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Showing posts with label the universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the universe. Show all posts

Sep 14, 2010

Waking Up to Reality videos -- Max Igan

The following video presentation by Max Igan encapsulates all the primary issues that I've tried to post about in my disjointed bloggery fashion on Stars Over Washington since October 2005. There are 7 videos all together with a total running time of just under 1 hour and they are very worth your checking out for I believe Mr. Igan speaks the truth.

We certainly know by now that the mainstream media is merely a purveyor of a false reality full of celebrity news, sensationalism, doublespeak, and misinformation designed to divert us from an understanding of reality, not uncover it.

Are we truly poised on the precipice of a Global Awakening? Is there such a thing as Christ Consciousness? Years ago my church taught me that there is a Spiritual Church of Christ and I believe that these are one and the same - and that this is the sort of very important information the elite bloodline rulers of the world don't want us to wake up to from within their mass hypnosis of the fake reality surrounding us!

They prefer that we keep within our boxes, the same old mindsets continually promoted by religious and educational systems.

Mr. Igan covers many topics from Codex Alimentarius, to the Illuminati and Sun cult that rule the mundane world, to the fact that a one-world-government is already in control by way of global money and information systems. A difference is, he puts them into a universal context from the perspective of the power each individual possesses. So not only is there power in numbers but a deep and universal power within each human being.

As the matrix-infused Tarot often advises me: remember your connection to your eternal birthright! Wake up and remember.

And there is beauty shown here, both visual and verbal (Love is the Foundation of the Universe!) so if you've ever wanted to know more about the Global Awakening (which has already begun - don't be left out!) check out Max Egan's presentation on Waking Up to Reality for inspiration, or, if you're just glomming on to The Awakening, to get you started in the right direction.

Put down that TV remote control and back away...

Here are the first 3 videos with a link to the last 4 videos underneath:

Part 1...Hello? Are you there?

Part 2...all worldly entities perform their parts as tentacles of the octopus...

Part which The Matrix, black holes, human consciousness, and other cosmic concepts are explained...As Above, So Below!

And there are 4 more videos to profit by...

Apr 30, 2008

European Man, Ferguson + Solar Flares

Space Weather News for April 27, 2008

All items:

STRANGE SOLAR FLARE: No sunspots? No problem. Yesterday the blank sun unleashed a solar flare without the usual aid of a sunspot.

At 1408 UT on April 26th, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a surge of X-rays registering B3.8 on the "Richter scale" of solar flares. That's a relatively minor flare; nevertheless, the blast sent a "solar tsunami" shock wave rippling through the sun's atmosphere and also launched a coronal mass ejection. The CME is expected to reach Earth late on April 28th or April 29th, possibly sparking high latitude auroras when it arrives. Visit SpaceWeather to view images, movies and updates.

Would you like to be alerted when geomagnetic storms erupt? Sign up for Spaceweather PHONE: SpaceWeather Phone #


And with my tiresome tendency to see As above, so below correlations, I'd say somebody is feelin' his oats this week.

Is someone flaring only to flame out? Is Obama's "Star falling" as is being blogged all over.

Or is this unusual flare descriptive of TV's Craig Ferguson livin' large in America while perpetrating his American Dream along with the best imitation of Prince Charles ever devised by man? It's spot on! And horses horses horses do like their oats, don't they?

And then there's...

The "A Man Unmasked" degree of the current season of Solar Eclipses, the one from early February, 2008, keeps on giving.

We've seen a few varmints unmasked, all right, but we hardly care--we've become as they planned--besotted and benumbed from constant exposure to their perfidies and scandals, and fretting over the troubles under our own noses. Snot to the oppressor!

Such is America. But that's not all she is. And I'm grateful for that.

Oh! and Craig...I speak for many when I say that we didn't want you to host the White House Correspondents' Dinner so you could make 'friends in Washington.' Was a line crossed that night?

You seem to have slept with the enemy and pronounced her good. S'up? Payback for fast-tracked Am-citizenship?

Don't care, I'm just asking. And I'm glad you're here actually. For you do so amuse.