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Sep 15, 2006

Bush Tames the Lion in the Rose Garden

11:15 am edt White House Bush Press Conference:

Wish I had time to do justice to the chart for this Bush performance, but my car is in the shop and I must hitch a ride in a few minutes. However--

Jupiter 15Sco43 rising as Bush begins his statement with a low, barely controlled voice which rises in aggravation within minutes. Hour-ruler is Jupiter which is the apex planet of the ongoing Saturn/Neptune opposition, with Asc = Saturn/Neptune: feeling confined; feeling out of the group.

Saturn/Neptune = Jupiter: very upset with the ways of the world (that's ok--the world is very upset with Bush's ways, too.)

Mercury (communications) conjunct Mars (aggitated, forceful commmunications) 4Libra+; Moon (the public) is out of bounds--he's trying to tame the lions with this show of strength and displeasure...and his unitary executive privilege wings are in danger of some small clipping.

One more thing for now before I mosey: today's Sun Virgo/Moon Cancer blend is shared natally by Upton Sinclair who asked:

Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?

Apparently not. (12:30 am: Clarification...apparently they won't make the great sacrifice--apparently it IS a dream.)

9.15.06 11:50 am

Update 9.16.06 12:12 am: Here are the midpoint pictures for the two t-square formations...

Sun/NN = Pluto: being persuasive; ordering and controlling others; public prominence; exerting influence over the masses: use of compulsion with others.

Saturn/Neptune = ASC (add to the above-listed Sat/Nep = Jupiter): feeling confined; sense of being out of the group.

The above-mentioned Mercury/Mars conjunction puts both planets conjunct two midpoints...

Jup/Mc = Mercury: large-scale ventures; Jup/Mc = Mars: clarity of purpose.


Asc/Mc (ID awareness) = Mercury: thinking about one's place in the world; a frank discussion; Asc/Mc = Mars: individual talents put into action; successful teamwork (with reporters' set-up questions perhaps? He always has a few softballs lobbed for catapultin' purposes); a positive attitude (really? He seemed, as George Stephanopoulos observed immediately afterward, "pugnacious".)

When Bush closed up the bottle of snake oil--11:57 am--the pugnacious Mercury/Mars conjunction were the only planets to change house (still a Jupiter hour)...and the feisty pair joined Sun and Venus in the 10th house of Career and Public Standing for old George.

The Sabian Symbol for their degree (MEJ) of "5 Libra": "A man teaching the true inner knowledge"> AFFINITY...

pos: a genius for understanding and calling out the underlying realizations by which human character comes to know itself at its best;

neg/shadow side: fatuous pride in the self's acumen and subtle or underhanded attempts to dominate everyone.

I'll leave you, Lone Reader, to ascertain which version of the above possibilities His Pugnaciousness showed us--and the world--today. 'Twas not so "subtle" imho.

12:38 am

1:26 am...From the SO'W's Gotta-Get-Some-Sleep Dept: Ramping up its political clout in Washington--guess who?

Roll Call: Google 'eager' to work with Republicans


Sep 14, 2006

a word from Syria


Syria Says US Behind Attack On Own Embassy 13 Sep 2006 Senior Syrian government official have accused the US of being behind Tuesday's assault on its own embassy in downtown Damascus. A Baath party official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told WorldNetDaily, "We in the government are 100 percent sure America was behind this attack, which is not the same as other attacks by Islamic groups." He explained, "Only the Americans can succeed in carrying out an attack just 200 meters from President [Bashar] Assad's residence in the most heavily guarded section of Syria."

Had to put this up--I'm in the middle of security upgrade Hades at the moment but this has to be posted.

9.13.06 11:58 pm

Heads-Up for Bush?

9.14.06 11:45 am: Hey, George! Remember Afghanistan and the Taliban (and 9/11)?

The October freeze will soon be setting in as NATO pleas for help rejected so what's becoming George's Afghani misadventure is in danger of ending up like the 19th century route of the British--and that was an imperialist disaster, aka a massacre.

You'd think our Western "leaders" would've taken that lesson to heart (if any of them had one to take it to.)

Matt Taibbi has a great article about Bush's response to 9/11--and the world we think we live in--called The Low Post: Why Ask Why? which I hope you'll read if you haven't. Why indeed.

From the SO'W Just-So-You-Know Dept: Fareed Zakaria is a Trilateral Commission member, fyi, as are many of our media big *cheeses--which may help to explain the why of Zakaria's article sited in Taibbi's article.

*Limburger (sp?) 12:24 pm

1:00 pm: Where to send George and his Crew? Astronomers have found a new, distant FLUFFY planet, HAT-P-1, which orbits its star (our Sun is a star, as you know) once every 4.5 days. It's located in the constellation Lacerta. Sounds about right.

A "FRESH AIR" Heads-Up: Tomorrow, Friday (in this market--not sure about yours) the program is about the 14-year battle to make public the FBI files on John Lennon. "The US vs John Lennon" should be an interesting listen--turn on your radio.

As an early Beatles and Lennon fan (I saw them perform in Atlanta, second US tour) this hit really broke my heart--and I don't mean the Top 40.


Sep 12, 2006

Frontline's 9/11 plus Al Gore

Of all the 9/11 tributes this week the one that stands out for me was last evening's Frontline: 9/11 Religion and Faith. Without dramatizing, without politicizing, this was the one to see on tv. It actually advanced the dialogue!

Watching ABC's Bush promo turned out to be impossible.

Has Al Gore admitted to the possibility of joining the 2008 campaign? The Scotsman reviews An Inconvenient Truth and adds that Gore has said this week that he may be a candidate. They ask Can Al Gore save the World? environmentally, but if you close your eyes and click your heels, you can almost imagine they're referring to a presidential run.

Because Gore is a member of the Trilateral Commission along with Bush Sr, Clinton, Cheney, Albright, Carter, and the rest, it's difficult to imagine that the road America is now on has an off-ramp toward something better than totalitarianism.

If you search this blog, you'll find a chart for The Day America Died, and it has occurred to me that most people seeing the date of this chart (JFK's assassination) will infer my meaning to be a misty longing for the Camelot-we-miss-ya illusion--and how America has changed direction since his death.

(It would be closer to the truth to say that America's illusions of by-the-people-for-the-people died that day. They who are put in office can be taken out if they don't toe the line. Bush toes.)

Actually, to be clear: the road we're on now was promoted by an agenda publically marked then by the assassination of a Catholic president who was making too many waves for the powers-that-be...including US governmental agencies, the Vatican, foreign regimes, and the world banking system...and perhaps we could include organized crime syndicates...oh let's do.

2006: the agenda continues as Bush's speeches this week attempted to link his war of misdirected energy with a broader threat. He failed to mention the threat from within our own government and its links to those who use assassination to control the American people and divert the popular will--thereby increasing their power in the world.

Bush leads by fear--if you call that leading. And the next installed president will be another piece in the puzzle, as was Clinton. They are all in it together, m'peops, as the Pluto/Chiron combo wages class warfare against the common the US and all over the globe.

Wish I could have faith in the 2008 election with its squirrelly voter machines which are breaking down even as I type. It's all of a piece, and the prize is power, money, and world domination...the very thing bin Laden and his ilk fight against--but to be fair, they prefer their own brand of it--the Taliban model.

But as to America: we're the bah-sayers who've let the homegrown wolf in the door...and what big eyes he has.

9.12.06 11:52 pm

12:26 pm: Shout-Out to Ed Bremson at Tao of Politics for putting me on to DebsWeb's her quirky web at that, and at SO'W, we appreciate quirky--and strong opinionations! Read her "Danger, Will Robinson" and see what I mean.


Sep 10, 2006

Earthquake, Oil Rigs, WOT

Atlanta tv channels are reporting that a 6.0 magnitude earthquake has hit in the Gulf of Mexico at 10:56 am edt--with ripples felt in Atlanta. I'm about an hour away and didn't feel a thing (except the nausea of watching Cheney with Tim Russert this morning.)

Seems the Gulf is experiencing a lot of activity with oil drilling and now an earthquake--assuming that's what it was. The chart has Pluto/sabotage/private enemies all over it, but that may be simply the ongoing condition of any oil-related activities--considering the state of the world.

The George Stephanopoulos Circus had a a few of the 9/11 Commission-sitters on today and it's amazing that even one of them is refusing to criticize ABC's dramatization (tonight and tomorrow night, I believe) of the lead up to 9/11..."haven't seen the final version" is the best some can do. At least Scholastic won't be confusing our young people with a truth + falsehood version of 9/11 (haven't we had enough of that? What was the point of the Commission Report is not to weed out the illusions?) for, as you know, mixing falsehood with truth dilutes truth into falsehood.

And the Saturn/reality vs Neptune/deception/illusion continues: realistic documentary = Saturn, while truth-fudging fictional drama = Neptune. Now ABC is calling it "based in part" on the 9/11 Commission report--a flip flop for ABC.

1999 Note: back during the Lewinski diversion, I posted on isn't there SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT we/Congress/Washington/politicians should be paying attention to? Now it seems this "dramatization" from ABC is accusing then-President Clinton of being "too distracted" by the b-j scandal to pay attention/respond to terroism. Yuh and Puh...guess we could blame zealot Rs for the distractions.

I also posted that the GOP and Ken Starr owed millions back to the taxpayers for their partisan point-scoring exercises--they didn't like a Dem in the White House--boo hoo hoo.

And it's only if you accept what Bush/Cheney say about terroism/jihadists' reasons for hating the West/Iraq/permanent-war-as-far-as-the-Eagle's-eye-can-see, yadda yadda...that this administraton keeps it's seat in the Oval Office...that, and the fact that Whoever Installed them has reasons for keeping there. Otherwise, they should also be impeached for a "b-j"...Baldface Jingoism.

The main reason I can see for there being no (big) strike again in the US is that it suits jihadists to keep neo-con warhawks in office. That, and they are very very good at biding their time. From my study of charts (9/11, etc) it looks like Bush's installation to office was considered a 'sign' by them to go ahead with their retaliation--and it Was a retaliation against our oil barons, I assert once again.

So on one level, you could say that putting Bush in office "brought on" 9/11...ask his Poppy about past betrayals against our and Britain's oil partners. You won't get a atraight answer, of course, but you could ask. And remember there was a black market in oil between Hussein and Germany, France, and perhaps other nations as well, prior to Bush and Cheney upsetting that game and the balance in the region.

They rolled the dice and overturned the chessboard while hubristically assuming that US might would make it all right. And in 2006 they're still repeating their Jupiter Mantra under their breathes as others pay for their miscalculatons and over-estimations--and billions in profits roll into their offshore accounts!

That Jupiter has the Midas Touch.

2006: ABC tv ad this morning about their news dept receiving some sort of award--their News is "accurate, credible, trusted", they assert...and The PAth to 9/11 is entertainment--don't get me started on the prudence of turning 9/11 into "entertainment"--how DARE they?

Seems the Saturn/Neptune opposition may be dissolving their credibility even as they attempt to make fine distinctions. Or perhaps (at my most cynical) this is their play on "we're credible in the News deptartment--maybe you should believe that our 9/11 drama is true, too."

I was one of many people who sent a message to ABC to stop this disservice to the truth and to the families of 9/11--and to America--so I guess I'll be watching tonight to see if/how they muddy (Saturn) the waters (Neptune) on behalf of this administration whose tactics continue to create more terroists than they cure.

9.10.06 1:11 pm


Sep 7, 2006

Atlantis launch?

Thursday Morning TOUCH DOWN!! Yayy-y-y-y--y!

Landing UPDATE Wed 9.20: NASA Clears Shuttle for Return to Earth hopefully Thursday morning. My prayers are with them...necessary considering nebulous, dissolving, mysterious Neptune at the Ic/Foundation of the Launch chart--the chart for the mission itself. Mystery objects floating plus prayers--triple Neptune!

UPDATE Tuesday 9.19: Don't know whatcha got 'til it's gone?

Mystery Object escapes from Atlantis, engineers are "concerned"...they don't know what it is or if it's "crucial" so NASA Delays Return for Space Shuttle but weather was making an early landing Wednesday look iffy even before the Mystery Object crimped their style. Thursday or Friday may be the ticket.

Hope it works out for them..."Atlantis"...what a name...sheesh.

3:40 pm

UPDATE Saturday: at 11:15 am edt, all systems went...Atlantis Now Headed for Space Station .

UPDATE Friday morning: NASA Leaning Toward Postponing Launch ...keep leaning, NASA--keep on leaning.

>Thursday's post:

All week I've held myself back from criticizing the possible launch of shuttle Atlantis. First I have to mention that I dropped my dentures back when I first heard someone had chosen "Atlantis" as a name for a shuttle...keywords: abuse or misuse of power; ethics; a sense of imminent doom. Considering the myterious and fabled civilization's ultimate fate, the name isn't exactly a lucky charm.

Putting that freely-admitted prejudice aside, here is the chart for the possible launch Friday, Cape Canaveral, 11:40 am edt.

Normally we think of Jupiter on the Ascendant/rising as protective, and I certainly hope this is so. Yet at 11:40 am, Jupiter is the apex planet in a Fixed T-square between the Saturn/Neptune opposition I've complained of before.

(The Saturn/Neptune combo is associated with loss, denial; martyrdom; grief. There is a positive side, but usually it has to do with putting art, literature, or music into form--don't think it applies here. Historically and politically, the Saturn/Neptune pair are significators of communism.)

Saturn/Neptune = Jupiter: sensitivity; depression; narrow-mindedness; egoism; very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight (this launch decision is not unanymous, so will the yeas give up on launching Friday? Shuttle orbiter projects manager, Steve Poulos, says they're "good to fly" Friday. With Jupiter's role here, I suspect money and funding are main issues in this go-ahead.)

Saturn/Neptune = Asc: limitation of freedom; emotional suffering; feeling confined; sense of being "out of the group"; the loner. (Perhaps this describes one person at NASA who's vehemently against this launch...?)

As an apex planet of a Fixed T-square, Jupiter operates in an opinionated and dogmatic way, and if I had to guess a name as to who Jupiter represents in this chart, it would start with Dick and end with Cheney. (Remember a while back Cheney was gung-ho on a launch, bad idea as it was--he had his grandchildren there to see it. Quelle disappointment.)

There is an intensity and a one-trackedness to apex Jupiter here--an intolerance of the belief systems of others.

Pluto is also at the apex point of a Mutable T-square between Moon/Mercury, and Mercury/North Node, and Mercury represents travel, esp air flight.

Moon/Mercury = Pluto: persuasion or being persuaded; new perspectives; necessity to adjust to new conditions; a reorientation of one's thinking caused by events coupled with destiny; tragic realizations (if so, I hope they're in time to scuddle.)

Mercury/NN = Pluto: the desire to be intellectually superior; lording it over others.
(This midpoint picture has been in effect during Bush's speeches this week.)

Pluto as apex of a Mutable T-square has an intense desire to fulfill ambitions through the use of force, manipulation, or subversive actions. This, I believe, is at the base of their mysterious fuel-cell problems, and it's called sabotage.

Pluto in a Mutable formation such as this is a malcontent...a revolutionary with a hair-trigger nervous system who possesses a strong urge to tear down and destroy concepts and theories which he feels lack depth.

He can be a socially-effective propagandist whose concepts have a deep and unsettling effect upon mass consciousness (hey--sounds like Bush), and his thinking is, needless to say, radical. An example of this configuration natally would be Karl Marx (hey--sounds like Karl Rove.)

If you enlarge the chart, you'll see asteroid Atlantis in the 9th house of foreign enemies, and asteroid Arachne, with her obvious spider and 'web' connections, in the 8th house, opposite Pluto.

Along with Arachne's tech association, we see Uranus (technology; electricity; disruption) again nearing Fixed Star, Achernar, keywords: risk of rapid endings. At Wednesday's launch attempt, the Moon was conjunct Uranus and NN, and now, as you see, she has moved on past and toward the end of Pisces...nearing the Aries Point.

Also, Thursday was the day of a Lunar Eclipse, and without time to do justice here this week to a Lunar Eclipse post, I'll just say now that the Culmination stage is past...not the best time to be startin' somethin'.

The good news is that all week, Mars has been at 29 degrees Virgo, 29 being a Critical degree (critical during Bush's White House speech, too), but has now reached 00Libra...a World Point. Mars isn't happy in Libra though, and Saturn at 18Leo53 is triggering the Sun/Moon degree of the super-difficult Mother of All Eclipses of Nostradamus fame (August 11, 1999)...his "King of Terror" Eclipse.

So really, protective Jupiter rising has a lot to do tomorrow--my hope is that NASA may decide after all to wait for a better day in October. But if they go through with the launch, my prayers are most certainly with them.

9.7.06 11:16 pm


NASA Decides to Try Friday Shuttle Launch; Will Not Replace Troublesome Electrical Component

using: Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.

Sep 6, 2006

is Blair still in London?

If seven junior members of your party resigned today in protest against your tenure of leadership, you might be glum and blue. So how's Tony taking it?

Looking at his progressed charts--Secondary, Minor, and Tertiary--for today, and considering today's transits to his chart/s--there is glummery afoot, for he's desperately trying to take a new look at realism these days.

Time is limited for spending on this joker this evening--besides, he'll stay in office as long as his puppetmasters want him there, just like Bush will do--but one of the more telling midpoint pictures stands out in Blair's Minor chart (mental/causal plane):

With the Jupiter/Saturn combo's connection to politics, we find it is conjunct his Minor Ascendant and Minor Neptune, too...

Jup/Sat = Asc: the tactician; keeping properly in one's place (until the hullabaloo blows over, he hopes);

Jup/Sat = Neptune: bewilderment; not knowing which master to follow. (The one headed out the door would be good. Not that what's waiting 'round the bend is a bargain. Just like here in the US--if we should end up with Cheney or any other in line of 'succession', we'll be no better off and perhaps worse.)

Now Mr. Blair reached the Culmination/Full Moon stage in his Secondary chart on April 10, 2005 (5Cap11)...some would say he's on the down-side of his pursuits.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon degree "5Cap": "Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance"> Keyword: MOBILIZATION (quite descriptive, yes?);

Pos: a capacity for aggressive leadership and an unusual effectiveness in sidetracking minor issues for the sake of major achievement;

Neg: unnecessary moods and tantrums.

Even more enlightening may be the opposite degree which is the Illumination Point and relates to his Unconscious> "5Can": "An automobile wrecked by a train"> Keyword:

Pos: a special genius for a creative reorganization of all experience (that's the deal with this crew);

Neg: an insensitive recklessness (like invading Iraq based on a tissue of lies?)

Well, the world is paying heavily now for Mr. Blair's following a master of some kind. Unfortunately for the world, it seems to be one with hooves and a barbed tail, and if it's George Bush...his regime is on the shaky side, too.

Oh what tangled webs they weave--meanwhile transiting Neptune (webs, veils, deceptions, illusions) is at the "A man unmasked" degree again. Beware, those with something to hide!

Think I'll post a Blair limerick and a Bush one, too at Lim's Limericks (as soon as I can navigate over there--Blogger is acting squirrelly tonight)...because I need a snicker just thinking about these clowns.

9.7.06 7:38 pm

7:45 pm: almost forgot: the Image for today's Sun Virgo/Moon AQ blend: Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order.

"Improved"--THIS grief and strife represent an improvement?


using: Sun Sign, Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

Sep 5, 2006

Rove and the US Constitution

The new book, The Architect, about Karl Rove "outs" him as having a gay (step) dad.

Hopefully, the book has more interesting information to say than that (who cares?) except for one thing--Rove and Ken Mehlman (whose sexual orientation has been questioned for years) have promoted the gay marriage issue as a political tactic on behalf of the GOP while invading the privacy of homosexuals who are already dealing with difficult issues in our culture. Duh...are Rove and Mehlman hypocrites?

Apparently, the South Node transit (separation; letting go) to Rove's natal Saturn (authority; control) is still affecting his position and status--only inside the White House is he still worshipped. Outside is another matter.

Terri Gross will interview the book's authors on Fresh Air tomorrow (Wednesday in this market--check your local listings) so it'll be interesting to hear how Mr Rove, who has said that he "changes constitutions" comes across as "The Architect."

And the irony? that James Madison is called The Architect of the Constitution--and that Rove should be graced with a similar title in spite of his attempts to undermine and destroy our Constitution--he is, of course, the architect of the Bush regime which has that intent. Quite a different thing--and Rove certainly gets the joke.

And twice George Bush has taken an Inaugural oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution--it's been 5 years+ of ribald yucks all around the Oval Office, no doubt.

My previous post Get Your US Constitution While Ya Can has details on the document, and the chart is seen above. You'll that notice that the midpoint between Saturn and Pluto have had Uranus triggering it since Bush took office...

Saturn/Pluto = Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses. (Shout-Out to Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs directory.)

With its IC, the Foundation of the chart, at 17Pis46, we know that Uranus, the rebellious reformer, the disruptor and revolutionary will soon conjunct this IC-the first conjunction is in May, 2007. But Uranus may act early, late, or never--"expect the unexpected" is the motto with Uranian transits.

Transiting Neptune 18AQ once again--the "A man unmasked" degree, so the new book, The Architect, may excel at doing just that...but are we prepared for the ugliness underneath?

9.5.06 2:18 pm


Sep 4, 2006

buh bye Mark McClellan

9.4.06: 5:30 pm, NPR reporting that Mark McClellan is leaving his post as head of Medicare/Medicaid programs. This is post #3 for McClellan in the superb Bush administration--remember he's involved in the morning-after pill lawsuit from his tenure at the FDA, and began as Bush's "top health advisor."

McClellan spreads that Bush sunshine wherever he goes (sunshine = incompetence), so whichever "think tank" takes him in--good luck to ya.

As you know, McClellan was the "send the money back" damage control officer mentioned in my you stupid stupid glitch post of August 23. And I still say SOMEone had to write the dratted letter in the first place.

5:55 pm

Update: Why, Tom, Why??? Tom Ridge has a new job advising the government of ALBANIA on how to join NATO, and on how to fight organized crime!

He'll be a "super-envoy" visiting Albania every two months. Why, Tom? Why can't America--who first made you rich--have some of that crime-fightin' expertise? Aren't America and HoSec where you got that about-to-be-well-paid expertise?

Don't know about anyone else, but I feel used and betrayed by old Tom. Why--Tom could teach the Bush administration how to join with others and work together! SUCH a loss...(insert sorrowful headshake)...

tags: Albania