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Jan 8, 2007

Illuminati rules

You may want to read Jessy's Blog: Illuminati Confessions for some background from a former 33rd degree Freemason, Leo Zagami, who says he's spilling the Illuminati beans these days.

Thing is, he says that the Illuminati Society has "always feigned divisions" and so we may conclude that his confessions are part of that common tactic themselves. But read what he has to say and Jessy's comments as well.

The usual suspects are, as I've concluded here before: the Vatican, the Jesuits, the world banking system, Communists, Liberals, Neo Cons, intelligence agencies, media, various foundations...and Zagami adds to the list: Zionists, and Feminist and Gay activists...all under control of the Illuminati. Ancient families of "idiots", he calls them, with world leaders and religions dancing to their world-domination tune.

Good readin'--big subject affecting us all.

And we've got until Dec 21, 2012 to rebel and worship One God as per our consciences because Satan is the lord of their church (Anton LaVay, founder of the Church of Satan was a Bush family friend)--and Zagami says the most powerful man in the Illuminati now is---Bush Sr! Old Herbert Walker aka Poppy!

Zagami says that Poppy and LaVay created the creature we've learned to despise as George-W-Bush-Mr-President...all Hail to the Thief, to quote Radiohead (the best band in the world.)

And yes, I was diggin' Poppy's crocodile tears at Gerald Ford's funeral the other day. Ford-the-Dupe, the Nixon-pardoner who played his assigned role in yet another Illuminati charade. We're so had and need desperately to suspend all belief in these world puppeteers including those appearing on the Capitol Hill Theater bill.

Here's my March '06 post on the Illuminati with natal chart (Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian sect): Illuminati in case you want to see it.

And Leo Zagami had a website which was shut down after 2 months--by the Illuminati and its minions, he says--but a lot of his information has been saved here:

Illuminati and it's more good readin'...including Motorola and 9/11.


the birds of Austin

My thoughts are with the people of Austin TX and NYC today ever since I heard that Bird Deaths Shut Downtown Austin and that a mysterious gas odor was wafting over Manhattan and New Jersey.

Therefore, I've been studying charts for both cities along with--you guessed it--the charts for Homeland Security ("HoSec" Nov 25, 2002 1:44 pm est) and for the New World Order ("NWO" Oct 24, 1993--the Great Uranus/Neptune conjunction.)

Are there correspondances? You betcha!

My typing finger will fall off if I try to type it all in, but some interesting factors stand out:

In the sunrise charts for Austin and Manhattan today, the NWO degree "18Cap" is rising...Sun = NWO (Ura conj Nep)..."18Cap": "The Union Jack flies from a British destroyer" = SUPERVISION...

pos: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches;

neg/shadow side: smug or strong-armed paternalism.


Then let's look at the oppressive plutocratic Pluto/Chiron combo's New Moon phase (conjunction) of Dec 30, 1999 at "11Sag+"...and they paralleled one another in mid-August 2004, y'know.

Today's Austin chart has Sun/Mc ('the Goal') 11Sag41, plus...HoSec's natal Pluto/Chiron midpont 27Sag04 is now being triggered by tr Pluto--today at 27Sag18 with HoSec's natal Mc ('the Goal') being 28Sag37. This is conj Fixed Star Acumen, keywords: "enduring attacks which weaken", and as synchronicity would have it, the birth of HoSec has tr asteroid, Morya MC ('the Goal.')

(Perhaps you've read my previous post on Cheney's 2001 sec progr'd chart, the Pluto/Chiron duo, and the morning of 9/11.)

You can see that the hatching of HoSec never filled me with confidence, can't you?

Gaseous Birds of 2007:

"This all" began yesterday--Sunday--with the derailing of a subway car in Washington DC (3:45 pm est)...Moon 7Vir20 conjunct Ic (endings; partings) at 9Vir42--conj Bush's natal Mars, the instigator and activist. Tr Moon is conj Fixed Star Facies, "ruthlessness or the victim."

Facies (fah sheez) has a kind of a do-unto-others-but-do-it-first flavor and these mysterious happenings will put Bush's troubles off front pages for a day or two (although I've not had time to see just how much space they're being given online as of yet.)

And where is gaseous, poisonous Neptune in all this?

At 18AQ22 of late--opposite and triggering the Mother of All Eclipses 18Leo+, the degree of vengeful Venus on the morning of 9/11/01.

This is the Eclipse predicted by Nostradamus many moons ago as being the "King of Terror" Eclipse and it seems to me the good doctor's predictive abilities are not in question esp when you consider what we've experienced in the New Millenium Which Su*ks So Far.

HoSec's natal Neptune 8AQ334 triggered today by tr Chiron 8AQ21; HoSec's n Moon 9Leo45, conj Bush and GOP's n Mercury (I'm just sayin'.)

We know where NWO's n Neptune is--conj Uranus "18Cap."

An interesting connection between HoSec and NWO:

NWO's n NN 3Sag33 (associations; joinings; meetings; encounters; the path of destiny) is conj HoSec's n Sun 3Sag19. Natal Mercury in the HoSec chart 9Sag51 is being conjoined by tr Jupiter 9Sag43 this very day...Merc/Jup = expansion of ideas and plans (can I get another Yuh-huh?)

So is America under attack from without or within? Both, as you know...

Tr Sun and Mercury were conjunct for Sunday's train derailing as well, at the NWO degree, "18Cap."

But Back to Pluto/Chiron:

Tr Mars 23Sag55 is approaching Plu/Chiron midpoint and Mc of HoSec...very sensitive area of late with Pluto's hanging about it off and on due to Rx.

Pluto/MC ("the ultimate power position"--Tyl): let's get the dates in mind for tr Pluto conj HoSec's n MC, shall we?

Power and power-behind-the-throne issues along with death concerns may be prominent at these times, and a transformation--also a province of Pluto--may be seen concerning the HoSec organization itself...dissemination is the phase of HoSec natally--puttin' out those ideas and plans to the people...n Moon trine Mercury.

Yet the 'transformations' HoSec is most interested in is the nation's...and the world's.

2007 transit Pluto 28Sag37 on or about:

1. Feb 24; 2.May 8 Rx; 3. Dec 18; in 2008: 4.Aug 17/18 Rx; 5. Oct 1.

Must mosey now but all I can say is, lock up your parakeets, fasten your seatbelts, and be very afraid--but not for the reasons they tout.


Jan 7, 2007

Comet McNaught update

Space Weather News for Jan. 7, 2006:

BRIGHTENING COMET: Comet McNaught is plunging toward the sun and brightening dramatically. It is now visible to the unaided eye both at sunset and at dawn. Amateur photographers have found that they can take pictures of the comet using off-the-shelf digital cameras with exposure times less than a second. Estimated visual magnitude: between 0 and -1.

To see Comet McNaught, a clear view of the horizon is essential. In the morning, go outside and face east. The comet emerges just ahead of the rising sun. In the evening, face the other way--west. The comet pops out of the western twilight as soon as the sun sets. Binoculars reveal a pretty, gaseous tail.

Northern observers are favored. The long, dark mornings and evenings of Canada, Scandinavia and Alaska are ideal for viewing this comet so close to the Sun. But the comet has been sighted in other places, too, as far south as Kansas in the United States and Italy in Europe.

Please visit for photos, finder charts, and more information#

Wondering it's this comet is synchronicitously 'for naught'...or simply "naughty"...?

The Bush administration? For Naught...Capitol Hill? Naughty.


Pelosi talks tough on war escalation

Promising "close scrutiny" and that Bush will have to "justify" sending more troops to Iraq...sounds good until I remember it's only another installment of Capitol Hill Theater, dahling...let's see if Pelosi's tough talk is just hiding yet another version of rubberstamping by Bush enablers who have as much status to lose as he does--and some have more.

They're all playing their parts in the must-save-our-bacon charade together.

Matinees daily.


pass it around

When it was announced a week or so ago that pot is the largest cash crop in the US, I knew that someone somewhere was lighting up. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em, friends, before you read the next 5 paragraphs:

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
06 January 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here: Breaking News

Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran 07 Jan 2007 Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons. Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear "bunker-busters", according to several Israeli military sources.

Israeli general suggests to use Azerbaijan's airbases in strike against Iran 02 Jan 2007 In a stark statement published on Saturday Brigadier General Oded Tira observed, "President [sic] Bush lacks the political power to attack Iran. As an American strike in Iran is essential for our existence, we must help him pave the way by lobbying the Democratic Party (which is conducting itself foolishly) and US newspaper editors. We need to do this in order to turn the Iranian issue to a bipartisan one and unrelated to the Iraq failure."

Future of Iraq: The spoils of war --How the West will make a killing on Iraqi oil riches 07 Jan 2007 Iraq's massive oil reserves, the third-largest in the world, are about to be thrown open for large-scale exploitation by Western oil companies under a controversial law which is expected to come before the Iraqi parliament within days. The US government has been involved in drawing up the law, a draft of which has been seen by The Independent on Sunday. It would give big oil companies such as BP, Shell and Exxon 30-year contracts to extract Iraqi crude and allow the first large-scale operation of foreign oil interests in the country since the industry was nationalised in 1972.

Blood and oil: How the West will profit from Iraq's most precious commodity --The 'IoS' today reveals a draft for a new law that would give Western oil companies a massive share in the third largest reserves in the world. To the victors, the oil? That is how some experts view this unprecedented arrangement with a major Middle East oil producer that guarantees investors huge profits for the next 30 years. 07 Jan 2007 So was this what the Iraq war was fought for, after all? As the number of US soldiers killed since the invasion rises past the 3,000 mark, and President [sic] George Bush gambles on sending in up to 30,000 more troops, The Independent on Sunday has learnt that the Iraqi government is about to push through a law giving Western oil companies the right to exploit the country's massive oil reserves.

Lawmaker: U.S. catching, releasing top terror targets 05 Jan 2007 The U.S. military already knows what half of its most-wanted terrorist targets look like because they have been apprehended and photographed in the past, a Republican congresswoman said Friday. The United States is operating "a catch and release program for al Qaeda in Iraq," said Rep. Heather Wilson, a member of the House intelligence committee. [Right, catch-and-release insures that people and structures keep getting blown up and "justifies" the "need" for more "security" and "rebuilding" provided by Halliburton and Blackwater USA.]#

It's the OIL, said I and many others. Bush doesn't want to catch binnie, said I and others. There is such an echo in here, Cindy Sheehan is visiting Gitmo, and Niobe, asteroid of the grieving mother, continues to dog George Bush and justifiably so.

2007 is enjoined. And world "leaders" still su*k.


From the SO'W By-the-Way Dept: hope you're reading Middle Earth Journal an 'Online Pamphleteer' which is well-organized and excellently written with a clear eye for the smirking pie-in-the-sky guy who currently infests the White House.

Jan 4, 2007

Comets and Majority Leaders

Space Weather News for Jan. 4, 2007:

DENVER FIREBALL: A spectacular fireball streaked over Denver, Colorado, this morning. Observers described it as "brilliant, slow, twinkling, sparkly and full of rainbow colors." Contrary to some reports, it was not a Quadrantid meteor. It was the decaying body of a Russian rocket that launched the French COROT space telescope on Dec. 27th.

Links to video and a ground track may be found here.

HOT COMET: Comet McNaught (C/2006 P1) is plunging toward the Sun. It won't hit, but at closest approach on Jan. 13th it will be much closer to the Sun than the planet Mercury. The comet will experience fierce heating and it could brighten considerably, emerging from the encounter brighter than a 1st magnitude star.

For the next few mornings, northerners can see Comet McNaught before it disappears into the Sun's glare. It's an easy target for binoculars hanging low in the eastern sky at sunrise. After Jan. 11th, only SOHO (the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) will be able to track the comet as it angles toward the bright Sun. SOHO images are posted in near-real time on the Internet, so you can watch the comet-sun encounter and see what happens.

Observing tips and more information at

You know what I've been thinking about Nancy Pelosi, don't you? That she is part of the US sec progr'd Mars turning Retrograde in July 2006. Plus, if she's a comet, they don't hang out in our neighborhood for long before they've hit the bunny trail of outer space. And this morning's 'comet' over Denver was only Russian space junk. Putin? Then "Putin" was enabling a Frenchman...the COROT (hmm-m-m...insert chin stroke.)

Keeping Accounts bwo Saturn:

The 110th's swearing-in today is part of Congress' ongoing Saturn Return...

Natal Saturn 23Leo44, tr Saturn at noon today 24Leo17 Rx so it's a Return Period concerning issues of control, authority, and leadership. Saturn's timekeeper function may also cause loss, if it's time for it...loss of leaders and entertainment figures--also part of Leo's province, the stage of the world--as we've seen with President Gerald Ford's passing, and that of soulful musician James Brown.

NPR reported today that Sen Tim Johnson is still in critical condition so the balance in the Senate may be tipping toward the Rs time to save George and Dick? Keep faithful guards posted at his door, I monkey business or the dirtiest of tricks please.

And we hear today that White House counsel Harrriet Miers is leaving, as with JOhn Negropointe, tsk tsk. And our isolated Saturnian actor-as-leader, George Bush, is more alone than before...

"A New Day in Washington" (Reid): so we're all Shiny, Happy People?

Comparing the natal chart of Congress (Nov 17, 1800 9:30 am LMT NS) with the Noon chart for today at the Cap Bldg there are reciprocal links between Moon (the public) and happy, jovial Jupiter was conj Congress' natal Moon the 3rd week of Dec '06, and tr Moon will conjunct natal Jupiter in a couple of days--when Moon reaches 4Leo26.

Yes, Moon-Jupiter flavorings give feelings of happiness, success, contentment, religiousness; and there's possibility the judiciary will become more important (Tyl.) The word is, Opportunity, and as we know, the Dems now whooshed into office have great opportunity upon their doorstep, and the American people have one also--if it's respected and not monkeyed with by the pocket-liners-in-charge--and their enablers with the greased palms.

2006 Is Gone and Yet:

Oh--and bin L wants Rs in, not Ds. Glad someone can see a marked difference between them. WAR ESCALATION s*cks. Bad idea. We'll be sorry if we let him railroad Congress, Senate, and us (but leave me outta this) into a worse nightmare.

Globalists have their plushy you?


110th Congress swears, Bush reads diaries

W pushes envelope on U.S. spying from informs us that Bush signed new postal regulations on Dec 20--with Sun conjunct Pluto, natch--that gives him the "emergency" right to open and read any US envelope whether it holds fake anthrax spores or a Dear John letter.

That's why I'm hiding my diary asap in a very dark hidey-hole and suggest you do same. Oh--and a 'signing statement' was added as is his Orwellian custom.

12:00 pm est, Capitol Building today, the 110th is sworn in with 19Aries41...the Exaltation of the Sun degree--rising, and indications of change are sprinkled about the chart, the day, and thus the session.

Mercury, indicator of change is conj Mc and is focal point of Sun/Mc (the goal)) = Mercury: thinking about one's position in life. Mercury's changes in communications and in thinking are the goal and having Mercury in stable, serious Capricorn may help them keep noses to the grindstone (5-day work week reinstated!) in spite of all the sniping and undermining on tap from their opponents--from either party (2008 draws near.)

Sun in Capricorn, sign of law, authority, politics, and business is conj Mercury in 10th house--too close for comfort actually and may snuff out Mercury's plans.

There's an "attacks which weaken" flavor here too with Acumen rising with this Mc 10Cap57, so the hoped-for change of atmosphere in Washington may be short-lived at best and Bush's egocentric need to keep centerstage will be interfering as they go along...unless someone or something shuts his spigot off.

House and Senate do have an awfully big helping of pork'n'crow on their plate, don't they? How to out Bush'n'crew without exposing their own hindquarters...a balancing act if they ever was one.

Chart-ruler Mars is applying first to a helpful trine to Saturn 24Leo17 Rx in 5th house of Speculations and Risk-Taking, then Mars conjoins Pluto, planet of power, transformation, and, as mentioned above, Spying. Perhaps Bush' new postal powers will come under the microscope--otherwise and until then, no one's diary will be safe from your pet goat.

With moneybags Jupiter, the GOP's significator, in 8th house of Other People's Money, taxes, debt, insurance, credit, legacies, etc...supplying Bush the trillions for his war will be on the menu as it should be. He's bled our coffers dry.

And where the Moon? The people, the public, the populace? In 4th house of Domestic Scene on the Security axis (opposite Sun and Mercury--there was a Full Moon yesterday.)

Moon "28Cancer": "A modern Pocohontas"...COMPATIBILITY...

pos: a high skill in bringing older or neglected reality to the service of fresher and more vital self-fulfillment;

neg/shadow side: an inability to make personal adjustments and a stupid exaltation of conservatism.


The 'positive' sounds to me like what the people--and Dems say they--want, the 'negative' could describe Bush and the GOP. (The italics are my own, Sabian Symbol from Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

After all, prideful lion Bush is accustomed to roaring his deep displeasure when things aren't goin' his way.

And yet--this Moon is reflecting George Bush's natal Saturn--Mr.Bush being held accountable and responsible for his past actions by the American people.

Let's hope the Dem's control of Congress represents us as it has promised to do.


Jan 3, 2007

Bush and the dead-of-night

By now you've heard Bush's oinks from the Rose Garden and read his op-ed about how he and Congress will be working together in peace and harmony from Jan 4 onward.

Sen Charles Schumer added his squeal that, "We hope when the president says compromise, it means more than 'do it my way', which is what he meant in the past."

Well, Senator, considering that the November elections' message the People sent to Bush about his botched war has been royally misinterpreted by Duhbya, I doubt he means anything of the sort.

The Republican Congress' dead-of-night earmarks are on Bush's agenda NOW that the Dems have control of Congress and his usual hypocrisy is glaringly in evidence...gooey-fat earmarks dripping with gravy didn't bother him nearly so much when his team was batting, did they?

He says he's anxious to work with the new Congress--I say he's anxious ABOUT working with the new Congress who may uncover all manner of improprieties the public has yet to be told. Today's shout-outs from the Oval Office were hopeful damage control by the eternal optimist.

So when he says it's "time to set aside politics (when Rs do it it's okay, when Ds do it, it's 'politics') and "focus on the future" (2 more years--PLEASE--we've got more crap to perpetrate) he isn't factoring in how totally fatigued the entire country is with his propaganda, his enabling of the "GOP" spending in the dead-of-night (let us not forget who perfected the practice), his deceit, his war, and his ugly snoot and fake accent.

Plus, he dances like a frat boy who thinks he can dance--but only when he's high on substances.

Well, I'm feelin' grousy today...I had to wake up to more of Bush's get-ahead-of-the-debate tactics from the Rose Garden and now he "writes" too? Sheesh.

Oink along with the AP here: Bush: Congress Must Limit Pork Spending


Dec 30, 2006

portrait: Herr Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jan 27, 1756 NS, Salzburg, Austria; died or was poisoned in 1792.


Drawing by Jude Cowell

Mozart to the World!

Listening now to the Metropolitan Opera's broadcast to the world of Mozart's THE MAGIC FLUTE.

As you know, one's natal chart continues to be transited and triggered posthumously, so how will today's big Mozart Shout-Out to the world - nearing the end of the year-long celebrations of the Maestro's 250th birthday party - be shown in his natal chart?

The music began today at 1:38 pm est, New York City, and Moon 20Tau16 was rising at the midpoint of his natal Venus/Neptune combo. Venus and Neptune separately and together indicate inspired art and music...that from-on-high style he is well-noted for.

If you read my previous post on Mozart from January, it'll spill the beans on Mozart's Harmonic signature (H5 = creativity known for its Style) as I wish him Happy 250th Maestro!

Rising...Venus/Neptune = Moon: reveling in love ideals; a dreamy nature; a chaotic emotional life; being easily influenced or misled by others; a renouncing, unhappy, or disappointed woman.

The pairing of Venus with Neptune relates to art and music, of course, and Moon = the Public, or Publicity.

(As always with midpoint pictures, they operate on an 'all, some,or none' level.)

Well! This could relate to someone at the Met today - or since I sometimes work on an ongoing study of Mozart's death, it could relate to his life 'then' and esp to a woman in his life.

Here are some other factors which stand out when relating today's performance chart with Mozart's natal chart:

Tr Chiron conjunct natal Sun "8AQ"; plus, tr Sun will conjunct natal Chiron on Jan 3, 2007...this reminds me of my previous post on Thomas Paine the day he had the same double transit between Sun and Chiron. You'll find my Thomas Paine posts--two in May '06, and one in Sept '06 in Monthly this browser it's near the bottom of the page, but I'm using an updated IE7.

(Be sure to update your browser and clear your cache in time for the New Year!)

More on today at the MET:

Tr Mars is conjunct his natal Moon/Pluto conjunction, a duo signifying "smother love" but also gifting him with deeply powerful creativity...the ability to move the masses, oh yeah uh huh! (Mozart is my all-time fave, btw.)

Natal Moon/Pluto = tr Mars: unusually great energy and a tendency to quarrel; great changes of mood; easy excitability; injuries.

Well, the intensity and originality of Uranus is now highlighted for him - he's in process of having an Uranus, he's just beyond his Saturn Half-Return (or Culmination, as I think of it), and his Nodal Half-Return--when weak relationships are broken--is on the way when tr South Node of the Moon reaches his NN 11Vir28.

The Magic Flute ended at about 3:30 pm...about 8 minutes ago, and I want to upload a drawing which I perpetrated of Herr Mozart back in the early 90s which I will do just after this post so it can welcome you who may or may not have gotten this far into my babbles...again, Happy 250th, Maestro, and...

Wishing Happy New Year to All!

Jude Cowell

And yet with Mooon squaring Saturn in the MET performance chart for today, it would seem as if the Moon (the public) is being blocked in some way by authoritative Saturn who repreents old traditions and even religions and philosophies.

Perhaps the brotherhood which Mozart joined is no more thrilled at The Magic Flute singing their secret tunes in 2006 than they were when po'd about it over 200 years ago!

Dec 29, 2006

Hussein before dawn?

Saturday 12:34 am est UPDATE from the AP: Saddam Hussein Executed for War Crimes...

Earlier post starts here:

Execution bwo hanging prior to 6 am Dec 20 in order to avoid a religious observation may be the fate of Saddam Hussein. He's another of the world's "leader in his own mind" kind of guys and the world certainly has a but*load of them lately.

Natally Hussein is characterized by a Moon/Mars conjunction which convinces its owner that only he has a right to be upset ane his temperamental impulses frequently reach madman levels. 'Easy anger' is a nice way to put it.

Are there indications in his Solar Return 2006 chart of his impending doom?

Try to get as astrologer to read death in a chart--go on, I dare ya. 99% of them won't do it--for one thing there are so many variables in a chart as well as in our complex universe.

But this case is quite different, isn't it? Confession: I have looked at Hussein's natal chart (Apr 28, 1937 NS 12:00 pm BAT -3:00 Tikrit, Iraq), the charts for Dec 29/30, 2006, Baghdad, and at his SR 2006...and there are New Moons to be seen, while the Cap Sun and Tau Moon are trining one another in the transit chart.

Morning of Dec 12:16:23 am, Baghdad, tr Moon 7Tau43 conjunct tr 8th cusp of Death--and conjunct his natal Sun. Now I'm looking at 'wesatern' charts and he would be looking at Lunar Calendar chart...yet the Moon is in the same place in the heavens and this can be called a 'new moon' of sorts...Moon to Sun.

And where is the Moon at 6:00 am--the 'deadline' for his execution, if some have their way?

Moon 11Tau05...which is his Solar Return Moon's position, 2006, which means his Solar Return '06 chart has a New Moon in 1st house of Self.

Other pertinent times are two planets rising, Dec 30: Jupiter (often active in cases of death) rises at 4:53 am; and vengeful Mars rises at 5:36 am...just before the magic 6:00 am hour.

Hussein is now in the secondary progr'd Balsamic phase (endings; partings; separation) which is the darkening of the light. He entered this phase around
Nov 14, 2004 at 27Tau28--near a couple of nasty Fixed Stars, one of which the Chinese relate to "piled up corpses"...Hussein's milieu. And he may either find himself the victim of the sword he was so fond of using against others...or perhaps he'll make a deal.

It's been my plea that he not be 'martyred' if only because it makes him too happy at the increased misery and woe which his death will escalate. Many people will see his execution as death at the hands of the invader--or at least they'll say they do--for effect.

But powerful forces in the world are wanting Hussein's voice snuffed out before he spills any inconvenient beans...and in the end, he'll be just another dictator who knew too much.

Without forgiveness the world is just an endless round of retaliation.
And with the New Year approaching: if only the contentious scrappers of the world would resolve themselves to act with dignity rather than with vengeance.


Dec 27, 2006

Human Intelligence Collectors

No, not bloggers, you silly!


Pressed in Iraq, U.S. Army turns out interrogators 26 Dec 2006 The U.S. Army has stepped up its training of interrogators to get a clearer picture of Iraq... The number of soldiers going through a 93-day course to become Human Intelligence Collectors, the army term for interrogators, has quadrupled over the past three years -- from 265 in 2003 to 1,070 in 2006 -- and is projected to rise to just over 1,500 by 2009

LegitGov also has the info on the Bush-Cheney War Machine's plan to accept more foreigners into the US armed services in exchange for citizenship...and somewhere on this blog or elsewhere you may find my assertion years ago that Bush's "come on up" attitude in his first State of the Union Address was to line up Latinos to fight his oily wars.

And I'm not the only one:

Some people saw this coming from years away, m'peops. Perpetual war a la Orwell, did you say?
