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Nov 26, 2006

Neptune's rare and exotic mist

As Neptune continues triggering the "A man unmasked" degree, we find that the poison used upon Alexander Litvinenko on November 1 was possibly administered to his sushi lunch by way of an aerosol mist and now Londoners tested as Litvinenko poison fears grow

Polonium-210, which emits alpha radiation, is considered rare and exotic, and must be sophisticatedly bombarded by neutrons...and a huge amount was used to kill just one man. Very few labs can manage this process, it seems...wonder if there are more of them than we think?

Sounds like the fear level in London--or in the West--may have been part of the plan, doesn't it? A bit of a showy way to kill one man, I'd say.

There are national charts for two Middle Eastern countries which have Neptune on natal Descendant just now (17AQ+) and you know Neptune's connection to poisons, mists, aerosols, fogs, drugs including alcohol...and to the Middle East (think: poppy fields and mysticism.)

In London, on Nov 1, the day Litvinenko was poisoned, saboteur and assassin Pluto (also connected with poisons and death) was rising at 11:07 am while 29Libra24 was at Mc...29 = a critical or crisis degree.

There are several other points of interest that day which are easily seen using the animated chart feature of Solar Fire, but Pluto rising would have to be pertinent, imho...esp with a 29 degree Mc (WHY)/Ic (HOW) showing up simultaneously.

Putin's natal ASC 3Sco10 was culminating at the top of the chart (Mc) at 11:21 am, and instigator Mars 5Sco57 culminated at 11:32 am. Venus is a "player" too esp since Putin has Venus in first house natally (11Sco42)...and his Venus Return was Nov 2...the next day.

At sunrise Nov 1, asteroid Hopi (keyword: ambush) was rising in tandem with Venus--and Venus can be even more vicious in war than Mars, as you know.

Yes, there's a "misplaced trust" vibe in several spots in the chart/s for Nov 1, but to simplify, I'll end with the Sun 8Sco56 at Mc> 11:44 am, "9Sco": "Dental work."

You'll find some interesting possibilities posed by a former CIA officer and others at at-Largely by Larisa Alexandrova...was the poison administered in a cup of morning tea taken at an old friend's flat prior to his luncheon meeting at the sushi restaurant?

The more I read, the more it seems that "misplaced trust" was the tone of the day--but Scaramella's motives are still suspect--seems the culprits thought the poison would fail to be identified! Those Brits!


Nov 25, 2006

Litvinenko's Statement

I would like to thank many people. My doctors, nurses and hospital staff; the British police who are pursuing my case with vigour and are watching over me and my family. I would like to thank the British Government for taking me under their care. I am honoured to be a British citizen.

I would like to thank the British public for their messages of support and for the interest they have shown in my plight.

I thank my wife, Marina, who has stood by me. My love for her and our son knows no bounds.

But, as I lie here I can distinctly hear the beating of wings of the angel of death. I may be able to give him the slip, but I have to say my legs do not run as fast as I would like. I think, therefore, that this may be the time to say one or two things to the person responsible for my present condition.

You may succeed in silencing me but that silence comes at a price. You have shown yourself to be as barbaric and ruthless as your most hostile critics have claimed.

You have shown yourself to have no respect for life, liberty or any civilised value.

You have shown yourself to be unworthy of your office, to be unworthy of the trust of civilised men and women.

You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life. May God forgive you for what you have done, not only to me but to beloved Russia and its people.

--Alexander Litvinenko

This statement from: The Scotsman

Nov 24, 2006

Putin and the poisoned spy

Saturday Update> Putin's Prenatal Eclipse Series 8 South:

On September 22, 2006 was the 8S Solar Eclipse I have previously mentioned. Turns out that it's in the 8 South Series--same Series in which Vladdie Putin was born into and so the Eclipse issues tend to replay in Putin's life.

Bernadette Brady gives this interpretation of the Series (which began April 1, 1718, Sun/Moon 10Ari54, "11Ari" = "The president of the country"):

Loss, separation, partings, to be finished with something and be sad at its completion; physical injury possible esp through overstraining.

September's Eclipse occurred at 29Vir20 with 29 being a critical/crisis degree.

Using the Marc Edmund Jones' version, let's consider the Sabian Symbols for both 29Vir and 30Vir:

"29Vir": "A man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading"...

pos: imagination brought to the full of its powers through conscious effort;

neg/shadow side: loss of common sense in pure supposition.

This Symbol refers to "the world's conservatism...the fixity of idea by which human beings preserve their culture is also a protection for all hidden wisdom and unsuspected ways of knowing... Keyword: DISCOVERY" --The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.

Very spy-esque, isn't it?

"30Vir": "A false call unheard in attention to immediate service"...

pos: exceptionally gratifying self-fulfillment through the development of a genuine integrity;

neg/shadow side: consistently witless indiscretion.

( indiscreet, if former, spy--or an indiscreet president of the country? Perhaps both.)

This Symbol refers to the dramatizing of "a high personal competency in everyday problem-solving. Keyword: SAFEGUARD."

The Sept 22 Solar Eclipse degree appears prominently in one particular chart during this sad affair--it's rising at the moment the Moon conjuncted Saturn 23Leo35 on Nov 13, with Rx Mercury that day at 11Sco22 (conjunct Putin's natal Venus, his natal chart-ruler...

"11Sco": "A drowning man rescued" and "12Sco": "an embassy ball"...

...and the Moon/Saturn conjunction's degree "25Leo": "A large camel crossing the desert"...

pos: uncompromising persistence and uncomplaining self-expenditure in any course to be followed;

neg: ruthlessness in an unintelligent self-interest. Keyword: ADEQUACY. This refers to "man's capacity to overcome handicaps imposed upon him..."

Also on Nov 13, Venus 24Sco4...and on the day Litvinenko was transferred to a second hospital in London (Nov 17), the Sun arose at 24Sco48...this is an important degree because not only have Mars and Jupiter traversed it, but the Mercury/Jupiter conjunction took place there on Nov 1--the day of his poisoning."25Sco": "An x-ray"...

pos: an exceptional power of analysis;

neg/shadow side (shadows on Litvinenkos' x-ray?): uncritical oversenitiveness to both the condition of self and the state of society. Keyword: INVESTIGATION...

...which is what Litvinenko was in process of doing...and, as it turned out, in process of sacrificing himself for, it seems.

Ands here's an interesting twist:

Dead Russian Spy Was Israeli Double Agent

Friday's post begins here:

London Nov 23, 2006 9:21 pm UT

Okay, Y'all, after a long holiday break, it's chicken scratch time--if you enlarge this tragic chart, you may be able to read my scratchy scribbles concerning Alexander Litvinenko's poisoning for ratting on Vladimir Putin and the KGB.

If you see nothing else in this chart, please see the midpoint of Moon and Ascendant (Moon/Asc) which is a midpoint most often present in cases of poisoning

Moon/Asc = Ic, the HOW Point of the chart...and if we use the opposite Point, the MC (WHY), we get-- Moon/Asc = Mc: exposing oneself to the influence of women.

With tr Moon 6Cap31 just recently passed the tr Mars/Neptune midpoint--a combo of infections and/or deceptive actions--we see--Mars/Nep = Moon: weak, sick or moody women; crooks; the danger of infection. This Moon is at "7Cap", the "Veiled prophet of power" degree, and I'm sure you've read what Mr Litvenenko has prophesied for Mr Putin's future.

The Images for the Sun Sag/Moon Cap of Litvenenko's convenient death are:

In the year 2999, a courageous explorer goes on a quest for knowledge of the past which opens up for a man a hopeful future on another planet (guess Britain was the wrong "planet" but he was questing, all right--jc)...With patient skill a rock climber scales a seemingly impossible mountain peak.

Very Capricornian, that last one.

Incidental note: the Mc/Ic of this death chart is the same as the Mc/Ic axis of George Bush's natal chart.

Enlarge chart to see the pile-up of Putin's planets rising in this chart, if you can.

In Putin's natal chart, transiting Saturn (control; responsibility; authority; the grim reaper) has just crossed his natal Mc after conjuncting natal South Node, a separative point (it wasn't me! he says.) And low and behold, there's his natal Pluto at Mc, too...planet of secret activities including powerful organized crime syndicates and such.

This gives a line-up of: natal SN 20Leo00; natal Mc 21Leo13; natal Pluto 22Leo43, and there sits bowling-for-polonium-210 Saturn reaping away as he lines up for the Saturnian Scythe now forming with the Blade--all those planets in Scorpio (which has death issues of its own.)

Tr Saturn has been conjuncting these points and planets for Mr Putin since mid-September and of course, journalist Anna Politkovskaya was assassinated in October...which is what Mr Litvinenko was investigating.

Mr Litvinenko, in his deathbed statement, called Putin "barbaric and ruthless"--traits which are easily visible in Putin's natal chart, so I won't cover them here.

And if you want more info on this unfolding story, here are some links:

from the AP...Poisoned Spy Blames Putin for His Death

Former Russian spy dies in hospital as mystery over 'poisoning' deepens and

Academic says he and ex-spy were on hit list say The Scotsman...which brings Italian Intelligence into the picture. Italy is where The Vatican is located, y'know.

Then there's this from ITAR TASS Deaths should not be used for political provocative acts-Putin. You may want to take a shower after reading this one.

Well, there's a lot more I could say on Putin and other things, but for now I'll just be keeping a squinty eye on the situation and will let you know if anything pertinent appears in the starry realms which could yield a clue ot two into the mystery...

...and am sending out my sincere condolences to Mr Litvenenko's family and friends.

"The bastards got him."



And if you, Lone Reader, wonder where I've been all week, here's a link to an article on Gather which tells the tale of local developers attempting to run amuck over rural communities...and you'll see that I get my feistiness by natural means...

John Barnett, Revolutionary Patriot and for an update since the Planning Commission meeting, there's:
John Barnett's RIP update.

It's Round One down with much more to come, Y'all!



UPDATE Jan 22, 2016: Putin and Alexander Litvinenko are again in the news so I returned to check the article links in this post. Oddly they are no longer live. Like Alexander Litvinenko, may he R. I. P. jc

PS: and is no longer in existence so my John Barnett articles are poof! j

Nov 19, 2006

If their kids had to fight

New York Democrat Charles Rangel believes that if politicians' kids had to fight wars, Congress would be deterred from launching them.

Rep. Rangel Will Seek to Reinstate Draft next year.

Yeah. It's easy to send someone else to do your dirty work, isn't it?



Nov 17, 2006

shadowed Bush hears voices calling

Iraq War Shadows Bush Visit to Vietnam...not his conscience, mind one seems to be sure he ever had one of those.

Bush said that the US sees its role in Asia, a region with a history of colonialism, as one of "partnership, not paternalism."

Degree of the New World Order's Uranus/Neptune conjunction, 1993, at "18Cap"--let's say it all together now..."Smug or strong-armed paternalism."

Have you ever thought Bush or Cheney seemed on the smug side? Me, too!

Pacific Grim:

Not much enthusiam being shown by the sparse crowds--not like when Clinton cameoed a few years ago. Good times!

2006: Trade deals with our Asian partners? No borders now, with that New World Order now! Quite a tightrope he's been walking, isn't it? Rallying national "patriotism" enough to get Americans to sacrifice their lives yet dissolving our borders at the same time! Wow, what a task! Why it's almost...subtle.

Bush said in his speech at the National University of Singapore that "we hear voices calling (Pelosi, Murtha, and Hoyer?) for us to retreat from the world
(how about from policing the world and throwing good money after bad?) and close the doors to these opportunities."

And you know who these opportunities benefit the most. He ignores the real "isolationism" which his lousy policies and strong-arming created--ain't he a card? Fancies himself a joker, our mr. with-us-or-against-us.

My advice: navigate over to Lim's Limericks to get Mr.A.Cat's take on Bush's worser-late-than-never trip to Vietman with a groanworthy enough rendition of A Kitten Flew into Hanoi.

Skedaddle now--what are you waiting for? The show's over and you can't stay here...



Nov 15, 2006

US Congress Solar Return 2006

Seems like just yesterday baby Congress was toddling around in her underpants with the ruffles on the back, but,'s been 206 years, and she's looking a little gray around the muzzle, isn't she?

I'll only mention a few things tonight and must amend on Friday afternoon or Saturday evening at the latest due to sleepiness. My bad typery is made much worse by yawning, you see.

Solar Return Nov 17, 2006 Friday:

First we look at which natal house is rising in the Solar Return chart (SR) for it will be the primary focus or influence of the year (until Nov '07.)

This would be natal (n) 9th House of philosophy, moral values, expansive self-knowledge, social conduct, religion, eternal truths, long-distance travel, and the Supreme Court.

Jupiter, as chart-ruler and as natural ruler of the 9th House, has an important position for Congress' year, and is found in 12th House of the Unconscious, Self-Undoing, Karma, and large institutions, and is squaring Saturn (in Leo) in the 8th House of debt, credit, shared resources, taxes, insurance, transformation, and death.

Both the 8th and the 12th are Psychological Houses (intuitive) and with the current line-up of planets in Scorpio, and the Saturnian Scythe now forming, we may expect some winnowing in the finacial department (past due!)..and perhaps more winnowing of our leaders and of world leaders. (Tr Saturn is still within orb of his conjunction with Bush's n Venus--he's not feelin' the love, people, so I shudder to think of how he'll be received abroad in his weakened state. Will the trade deal be passed by Congress to make benefit for Vietman? Not so far.)

Being so near the karmic 12th cusp, Jupiter--ruler of money, expansion, increase, philosophy, and curiosity--has much work to do this year--a very critical period is afoot as is indicated by many other factors. Yet Jupiter prefers the camel's back for he can be on the self-indulgent side, as you know.

Nearby the Sun at 25Sco04 is conjunct Republican Party's n Moon 25Sco04 in n 2nd House, another money/values House.

With the Sun at 25Sco05, it is the Solar Un-birthday for the Democratic Party--when the Sun is halfway from one's birthday--a time for measuring on'es progress for the year and change course if needed.

But it is not a time for success with ego-related activities and there are sure to be authority issues with decided need to avoid arrogance or aggressive attitudes toward others. Humility works best, and I believe we've been seeing this attitude among many of the Dem puppies--faked or real.

So you see that it's Repub's Moon AND transit Sun opposite Dem's natal Sun...lots of activity behind the scenes with Jupiter and Venus, at the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree--both in the behind-the-scenes 12th.

Another interesting thing I must mention (for the sandman is calling my name) is that the transiting midpoint between the Pluto/Chiron pair--the corporatism; oppression; racism; PLUTOCRACY duo, is conjunct--ready? US Congress' natal Pluto/Chiron, all piled up at 15Cap+.

My hope is naturally that these issues with be dealt with honestly this year rather than the can being kicked down the road ad nauseum...and with transformative Pluto rising and simultaneously squaring the natal Mars of the Republican Party, we'll be seeing many confrontations between the reps and perps.

Although the Jupiter/Saturn square is now waning, it is still affecting relations between the Parties--Jupiter = Rs, Saturn = Ds. (This square was last perfected, Oct 25.) And the tr Pluto SQ n Mars is a time of obstacles for the Rs, and a time when dishonest actions must be corrected, not continued.

Ethics, anyone?

~Will update asap: repair typos, give midpoint pictures, and talk about the SR Moon conjunct the Sec Progr'd US MARS gone Station Rx...with Moon at the "Two men placed under arrest" degree...wonder who?


UPDATE Saturday 11.18: Okay, here's the Rudhyar version for "18 Libra" the Moon position mentioned above:

Keynote: A breakdown in the constructive relationship between the individual and society, and the expectable result.

"If it is to remain steady and consistent, every form of order must be able to protect itself by the application of sanctions. Both a society and a personal ego constitute forms of order. Any form of order excludes what the form cannot securely and safely hold.

It excludes, or exiles, the alien, the unassimilable; if it cannot send them to outer space, it must isolate them in a special type of inner space, a prison. The individual whose actions introduce unacceptable principles into the established order runs the risk of being "punished" or re-formed according to this order.

...for the individual the problem is how to make the transforming vision or impulse acceptable to society....the suggestion is that whatever violence is released originates in unconscious pressures.

A new step in the evolution of society--the Industrial and Electronic Revolutions of the last hundred and fifty years--caused a collective, worldwide upheaval which led to widespread violence. The fact that two men are pictured under arrest suggests a polarization and a purpose transcending a merely personal fit of recklessness.

Negative as the image may seem, one may see implied in it the power of every individual to assume social risks in order to express his convictions or deepest desires. Nevertheless, one thing is needed: FACING THE CONSEQUENCES."

A Solar Return Moon in Libra indicates that balance and the correcting of them will be in focus, plus you know that Libra relates to WAR. Relationships bewtween memebrs of Congress and Seante are highlighted, war issues, immigration, and with the SR Moon in 10th house of the Return, much publicity is to be expected.

With Barbara Boxer and other Dems promoting (Moon) the idea that the Dem "controlled" Congress will be focusing on the people's business (Moon = the people), we should hear many mentions of this novel idea.

And with the Moon always signifying changes, perhaps we'll actually see some of the positive variety--although it will be a hard slog.

Perhaps you've heard of the G-20 protests in Australia this weekend with heads being knocked and arrests made. The World Bank, the IMF, and financial officials from 20 nations are under fire from the populace...and apparently that's what it's going to take, m'peops! And some men have been placed under arrest as the individual and society clash once again.



US Mars Rx Station in the News

With my blogging time somehat highjacked this week by a local neighborhood rezoning issue which someone is trying to shove through in spite of serious water issues, I will refer you to an article I've just posted at, titled "US Mars Rx Station in the News."

(Bush is off the continent--anyone else feeling strangely lighter?



Nov 14, 2006

Quick--Change the Locks!!

Bush Departs for Asia Today
and wouldn't poetic justice be best served by calling a security-cleared locksmith to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?


HoSec Security and Lock? Yes, can I get a team of lock-changers out asap? Within the next 8 days. Yes, the taxpayers are footing the bill, of course. Send the statement to: Rubberstamp Congress, Capitol Hill, Needs-a-Wash-ington, DC.

It's the little white house on Pennsylvania Ave--well, it's white on three sides...I can't vouch for the backside. Well really, it's kind of dingey...ok, it's gray, but you'll know it when you see it. No, it's actually mine--and yours--we just loan it to him and his crew on a temporary basis and they've violated the lease bigtime.

What? Yes, it's the same one under threat of being blown to smithereens by terroists, but don't's him they're after.

No, he's out of the loop and out of the country--that's why I say the job must be finished within 8 days...and don't forget the backdoor--he tends to use it a lot.


Well can you give me another number? Yes, I have a pencil...1-999-hal-lib-urton. But that's too many numbers...



UPDATE with a Shout-Out: hope you've glommed onto my colleague Philip Brown's excellent work over at AstroFutureTrends where you'll find his article on George Bush's Solar Return, plus, "Election Reflections" where he talks of the troublesome US Mars Rx station, what it means, and how it may relate to Pluto's ingress into Capricorn, sign of suthority and control, in 2008.

And Philip mentions something which I wondered aloud about here the other day: seems the 18-22 year-olds did turn out in force--appr 2 million more voted in these midterms than in the 2002 midterms. Ah HAH, Mercury Rx--you busted a move down to the voting booth, didn't you? Good show!



Nov 12, 2006

Russ just says No, but thanks

On Sunday, November 12th in Racine, I will hold my 1000th Listening Session with the people of Wisconsin. Before reaching that milestone, I want you to know that I've decided to continue my role as Wisconsin's Junior Senator in the U.S. Senate and not to seek the Democratic nomination for President in 2008.

--Russ Feingold

Oh's not as if President Feingold was ever going to fly.

Chess pieces are on the move after the electorate showed their preference for donkey poo over elephant dung...assuming that the election wasn't just a set-up for 2008 (which it was.)

After the fiasco the Rs have made in the Middle East, why not step back and let Dems be responsible for the miasma, then clean up in 2008 based in part on the Ds big talk against Bush's War--and their inability to affect "victory"--not something the neocons ever wanted in the first place? The GOP can even point to their "gracious" acceptance of "the people have spoken"...and how often did you hear one of them say just those Rove-inspired words?

The defeat of the Rs WAS the October Surprise morphed into a November Surprise, as it will turn out. The lost Rs can now reconnoiter and help the Party for the presidential election, and with their own scandals largely forgotten--they hope--by 2008.

The American people have a short memory, the pundits love to say, and to some degree they are correct.

So was the Dem Party that gullible? They wanted the prize but the prize is a dud...and most are in choots with the globalist agenda...a good example being Joe Lieberman. John Conyers has turned tail--or shown his secret colors--who knows which?

Was a little sumpin'sumpin' uncovered to back him down from his hold Bush accountable stance/Impeach the dastard campaign? Guess all those newsletters and petitions I received from Conyers were the usual smokey mirrors.

And so I reassert that the gracious acceptance of the lost Republicans was as believable as a man in a Howard-the-Duck suit onscreen--puh! Absurd theater, dahling. No more than political cover for the war-mongering, pocket-lining, globalist-fronting patooties of Washington.

ACT II, where SO'W Retreats to Mockery Zone:

Now preparing to post a new limerick from Mr.A.Cat on Bush's purchase of 100,000 acres of land in northern Paraguay in preparation for his great escape.

You may wish to investigate at Lim's Limericks but at your own peril, mind, for limericks may be dangerous to your equilibrium and ill-humored ones bad for your eyesight.

And please remember that lame duck droppings make pungent fertilizer too.


Here's a note from

Beware: George Bush's secret agents can now arrest us in our own country By Alun Jones QC, lawyer of the NatWest Three 11 Nov 2006 The Government last week cravenly surrendered control of the independence of our criminal justice system to the United States. It rejected a final chance to make two key amendments to the Extradition Act 2003 - a dereliction of duty that means American secret agents can now arrest us in our own country. #

The noose is tightening...


Jim Webb

Here is the sunrise chart of Jim Webb, Senator-elect, born Feb 9, 1946, St. Joseph, Missouri.

Those who say he is a "maverick" are telling the truth, it seems, for there are several indications of such in his natal chart.

Rising we see Sun in Aquarius, sign of the water-bearer, although an Air sign of intellectual capacity. Webb's writing talent resides with an Aquarian Mercury, Venus nearby also in AQ, and Saturn in Cancer is conjunct Fixed Star, Castor: "to write or create."

Saturn is also conjunct Mars--a difficult placement often referred to as "driving with the brakes on", but which can give tremendous ability for hard work and a steely determination. Obviously this pairing would be helpful in a military career and courage in dangerous situations.

He'll need it as he approaches Capitol Hill in January--the suppressed anger of this conjunction may become more apparent as he settles in amongst the vipers.

Webb's writing is also shown by North Node (of the Moon--an associative point) being placed in Gemini, sign of writing and communication. He may be quite a talker...which is ok by me, if he'll just be saying something truthful, meaningful, common sensical and practical enough to implement.

Now the real indications of "maverickhood" are found in his Jupiter/Chiron conjunction--a "maverick with a superiority complex" (Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron), plus--Mars is out-of-bounds and Rx! Definitely outside the "normal" realm of actions, Mr. Webb is.

And Chiron is Rx, too--another significator of one who dances to his own tune.

Jupiter/Chiron conjs are attracted to other cultures and they to him--he speaks Vietnamese; there is a disturbing intensity to this pairing which makes it difficult for him to function within normal patterns--in a word, a maverick by several counts.

As far as Sun/Moon blend personality traits, Webb may have Moon in Taurus because the latest (midnight) position the Moon reached on Feb 9, 1946, was 4Gem50, earliest 20Tau44. Degree-wise, it looks like a Taurean Moon, yet as a prolific writer it is a distinct possibility the Moon was in Gemini at his birth.

I'll begin with a Taurean Moon, since he has that streak of stubborness with which Taurus the Bull always endows its natives--and we ALL have Taurus in our charts somewhere!

Of course, the Mars/Saturn conj indicates stubborness, too, so read both blends and see which applies iyho--in your humble opinion, if you please:

Sun AQ/Moon Tau: level-headed; humanitarian; self-indulgent; logical; tenacious; pragmatic intellect; capable and ambitious...this combo is an eccentric entrepreneur who's theme might be: security vs independence.

There is talent for making sense of individual human patterns and needs (he has Pallas, keywords: wisdom; strategy; patterning ability--conjunct South Node, a point which describes family inheritance) which helps in the push forward in a healthier direction (as in, "new direction for America"?)

This is a powerful blend of idealism + realism which is brought to any project or relationship, be it commercial, philanthropic, or artistic.

Images: The resident caretaker of a "New Age" community sips his Beaujolais as he systematically does the year's accounts...A country girl seeks a conventional life with an unconventional young man in the big city.

This blend belongs natally to E.G. Price, who said: Only by transcending the everyday, by seeing human life in larger terms, can the individual escape the slow strangulation of 'permanent errors.'

Now consider Sun AQ/Moon Gemini:

Iconoclastic; flexible yet stubborn; witty; philosophical yet flippant; communicative and progressive; restless, detached, unsentimental and emotionally naive; a charming "people person."

Outrageous, dead-pan quips are found with this blend, and there is a light, bright demeanor. A friendly and breezy air is often observed along with an unsentimental attitude...yet there is a strong social conscience much in evidence.

With sober committment added to quick-witted curiosity, a formidable talent for communicating radical ideas and sorting out other people's problems shines forth.

An easy-going reasonableness, clarity, and honesty inspire confidence, and give an ability to act as both a negotiator and a peacemaker. Lateral thinking, a way with words, and a sense of humor make sales, journalism (!), and public relations and advertising the natural arenas for such talents (and book sales?)

There's an attraction to "New Age" thinking (not NWO, I hope), and there's a constant moving on to the next new idea, message, and possibility (this could get books written, I imagine, as long as they're on the short side.)

There's a great interest in technology, esp computers (he has Uranus in Gemini, too) and with political ideas, there's a belief in the possibilities of changing the world and improving understanding between people.

Although a lover of the bustle of big cities, there is an appreciation of the country's soothing balm for the soul, esp including the songs of birds.

Images: A child in a balloon drifts over the city reporting back by portable phone on all below...A white blackbird charms the garden with its song.

Here are quotes from two men who share this particular Sun/Moon blend:

If I am to deal with life it must be in my own way for there is no escape from one's character. --Maurice Hewlett


The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately. --Thomas Paine, of course.

Iconoclastic maverick, writer, journalist with a friendly charm--is this the Jim Webb we're sending to the US Senate?

Well, this is just a little "know your newby Senator", and there's certainly more to write concerning this chart, but it's very very late...the sandman has arrived, in fact...

but there's this: from the fella himself.


note: enlarge chart to see a few of my chicken-scratch notes such as his Prenatal Eclipse Series.

Personality blends from: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey, happily available to you at
