April 1, 2018: since today is Easter Sunday (He Is Risen!), family doings are in progress here so this post is merely a quick heads-up concerning astrologer Chris Rogers' warning of an upcoming cosmic event which may, in that history-rhyming sort of way, affect finances of the masses (ex: the stock market) and potentially the power structure in Washington DC and elsewhere.
This is disturbing, I know, yet it seems to me that Pluto's Crossing tallies with the difficult 2 New North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @19Leo which on Stars Over Washington (if nowhere else!) has been termed The Tower Eclipse due to its theme of 'collapse of existing structures and lifestyles' and the necessary 'rebuilding after the dust settles' (Brady). Basically, this eclipse describes #16 'The Tower' in the Tarot deck for those who use the cards. Notably, 2 New North also manifested prior to The Crash of 1929--follow the link for a few details. Also, 2 New North is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the November 2018 Midterm Elections (hacked or crashed voting machines with plutonian Putin's claw prints all over the sabotage?)
Plus, astrological Pluto is also associated with underworld figures, networks, criminal cartels, mobsters and other financial crooks, plus, transnational bankers and foreign power brokers so given the Mueller investigation into the political and financial ties of Donald Trump and his dubious 'associates', major events may be expected before the end of 2018 and into early 2019. Certainly, conclusions will be reached and reports revealed which involve potentials for destruction, transformation, and/or regeneration of a plutonian nature.
Now I could parrot here more details concerning Pluto's Crossing and its mass power effects on the stock market, etc, but you'll fare better letting Chris fill you in if you're curious:
Gerald Celente has been correct a bunch of times about our financial prospects. Here he's predicting a possible stock market crash by the end of 2010. This post's title should read, audio. Pardon.
Then does Astrology, also a system of cycles as in the realm of finances, concur?
Right now we're 'between' two Solar Eclipses, both of which indicate financial stress and/or weakness. July 11, 2010's eclipse @ 19Can24 conjoins difficult Fixed Star Castor and is in the 8th house (Washington DC.) Round up to '20Can' and we have a critical or crisis degree as our economy continues its struggles. I agree with Mr. Celente's interesting, practical views on how the US should again become a nation of artisans, tradesmen, merchants to counteract the way we've become: clerks, shelf stockers, and short order cooks.
On January 4, 2011 another critical-degreed Solar Eclipse @ 13Cap39 falls in the other money house, the 2nd (in DC) in the 13 North Series: energy concerns large, ambitious group projects which will require a separation from an existing bond; initially events bring separation, then a joint achievement. (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) This eclipse opposes US natal Sun in Cancer which focuses its energies on the President.
In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the January 2011 eclipse as: The Balance of Power. She notes that the eclipse is in the degree of Fixed Star Manubrium: flaring heat. Will markets heat up only to explode with a boom that affects world markets?
(This eclipse may also be a war indicator but that's out of the scope of this post.)
If markets crash, perhaps the clincher that ties the bow will be the Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 at a critical 29th degree: 29Gem21, in 8th house for Washington DC, and near World Point 00Can00. This places Sun in 2nd house, of course, which highlights again the 2/8 money-valuations axis. With the Lunar Eclipse in the last degree of Gemini, disruptions and delays concerning communications, travel, young people, trade and commerce are possible since the Lord of the Eclipse, Mercury 26Sag16 is retrograde in 2nd house.
Perhaps there will be another mysterious who-done-it? electronic run on US banks similar to the so far unexplained one the NYSE experienced in Sept 2008.
Then in the Lunar Eclipse's 4th house of Domestic Scene are Neptune and Chiron both sitting upon US natal Moon (26 - 28 AQ) so wounding and fraud to the people! and home losses continue as will the effects of April's BP-Gulf Oil Gusher whose oil is reported today to have migrated along the ocean floor much farther east than formerly known or disclosed...toward Florida.
So! Gerald Celente and I are quite a depressing pair, aren't we? Difference is, he knows whereof he speaks when it comes to markets and gold runs. I'm only reading charts and hoping for the best to miraculously come out of a bad eclipse season!
Yes, in many ways, 2011 is a pivotal year of the last few pivotal years. The public's confidence may have wavered itself out of existence as someone's 'shock doctrine' has been practiced upon the American people (and others) and I think President Obama's Goldman-Sachs Cabinet of advisors have steered him wrong when it comes to getting the US out of the financial ditch.
For they've further instituted a corrupt financial system that needs dismantling more than it needs 'rescuing'...all of which makes one wonder: did the power elite plan for the US economy to be ditched all along?
Please note: this eclipse analysis is a general one for Washington DC; any personal results for you and yours must be gleaned through the eclipse's relationship to your own chart bwo contacts with natal planets, houses, and aspects. Don't let free floating anxiety get ya! And if, like me, you've lost all confidence in Washington DC's interest in working honestly on behalf of the American people, please retain your confidence in America's first principles and have faith in we-the-people of good heart.
Which may be my polite, southern way of saying, Washington Politicians S*ck.
"Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy." -John Pierpont Morgan
And old Astrology buff J.P. should know, shouldn't he?
Although part of the Generation of Materialism (Neptune-Pluto conj 1892), aka the plundering Robber Baron class, JP's quote gives a truthful glimpse into a reality we've come to live with: that plutocracy cares nothing for anybody but its own.
Here's a Page at my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold, with Morgan's natal chart plus the transits for March 24, 2008 when markets were tumbling dice. Actually, imho, markets are always tumbling dice!
Amy Quinn has sent me a link to CurrencyTrading.net which has a list of 20 hidden ways in which the Iraq War is affecting the value of the US dollar.
Be sure to read the 20th one--that popular presidents tend to inspire popularity for the dollar. After the disaster-filled Bush residency, it's surprising to me that the world hasn't switched back to using shells and beads.
Or perhaps we will by the time these global elitists get done with us.
You may want to read the latest entry from Mr.A.Cat at Lim's Limericks concerning the 'excess liquidity' in which the world now floats...or you may wish to read U.S. economy poised for nose dive...but I'd recommend the limerick, if I were you (glub glub.)