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Aug 31, 2006

lying with impunity

Seems Rummy and his friends think they're the only ones entitled to do that.

He lies awake at night fretting over the enemy's clever manipulation of media--not because of the body count in Iraq, aka the notches on his gun. So that must be the point--about 3 am--when Rummy turns to impunity and says, remind me to call Karen Hughes about that medal she's expecting.

"The enemy" good at media manipulation--is he referring to the jihadist kind, or to the bleeding-heart liberal bloggers? Those who expect and demand truth from their governments--those bloggers? The ones who are vastly disappointed in the 'watchdog press' that Rummy apparently let out with the cat around 3 am?

Rumsfeld apparently doesn't know that I, for one, hold him and his 1% gang responsible for taking us to war with spin instead of truth--at a time when we needed upright actions and integrity, we got this crew of crime bosses, energy barons, dice rollers, and propagandists.

He doesn't sleep at night...for all the wrong reasons.

8.31.06 11:26 am

This from LegitGov:

WHEN IN DOUBT, ATTACK THE MEDIA: The other aspect of the latest push is to attack media coverage. The coverage isn't negative because things are going badly, it's because the press is being duped by terrorists. On Monday, Donald Rumsfeld said "he is deeply troubled by the success of terrorist groups in 'manipulating the media' to influence Westerners." Rumsfeld has a new strategy to get more positive coverage: buy it. The Department of Defense is "put out for bid a two-year, $20 million public relations contract that calls for extensive monitoring of U.S. and Middle Eastern media in an effort to promote more positive coverage of news from Iraq." According to a public relations professional, "They want it [news] to be received by audiences as it is transmitted [by them], but they don't like how it turns out. "The 12-18 person team would monitor the news and "propose four to eight public relations events per month, such as speeches or news conferences, including 'preparation of likely questions and suggested answers, themes and messages as well as background, talking points.'"


>How about an Iranian blog written by a Zoroastrian Astrologer? Ali Mostofi's Iranian Opposition wants to establish a common platform for all Iranians in opposition. "Everyone can have his angle and opinion in Iran." And, "Ahmadinejad cares not for money with South Node in Taurus...he is driven purely by dogma."

With its history info and news links, you may want to check out Ali's blog!

Aug 30, 2006

why follow when you're already home?

Thursday UPDATE on UPDATE: Scroll to August 27 post for an UPDATE on the Comair crash...lack of sleep seems to be pulling ahead.

7:00 pm UPDATE: from

NSA Mobilizes Against Leaks 30 Aug 2006 The National Security Agency has instructed all of its employees to "actively" watch for unauthorized disclosures of classified information in the press and online, and to report such disclosures to the authorities.

Senate moves to give Bush more power to wiretap 29 Aug 2006 A bill that expands President Bush's ability to wiretap American phones and conduct other forms of domestic surveillance will likely appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Thursday, RAW STORY has learned.


Bush White House said subpoenaed by wiretap lawyers 29 Aug 2006 Two attorneys representing claimants in a lawsuit over wiretapping by the National Security Agency claim that they have sent subpoenas to the White House today, RAW STORY has learned.

Raw Story

Here's my earlier post of today:

Mr. Bush recently has increasingly emphasized that if the U.S. withdraws from Iraq, the "enemy will follow us home," as he said at a fund-raiser for former football star Lynn Swann's Pennsylvania gubernatorial campaign.

Yet the greatest enemy in our measly 230-year history is already among us and occupying the White House and the Pentagon. We could've turned the puppy away a few years ago--beginning with Jimmy Carter's residency, but we didn't--we had no clue what was on their agenda.

Now we have a flea-infested kennel of rottweilers bedeviling us.

The rottweiliers are playing poker with our lives and futures while Iran plays chess. Rummy is disturbed at how smart the enemy is and I'm disturbed at how dumb he and his fellow litter mates are. Hubris has its own particular streak of stupidity, it seems. With their "regime change" mantra, they pretend not to notice that it is their regime which needs changing most. "New fascism" is the same old same old, Rummy, and you should know.

Then there's greedy imperialism from our robber barons being revealed in 's article, "Oil Company CEO Pay Averaged $32.7 Million in 2005, Study Says"...does that make you want to buy another SUV? I think not.

Ah, November--how I wish it would make a difference. Find a non-professional politician to vote for if you can, and insist upon term limits, would be my best advice for America--and check the membership roster of the Trilateral Commission before you vote--if you don't, it'll be new boss same as the old. From Carter to Clinton to to Pappy Bush to Volcker and Cheney to Gore--they wear different masks, but have the same masters...including some of our CEOs and media muckity mucks.

Talk about being sold out--the scale is so mindboggling (and long-in-planning) that average citizens prefer to ignore it--and their own complicity points the leash at their muzzles, fleas and all.

8.30.06 2:22 pm

On TV now: Alabama Pastor Dwayne Blue was arrested for praying too loud at a revival. This news from the "700 Club"--funny how Robertson puts this bit on his program without mentioning that it's the Bush police state doing the arresting.
And don't fret--I turned on the tv and it was on the channel for this program--it's like listening to Rush in my car--the signal only picks up there so I spy and marvel at his techniques while driving!


Aug 28, 2006

our high rollers roll on

Just to be sure you haven't missed this sparkling list of Senate millionaires who are against increasing the minimum wage, here's the list from Think Progress complete with goofy mugshots.

8.28.06 6:39 pm

UPDATE of sorts: Be sure to familiarize yourself with The Security and Prosperity Partnership Places One's Life Savings at Great Risk by Jan Allen.

Allen's article is, however, on a GOLD promoting site.

But is this "Progress Report" on such a site, too? The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America: Progress--with regards from the White House .

8.29.06 6:24 pm


(Another big thanks to Jerolyn Janssen!)

Aug 27, 2006

smoke plume and ball of flames

Thurs UPDATE: Comair is offering grieving families who lost a loved one in Sunday's crash $25,000--cheap at the price, but some families may sue. Would you? Feds Say Air Controller Slept 2 Hours so that would just about cover it, right?

Tuesday UPDATE: Surviving pilot, James Polehinke is still in critical condition with a broken pelvis and punctured lungs. There are questions waiting to be answered about his wrong turn to an unlighted runway...odd because this Surviving Pilot Had Clean Flying Record .

UPDATE 8.28: As the misery in Kentucky continues, Cause of Deadly Comair Crash Probed and it seems that yesterday's "Intoxicated birds fly around in dizzying attempts" comment--see below--sadly applies.

And on another note--or is it?--this heads-up from Certified AstroCartographer Jerolyn Janssen sending SO'W a link concerning the mysterious suicides connected to US spy-by-cell-phone monkey business and the 26 CIA agents, Egyptian cleric Abu Omar, and other tacky meddlings of our great nation at dailykos .

Thanks, Jerolyn!

From Sunday 8.27:

On tv they've just reported that Flight 5191 took off from the "wrong runway."

Daytime, light rain, no lightening (they couldn't blame lightening), and experienced pilots...duh and puh.

Pilot-wise, the squirrelliest thing in the chart for a couple minutes before the crash (6:07 am) is the "Intoxicated birds fly around in dizzying attempts" degree rising...which could indicate the pilots' confusion at what transpired just after take-off rather than anyone's alchol or drug use. But we'll see what they say about that as the story plays out.

The current Venus-Saturn conjunction (17-18 leo) was rising, btw. 18 Leo was Venus' position on 9/11/01, and is the Sun-Moon degree of the 'Mother of All Eclipses' of August 11, 1999--when the world's real troubles began...and you remember that Nostradamus titled this eclipse the "King of Terror" Eclipse about five hundred years ago. (There may be a connection to his prediction on this solar eclipse and to financial disruptions due to the translation of the ancient French.)

So Venus triggered the 8/11/99 Eclipse degree and set it off on 9/11/01. This degree is forever sensitized by this powerful Eclipse and will be transited by Saturn in the first half of September upcoming--and Saturn is, in fact, within orb of this degree--now.

17-18 Leo happens to be the natal Ascendant for Iran and for Syria's national charts, and is resonating mightily with Bush's natal chart as Saturn continues bowling through his First House planets...and Neptune is sojourning opposite Saturn at the Unmasking Degree ("A man unmasked") sitting upon Bush's n Descendant of Other People/Partnerships/the Public/Open Enemies. He's seeing them in a murky fashion, as many people noticed when he invaded Iraq...the so-called "Cakewalk."

After studying this morning's chart for Lexington, KY--along with certain other charts--I must admit that their "wrong runway" explanation is a surprise. And how quickly they pronounce it--after saying they would wait for more investigation.

A loud explosion, plane crashes, and bursts into a ball of flames...someone let me know if you hear the names from the passenger list...Saturn in Leo = loss, restriction, or control of leaders (Leo.)

It should be 50 - 3 crew = 47 - 1 pilot onboard, so 46 names, unless I've counted incorrectly. Or will the total be morphed into 45 or less as a name or names are not divulged?

Seems to me they've been slick at putting out the "wrong/short runway" theory early--this morning there was an able 'set-up' by Comair's president and it was promoted enthusiastically by tv reporters--now it's been "confirmed"...unless that story changes, too.

Chart-wise, it looks as if Someone sent Someone a message this morning with the crash of Flight 5191, if my worst intuitions about the chart's indications are correct. Pilot error would be preferrable--if anything could be--to what I'm thinking, I assure you.

And as I've written before in a heartfelt manner on this blog--sometimes you just want to be wrong.

8.27.06 4:20 pm

ps: How about a Katrina Tribute by Mr. A.Cat? It's about to be posted this very minute and is as groanworthy as any limerick could want to be at Lim's Limericks for your perusal.


Aug 26, 2006

Hank Paulson

Henry "Hank" Paulson, CEO of Goldman Sachs, and now US Secretary of the Treasury was born in Palm Beach, Florida on March 28, 1946 (same year as the President.)

With his birth time unknown, I have set this chart for Sunrise and in looking at the 24-hour period on this date, the Moon remained in we have a Sun Aries-Moon Aquarius blend for Secretary Paulson.

As the anarchist with elitist tendencies, we find that the Sun Aries-Moon AQ personality is a sharp analyst with a self-centeredness that can still have a deep capacity for true friendship and an interest in others' needs...a fair amount of social concern may be evident, and relationships and intellectual companionship are considered very important.

Having the gift of gab is one of the many strengths of this combo, as is a razor-sharp mind with broad interests which underscores an ability to see the big picture. With a high opinion of its own genius, this blend is correct in its self-assessment, and its inspirational ability is...well...inspirational.

Secretary Paulson has a deep desire to make his mark upon the world and his natural enthusiasm will aid him in his quest along with a large measure of personal charisma. Why, he's plum congenial when he wants to be!

This is a progressive fellow, and a "great improver" who works well with others as long as he's the one in charge. Original, inventive, and non-conformist, we see here "the maverick"--emphasized by mavericky Jupiter Rx, conjunct mavericky Chiron Rx. He's quite the revolutionary, in fact.

Greatest Weaknesses: over-rational approach to life and to people; impatience with details and dull routines; selfish altruism that will sacrifice others for a social vision.

Image for Integration: A gallant crusader turns his sword into a computer chip and broadcasts New Age philosophy. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzy Harvey.)

(That last sounds worrisome--just what we don't need more of, imho...New Age, New Order, or whatever. But we know the world banking system is the key, don't we? I'm looking at YOU, August Review !)

Why would Hank Paulson lower himself from the heights of G-Sachs to being a mere head of the US Treasury? they asked at this nomination (May 30, 2006.)

With his reformist tendencies, this maverick is right up Bush and Cheney's alley, my friend, with the possible exception of his reputed 'devout' Christian Science beliefs--and really, hasn't 'devout' become these days a euphemism for 'fanatic' of all stripes and sects?

And since anarchist tendencies rule the day in this White House--in spite of all common sense--Mr. Paulson probably fits right in with the 1% crowd infesting the Oval Office. He could probably run it without them from the sound of this blend's genius and talents.

So if his quirkiness can be held in check well enough to keep him from enthusiastically jumping on sofas like a monkey, perhaps his financial expertise will accrue to the common good while simultaneously lining the pockets of the friends he holds so dear. Or perhaps the Super Brain in Brussels is calling his master's name.

8.27.06 12:27 am

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." : Thomas Jefferson


Aug 25, 2006

Not Your Father's Pluto Anymore

Does the demotion of Pluto astronomically affect Astrology's use of Pluto?

Read Jeffrey Kishner's assessment at Lunar Tunes for a great explanation of what's up with the new (and improved?) Pluto. There you'll find a link to Lynn Hayes' excellent analysis on the subject, too.

Here at SO'W, there's concern over the synchronicity of Pluto's current demotion--which has admittedly been in the ointment for some time--and Pluto's approach to the 26-27 Sagittarius degree area of the zodiac...aka Galactic Center. Is the GC our galaxy's bellybutton? Will Pluto get the lint out?

The Galactic Center is a vortex or drain where energy is sucked into nothingness, and we always associate Pluto astrologically to the deepest power, violence, explosions, primal energy...the darker elements of life.

As transiting Pluto reaches Galactic Center beginning in December 2006, and off and on through 2007, we will be hearing more of these dark issues. Does Pluto's demotion relate synchronistically to his reaching the vortex? Will he 'go dark' in fact as well as in scientists' minds and the collective's consciousness? He is, as we know, associated archetypally with depth psychology and the Un-conscious.

The recent announcement by scientists that, yes, there really IS dark matter--and that they don't know what the hay it is--is part of this conversation especially since Pluto has an orb of influence of 5 degrees and so has been in approach to the GC for some time. He's a slow-mover, that Pluto of the invisible helmet...a very interesting fellow.

Is Pluto part of a Neptunian system? This reluctant astrologer suspects so.

And it wouldn't surprise me at all if you wished to visit Joni Patry's for more info on our new, re-tooled Pluto. Helmet may be required!

8.25.06 5:01 pm


Aug 23, 2006

you stupid stupid glitch

Bush's foul-up of the Medicare-Medicaid prescription plan continues with many yucks as Medicare Erroneously Pays Patients $50M . The "erroneous" payments were mailed last week with a second letter this week asking for the money back.

It also contained assurances that the first letter was erroneous in stating that recipients would no longer have their premiums deducted from their SS checks. Not true, says letter #2!

Mark McClellan who "oversees" (perhaps he needs new glasses?) the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, says the letter recipients need to know TWO things:

1. send the money back
2. their Rx drug coverage will continue..."there's no disruption at all," says Mark markedly.

Now Someone had to write the mistaken letter in the first place, so how did those words get put together in such "erroneous" GOP gremlins?

Officials caught the 'glitch' AFTER the letters were sent out last week and it makes you wonder--are they trying to sabotage by incompetence again? You know, like ineptly responding to a massive hurricane to further undermine FEMA --after you've glopped it in with HoSec, poorly staffed it, and underfunded what you don't want to fund in the first place? "The private sector did a better job" was one of the lessons we were meant to embrace after Katrina.

This week's letter has apologies, of course, but what under par senior will understand without much confusion and distress?

And the cat toys with mouse once again as the DISRUPTION of our nation continues--personified by George W. Bush, and aided in his reformist activities by the "superb" job of Mark McClellan.

8.23.06 12:07 pm

UPDATE 3:51 pm: Be sure to check out Ed Bremson's new song lyrics for Get the Hell Out of Iraq, over at The Tao of Politics where you can read the lyrics or listen to them (Aug 22)...Ed expresses what the majority of Americans and the rest of the world feel on this issue.

Thanks, Ed!


Aug 21, 2006

Republican Party lost its way?

First this from Information Clearing House (feed is on this page):

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." James Madison. Federalist 47.



Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your Honor. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse: Mark Twain.

"In the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell." Justice Black. NYT v. US. 403 US 713

"Some explanations of a crime are not explanations: they’re part of the crime.": Olavo de Cavarlho

(Mark Twain is a favorite around here--I intend to post on him asap.)

And now there's this: Chuck Hagel says the Republican Party has lost its way. Does this show in any of their timely progressed charts?

So I just ha-a-a-ad to do it--I looked under the tent flap--or under the hood, as the case may be--of the Party's Minor Progressed chart for Aug 22--tomorrow, to see what's kay pahssa-ing these days.

In no particular order, here are some midpoint pics of note...I've left out a couple of rather positive ones--not because I'm suppressing the good news, but because if what Hagel says is true, I want to know about it. The fact that there's cooperation and "good teamwork" is a given, so here are the pertinent ones--Minor Prog'd being the mental/causal plane:

Moon-Uranus = Neptune: muddleheaded or confused motivation; nervousness about a sense of futility; things are unclear and insecure for no apparent reason; exhaustion; weakness; lack of energy; a sudden disappointment (why continue? There's more...);

Mercury-Saturn = Mars: risking everything to make a point (kinda like Bush did with this morning's press conference?); turning drive into tyranny; arguments; no compromise; incompatibility; tendency to treat others badly; separations caused by disputes; bringing about change through force;

Mars-Ascendant = Moon: anger and annoyance; provocative behavior; a quarrelsome woman (you go, girl! Uh-oh--you don't think that's Katherine Harris, do you?); emotional temperament easily shown to others (where's my dueling sword!?!);

Saturn-Ascendant = Jupiter: tendency to ignore or by-pass difficulties; indifference; being seen as 'above it all'; c'est la vie! OR one works very hard to establish a NEW ORDER that is reliable and predictable (my CAPS).

Also, their Neptune/NN midpoint is conjunct natal Sun: seeking to establish spiritual exchanges or else feeling misunderstood; the inability to to explain one's ideas to others or to come to an understanding; being tormented or let down by others.

Well, it's only a small flashlight, but the roaches are scattering just the same.

And the "Democrat" Party, as Bush made a point today of calling them again (so I guess it's really the Republic Party)...has its New Moon phase beginning---a new 28-year cycle of activity.

Not to imply that SO'W believes there's a lot of diff between politicians of either 'party' who are being run by corporations, crime syndicates, and globalists-behind-the-throne. Because there isn't.

8.21.06 11:43 pm

ps: Here in GA...Wonder who the guests were tonight on PBS's Tavis Smiley Program--it was censored out by mysterious "technical difficulties"--and not for the first time either.

As usual: Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, and Noel Tyls' Solar Arc Directory..and I assume you know that the pics describe any, all, or any combination of the above!


historian Mauriel Joslyn

Today I attended a writer's workshop given by Mauriel Joslyn, author of historical novels, screenplays, and articles.

Mauriel has written a screenplay for a film short...the trailer may be viewed at My Christmas Soldier . This film is based on a true incident of December 24, 1943 and the DVD will be available in November. It may be pre-ordered now on the website.

This is a very well-done short which promotes Peace on Earth--so war-mongerers and profiteers, beware--even though YOU are the ones who really need to hear the message of this film!

For as we all know, if dead men could vote, there'd be no more wars...ever.

And if you want to send a kid-designed postcard to thank our courageous troops overseas, go to Let's Say Thanks and choose from several brilliant designs!

8.21.06 9:00 pm

ps: yes, I was listening and watching Bush's press conference today--the part about the American peoples' psyche caught my antennae, so of course I had to see where asteroid, Psyche, was sojourning as he uttered her name...15 Leo, amongst transiting Venus and Saturn, and snugged up with Bush's natal Pluto, planet of depth psychology. Seems someone's been reading Psychology to George--hope it's Jung, and not Freud.

9:30 pm: Guess you heard that then-Secretary of State Richard Armitage had a "private appointment" with reporter Bob Woodward, June 13, 2003, where Valerie Plame supposedly was NOT mentioned. Yuh.

And the Images for the day are for Sun Gem-Moon Sag: The Pied Piper...A young man goes abroad to attend university and becomes a foreign correspondent.

Armitage's calendar released to the AP


Aug 12, 2006

Karma: the Neptune-Pluto septile

As you know, a septile aspect is 51 degrees 26 minutes and is an aspect of the 7th harmonic. As such it is associated with sacred and holy matters in religious symbolism. For this evening I will be using Bil Tierney's wonderful book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis...he has several quotes therein on the subject of septiles by other authors and so my task is made lighter by Mr. Tierney...a big thanks there. The 7th Harmonic, or as I tend to write it: H7, is an indicator of many things: Creative people tend to have strong H7 charts, such as: Mozart, Chopin, Schubert, Berlioz, Wagner, and Tchaikovsky. The art world has enjoyed the works of: Matisse, Cezanne, Raphael, da Vinci, Rodin, and Picasso. In the literary pantheon, we see strong H7 charts for: Lewis Carroll, George Bernard Shaw, Robert Louis Stevenson, Yeats, Blake, Shelley, and Lord Byron. Albert Einstein has a strong H7 chart--quite an assembly for the H7! Self-knowledge and interior analysis are hallmarks of the H7 and many people today are involved with such past times, as we know...astrology being a great way to achieve this. Isolation (we hear in the news how 'isolated' modern man/woman is today) is a requirement for such pursuits along with contemplation, meditation, prayer. The H7 suggests a sabbatical (just what the Seventh Day was designed for--a break from one's weekly work pursuits...a re-creation, recommended by our Creator who gave us the model to follow--He didn't need the Day of rest, but we do.) Now Mr. Tierney says that the septile works best in privacy--'funny' that we're having so many "privacy issues" now, isn't it? He states that the number 7 relates to a composite of the principles of Saturn and Neptune with Pluto undertones (ugh on the Pluto undertones.) And in numerological literature, 7 is the number of rest and completion...yes, the end of a week, with Sunday being the first day--and you know it is, if you look at that calendar on your wall!

The great astrologer, John Addey, known for his early Harmonic studies, gives H7, or the septile series, as relating to one's capacity to receive inspiration (see above list of artists, musicians, and Albert for examples!) With H7, there is an urge to understand wholeness and completion, and so it is associated with those who perform "priestly functions." Dane Rudyar, in his Person-Centered Astrology, believes the septile "can be interpreted in a super-personal sense as acts compelled by a collective need, an occult power or fate; and these may lead to 'sacrifice' and a symbolic life"...the transpersonal life, as he says. Doris Thompson on the septile: "A fated inevitability with a compulsion to certain actions; an unrecognized force with hidden activation." (Wonder if this can also describe the repetitious rituals of the "priestly functions"?) Delphine Jay suggests that this fated tinge "springs from situations that appear to be beyond ordinary meaning. This tinge creates a consciousness-expanding struggle within, forcing (a search) beyond the obvious." (Kinda what a lot of bloggers do, and what journalists are supposed to be doing for society.) And astrologer Michael Meyer sees it as introducing "the unpredictable, irrational elements of experience, symbolizing the ability to respond to the call of one's destiny and to use unfit or left-over...materials for the purpose of fulfilling a definite goal of a karmic nature." This brings the catastrophic element into the picture.

As I type, Neptune is 54 degrees 9 mins from Pluto, both retrograde. Their waxing septile relationship has been affecting the world since December 2001, and there will be a total of 20 septiles forming off and on until February 2011. (The last septile aspect between them occurred from December 1937 and September of them.) The cycle of Neptune and Pluto began, of course, with their Great Conjunction (three actually--direct, Rx, direct) of August 2, 1891, November 5, 1891, and April 30, 1892. And the 1890's began the era of the Generation of Materialism...the robber and energy barons under whose imperialistic sway we toil and grapple still. Their Great Conjunction's Sabian Symbol: "9Gem"> "A quiver full of arrows": Keyword: PREPARATION... pos: unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issue of the moment on any level of experience; neg/shadow side: querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions. (Sound like any current-day politicians we know who tend to 'dream the impossible dream'? This degree applies until the next conj of Neptune-Pluto--you and I will be long long gone by then!) Yes, the Neptune-Pluto pairing has mystical implications with a fantastical flavor, but the combo also relates to fraud, delusions, and the use of propaganda. (Sounds like politics to me!)

The influence of this fated, karmic, irrational septile aspect between our two outermost planets (not counting recent new planet sightings in our solar system) will continue as a backdrop to our times, our thinking, and our fates. Yet this post is not meant to frighten but enlighten, and the sense of fatedness and karma we're all feeling isn't imaginal--paradoxically, it's as real as the unseen forces which are all around us. And yet I believe the seeming paradox isn't one at all! This relates to the same old left brain v right brain argument--and the truth is, mankind needs both to be integrated and whole. Karma will have her way--we reap what we sow, and that's the truth. Just ask the fellow on tv's "My Name Is Earl"--he's learning an awful lot about karma--and about rising above the baser urges and instincts...just what we need in order to change our fates. Revenge only breeds revenge--can humanity ever get it right?

8.12.06 9:11 pm