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Showing posts with label Craig Ferguson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craig Ferguson. Show all posts

Sep 8, 2010

The Natal Chart of John Boehner

On Thursday, November 17, 1949 John Boehner was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was elected House Minority Leader for the Republican Party on January 4, 2007.

Mr. Boehner's birth time is unknown to me, but for the 24-hour period, the Moon remained in Libra (11:13 - 26:03) with Sun in Scorpio ranging from 24:31 to 25:32; Mercury in Scorpio 21:17 - 23:23.

The following planetary positions are from his natal chart set for noon est:

Venus 12Cap10; Mars 11Vir53; Jupiter 27Cap41; Saturn 17Vir50; Uranus 4Can25 Rx (his only Rx, an unpredictable maverick); Neptune 16Lib19; Pluto 18Leo12; Chiron 10Sag29; NN 19Ari10.


Boehner's Mars/Saturn conjunction in Virgo makes him a hard worker and good at organizing others yet there's an element of frustration as if something or someone is always holding him back - this is the 'driving with the brakes on' conjunction. There may be sexual implications.


Moon in Libra crossed idealistic Neptune during the day of his birth which is an imaginative, sensitive, emotional, and psychic combo (especially if the orb between Luna and Neptune is narrow enough to count as a conjunction - the closer, the stronger.) Professional life must have enough challenges to keep him alert, and public-oriented enterprises suit him best. (Moon = the public; Neptune = the masses.)

Facing harsh realities isn't easy for Moon/Neptune folk, and other people tend to be categorized according to very subjective criteria. Plus, Mr. Boehner may be something of a poet! (This combo is shared by comedian Craig Ferguson, btw - very creative.) And he may think he's being impartial and fair while it's actually deeply buried emotional needs that are motivating him.

Idealistic views of the mother, and thus of women in general, are probable. If there is a dependency on drinking, it may very well spring from an emotional source.


There is what can be a problematic Neptune/South Node conjunction in Libra, sign of partnerships (this conj does not depend on a correct birth time.) Neptune/SN does not make for popularity due to intuitions from the unconscious that tend to be out of harmony with social trends. Also, it can give out-of-sync timing when opportunities for good fortune arrive yet there are several indications of good fortune in his natal chart which belie this problem (see below.)

At best, one may be able to sidestep the 'folly of the masses' through superior intuitive abilities, though a caution is that others may take credit for his ideas (bwo Neptune's stealing and loss tendencies.) Neptune/SN has a karmic vibe indicating spiritual purposes which must be worked through under difficult conditions.

Sun and Mercury in Scorpio

Obviously the close conjunction of Sun and Mercury in intense Scorpio shows a deep intelligence and possible interests in mystical subjects; a talent for thinking on his feet aids his political career immensely, yet his opinions (Mercury) are extremely subjective and forcefully expressed. His primary interests relate only to his nibs.

Venus in Capricorn

Venus in worldly Capricorn describes one who needs wealth and material status to bolster emotional security; marrying above one's station is often the case with Venus in Saturn-ruled Cap. This placement may be underneath Boehner's suave, proud, and reserved manner in his public behavior. There's a quiet, dignified air which may be based on a desire to feel superior to the common man and which may border on snobbishness. (Well, he is a politician, after all. Most of them do consider themselves to be above the rabble, don't they?)

Venus square Neptune

Venus is afflicted by an applying square from Neptune which doubles the chances for the emotional, overly idealistic tendencies already mentioned with unrealistic expectations of partners; chances for using negative escapism for emotional reasons is also ramped up by this square. Secret romances may be indicated as well.

Jupiter in Capricorn

Now Jupiter in Capricorn gives good fortune in politics and business with a materialistic streak, too. At 27Cap41, Boehner's natal Jupiter not only conjoins US natal Pluto (a duo of big banking and those who mount large-scale projects) but is snugged between President Obama's natal Jupiter 00AQ52 Rx and n Saturn 25Cap20 Rx - in fact, their Saturns are conjunct in its own sign of Capricorn. What do you think - do they try to out-daddy one another? Out-control, for sure.

Mr. Obama's tenuous relationship with his father is well known and described by a retrograde Saturn (father not around, or weak when he should be strong, dominating when he should be gentle, etc - a major, unconscious influence.) But Boehner's Saturn is direct and thus is much more of a conscious influence in his life.

There are at least five midpoint pictures to consider in the chart which are in effect the whole day through, the first a T-square based on the Nodal axis and the Venus/Neptune square (any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions):

Neptune/NN = Venus: misconceptions regarding other people's relationships and associations; unfaithfulness; wrong liaisons.

Mercury/Mars = Neptune: the process of undermining another's position; a pursuit of fantastic or hopeless plans; not keeping promises; a tendency to harm others through falsehood or underhanded behavior.

Jupiter/Saturn = Mercury: a desire for variety and making changes; inconstancy of mind and philosophy; a fortunate separation.

Jupiter/Uranus = NN: striving together with others for a common purpose; an ability to show oneself gay, cheerful, and hopeful in the presence of others; a fortunate, new acquaintance.

Neptune/Pluto = Saturn: grievous emotional suffering; pessimism; dark forebodings; self-torment; a gradual decline of one's powers and faculties.

(The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.)

Dark forebodings? This may tally with his being born during a Balsamic phase of Sun and Moon which has a prophetic tendency, and of coming along when someone just left such as taking over a vacated position, finishing another's project, etc.

Rep. John Boehner was born into the 5 New South Series of Solar Eclipses. His Pre-Natal Eclipse occurred on Oct 21, 1949 @ 28Lib08. Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology we find that this is a quite a spiffy PE to have for it indicates joy, happiness, good news, peak experiences, and benefits, and last occurred on November 23, 2003 @ 1Sag14 ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" - naturally we think of the invasion of Iraq); its next manifestation will be Dec 4, 2021 @ '12Sag' = " A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows."

(That's the ASC degree for the US in the Sibly natal chart. Seems to me it's crowed too loudly and too often already. We're broke from all the crowing.)

Well, that's my thumbnail astro-sketch of Rep. John Boehner. Please feel free to add your ideas to this post with your on-topic comment either astrological or political, as you may. Perhaps a little something about those piercing blue eyes?

May 23, 2010

Solar Transit Photo and Sun Gemini-Moon Libra May 23, 2010

First, some Astronomy:

Space Weather News for May 23, 2010

SOLAR TRANSIT: Yesterday in Switzerland, Thierry Legault photographed the International Space Station and space shuttle Atlantis passing directly in front of the sun, not far from new sunspot 1072. The veteran astrophotographer calls the image his "best ever of a solar transit," and indeed the silhouette of the docked spaceships backlit by "solar fire" is a must see.

It is featured on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

DOUBLE FLYBY ALERT: Atlantis is scheduled to undock from the ISS on Sunday, May 23, at 11:22 am EDT, setting the stage for double flybys over many towns and cities around the world.

Need a flyby prediction? There's an app for that called simpleflybys. #


Now for a smidgen of Astrology:

Checking Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:22 am edt I see that the Sun is in very early Gemini (air flight) while the Moon is in the first decan of Libra, a sociable and light placement for La Luna.

Here are the 'Images for Integration' for Sun Gem-Moon Lib with its 'wandering spirit' vibe:

A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions...An elegant hostess puts on a party and exhibition to help a worthy cause...Elgar's Enigma Variations - 'to my friends depicted within'. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign', Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Additionally, the double Air blend of Sun Gem-Moon Lib is shared natally by at least three people for whom I shall type a quote from each of them but I'll mix up their names with a red herring tossed in so you have to hazard brilliant guesses as to who said what:

1. "I wasn't really naked. I simply didn't have any clothes on."

2. "Henceforth, the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

3. "Read. My. Lips. No. New. Taxes."

All are gibberish on some level as Airiness abounds! Want clues? Then read on...

Possible spouters are: Henry Kissinger, Josephine Baker, George H. W. Bush, and Daffy Duck. (I'm just kidding about one of them.)

For of course I jest! Because there's really no comparison between Poppy Bush and Daffy Duck. One walks with a waddle, kind of wobbly, quacks out of the side of his mouth, and has been around for what seems like forever...and the other one is Daffy Duck.

(All credit goes to Mr. Craig Ferguson of CBS's The Late Late Show for the basic form of this jibe but not its precise content.)

Jun 16, 2009

Scotland founded in 1005 and Jupiter Meets Uranus

Of late it seems that mentions of Scotland keep popping up on my blogs by way of TV's Craig Ferguson, articles from the New Scientist, and from my reading of Anne Whitaker's new book Jupiter Meets Uranus which I've just reviewed on Amazon if you'd like to check out this excellent book about the 14-year Jupiter-Uranus cycle and its scientific, political, financial, and many other implications for society.

Anne covers personal charts with Jupiter-Uranus effects as well in her research begun around the time of their conjunction of February 1997 at 5AQ55 - and you know who was US president then - the just-re-elected Bill Clinton.

He was a real New World Order promoter, our Bill, and futuristic about the New Millennium. His natal Mercury in Leo opposes the Jupiter-Uranus conj of 1997 so we have a midpoint picture we may wish to consider...

Jup/Uran = n Mercury: planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks; confidence; ready-wittedness; a person with an abundance of ideas; the gathering of ample knowledge; a fortunate turn in one's occupation (re-election!)

Ready-witted Bill's natal chart and details are included in Anne's book as well, and much more - including the US' first landing on the Moon, the first landing at Cape Canaveral, Florida - linked through the centuries by the Jupiter-Uranus cycle (I know-w-w!, as Mr. Ferguson might say amusedly.)

From historical record we know that March 25, 1005 is the date that King Malcolm the Second was crowned at Scone thus founding Scotland, so full of talent and genius which it has so often shared with the world!

You'll find an image of Scotland's natal chart along with Anne Whitaker's astute analysis of the national psyche of her home country as she writes appealingly from 'the Twelfth House'!

David Letterman's natal chart - and Sarah Palin

David Letterman has now apologized for his tasteless joke about Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter - perhaps a day late after some are calling for his resignation from his CBS Late Show. Naturally Letterman's 'joke' has given him a case of Don-Imus-itis for its link to jokes about the sexual activities of young ladies.

Old men, young ladies - unlevel playing field and what amounts to sexual harrassment, so back off, fellas. You show yourselves to have lower standards than the ladies you disparage.

One hopes no one ever makes unkind remarks on national TV about his son, Harry!

Yet political opportunism coming into play is sadly expectable, but one wishes Governor Palin could resist the temptation. Still, as many public figures are fond of saying, any publicity is good publicity.

So with no known birth time for Mr. Letterman, I don't wish to publish his chart here but I did take a look to see if there were transits causing him difficulties (although he brought this on himself - wonder who wrote the joke? The 'any publicity' works for him too, esp with Conan O'Brien now opposite him. Letterman's viewership numbers are trending up, I heard.)

David Letterman April 12, 1947, Indianapolis, IN (CST); Sun definitely in Aries, Moon in Capricorn for the 24-hour day of birth (ranging from 6Cap50 to 18:40.)

Well, the Sun has been recently highlighting his natal Uranus 18Gem41, a transit which emphasizes uniqueness and individuality - one may possibly 'stick out like a sore thumb' in fact, as a separation or singling out of some kind may occur, for good or bad. Showing stubborn pride (Sun = ego) is also a potential...perhaps a reason why he didn't apologize for the small-minded joke immediately.

Natal Mercury 25Pis24 is being affected by transiting Uranus off and on - a time when freedom to express one's thoughts is sought, and original, perhaps quirky, ideas come easily. Mercury is the planet of ideas and communications so with Uranus' electrical energy in the vicinity, there's no telling what might occur in relation to one's thinking processes - and in Letterman's case, one's joke writing and delivery.

Surfing on your behalf, dear reader, I found that Vega Attractions has an image of Mr. Letterman's Solar Chart (sunrise) if you'd care to snag yourself a peek. You'll see Letterman's natal Mars at Aries Point, a World Point of Prominence and Fame, as the whole world sees Dave's intrinsic Mars capacity for grumpiness and contentiousness!

But I still prefer Dave's show to Conan's - plus, it leads in to my favorite late night comedian of all time: Craig Ferguson and his "It's a great day for America, everybody"!

Nov 22, 2008

Craig Ferguson interviews Dick Cheney: video

Is it possible you missed last night's interview between TV's Craig Ferguson and Dick Cheney? ;p

Then here it is in its haggis-faced, raunchy splendor. Enjoy!

Nov 5, 2008

Bill Maher with Craig Ferguson video

Here's part 2 of the interview that TV's Craig Ferguson did with Bill Maher on the night of Nov 3, 2008.

This 9 minute video begins with a clip from Maher's documentary Religulous which is worth a view if you haven't seen it - the film has been well-received and I look forward to seeing it.

And if you're interested in part 1 (the rest of Craig's interview with Bill Maher) it looks as if you'll have to direct yourself to YouTube and perform a search for these two bright lightbulbs of comedy.

YouTube has older interviews they've done together on The Late Late Show as well.

Makin' fun of politics and politicians - I LOVE it!


More Maher?

Here's another video I posted at the end of August with Joe Biden guesting on Maher's Real Time.

Nov 1, 2008

America Battered by Bush

America Bruised and Battered is an article which takes an in-depth look at the presidency of George W. Bush. It's a surprisingly easy read unless you have blood pressure issues!

The article contains 5 parts and it's interesting reading with a different outlook on our '19% approved' president whose days in office are, we may hope, numbered.

Any of these may be read as stand-alone articles, but all are informative for a shell-shocked American people:

Part I: America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors
Part II: A Gambler Who Bet Everything on Iraq
Part III: It Wasn't Just the President Alone
Part IV: Bush on Trial?
Part V: The Job Ahead

You'll also find photo galleries of the Bush presidency including an album of "Funny Moments" of the scowler-in-chief including his bike-topple with right palm and face showing wounds - good for palmists to a take a peek at Bush's clawprint; plus, one link in the photo gallery section takes you to "Interactive Graphic: Obama and Biden vs McCain: The Candidates in Profile."

There's also an interview I find especially informative with neoconservative scholar Robert Kagan - he who early on counseled 'regime change' for Iraq (published Oct 27.) Of course, Kagan justifies his position and advice by decrying the way the war was mishandled.

This I don't buy from him or from any of the others because chaos is a major part of their world domination plans, antisocial as it is. To them our misery is "worth it." Naomi Klein chronicles this brilliantly with her explanation of Shock Doctrine to which the world is being subjected by a world crime syndicate. (I added world crime syndicate here - I'm not sure that Klein uses these exact words. But I do.)

Not that ineptitude wasn't shown in the Bush-Cheney invasion/occupation, but unintended consequences were simply sucked into the 'big picture which must be followed - very little option to do otherwise' as Astrology describes this sort of highhanded behavior from the holier-than-thou crowd.

You know - any mistakes they make can't be mistakes because they made them - and all is right with the world (on their say-so.)

So do you know my first thought when I saw the article's Part I topic: "America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors"?

The Sabian Symbol for George Bush's natal Mars, the planet of action, energy, desire nature, and the god of war..."10Virgo"..."Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" (reminds you of Cheney's 'Dark Side' doesn't it? Just two bubblethink noodleheads goin' to war based on lies with obscene profits on their to-do lists. And Rummy, Cheney's pal, intimately involved, of course. Such profitable chicken hawk fun!)

Here's Dane Rudhyar's take on "10Virgo"..."Keynote: The growth of true understanding, born out of the transcendence of duality even while immersed in the world of duality." SELF-TRANSCENDING ACTIVITY OF THE MIND." (An Astrological Mandala.) Bush Bubblethink?

But perhaps even more to the point concerning George Bush's Martian energy, action, desire nature, and war-promoting is Rudhyar's details for '9Virgo..."An Expressionist Painter at Work"...Keynote: The urge to express one's individualized sense of value regardless of tradition. ORIGINALITY.

...what is expressed is usually the reflection of a deep catharsis with emotionally charged and often tragic overtones."

My italics, and yes, tragic overtones are the basis of the Bush presidency as millions of Iraqis flee for parts unknown and Americans are tossed out of their homes and (if certain partisans have their way) their voting rights taken away...because they're now homeless.

'Twas a grand plan, si? Make millions off 'em then toss 'em out on the sidewalk with their most basic American right pilfered so as to skew the 2008 election/s...because every little bit helps the GOP when it's steal election time in America.

So if the other George ~Orwell~ isn't skirming in his grave, I'll be an out-of-control cheeky monkey on a bicycle.

As TV's Craig Ferguson says,"Re-miiiiinnnnd you of anyone?"

Sep 25, 2008

What Bush didn't say

The way he said it was very familiar.

What Bush didn't say in his '9/11 revisited' speech on the economic crisis Wednesday night would fill several Wall Street ledgers.

All this suspend talk - the debate Friday night, the VP debate - reminds me of what some of we-astrologers were saying months ago about how McCain might not have the steam to make it to November.

And that lazy left eye of his is being remarked on here and there. Have you noticed it? Apparently it's been in evidence since April.

One of his melanoma surgeries was under it, I believe, but correct me if I'm wrong.

What if McCain spent some hours on Wednesday at a doctor's appointment? I'm just wondering aloud.

And when McCain finally moseys to Washington to "help" with the financial crisis (hasn't he done enough already?) after playing about with Katie Couric which was after he blew off his appearance on Letterman's show Wed night - the agreement on the Hill may be completed so he'll be a like a fourth wheel on a tricycle.

Guess the wheels are fallen off his wagon. And here I am in Georgia - my wagon's stuck without enough gasoline to leave the state and I am about to miss my son's wedding apparently.

And all I get from government are threats and more threats.

As Craig Ferguson said tonight, AWH! rich people are losing money!

McCain is on the case though. So they'll be okay.

Sep 14, 2008

Craig Ferguson video: if you don't vote you're a moron

Here's the monologue by TV's Craig Ferguson from his late night show last week where he rants on the 2008 candidates, media coverage of the campaign, pigs, badgers, and most of all, Voting.

All this and more is packed into about 8 minutes of video by a comedian I like to call our freshly-minted American.

So if you've never seen The Late Late Show, watch this video! And if you have seen Craig before you'll probably watch it anyway since you're here so why not?

Mr. Ferguson will be seen in concert by this born American, yours truly, in a just few days (he even mentioned my hometown on his show last week on two separate nights actually in the email segment - good advertisement for his performance which I do hope is a sell-out.)

So beforehand, may I say: Welcome to Athens, TV's Craig Ferguson, and break a leg! (I'll be the one chuckling in the section to your right, 4th row, and hoping for more of your political comedy, but anything you want to talk about is okay by me. Oh - and I promise you I always vote.)

May 24, 2008

VP search: political musings for the week

Summer is upon us, it's Memorial Day weekend, and I've been blurbing and musing on 2008's presidential candidates and the required search for a VP candidate to share the ticket: VP search: too many senators has a few points I've been pondering this week concerning senatorial egos, piggish governors, Obama's Israel shout-out, and Hillary's crystal ball for June horrors, among other things.

Last here on May 21, the two-tiered interweb (thanks, TV's Craig Ferguson!) is continuing to be problematic for it seems I'm allowed into this blog on alternate days at best, or every three or four days more annoyingly and my 'real world' schedule must often take precedence over creaky page-loading.

But I love my Stars Over Washington blog, so please don't think I diss if I'm absent awhile, okay? Blogging has become quite a struggle on Turtle Lane.

And sometimes my blog on WordPress navigates more easily, so you may find me there instead. If you follow the above link you'll also find articles on the natal charts of TV's Craig Ferguson, chanteuse Amy Winehouse, and master artist Edgar Degas sprinkled amongst the politics.

That's because Jude's Threshold is meant to be a hodge podge of Art, Astrology, and Politics...a veritable tapestry of creativity and societal concerns stretched upon a loom of Astrology.

Perhaps it's a good mix, but as you know, the clunker in the happy blend is none other than Politics, that system of organized hatreds which ruins most of what it touches while lying to our collective face in order to cover its fallibility and pocket-lining.

We could put it down to human nature, but these critters, vermin, and crooks imagine themselves to be above the rest of us on the evolutionary ladder along with their elite societal status...because they confuse wealth of money with wealth of character.

And Scripture says it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. So that settles that, doesn't it?

Now this reminds me of the Sabian Symbol for "25Leo"..."A large camel crossing the desert"...ADEQUACY...

pos: uncompromising persistence and uncomplaining self-expenditure in any course to be followed;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: ruthlessness in an unintelligent self-interest.

But what would Washington be without its unintelligent self-interest?

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Mark Edmund Jones.)

Apr 30, 2008

European Man, Ferguson + Solar Flares

Space Weather News for April 27, 2008

All items:

STRANGE SOLAR FLARE: No sunspots? No problem. Yesterday the blank sun unleashed a solar flare without the usual aid of a sunspot.

At 1408 UT on April 26th, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a surge of X-rays registering B3.8 on the "Richter scale" of solar flares. That's a relatively minor flare; nevertheless, the blast sent a "solar tsunami" shock wave rippling through the sun's atmosphere and also launched a coronal mass ejection. The CME is expected to reach Earth late on April 28th or April 29th, possibly sparking high latitude auroras when it arrives. Visit SpaceWeather to view images, movies and updates.

Would you like to be alerted when geomagnetic storms erupt? Sign up for Spaceweather PHONE: SpaceWeather Phone #


And with my tiresome tendency to see As above, so below correlations, I'd say somebody is feelin' his oats this week.

Is someone flaring only to flame out? Is Obama's "Star falling" as is being blogged all over.

Or is this unusual flare descriptive of TV's Craig Ferguson livin' large in America while perpetrating his American Dream along with the best imitation of Prince Charles ever devised by man? It's spot on! And horses horses horses do like their oats, don't they?

And then there's...

The "A Man Unmasked" degree of the current season of Solar Eclipses, the one from early February, 2008, keeps on giving.

We've seen a few varmints unmasked, all right, but we hardly care--we've become as they planned--besotted and benumbed from constant exposure to their perfidies and scandals, and fretting over the troubles under our own noses. Snot to the oppressor!

Such is America. But that's not all she is. And I'm grateful for that.

Oh! and Craig...I speak for many when I say that we didn't want you to host the White House Correspondents' Dinner so you could make 'friends in Washington.' Was a line crossed that night?

You seem to have slept with the enemy and pronounced her good. S'up? Payback for fast-tracked Am-citizenship?

Don't care, I'm just asking. And I'm glad you're here actually. For you do so amuse.

Apr 26, 2008

TV's Craig Ferguson shines!

Tonight, as host of the White House Correspondents' Dinner, my favorite TV host slash comedian, TV's Craig Ferguson, will be on the spot in Washington.

(Follow link to see his chart with a few details just published over at Jude's Threshold.)

Tonight's hosting duties represent quite an ego-massaging entertainment coup for our freshly-minted American citizen, Craig of Glasgow...he's the one seated next to Dick.

And the honor couldn't happen to a more deserving, if cheeky, monkey!