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Apr 10, 2006

Cheney and 9/11

As I'm reading more and more about theories on Dick Cheney's possible culpability in orchestrating the attacks of 9/11/01, I'm posting on his secondary progressed chart (the physical plane) for the day and the hour.

Using his birth location (Lincoln, NE) to progress his natal chart, there results a major picture at the top of the chart...the MC/Aspiration/WHY Point of the chart--Pluto (power; control; manipulation; coping ability; transformation; death; cataclysms; volcanic explosions) and Chiron (the wounded or the wound; the maverick; blindspot; catalyst; shaman; initiations) pointing to the Mc-->Pluto/Chiron = Mc.

The combo of Pluto/Chiron = plutocracy; a reversion to primitivism; racism; revolutionary zeal; power; self-mastery; class warfare; oppression; primal violence; imperialism; corporatism; fascism; militarism; disenfranchisement. (Plus, other isms.)

And on 9/11/01? Pluto 12Sag38, Chiron 23Sag03, and their midpoint, Plu/Chiron = natal Mars 17Sag46 of VP Cheney! Yep, that's right--tr Pluto and Chiron lined right up with Cheney's planet of initiative, energy, and action--Mars, aka the god of WAR...the Plutocracy Duo pointing directly at Dick's Mars, ya might say...Mars, the instigator, the actor, the fighter and his Sec Pluto/Chiron at Aspiration/Goal Point.

And the HOW? Point of this chart, the IC or Foundation Point is conj his Sec Mars and US natal and Sec Pluto. If he did it, that's how he did it - secret hand, secret power, US military power, you name it, he had control (Pluto) of it. More on his Sec Mars just below.

Robert Bowman, former head of the "Star Wars" project, and who is running for Congress, FL, 5th district, is making waves and calling Cheney the "architect of 9/11"...and as you've heard by now, Cheney was "playing" "air drills" that morning with his finger on the fantasy button - did it slide off onto the reality button? I've often wondered this myself since 2001. Today's post is just a sampling of the situation astrologically.

(UPDATE 9.17.06: most sources now say that Cheney was in DC on 9/11/01 but the chart and these comments apply for his progressions which are calclated based on his natal chart. Some astrologers change to wherever a person is located when progressing a chart, but here I do not.)

Bowman says Cheney's "drills" were a "cover" so that the FAA and NORAD didn't know what was real or false as the planes approached their targets. And while he may be correct, I'm not so quick to give these governmental agencies such easy "dazed and confused" passes on this "cover." Wouldn't put it past the VP, but I wouldn't put it past the agencies either.

Back to his progr'd chart:

At the Foundation/Ic Point, lurks violent instigator, Mars, at "30Cap", the "A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs" degree:

EXECUTIVE POWER...Keynote: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature dicussions with those who share this power.

This degree speaks of an "occult hierarchy", secret committees in the White House, and the decisions of a supreme Council of quasi-divine beings. And, of course, Capricorn is the sign of business, politics, and law. (Note: This Mars is now opposite Pluto in his sec chart 2006 which may lead to more uncovering of his actions on 9/11...his use or misuse of power, bwo zealous Mars/Pluto.)

8th cusp (transformations; death; legacies; insurance; managing others' resources, etc) conj Cheney's sec Jup/Uranus midpoint; Jup/Uranus is the "lucky break; opportunity" combo, and he certainly had that. Florida's 'hanging chads' and the SCOTUS helped a lot.

The 8th cusp also happens to be at the degree of the last conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the societal combo. Jupiter is used to represent the R Party and Saturn, the Ds. I have stated here and elsewhere, that their conj of May 28, 2000 describes the official start of our "2-party system" becoming one big happy "party"...or words to that effect. Not that they weren't united in purpose before! But a new cycle of cooperation began as Bush became the "man of the hour" - the choice of globalist puppetmasters everywhere.

(Note: the next exact square between Jupiter and Saturn: legislative stalemates; Reps vs Dems; economic sluggishness--is June 22; last square is Oct 25...squares being the blockage/obstacle/crisis stage of a cycle.)

The 12th cusp--the house of self-undoing; karma; large institutions; behind-the-scenes...has Cheney's Neptune/NN duo upon it...this "World Point" of 00Lib44 is same as the USA's natal Mc degree, btw, from the Sibley Chart>>July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT.

Nep/NN = lack of community spirit (no kiddin'); deceit used with others; anti-social behavior; wrong ideas about others; peculiar conduct in communal life; secret associations with others interested in the paranormal (as in "quasi-divine beings"?)

So we have Neptune's deceit with NN's connection to the Public...and with a fated or karmic flavor. (Remember that "karmic" feeling in the air along with the dust settling and the sad funerals? Many people remarked upon it in the months after 9/11.)

His Sec Mercury (travel, esp air travel; thinking; communications) at 14Pis50, is conjunct Fixed Star, Achernar...Keywords: 'risk of rapid endings; crises'...and in the 5th house of speculation and risk-taking.

Saturn (responsibility; authority; control) at 13Tau22 is conjunct the Inaugural Ascendant (in DC, noon, Jan 20 each time) by less than one degree...which signifies the Office of the Presidency. Cheney, the 'secret president.'

"13Tau"> "A porter carrying heavy baggage"...Keynote: Self-mobilization for social advantage...COMPULSION FOR GAIN.

Moon is in the 8th house, "5Gem": "A revolutionary magazine asking for action"...TO REACH BEYOND ESTABLISHED FORMS...Keynote: The explosive tendency of repressed feelings and root emotions (see Plu/Chiron above--"a reversion to primitivism"?)

Sec Moon is an oft-used timer, as you know. Wonder which magazine this could be? An association's journal perhaps? Who-who-who?

The entrepreneurial Sun Aries/Moon Gem blend:

Greatest Strengths: zest; capacity to take an idea and run with it; eye for opportunity; oomph and chutzpah; tendency to get carried away; immense dynamism; a sharp mind; a single-shot, high-velocity rifle or a hot-metal-spraying shotgun (I don't make this up!)

Greatest Weaknesses: brash impatience; insensitivity to less expressive types; unwillingness to learn from experience (Vietnam comes to mind, Dick.)

Images for Integration: A fencing master carries off the prize...Hayden's Farewell Symphony...A racing driver plays piano to relax. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

And last, but not least, the Sabian Symbol of his progressed Sun for 9/11/01..."11Aries":

"The ruler of a nation"> CENTRALIZATION OF POWER...

Keynote: The power resulting from the formal integration of the collective desire for order.

This deserves a quote from Dane Rudhyar, whose Sabian Symbols are being used here; his punctuation marks:

"At this stage of the cyclic process this symbol refers to the appearance of the (personal) ego as the central manifestation of a type of "order" which transcends and seeks to rule the emotional and instinctual drives of the individual person...
a desire for a larger type of integration has now emerged...(it is) social-collective and institutional.

At this ego level, laws and the restrictive power of a police force are dominant features.

Psychologically speaking, this means that the integrative principle is the limited, more or less narrow "I am" realization. It manifests itself as the personal ego exerting its will to control the reactions of the bio-psychic organism." #

Seems to me that this "I am" means "he is" - and ruthless power, control, and a new economic world order are his, and his colleagues', ultimate objectives.

4.10.06 5:05 pm edt; Last Update: April 11, 2009 7:00 pm edt


Apr 3, 2006

Power Back in Capitol Building

"Shortly after noon" today, there was supposedly an "automatic shut off"--a tripping! of the power in the Capitol Building which has since been restored.

The story is that there was a "momentary drop in voltage due to customer operations up the line"...yeah? Sounds squirrelly to me.

The Building was kept evacuated until the cause of the outage could be determined--or a spin could be figured out.

At noon, the rising degree was 13Can27-->the n US Sun's degree, and also the n Sun of George Bush. Also rising was the midpoint between the Moon and Saturn...

Moon/Sat is the 'ambition; strategy' combo...Moon/Sat = Asc:

Acting alone and never in accord with others; one-sidedness. Moon/Sat = Sun: sobering times; feelings of enforced controls; possible separations in relationships.

The Sabian Symbol for "14Can": "A very old man facing a vast dark space to the northeast"...SANCTION>

pos: a highly effective enlistment of deeper and hidden elements of life for some momentary end;

neg: lack of purpose and utter chaos in understanding.

Pointing to the Mc--the WHY/Aspiration Point at noon is this T-square:

Mars/Plu = Mc: facing overwhelming force without power(!!); major job maneuver (?).

Wonder what was going on when the lights went out? Congress wasn't in session, and NPR is reporting that hadn't happened in "at least 28 years." (28 years would point a finger at Saturn, now Rx at 4Leo23...hanging out around Bush's n Asc.)

The Building was DARK, people...a weird sight.

Well, if a 'signal' was being sent, it's an interesting chart for more analysis, yet I must motor into the city now.

Will check back on the story and its excuses later and see if there's anything more worth mentioning from the chart!

4.3.06 1:49 pm edt


Mar 27, 2006

Bush-Blair on War Path 1.31.03

A blast from the past this morning that just keeps on exploding--the sunrise chart for the day Bush made it clear he was intent on invading Iraq, according to yet another Brit memo released. (Is Blair behind this "release"...trying to distance himself from his partner in war crimes?)

Asteroid Hidalgo was rising along with the Sun and deceptive, deluded Neptune...Hidalgo's keywords, "an assertion of will over others; expecting to be in control."

The Sun/Neptune/Asc mix gives three pictures:

Sun/Nep = Asc: a sensitive show to others, either true or fabricated; a negatively inclined environment; an association with weak or sick persons. (Wonder which is which?)

Sun/Asc = Nep: hyper-sensitivity regarding others' opinions; tendency to be easily influenced or lead; damage through others; easy to anger; calumny; degradation; being duped or disregarded.

Nep/Asc = Sun: humiliation; the misfortune to be exploited or harmed.

And the Mc/Aspiration/WHY Point? "1Sag": "Grand Army of the Republic campfire"!!

Jolly day, wasn't it? And that's just for starters.

Back later with more...

UPDATE 4:07 pm:

With Neptune oriental--rising just before the Sun--we know that dreams and visionary planning were on the agenda that day, and were part of the work situation. The hope is for harmony between what is expected and what can be. Neptune represents something-other-than-what-it-seems, so when oriental, this concept is an active part of who one is.

This meeting occurred within the 4S Solar Eclipse Series, which began Mar 19, 1624.
This Series involves much anger and very strong emotional feelings concerning money and/or relationships. There is a sense of fatedness and of being caught up in relationship events beyond one's control, and the emotions may be blocked or frustrated in some way. There could be a sudden desire to end a relationship or association, and the best approach is to avoid rash action until things settle down.

Well, I've got theories about Saddam, George, and Tony which I shall not air here.
Needless to say, the bully-headed and the woolly-headed wouldn't have listened to
the above good advice if they'd heard it.

And as fate would have it, this Eclipse ("12Sag", Dec 4, 2002) occurred smack upon the USA's natal ASC (Sibley Chart, July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT), bringing America into the middle of it.

"12Sag" = "A flag that turns into an eagle that crows"...ADJUSTMENT.

Pos: successful self-establishment through genuine self-expression;
Neg: idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims (yuh.)

Turns out our cockadoodle doo should've been a cockadoodle don't. And no, you don't need an astrology chart to know that.

If you want a memory-refresher, here's the transcript of the highlights of what Bush and Blair said just after their witches' brew-up: What Bush and Blair Told the Press After Key Meeting on Iraq

3.27.06 5:25 pm est

ps: Almost forgot--the Images for the Sun AQ/Moon Cap blend for 1.31.03:

A revolutionary is elected president...An alien civilization comes to Earth to rescue man from imminent destruction. (And they can give me a call if they need a ride from the airport.)

The Combination of Stellar Influences--Ebertin; Noel Tyl's midpoint directory from his book, Solar Arcs; & Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, by Bernadette Brady.

Mar 26, 2006

Republican Party: July 6 1854

For the Republican Party, we'll follow the same outline as in my previous post on the Dem Party, so let's look at:

1. natal (n) midpoint pictures
2. n Lunar phase
3. Secondary Progressed (sec) Lunar phase
4. sec midpoint pictures, March 2006
5. n Sun/Moon personality blend
6. sec Sun/Moon blend
7. minor progressed (minor*) midpoint pics
8. minor Sun/Moon blend (*minor = the causal, thought, mental plane--Robert Blaschke)

1. There are only two n midpoint pics from the chart you see above:

Sun/Nep = Uranus: sudden impressionability or even psychic awareness; nervous reactions for unclear reasons; relationship disputes.

Sat/NN = Venus: difficulty in expressing emotions; lack of adaptability; separations.

2. n Lunar phase = 1st quarter: crisis in action--forceful managerial activity phase.
The essential drive is the building of frameworks or scaffolding which may serve for the future objectivication of new social ideals and relationships.

There is a strong will and perhaps a feeling of self-exaltation when faced with crumbling old structures, and at times a ruthless attempt is made to consolidate the new ideal.

(Examples having this phase natally: Cromwell, Stalin, Baudelaire, de Gaulle, and Queen Elizabeth.)

3. sec Lunar phase, March 2006: Full Moon/culmination phase, exact May 12, 2005 (using DC here, but with natal location it occurred two weeks earlier.)

Interesting to note that their prior Gibbous Lunation was July 3, 2001 at 23Ari13--conjunct George Bush's n Mc (Aspirations/Career Point)...

"24Ari" = "An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia."

MUNIFICENCE> pos: an irrepressible genius for capturing the richer rewards of life and providing a wider distribution for the higher realities.

neg/shadow side: a smug and petty self-importance in dispensing favors to others. (MEJ)

This Symbol refers to unmerited good fortune>> 'net' = Neptunian illusions, 'window' = opportunity, 'cornucopia' = trillions of dollars, as it turns out, and you'll notice this Lunation occurred just prior to 9/11.)

4. sec midpoints:

There are two T-squares formed in the sec chart just now (and transit Uranus will be triggering it at the end of March, including during the Solar Eclipse of March 29. >Tr Uranus returns to sec Neptune 13Pis+ in Aug, 2006, and Jan, 2007. And tr Uran to Nep = exploring individuation through creativity, imagination, or speculation; possible use of underhanded means to do the job)...


Sun/Sat = Neptune: physical, emotional, or mental crisis; lack of vitality; inhibitions; hopelessness; delusions in relationships.

>Sun/Sat = tr Uranus: crises within relationships; clash between the old ways vs the new; nervousness; unusual circumstances; separations; mourning.

Sat/Mc = Nep: lack of clarity; peculiar and depressing circumstances; disappointments; one's position is vague; feeling fearful.

>Sat/Mc = tr Uranus: sudden crisis on the job or in the family; new ways of doing
things; desire to obtain one's objectives at all costs; emotional shock or upheaval; intensity.


Sun/Ven = Mc: the art-lover; individual inclinations.

Sun/Ura = Asc: easily excitable; sudden experiences; new asscociations.

Sun/Nep = optimism in spite of low vitality; achieving success with little exertion.

Moon/Nep = Pluto: high sensitivity coupled with an inclination to be easily influenced.

Ven/Nep = Jupiter: rich imagination; tendency to revel in illusions.

Mars/Ura = Nep: cunning and deceit; a low, mean way of acting; desire to harm others; a person with bad intentions; rage or frenzy.

Uran/Mc = Asc: restless, hasty behavior; sudden adjustment to new circumstances; easily excitable; change that has far-reaching significance.

Nep/Ms = Jupiter: putting all one's eggs in one basket; the pretence of good fortune and happiness; gambling and speculation.

And the real stinker:

Sat/Plu = NN: the misery of the masses; suffering shared with others.

5. Images for Sun Can/Moon Scor blend:

Under a Full Moon an exorcist performs a life-giving ritual; the possession fades away and a child's life is saved...While preparing his genealogical tree, a young man discovers the lost grave of his great-great grandmother.

Greatest Weaknesses (forgot to add this for the D's...will do so asap): Defensiveness; moodiness; possessiveness; proneness to reacting with fanatical prejudice.

6. sec Sun Sag/Moon Gem, March, 2006 (and for about 6 months more):

Robin Hood as a young boy plays truant from school to go to his archery lesson, but ends up teaching his card tricks to his master. (Sounds alot like their "reverse Robin Hood" budget, doesn't it?)

Greatest Weaknesses: spreading yourselves too thin; over-analyzing things: self-absorption.

7. minor midpoints:

Sun/Asc = Jupiter: religious or social outlook; gaining confidence.

Sun/NN = Saturn: disadvantages in dealing with the public; separations.

Sun/Ven = Sat: separations; inhibitions.

Moon/Asc = Sun: seeking contacts.

Moon/Asc = Mars: conflicts with females; moodiness.

Merc/Sat = Sun: changes; separations; love of travel; incompatibility; quarrels.

Mars/Asc = Jup: good teamwork; pursuit of the same objectives.

Mars/NN = Sat: disadvantages through associations; teamwork rendered more difficult as time goes by.

Uran/NN = Moon: quick new contacts; excitability.

>>And a picture that sticks out like a sore thumb--perhaps because R-Party's n Mercury 9Leo+ is conjunct Bush's n Mercury, so both Mercurys are in process of being transited by Saturn, the planet of grim reality--is:

minor Sat/Plu = n Mercury: desire to solve difficult problems; taciturnity; morbid thoughts; depression; stark realism.

Also in their minor chart, a quindecile* (165 degrees = obsession; compulsion) has formed between Venus and Neptune. Venus = values and money, but also cooperation and collaboration in relationships; Neptune = seeking the ideal; illusions and deceptions), so:

Ven QD Nep = may be driven by idealization, illusion, and co-dependency in relationships; fantasy, escapism, addictions, and indulgences may be prominent;
CAN HAVE DIFFICULTY HANDLING FINANCIAL MATTERS. (Sorry--had to capitalize that last, esp since it's the taxpayers who are paying for politicians' wastefulness, graft, and misdirection of OUR money.)

8. Images for minor Sun Sco/Moon Leo:

A Samaritan mirrors the sunshine into the depth of a dark pit bringing hope to those who live there...A sexy superstar creates a new charity. (Hey--wait a ninute--wasn't it Hillary who mentioned the Good Samaritan being arrested under the R's new immigration legislation?)

Well, there ya go--and if you read the Democratic Party analysis below, you'll see that the Dems are in a waxing/increasing phase, while the Repubs have begun the waning/decreasing phase. But there are many days of illusion and deception still to come before they switch masks.

Our two-party system--crisis in action vs crisis in consciousness--and while they Should Be working together for the good of the nation, you see how they've been playing it lately...all they can think of is lining pockets and holding onto their--in many cases--ill-gotten power. That's Their pockets, not ours.

And so, in light of the sorriness of Washington's leadership, and in honor of the protests going on in the world today--and most esp the US Latino protests--let's listen to **Upton Sinclair's plea one more time:

>Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?

Given the state of our nation's capital, and the misguided idealisms of our neocon, globalist-driven politicians, Mr Sinclair, apparently it IS a Utopian dream--and their Utopian dream has become our nightmare.

3.26.06 5:41 pm est

**Upton Sinclair, Sep 20, 1878.

*The Quindecile, by Ricki excellent book! See my Amazon review.

Blogs of Washington DC

Check out this great resource on all things DC:

And look for Stars Over Washington link under: "Mellow" category! Ha!

Mar 21, 2006

USA: Solar Arc Directed to 3.22.06

Here we'll consider the USA's Solar Arc Directed* chart set for Washington DC, Mar 22, 2006.

As you know, the SA chart is a way to progress a chart based on the movement of the Sun--all planets/points/cusps are moved ahead appr 1 degree per year since the Sun's actual movement per day is about 1 degree. Think of the Bible's "day for a year" formula, and you've got it.

The angular relationships/aspects stay exactly the same, only the signs change-->which brings new relationships between them.

Conjunctions always represent the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one--like a New Moon for whichever planets you're considering.

Some of the major contacts>>most current, as in NOW, some upcoming (the SA Sun was conjunct natal Moon about 5 years ago--2001.) If you set the SA for Philadelphia, the number of years is speeded up a little, but I'm using the lovely DC swamp since that's where our current political infestation is centered and is undermining the country like a swarm of termites.

>>>SA = Solar Arc; n = natal; years are approximate except for 2006:

SA Moon to n Saturn = awareness of ambition, strategy, direction (2006);

SA Uranus to n Pluto = overturning the status quo, creating a whole new perspective for ego recognition (2006);

SA Saturn to n Uranus = need to fight for gains; tension between the avant-garde and the conventional; new vs old; feeling controls (2012);

SA Pluto to n Neptune = creative enterprise; other realms seem to be involved with life occurrences; unusual problems; possible concerns about death matters (2013/14);

SA Chiron to n ASC = who knows? (2010). Any planet crossing any angle is a big deal, but Chiron is relatively new (discovered Nov, 1977), and encompasses so many things, it's up for grabs. There's the wounding influence, the mystical or spiritual, or the maverick or savior--perhaps it signifies a person we're unaware of as yet. If so, SA Chiron has been advancing through n 12th house (behind-the-scenes) for about 20 years, and will reach US n ASC in appr 4 years!

A spiritual awakening? Possibly, but it's interesting that Chiron 8Sag12 has been opposing n Uranus 8Gem55 recently, and since there was a transiting Chiron/Uranus opposition during the Reagan-Iran Contra "Affair", it may refer to similar issues.

And, of course, Iran is on the US menu again...the ugly head being reared has gotten uglier--nuclear, this time. The opposition relates esp to air it stresses people out, making them feel like Everything Is Too Much. (Chiron, by Barbara Hand-Clow.)

>>You may wish to read my previous post on Chiron/Uranus here--see if it sounds familiar:

Stars Over Washington: Chiron/Uranus Types in Government

>SA Jupiter to 3rd cusp (communications; the neighborhood; siblings; early schooling; short trips; plus, 3rd house = the lower mind. And Jupiter = the Republican Party, judges, gurus, professors, foreigners, etc. And if you use Philadelphia for the SA chart, the conjunction is exact to the minute> 23AQ42--NOW!);

Generally speaking, Jupiter to 3rd house is an increase of communications (and collecting of our phone records, as it turns out), travel,information, and a widening of one's circle of contacts. Community activities expand, and meetings/discussions multiply. 3rd house indicates telephones, computers, mail, newspapers, media, etc, so there's more (Jup) going on with those, esp involving the GOP, the judiciary, schools, etc. (2006)--and the NSA;

SA South Node to n MC = separation in Career/Public Status (2012/13).

South Node--a separative point--generally means that things aren't going well in the larger world...isolation or alienation. Obviously, Americans have been suffering under this one for the last few years, and the SA chart doesn't indicate any improvement in the near future, sorry to say.

There's also a midpoint picture created between n Neptune, n MC, and SA Pluto:

Plu/Mc = Nep: power run amuck; potential scandals; the taking of the wrong path; grave disappointments; away from the middle of the road; peculiar objectives in life; mystic vision; a person subject to wrong ideas; otherworldliness.

Sheesh! That last one sums up a lot of what we're experiencing, doesn't it? Midpoint pics are always an "either/or, or all of the above" I'd say "all of the above", si?

You've noticed, I'm sure, the SA ASC 29Can22 (29 is a crisis/critical degree).

Using **MEJ, the Symbol for SA ASC, "30Can" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution."

INHERITANCE> pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit.

neg: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority.

SA DESC = the opposite point which is aka the Illumination Point>>"30Cap" = "A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs."

OPPORTUNITY> pos: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life.

neg: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others. (Just thought I'd throw in "30Cap" so you wouldn't think they weren't busy as little bees. Ya know they are.)

There's a midpoint picture created by n Mercury, n North Node, and SA ASC:

Mercury/NN = SA ASC: transactions; conferences and discussions; negotiations; lectures; making contacts.

Lastly let's consider the Images for the Sun/Moon personality combo for the SA chart...

Sun Pis/Moon Lib: A theatrical-musical artist entertains his entourage of friends and fans...Two lovers dream the same dream...A team of writers create a masterpiece.

Hey--wait a minute--that's the same combo as the Iraq War!

And I'm still wondering who the 'two lovers' are...

3.22.06 11:43 am est

ps: views of all charts are in process of being removed from this blog due to legal restrictions. Sorry. 5.19.06

*Solar Arcs by Dr Noel Tyl; **The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr Marc Edmund Jones.

Bush: Iraq progress 3.21.06

This morning President Bush engaged in a "dueling press conference", and here you see the chart.

WHAT/Asc: 17Gem55 = the Venus Occultation degree which occurred during the G-8 Summit on Sea Island, Ga, June, 2004--"18Gem": "Two Chinese men converse in their native tongue in an American city." Venus Occultations involve the beginning of unusual and often unsuspected associations.

Keynote: The need for the mind to retain its independence from its physical environment in order to concentrate on its special problems. This refers to living "in the world" but not being "of the world." and there he finds those who understand him.

Mars has just arisen, "17Gem" = "The head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker." (He did seem nervous, irritable, and one is supposed to question Leo, the king.) Plus, Mars is the 'robust' planet, Gemini the sign of 'thinking.'

If I could trust a man who likes to say, Trust Me--which my Mama always told me was a dumb idea--I'd say it's time to get off his back about Iraq and let's see if it helps the situation. Wish I could trust him, but...

...there's deceptive, delusionary Neptune near the top of the chart at the Mc/Aspirations/WHY point. Neptune is just passed the Unmasking degree (but will return to it soon), and represents liquids, such as oil and at

"19AQ" = "A forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals, and sheer muscular energy."

Keynote: The skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness of karmic "visitations."

This refers to having to face spectacular reactions to seemingly insignificant acts as a means to test one's strength, ingenuity, or emotional stability. Every faculty at his diposal must be made use of--emotional, mental, physical. He needs faith in himself and in superior powers.

We are shown man in action in a crucial and potentially devastating situation. There is a need for a total mobilization of energy and a deep sense of INDOMITABILITY.

Chart-ruler, Mercury, is Rx in Pisces--vacillations in thinking and decision-making, and biased by unconscious emotional patterns. A Piscean Mercury can also be telepathic, tuning into the thoughts and moods of those in the environment. Rx indicates a restating, a reiterating (yep and yep), and review of one's thinking.
His testy, "royal" interruptions of reporters' interruptions might be described by this Rx, too.

>>Two of my faves of his statements this morning, the first in answer to Helen Thomas: "No president wants war", and on Iran..."This is a country that's walking away from international accords."

The first one seems false in his case, and the second...hypocritical to the nth degree. And his "Rummy shouldn't resign" was predictable when you consider that Bush and Cheney would be next--since they made their bad decisions all together in a cabalistic wump.<<

>><<>>Midpoint pictures at the end of this "War creates trauma"!! press conference (10:58 am):

Pluto/Asc = Sun (emphasized at Aries Point): ruthless conduct toward people in the environment (ask Helen Thomas); attaining respect.

Moon/Mars = Mercury: easy irritability; nervousness; premature criticism.

Moon/Mars = Uranus: quick irritability; violent temper; hitting back at once under provocation.

At the close of the theatrics, Uranus, the rebel, was at Mc, Bush's natal Mars was at the IC/foundation of the chart: "10Vir": "Two heads..." of yesterday's post below, and rising degree, 1Can48. Looking at the Sabian Symbol (DR) for

"1Can" = "On a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one."

Keynote: A radical change of allegiance exteriorized in a symbolical act: a point of no return. REORIENTATION> this refers to the collective eventually overcoming the individual, and the state overpowering the person. In a decisive act heavy with consequences, the symbolic college-youth might realize that he should bring to an end his quest...he exults in his ability to make a "free decision."

Or perhaps more to the point is "2Can":

"A man on a magic carpet hovers over a large area of land."

Keynote: The ability to expand one's consciousness by stabilizing one's point of view at a higher level.

This refers to the mind which can raise its point of observation and see reality in a truer perspective. One gains ELEVATION in the third dimension of consciousness.

Well, that's Mr Optimism for in the third dimension where "War is trauma"--duh--and Saddam "chose not to work with inspectors."

Mr President, Saddam had nothing to hide. Again, a la Ms Thomas: really--WHY did you want to go to war?

3.21.06 12:51 pm est

ps: forgot to mention the "dueling" aspect can be described by Mars (Bush) opposite Moon (Helen Thomas, as well as The Public, but since Bush and Thomas squared off, it well-describes the venerable reporter) and, of course, he didn't really answer her question, did he?)

Mar 20, 2006

Bush Looks Out and Beyond the Shadows

In Cleveland today, President Bush expressed his usual optimism extraordinaire and it seemed 'prudent' to remind ya of the Sabian Symbol for his natal Mars degree, "10Virgo"...Mars, the planet of conflict and war...

"Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows": INTELLIGENCE...

pos: a superb (used to be his favorite word!) capacity for seeing both sides in every given issue and so bringing all the various phases of human enterprise to some unity of common purpose;

neg/shadow or unconscious side: hopeless fragmentation of self within self.

>More unconscious info can be found in the opposite point (a method I have yet to mention here), which would be "10Pisces" = "An aviator in the clouds": OBSERVATION...

pos: special competence in whole judgment and long-range planning (yeah?);

neg: insensate otherworldliness or irresponsible isolationism (and bubble boy should know.)

I thought his choice of words today was >almost amusing< considering his AWOL status back when he COULD have actually been an "aviator in the clouds"...and opposite his Mars, too.

As far as "Two heads...", the keyword "INTELLIGENCE" is interesting since he said today that he'd asked himself, "...where'd we go wrong on intelligence?"...and that he's "...working to improve intelligence gathering because the credibility of our country is essential." He cannot be serious! Has he now realized how his deceptions mar our credibility? Doesn't matter, really, 'cos he only pretends to care.

Now if America's lack of credibilty in the world--directly caused by his nibs--should interfere with something he wants to do, THEN he'll care--he probably pitches hissy fits then! (besides, Mars in Virgo is often frustrated.)

When asked about whether he sees terrorism as a sign of the APOCALYPSE, he said he "never thought of it that way." !!! This from a "christian"--and one who bombs the Holy Land!

Maybe that's one of his primary mistakes...never "thinking" of it that way (puh!)

So yeah, he looks out and beyond the shadows--shadows he helped to create.

But go on and read it for yourself, if you haven't>>>you'll find him, as usual, quite surreal...

AP: Bush Explains Confidence on Iraq Progress

3.20.06 4:32 pm est

Mar 19, 2006

Our Opinions are "background noise"

Thanks, Cheney for clarifying that so descriptively on tee-vee.

We knew the Bush administration was representing the elite bases' interests over the American peoples', but you really have no power or mandate without our approval and consent--which you fudged and circumvented to get where you are.

Must be why I've felt since 1999 that you and George were being installed by your masters against majority wishes.

You're not actually incompetent, imho--you're accomplishing just what you envisioned--now if the collaterally-damaged among us would just shut the ef up so you can proceed...oh, that's right--you're not listening anyway.

Guess the demons in your head drown us out.

3.19.06 5:14 pm est