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Showing posts with label world economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world economy. Show all posts

Nov 28, 2007

with garbage as collateral

Charles Schumer, Countrywide, and garbage for collateral?

The world's fanciest financiers have been up to no good and trying to keep things hidden from view. Collapse is the game, domination and enslavement the goals.

Seems odd to me that a certain few people who just Had To Have a world economy (and considering all the billions and trillions they've piled up inside
their lairs and nestled within secret offshore accounts)--seems odd that they can't do any better than common corruption, ponzi schemes, and crookery.

But beggaring 99% of the world's population is very hard werk and must be quite time consuming. Guess that's how they sleep at night--they're just big ole pooped puppies gnawing on all their hoarded Milkbones and plotting their next overthrow of government while wondering which massacre of the defenceless to back next for the greatest 'return' for their overflowing coffers.

Follow the above article link to LeftRightUnite! and join, if you like. And let me know if you do because I'll be happy as a puppy with two tails to see you there!

Just BYOM (Bring Your Own Milkbone, if you still have one.)

Sep 23, 2007

The Nation: the Rise of Disaster Capitalism

The Nation has an article from May 5, 2005 which is pertinent in 2007 as the globalists agenda continues to plows down everything and everyone in their path to world domination--and ownership.

From privatization of natural resources (which should benefit local populations, but not with these greedy crime bosses) to the hubris of social and economic engineering, the "rebuilding" after catastrophes and "post-conflicts" (which have yet to happen) aren't what they've been sold to be. As usual, The Nation has excellent articles on the subject. Even I finally got around to subscribing!

And the World Bank has its claws smack dab in the middle of the pie, natch.

Wonder if John Poindexter has made any sure (pre-) bets on these scams?

Think I'll mosey over to The August Review and see if Patrick has anything to say about it.

Apr 24, 2007

Little hedge funds all in a row

You may want to read the latest entry from Mr.A.Cat at Lim's Limericks concerning the 'excess liquidity' in which the world now floats...or you may wish to read U.S. economy poised for nose dive...but I'd recommend the limerick, if I were you (glub glub.)