10 conjunct the erratic planet of anarchy, Uranus Rx @12Leo36. Notably, the double Fire Aries-Leo blend of the party in 1939 is chocked full of 'big personalities' with zealous activist Uranus in vain Leo suggesting bold, enterprising radicals who gamble, speculate, and are adventurous, wasteful, and licentious.

Is it surprising that this also describes the licentious orange menace?

Well, to me it seems more elucidating to view a bi-wheel of the infamous N*zi Rally of February 20, 1939 held at Madison Square Garden NYC (inner set for 9:00 pm EST) with the "Trump 'victory' announced" horoscope of November 9, 2016 2:49 am EST (outer chart set for Washington DC; from news reports). Many of the planetary contacts (aka, 'cosmic time links') between 1939 and 2016 are circled and a few of the orange menace's natal planets (June 14, 1946) are penned around the bi-wheel and highlighted in pink - notably, his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio rises, and in 2016 the planet of voting, Mercury @24Sco54, conjuncts his natal IC:

Listed are the two Solar Eclipses affecting each event along with their themes: 13 North @29Sco01 in 1939, and 19 North @9Vir21 in 2016 - opposed, you'll remember, by transit Neptune @9Pis16 which continues to cloud, veil, and gaslight 19 North themes of realism and seeing situations for what they really are (B. Brady). For as we know, it's difficult to "come down to earth" as 19 North eclipses suggest when eroding Neptune in shady, secretive, contagious Pisces opposes on every level the very idea of reality in order to keep in power, or re-install, a Jupiterian saboteur-and-despot in the Oval Office so he can finish 'blowing soap bubbles' as his ideological brethren did that dark night in 1939.

Please enlarge or print the bi-wheel if you're curious about more chart factors - Thanks! jc

May 10, 2021

Evidence of "The Big Lie" from 2016 and Beyond

Is planet Neptune in Shady Pisces "The Big Lie"?

by Jude Cowell

A few days ago when Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"? was published here on SO'W concerning Rep. Liz Cheney's recent WaPo op-ed about the GOP's "turning point" from conservatism in favor of Trump's delusion of "The Big Lie," two progressed horoscopes were included which revealed that yes, the Republican Party (1854) does currently have "turning point" YOD patterns in both progressed charts, one with US Saturn (14Lib48) at apex and clear-eyed Saturn the planet of reality, truth, fact, and karma.

The subtitle of the above-linked post relates directly to the focus of today's offering: 'Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!'. Now it's true that a case can be made for June 2015 when Tr*mp officially threw his red cap into the presidential ring, but let's take a look back to 2016 via the lens of Astrology to find "Big Lie" indications in real time, the real time of 2016 through the auspices of a certain 19 North Solar Eclipse.

For on September 1, 2016, a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo manifested in the 19 North Saros Series (family) with themes of: 'realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it is rather than what he or she thought it was; a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Dual DC Horoscopes: Inauguration 2017 and Inauguration 2021

Note gaseous Neptune in Pisces in 11th house opposing the 19 North Eclipse in 5th house (across the self-will axis) in the lower left Horoscope of Inauguration 2017. Eclipses are, as usual, penned on charts as 'PE' (Prenatal Eclipses).

So as you see, what made the 2016 repetition of a realism-promoting 19 North eclipse significant and inspired the misdirection of its honest energies was the Saturnian fact that transit Neptune in its own sign of shady, secretive Pisces directly opposed the eclipse and made the finding, uncovering, and speaking of truth highly challenging if not impossible for a time. Add to this the facts that the 19 North eclipse of 2016 occurred during Campaign 2016 (so full of lies, liars, and Neptunian confusion and delusion!) and is the series that affected (or dare I say was responsible for) Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. So perhaps you agree that the atmosphere in the US of fact vs fantasy closely describes the White House residency of Donald Tr*mp, born under a deceptive Mercury-Neptune square (from Cancer to Libra) which just keeps on misperceiving and lying, even to himself. Yep, add such unfortunate energies from early parental input and The Prevaricator has become a fantasist extraordinaire, a veritable lie factory! Would you dare to say he's The Father of Lies?

Well, unfortunately, the former guy's fantasies are continuing to bedevil US society and The Gullible among us well into 2021 and beyond and they form the basis for donations to the orange one, plus, lawsuits, recounts, and voter suppression laws in various states written and passed under the Neptunian guise of "securing" future elections. Translation: assuring Republican "victories" because their draconian policies can't win with a majority of the American people which makes cheating the GOP's only recourse for grasping power. News Flash: cheating isn't winning, it's stealing.

And of course, when the Republican Party formed in 1854, Neptune in mid-Pisces was at or very near the "A Lady in FOX Fur" degree (my BOLD). Now as you know, early on the most prominent mouthpiece for GOP lies was, of course, Fox 'News' but now they have other propaganda platforms from which to spout falsehoods and Tr*mp's "Big Lie" in order to fuel his and the GOP's sordid attempt to coup the White House (again!) or least to make a 2024 presidential bid seem plausible and justified to the cult followers that agent orange constantly fleeces. This way, he hasn't completely lost the White House as his lucrative cash cow!

To close this fussy post, a few details concerning dubious Neptune afflicting a solar eclipse include conditions of chaos and confusion, states of tension and deception, people being pulled between reality and illusion/truth and fallacy, and a need for Saturnian objectivity if any karmic progress at all is to be made. Hopefully, our society is better situated in 2021 (with the former guy scheming in Florida) to see things and people for what they really are (come on Trump supporters!) so that criminals will be held accountable and justice on behalf of the American people will at last be served.

Related Posts: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope and America and the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy showing the May 1, 2021 Horoscope of transit Neptune in contagious Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in fact-finding Virgo, sign of health and employment; plus, America has reached many turning points through the years such as the one in 1981 under the rays of the Reaganomics Eclipse and after 40 years of the "trickle down economics" delusion promoted by economic royalists, its harmful influences are finally, hopefully, coming to an end via the pro-America policies of President Joe Biden and his promise that "help is on the way."

Feb 7, 2021

March 4, 2021: Trump's "Shadow Inauguration"?

February 7, 2021: How Pathetic Can One Man's Ego Be?

by Jude Cowell

Answer: Off the charts, it seems. One of the oddest 'QAnon' theories of late is noted in a January 2021 article published on vice dot com that: Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 19th president of the United States on March 4, 2021. Might a peek at a speculative (fantasy-based from agent orange's Mercury-Neptune square of deception and misperception) "Shadow Inauguration Horoscope" interest you? Me, too. Besides, everyone is quite familiar by now with agent orange's fantasy-based Mercury-Neptune square of deception and misperception that inspires and generates his tiresome spinning of tall tales and his lamentable inability to deal with, or hear, the truth.

As for setting up a horoscope, the problem is, I've found no hour or location for the proposed ego-laced event so I've set the following March 4, 2021 Horoscopes for 12:00 pm in Mar-A-Lago, Florida (upper right) and Washington DC (lower left) for your viewing pleasure. These locations at noon give us some indication of the March 4th cosmic weather if (or not!) such an event takes place at all. My notes are penned on the image but I'll add a few Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio details below the image because they seem in my opinion to fit the man and the day's conditions quite well.

Mar-A-Lago vs Washington DC

You'll note that in DC the chart-ruler is the Scorpio Moon (changes; publicity) while in Florida it's oath-taking Mercury (also changes, and transactions). As you see, Mercury conjuncts wide-girthed Jupiter at the "A Man Unmasked" degree denoting far-reaching plans of a legal nature (9th house). Plus, Venus and Saturn - together a dissatisfied pair - are the only planets that change houses between the two locations.

With Mars rising in his natal chart, Trump is often associated with planet Mars, and here in 12th house, we have a cosmic picture of a man who deeply feels the erosion of his personal power. Plus, contentious warrior Mars conjuncts fixed star Alcyone which gives him something to cry about. However, for Trump, we should probably add whine to the star's to-do list.

Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon tilts the rim of a BOWL shape of planets suggesting a self-contained personality focused on ambition and career (10th house is inside the BOWL). People advocating for a cause or a mission may also be indicated although they're working with limited experience of the world.

But note the Syzygy Moon @8Vir57 (the Full Moon of February 27th - disrupts and reveals like a Lunar Eclipse) at the IC (Basis of the Matter) in Washington which, by degree, re-activates the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Vir21 - the Prenatal Eclipse of Election 2016 and of Inauguration 2017. Cosmically imprinted upon his White House tenure, 19 North themes have remained applicable during the 'Trump era' (which he seeks to expand) and perhaps you remember them: "realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth" (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology) #ad. Perhaps you also remember that transit Neptune, planet of deception, fraud, and grand schemes, opposed the 19 North Eclipse and has managed to muddy every issue possible with lies and fantasies while sojourning in the mid-degrees of Pisces where masking Neptune resides in the Republican Party founding horoscope/s of 1854.

And so in 2021, members of the Republican Party continue ill-advised attempts to "vouch" for arch deceiver and saboteur extraordinaire Donald Trump, no matter what it costs the people of the United States of America.

Now here are dual horoscopes for March 4, 2021's proposed "Shadow Inauguration" of the reviled con man with mobster ties, Donald Trump, an albatross around America's neck if there ever was one:

Now the Double Water blend of Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio (vibes of Jupiter-Neptune and Mars-Pluto) describes an emotionally biased, intensely subjective combination of conscious and unconscious energies. Scathingly critical, this blend suggests those who are ruled by their emotions, opinions, and convictions (if only!), and tend to feel right at home in the underworld. Stubborn and cantankerous, this brooding combo denotes those with vivid imaginations and a dominating personality which relies on sensationalism. Using any manipulation necessary in order to gain and grasp the reins of power, Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio types can be strong in adversity, intensely intuitive, prejudiced, and irrationally suspicious.

This blend is shared natally by author John Steinbeck, and in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys suggest a couple of 'Images for Integration', one of which (you may agree) closely applies to the grudge-holding fellow with the pathetically huge ego:

For it is, "The Grapes of Wrath."

Sep 2, 2020

Sept 2020 Pisces Full Moon Echoes the 2016 Eclipse

September 2, 2020 Pisces Full Moon A Cosmic Echo of Campaign 2016 Eclipse

The just culminated September 2, 2020 Full Moon @10Pis12 (1:22 am edt) has inspired this belated post, soggy with Piscean Neptunian vibes, and noting that the current Full Moon is by degree a culmination of the 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse, a New Moon.

That my natal Moon is in Pisces is of no consequence for we're talking politics, that "organized system of hatreds." Add the fact that the more potent Full Moons often act as Lunar Eclipses, revealing secrets and leaking inconvenient facts, with New Moons doing much the same as Solar Eclipses - and all acting as disruptive Uranian cosmic blinks and wild cards of the Universe.

In consideration of all this, we, dear reader, have issues to discuss.

To begin, here's an updated post from 2018 showing the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 which heralded The Prevaricator, the deadbeat playboy who subsequently insinuated himself into the White House with lots of help from both domestic and foreign enablers, aka, saboteurs. Opposing the 2016 Eclipse was transit Neptune @10Pisces, planet of deception, fraud, propaganda, the media, gaslighting, and other subversive activities. Perhaps you agree that America's political scene has tended to be chocked full of Neptunian concerns - now including contagion - since Day One but Trump and his conspiracy party, formerly known as the Republican Party, upped the anti on corruption, deceit, disguises, impractical campaign promises, and grand schemes. For a majority of people it's no surprise that disappointment and distrust soon followed.

Thing is, solar eclipses in the 19 North Saros Series always call for realism and tackling the truth but with nebulous Neptune opposing its themes, the 2016 Eclipse didn't stand a chance with bad faith actors willing to take advantage of the situation by confusing issues and denying any truth that was inconvenient for their power-grabbing purposes. A massive disinformation campaign was waged against the American voter. And it worked with abundant help from the media, mainstream and alternative.

Included in the long-range plan of sabotage now so obviously being implemented was the Neptunian hollowing out of the US government, its systems, offices, and institutions, bwo their long-held goal of decreasing our government's size until it could be "drowned in a bathtub" (as Grover Norquist so poetically phrased it once upon a time--check out his Neptune-infused natal chart and two linked articles therein that use words of Neptune: eerie influence and banishment!). And of course, that's a bath tub filled with Neptunian water. Disguised or not, wearing masks or not, the 'Neptune-in-Pisces political party' is obviously the Republican Party, formed in 1854, the last period when Neptune was traversing Pisces. The party's recent Neptune Return/s (during the 'Trump era') have been previously discussed multiple times here on SO'W and you'll note that the timing is quite suggestive since the 1854 era is the period the Republican Party would like our nation to regress to - and it's no coincidence that Campaign 2020 is again a Neptunian affair full of scandals, corruption, Trump's cries of "hoax" and "fake media", fraud, conspiracies, and constant challenges to the truth.

Yet despite it all, current problems and conditions of failure and loss in the US and in the world cannot be laid only upon Trump's or the Republicans' doorsteps because there are larger forces and cycles of a subversive nature at work. These are, however, beyond the scope of this meager post other than to add a link to a recent effort which partially involves the 'big picture' as social tinkerers and meddlers ready to meet at Davos concerning their global "reset agenda" - rescheduled from January 2021 to
Summer 2021

And this expectably draconian economic reset agenda is most likely the main reason for the global pandemic that has been used as a weapon to sabotage the world, weaken the 'old order', depopulate and 'purify' the masses, and establish a 'new world order' to replace the post-WWII Bretton Woods Treaty while also superseding America's 'New Order of 1776' (now grown stale for the elite class of bossy one-percenters who let no crisis go to waste).

Significantly, it's an 'order' that will be cosmically timed and supported by the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of Societal Planets Jupiter and Saturn @00Aquarius which lands with cosmic precision upon US POTUS Sun. Here's the midpoint picture that forms...

Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things." (Tyl).

Now as you know, where POTUS goes so goes America. And my suspicious nature asserts that the status quo is what's under assault - and yes, something has definitely been planned. Yet hope for the best springs eternal and their plan's ultimate success or failure remains to be seen, with perhaps some mixture of both. So until the world is let in on what's to become of us all, I hope you stay safe, well, and defiant against undermining forces, dear reader!

Above drawing: 'The Two Fishes of Pisces' by yours truly; "--that organized system of hatreds" from a quote by Henry B. Adams.

Aug 18, 2020

August 24, 2020 Louis DeJoy to Defend USPS Sabotage

Expectations for a Controversial Proceeding

by Jude Cowell

August 18, 2020: By now everyone has heard that US Postal Service saboteur Louis DeJoy has agreed to testify before the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Monday August 24, 2020 which happens to be the opening day of the Republican National Convention this year. Enshrined within the US Constitution, Americans are taking the sabotage of the USPS (which therefore amounts to an undermining of our Constitution) very badly indeed. Even a few Republicans have given what may be only lip service to the outrageousness of Trump's USPS assault which threatens to further break down the fabric of society.

Astrologically, several planetary aspects form on the 24th but the 'star of the show' must be the Mars-Saturn square which perfects at 2:19 pm edt and imprints its difficult energies upon the day's events. That Mr. DeJoy is a large donor to Trump and to the RNC serves to spotlight his sabotage of the USPS as a selfish, corrupt pursuit of greed and profit as well as his soul-less attempt to keep career-criminal Trump in power.

Of course, this square is part of the current Mars-Saturn cycle which began with their conjunction on March 31, 2020 @00AQ29 (2:31 pm edt) - conjunct US Inaugural Sun (Trump). This created a midpoint picture of a POTUS (Sun) 'breaking down under stress' and who 'could not meet all demands or master all situations'. An illness-and-death factor was added as well so naturally we think of the expanding corona virus contagion and Trump's selfish attempt to ignore its overwhelming implications for him personally.

March Leads to August

So now, with both malevolent planets strong in their own signs (Aries-Capricorn: Cardinal and initiating), the obstacle-laden square between them threatens harsh, angry, even dangerous proceedings. A callous atmosphere will be on display between DeJoy and his questioners (Mars vs Saturn) who obviously won't be getting along very well during his proposed testimony especially with sharp questions from Rep. Katy Porter. Hers may be what we all want to hear DeJoy answer or try to evade! Expectably, sullen anger may be shown by someone on Monday and I'm going to take a not-so-wild guess and say that this would be Mr. DeJoy whose actions and motives (Mars) are under scrutiny (Saturn: authority, lawmakers, the law, lawyers in Congress). For as you know, the distrustful, dishonest Mars-Saturn duo signifies destructive, harmful energies which DeJoy has demonstrably perpetrated against our much beloved US Postal Service (serving us brilliantly since 1775!).

Plus, if it occurs, "postmaster general" DeJoy's appearance on Capitol Hill on Monday will spotlight a test of wills between Trump comrade DeJoy (with his own financial fish to fry) vs House Democrats. Actually, Trump's strong, often irrational will is one of the targets of the show, isn't it? That, and the Trump-DeJoy determination to sabotage the 2020 Election by preventing voters from mailing in their ballots (while staying safely at home) which could stage a massive Blue Landslide - a Tsunami - against a potential second term of Trump the mad mobster, born under the brutal death-dealing midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto.

Now as you know, Reinhold Ebertin describes Mars-Saturn midpoint as the 'death axis' so we must hope that any death involved on Monday will apply to DeJoy's and Trump's underhanded efforts to destroy the US Postal Service (which would result in the service being privatized, they hope) and not to the USPS itself.

Holding angular sway at the Midheaven of recent US Inauguration Horoscopes (MC: '26/27 Capricorn' conjunct US natal Pluto) we see Saturn Rx @27Capricorn on Monday during DeJoy's House testimony as the taskmaster planet blends his karmic energies with US natal Pluto, always a difficult transit containing 'issues of power and control' and/or 'abuse of power' implications.

As for the August 24th Mars-Saturn square, testy Mars can be a vicious activist, malcontent, and flame-thrower particularly when in Aries but in a flurry of hope I'm weighting the day's outcome, and pinning my hopes, on Saturn's strength and demand for accountability in governmental Capricorn! Starkly revealing of this crisis, the Mars-Saturn square forms a Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God) pattern that points toward testifying Mercury @9Virgo in the 9th house of Legal Affairs! Is August 24's Mercury (with his magician's wand) casting a spotlight on Election 2016's and Inauguration 2017's Prenatal Eclipse in the 19 North Saros Series with its themes of 'realism, coming down to earth with a bump, recognizing a situation for what it really is', and 'tackling the truth'? (Brady). You'll remember that 19 North's themes were completely undermined by transit Neptune @9Pisces directly opposing the eclipse, a cosmic condition that has stained the entire term of Trump in the White House with Neptunian fantasy, corruption, fraud, deceit, loss, theft, scandals, and Trump's 24/7 fight against the truth. Can Louis DeJoy successfully defend Trump's inglorious leadership and his constant deceit? Will he try with deceit of his own?

Defend Trump or not, at Winter Solstice 2020, the game-changing Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, with its 'checks and balances', 'change in government' and 'leniency vs harshness' vibes lands directly upon US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) which suggests a 'new order' that requires fresh and competent leadership full of innovative ideas and plans for solving America's old problems. And for handling solutions for our future problems and difficulties.

Louis DeJoy June 20, 1957 Brooklyn, NY (no hour known) with Sun in late Gemini, Moon in either Pisces or Aries, Mercury in mid-Gemini, Jupiter @23Virgo (conjunct US natal Neptune), and Saturn, planet of accountability, retrograde @9Sagittarius conjunct warring Antares. Perhaps his temper will flare! But without a timed natal chart, what interests me most about DeJoy are the themes of his 13 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') which manifested on April 19, 1957 @8Tau22 (now being activated off and on by transit Uranus!) Paraphrasing Brady, 13 South themes are: 'expansive energy under which lies a more sinister flavor; the urge to expand contains frustration, inhibitions, loss, or separation; striving for group endeavors positively or negatively', and may involve issues of 'constitutional crisis' (USPS enshrined!).

So it will be engaging on Monday August 24, 2020, to see if the sinister energies within the activities of Trump and DeJoy, as they attempt to continue undermining the US Constitution while destroying our right to vote, are expressed by Mercury the Messenger testifying while in its own sign of discriminating Virgo, sign of The Critic. Especially since DeJoy's natal Pluto conjuncts royal Regulus and thus powerfully connects with Trump's natal Ascendant and ropes in Donnie's rising Mars. And should we add that August 24th is the day of DeJoy's 2020 Venus Return (16Cancer+) which happens to conjunct the natal Nemesis of Donald Trump?

p.s. Confession: I'm not sure which of these two sidewinding varmints is the larger underworld figure!

Related Posts include: Midpoint Pictures of Inauguration 2021 and the good-for-about-12-years Horoscope of America's current Jupiter Return which occurred in 2013 with We The People's Jupiter Return Moon @25Capricorn (!) in the Return 6th house of Health and Service. And considering society's current troubles and turmoil, you may agree that it will be tres interesting to see what America's next Jupiter Return (Horoscope) has in store!

UPDATE August 19, 2020: This Friday, August 21, 2020, Louis DeJoy is scheduled to attend a hearing in the Republican-led Senate. Soft-ball questions are expected by yours truly as transit Venus @13Cancer conjuncts US Sun (July 4, 1776) - grandstanding and acting will occur - plus, dog star Sirius (The Scorcher) while the August 21st Sun returns to and activates its Great American Eclipse degree of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, The Mother of All Eclipses series. 1 North themes: 'unexpected events concerning friends or groups place a great deal of pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large, information is distorted and possibly false; hasty decisions are unwise; tiredness or heath problems may be involved' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). You'll remember how Trump removed safety glasses and stared up at the eclipse multiple times as the 'cosmic blink' perfected upon his natal Ascendant ('29Leo').

Jun 30, 2020

Agent Trump Wants Pal Putin's Russia Back in the G-7

June 30, 2020: For unknown reasons, I saved the following post as a draft but never completed or published it. So with the current news about Trump knowing for months that Putin had put bounties on the heads of US soldiers in Afghanistan but did and said nothing about it while continuing to tout Russia's re-entry into the G7 Group of nations I'm posting it today for whatever info it may add. Even US voters who somehow, beyond reason, prefer Trump in November cannot possibly be okay with this.

Original post begins here sans edits:

Collage: 'His American Majesty' by Jude Cowell

May 31, 2020: Citing current G7 members, economic royalist Trump has asserted that, "It's a very outdated group of countries" which makes yours truly wonder how "outdated" his nibs considers America to be 'under his watch.' That's not exactly what he meant, of course. He meant, Let's invite my comrade and favorite co-conspirator Putin to the party! He proposed including Australia and a couple of other countries to make things appear more legitimate as they talk behind China's back about the future of China, their alleged G7 intention.

Say, remember when Canada flatly rejected Trump's idea of allowing Russia back in? As you know, Russia was tossed out of the elite group of social tinkerers in 2014 for annexing Crimea, an ongoing tragedy as I type. See a related post Trump-Putin Alliance Threatens Current World Order. This is the entire globe's ongoing tragedy and I don't mean to imply that I consider China an outsider to "The big picture (that) commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl) which was timed for greater implementation all through 2017 into 2018 by transit Pluto conjunct 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the 'new world order' planets (18--20Cap). Perhaps those who could not 'see it' in 2017 are seeing draconian conditions starkly enforced in front of their faces in 2020 if they haven't before. And as you know, the current position of the Moon's South Node, aka, the tail of the dragon, is 29Sag13, a critical-crisis 29th degree (Sabian Symbol for '30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" as I'm certain he does; '30Sag' = negative expression: "inordinate love of self-display and surrender to a lust for power" (Jones).

Back to Trump's 'Movable Feast' G7 2020

Now so far I've discovered no definite date for a G7 meeting in September 2020 for it may not have been set yet, so we can't Moon-track the event today as we did in 2019 when Trump knocked noodles 'on the sidelines' with UK PM Boris Johnson. Apparently Trump prefers shadowy sidelines for his private whispers. Like ya do when you have many secrets and crimes to hide.

So as you know, sources are reporting that Trump's G7 2020 'plan' is to postpone G7 2020 'until at least September' from the original June 10, 2020 date and location at secure Camp David where barely a conspiratorial word can be whispered without a mic or camera picking it up - another reason for Trump and Putin to rock the G7 boat, yes?

With no definite date for G7 2020 (if you find one Please let me know!) we can at the least check the September 2020 Lunations (New and Full Moons) where we find that the month begins with a Full Moon @10Pis12 (September 2), an interesting cosmic occurrence since deceptive Neptune was @10Pisces opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse that functioned as the Prenatal Eclipse of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Will new information be uncovered or leaked in September or late August concerning those significant events and/or the Trump-Putin love match? For Full Moons can reveal hidden things much as Lunar Eclipses, and New Moons can act in similar fashion to Solar Eclipses (Ovason). So you know what I always say around eclipse and lunation times? Peep-Eye!

Tragically, a Related Post: America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime. Also related: if Election 2020 is held at all, the Electoral College Is Set to Vote on December 14, 2020, an auspicious day of a difficult Solar Eclipse. Plus, here's a previous post concerning the learless feader: SOTU 2020 and Trump's SOTUs since 2017 and for health indicators you may wish to see The YOD in America's Solar Return 2020, a horoscope that functions for one year until July 2021.

All on-topic comments and shares are much appreciated! And please note that a 'new' page under 'Judith' Cowell is now created since my original FB account 'Jude Cowell" remains in lock down. jc

Aug 19, 2016

Judges Are Finally Calling Out Voter Suppression For What It Is! - clip (plus, Eclipses)

August 19, 2016 Thom Hartmann on judges' recent rulings on the hidden intent behind Republican voter suppression laws rather than going along with the Republicans' stated intent:

Astrologically, I'm noting the wording of this clip's title that includes "...for what it really is!" since the phrase and the judges' rulings against voter suppression tactics resonate perfectly with the 19 North early-acting Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 with its themes of "realism; seeing things for what they really are rather than what he or she thought it was; a good time for tackling the truth" (Brady). Yes, it must be a good time for tackling the truth because we're hearing quite a few examples of it during Campaign 2016 thanks, in part, to email leaks and hacks.

And with September 2016 a month with a Solar and Lunar Eclipse, their function as peep-eye! agents and 'wild card' uncoverers of secrets and inconvenient truths should spotlight for the public a surprising amount of realism in stark contrast with America's usual political scene of lies, fraud, crime, and propaganda.

Manifesting ten days prior to the first presidential debate, here are a few notes on the Sept 16, 2016 Lunar Eclipse: The Mystery of the Three Days (Saturn-NN).

May 10, 2016

19 North Eclipse affects 2016/17 Election/Inauguration as with Reagan and Clinton

Will the September Solar Eclipse Jiggle Our National Truth-o-Meter in 2016/2017?

by Jude Cowell

In the past, the Solar Eclipse Saros Series 19 North has been influential in US Presidential elections and inaugurations with its noble themes of 'coming down to earth, realism, and a constructive time for tackling the truth' (Brady). In addition, any eclipse, solar or lunar, can inspire the uncovering of truths and secrets long kept hidden with a cosmic peep-eye! quality that may be very inconvenient for miscreants and 'evil-doers'. 19 North (19N) repeats on September 1, 2016 and is the 'Pre-Natal Eclipse' Saros Series of Election Day 2016 in November and Inauguration 2017 in January.

For background, the initial eclipse of the 19N series began on July 5, 1331 (OS) @20Cancer and will end on August 10, 2575. This puts a lunar Cancerian lens over what will be a Virgoan eclipse on September 1st (@9Virgo). Oddly enough, both July 5th and August 10th are dates that are involved in US history since some US Solar Returns occur not on July 4th but on July 5th (SR = Sun to its position on July 4, 1776, our national birthday), and August 10th is thought by some to be an important esoteric date because the Sun as viewed from the Capitol Building sets over the western end of Pennsylvania Avenue as devised by District architect, Pierre Charles L'Enfant (Ovason). At least, that's a cosmic event that L'Enfant planned for the Federal City. (Sun in Mundane Astrology = the leader, leadership, or, the president.)

If you're curious, here are Timelines of Events for 1980 and 1998. See if you can spot any eclipse-inspired 'truth tackling' events in 1998 such as President Bill Clinton testifying on tape to his inappropriate affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky (August 19), the US embassy bombings in retaliation (taking revenge) against al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and in Sudan, and Scott Ritter's resignation from UNSCOM as he asserted that, "Iraq retains the capability to launch chemical strike" (August 26). Was Mr. Ritter tackling a truth that Washington politicians wanted to keep hidden? Note that the 19N eclipse occurred in the midst of these events on August 22, 1998 @29Leo conjoining royal star Regulus (keywords: success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all that was gained will be lost--Brady).

Tragically for the American people and the rest of the world, US politicians take revenge all too well, don't they? And usually they deny that revenge is the motivation.

Plus, as previously discussed, Regulus in the original grid for DC represents the US Congress with Arcturus (a different approach; patience brings success) standing for the White House, and Spica (the spike; victory; good fortune) as the Washington Monument, our phallic symbol of the Executive Branch. Disturbingly, Donald Trump was born with warrior planet Mars in Leo (super-sensitive ego!) and kingmaker Regulus rising. Speaking of taking revenge, Mr. Trump does like to hit back when others attack him (aren't 'nice' to him!) and being a 'loser' is, he thinks, only for other people, not himself. However, Regulus rising might one day disagree and deal him a losing hand.

Now here's a 1992 Frontline feature investigating the 1980 Election and the US hostage release "October Surprise" perpetrated by the Reagan administration which tilted election results away from incumbent President Jimmy Carter in an untruthful way as Reagan took credit for what Carter had accomplished:

the deleted video was right here in this spot...

UPDATE May 19, 2016: as expected, the Frontline video was removed so here is a link to a report by a man who investigated for Frontline back in the day, Robert Parry who had Second Thoughts on the October Surprise, which he published to Consortium News in 2013.

So now once again we face the 19 North 'tackling the truth' eclipse and we know that being realistic, honest, and admitting the truth are seldom part of Politics or in the play book of Washington DC politicians particularly when elections are at stake so it will be interesting to see how truths are bent and surprises are sprung against the cosmic imperative of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Virgo in the 19 North Saros Series as Election Day 2016 approaches and the Inauguration 2017 Oath of Office is taken--usually with a presidential hand placed upon--of all things--a Bible!

Dates and Degrees of 19 North include:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo; July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter). 19N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), and the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962). Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for Politics? You see, correlating the years of 19N with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative since history doesn't repeat...but it does rhyme.

Published May 10, 2016 6:31 pm EDT; all rights reserved.