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Aug 21, 2006

Republican Party lost its way?

First this from Information Clearing House (feed is on this page):

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." James Madison. Federalist 47.



Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your Honor. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse: Mark Twain.

"In the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell." Justice Black. NYT v. US. 403 US 713

"Some explanations of a crime are not explanations: they’re part of the crime.": Olavo de Cavarlho

(Mark Twain is a favorite around here--I intend to post on him asap.)

And now there's this: Chuck Hagel says the Republican Party has lost its way. Does this show in any of their timely progressed charts?

So I just ha-a-a-ad to do it--I looked under the tent flap--or under the hood, as the case may be--of the Party's Minor Progressed chart for Aug 22--tomorrow, to see what's kay pahssa-ing these days.

In no particular order, here are some midpoint pics of note...I've left out a couple of rather positive ones--not because I'm suppressing the good news, but because if what Hagel says is true, I want to know about it. The fact that there's cooperation and "good teamwork" is a given, so here are the pertinent ones--Minor Prog'd being the mental/causal plane:

Moon-Uranus = Neptune: muddleheaded or confused motivation; nervousness about a sense of futility; things are unclear and insecure for no apparent reason; exhaustion; weakness; lack of energy; a sudden disappointment (why continue? There's more...);

Mercury-Saturn = Mars: risking everything to make a point (kinda like Bush did with this morning's press conference?); turning drive into tyranny; arguments; no compromise; incompatibility; tendency to treat others badly; separations caused by disputes; bringing about change through force;

Mars-Ascendant = Moon: anger and annoyance; provocative behavior; a quarrelsome woman (you go, girl! Uh-oh--you don't think that's Katherine Harris, do you?); emotional temperament easily shown to others (where's my dueling sword!?!);

Saturn-Ascendant = Jupiter: tendency to ignore or by-pass difficulties; indifference; being seen as 'above it all'; c'est la vie! OR one works very hard to establish a NEW ORDER that is reliable and predictable (my CAPS).

Also, their Neptune/NN midpoint is conjunct natal Sun: seeking to establish spiritual exchanges or else feeling misunderstood; the inability to to explain one's ideas to others or to come to an understanding; being tormented or let down by others.

Well, it's only a small flashlight, but the roaches are scattering just the same.

And the "Democrat" Party, as Bush made a point today of calling them again (so I guess it's really the Republic Party)...has its New Moon phase beginning---a new 28-year cycle of activity.

Not to imply that SO'W believes there's a lot of diff between politicians of either 'party' who are being run by corporations, crime syndicates, and globalists-behind-the-throne. Because there isn't.

8.21.06 11:43 pm

ps: Here in GA...Wonder who the guests were tonight on PBS's Tavis Smiley Program--it was censored out by mysterious "technical difficulties"--and not for the first time either.

As usual: Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, and Noel Tyls' Solar Arc Directory..and I assume you know that the pics describe any, all, or any combination of the above!


historian Mauriel Joslyn

Today I attended a writer's workshop given by Mauriel Joslyn, author of historical novels, screenplays, and articles.

Mauriel has written a screenplay for a film short...the trailer may be viewed at My Christmas Soldier . This film is based on a true incident of December 24, 1943 and the DVD will be available in November. It may be pre-ordered now on the website.

This is a very well-done short which promotes Peace on Earth--so war-mongerers and profiteers, beware--even though YOU are the ones who really need to hear the message of this film!

For as we all know, if dead men could vote, there'd be no more wars...ever.

And if you want to send a kid-designed postcard to thank our courageous troops overseas, go to Let's Say Thanks and choose from several brilliant designs!

8.21.06 9:00 pm

ps: yes, I was listening and watching Bush's press conference today--the part about the American peoples' psyche caught my antennae, so of course I had to see where asteroid, Psyche, was sojourning as he uttered her name...15 Leo, amongst transiting Venus and Saturn, and snugged up with Bush's natal Pluto, planet of depth psychology. Seems someone's been reading Psychology to George--hope it's Jung, and not Freud.

9:30 pm: Guess you heard that then-Secretary of State Richard Armitage had a "private appointment" with reporter Bob Woodward, June 13, 2003, where Valerie Plame supposedly was NOT mentioned. Yuh.

And the Images for the day are for Sun Gem-Moon Sag: The Pied Piper...A young man goes abroad to attend university and becomes a foreign correspondent.

Armitage's calendar released to the AP


Aug 12, 2006

Karma: the Neptune-Pluto septile

As you know, a septile aspect is 51 degrees 26 minutes and is an aspect of the 7th harmonic. As such it is associated with sacred and holy matters in religious symbolism. For this evening I will be using Bil Tierney's wonderful book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis...he has several quotes therein on the subject of septiles by other authors and so my task is made lighter by Mr. Tierney...a big thanks there. The 7th Harmonic, or as I tend to write it: H7, is an indicator of many things: Creative people tend to have strong H7 charts, such as: Mozart, Chopin, Schubert, Berlioz, Wagner, and Tchaikovsky. The art world has enjoyed the works of: Matisse, Cezanne, Raphael, da Vinci, Rodin, and Picasso. In the literary pantheon, we see strong H7 charts for: Lewis Carroll, George Bernard Shaw, Robert Louis Stevenson, Yeats, Blake, Shelley, and Lord Byron. Albert Einstein has a strong H7 chart--quite an assembly for the H7! Self-knowledge and interior analysis are hallmarks of the H7 and many people today are involved with such past times, as we know...astrology being a great way to achieve this. Isolation (we hear in the news how 'isolated' modern man/woman is today) is a requirement for such pursuits along with contemplation, meditation, prayer. The H7 suggests a sabbatical (just what the Seventh Day was designed for--a break from one's weekly work pursuits...a re-creation, recommended by our Creator who gave us the model to follow--He didn't need the Day of rest, but we do.) Now Mr. Tierney says that the septile works best in privacy--'funny' that we're having so many "privacy issues" now, isn't it? He states that the number 7 relates to a composite of the principles of Saturn and Neptune with Pluto undertones (ugh on the Pluto undertones.) And in numerological literature, 7 is the number of rest and completion...yes, the end of a week, with Sunday being the first day--and you know it is, if you look at that calendar on your wall!

The great astrologer, John Addey, known for his early Harmonic studies, gives H7, or the septile series, as relating to one's capacity to receive inspiration (see above list of artists, musicians, and Albert for examples!) With H7, there is an urge to understand wholeness and completion, and so it is associated with those who perform "priestly functions." Dane Rudyar, in his Person-Centered Astrology, believes the septile "can be interpreted in a super-personal sense as acts compelled by a collective need, an occult power or fate; and these may lead to 'sacrifice' and a symbolic life"...the transpersonal life, as he says. Doris Thompson on the septile: "A fated inevitability with a compulsion to certain actions; an unrecognized force with hidden activation." (Wonder if this can also describe the repetitious rituals of the "priestly functions"?) Delphine Jay suggests that this fated tinge "springs from situations that appear to be beyond ordinary meaning. This tinge creates a consciousness-expanding struggle within, forcing (a search) beyond the obvious." (Kinda what a lot of bloggers do, and what journalists are supposed to be doing for society.) And astrologer Michael Meyer sees it as introducing "the unpredictable, irrational elements of experience, symbolizing the ability to respond to the call of one's destiny and to use unfit or left-over...materials for the purpose of fulfilling a definite goal of a karmic nature." This brings the catastrophic element into the picture.

As I type, Neptune is 54 degrees 9 mins from Pluto, both retrograde. Their waxing septile relationship has been affecting the world since December 2001, and there will be a total of 20 septiles forming off and on until February 2011. (The last septile aspect between them occurred from December 1937 and September of them.) The cycle of Neptune and Pluto began, of course, with their Great Conjunction (three actually--direct, Rx, direct) of August 2, 1891, November 5, 1891, and April 30, 1892. And the 1890's began the era of the Generation of Materialism...the robber and energy barons under whose imperialistic sway we toil and grapple still. Their Great Conjunction's Sabian Symbol: "9Gem"> "A quiver full of arrows": Keyword: PREPARATION... pos: unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issue of the moment on any level of experience; neg/shadow side: querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions. (Sound like any current-day politicians we know who tend to 'dream the impossible dream'? This degree applies until the next conj of Neptune-Pluto--you and I will be long long gone by then!) Yes, the Neptune-Pluto pairing has mystical implications with a fantastical flavor, but the combo also relates to fraud, delusions, and the use of propaganda. (Sounds like politics to me!)

The influence of this fated, karmic, irrational septile aspect between our two outermost planets (not counting recent new planet sightings in our solar system) will continue as a backdrop to our times, our thinking, and our fates. Yet this post is not meant to frighten but enlighten, and the sense of fatedness and karma we're all feeling isn't imaginal--paradoxically, it's as real as the unseen forces which are all around us. And yet I believe the seeming paradox isn't one at all! This relates to the same old left brain v right brain argument--and the truth is, mankind needs both to be integrated and whole. Karma will have her way--we reap what we sow, and that's the truth. Just ask the fellow on tv's "My Name Is Earl"--he's learning an awful lot about karma--and about rising above the baser urges and instincts...just what we need in order to change our fates. Revenge only breeds revenge--can humanity ever get it right?

8.12.06 9:11 pm

Aug 8, 2006

James Madison on war

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended. Its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war. . . and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." : - James Madison, April 20, 1795

Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives: James Madison

Here's a quote to note:

"I know of no civilized country, indeed, in which liberty is less esteemed than it is in the United States: certainly there is none in which more persistent efforts are made to limit it and put it down.

Liberty is not for these slaves; I do not advocate inflicting it against their conscience. On the contrary, I am strongly in favor of letting them crawl and grovel all they please before whatever fraud or combination of frauds they choose to venerate...Our whole practical government is grounded in mob psychology and.. the Boobus Americanus will follow any command that promises to make him safer." --H. L. Menchen 1956. (sp? should there be a 'k' in there somewhere? -jc)

Here's my previous post on James Madison's natal chart if you're interested in the Architect of the Constitution's constitution.


8.9.06 9:27 pm

Aug 6, 2006

Who is Joe Lieberman?

8.19.06 UPDATE: 'Anonymous' has gotten back to me on Ned Lamont's birthday (thanks, Anonymous!) and funny's the same as my own, although I've got a couple of years on him! Will post on Lamont asap using Sunrise---hopefully this weekend. jc 1:27 am

UPDATE 8.8.06: "It's a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise the voters," says the Lieberman campaign manager.

SO'W says it's more along the lines of a Blatant think that Lamont campaigners would be so obvious in hacking and crashing the Lieberman website on the day of the primary...ah, give me a break, Joe!

Read the accusations here, if you haven't--it's quite a blatant hoot, I must say, that Lieberman Campaign Says Web Site Hacked...or is it just a sad and blatant attempt to save Joe's face?

8.8.06 3:09 pm


Joseph Lieberman born Stamford, CT, Feb 24, 1942.

In answer to my question, it must be pointed out that his birth time is in dispute and ranks only a "DD" for Dirty Data in Rodden Ratings' AstroDataBank, so I'm giving here a few details which are not in dispute.

His natal Moon is in Gemini for the entire 24-hour period of Feb 24, 1942, so let's consider his poetic Sun/Moon natal blend:

*Sun Pisces/Moon Gemini:

Talkative; wordy; nervous; intellectual versatility; alternating sociability and shyness; love of language and symbolic logic; temperamental; thinks with heart and feels with head; acute perceptions; tends to find out true feelings while talking out loud; receptive to others; sympathetic; always tests the waters before jumping in but can't wait to have a good splash; fanciful; eccentric; keeps inward, running commentary on all experiences with people and with situations; the actor.

Greatest Strengths: intellectually imaginative; diplomatic with an appreciation of a wide variety of people; knows no strangers; fluent and original self-expression; forgiving nature; childlike attitude to life.

Greatest Weaknesses: tendency to vacillate and skim the surface; fickle and uncommitted in relationships; can be seduced by the sound of own voice (a politician!); full of hopes, wishes, schemes and plans if horse isn't changed midstream; cagey; defensive; wily; devious if necessary (again--a politician); lack of self-confidence; prone to wallow in daydreams, self-doubt, and self-pity; tendency to live according to an ever-changing morality (a politician.)

Images: A schoolboy dreams of heroic deeds during a class on the romantic poets...A child grips his magic red balloon as it lifts him into the sky and over the sea onto an island of eternal beauty (Gemini's puer eternus.)

All these mentions of "childlike" and "child" have been noticeable to me whenever Lieberman speaks...there is something childlike about him and I suppose a few childish temper tantrums may also be the case.

Natally he shares with George Bush an expansively optimistic Moon/Jupiter conjunction--some would say an overly optimistic pairing--given to them by their mothers (Moon) who think so very highly of their matter what.

We know that Laura Bush shares this assessment of her husband--"I'm so proud of my husband"--and it wouldn't surprise me if Mrs. Lieberman constantly puffed up Joe's ego as well. I suspect Mom always told Joe he could be president, don't you? In fact, he may have related that sort of thing about their relationship on The Daily Show a while back, if memory serves. I know he has stated that she thinks very highly of him...and receptive Neptune in 10th house--if it is--can be a significator of Mommy Dear.

Bush and Lieberman have another strong contact between their natal charts--Joe's Pluto/Chiron conjunction (Plutocracy; oppression; class warfare; racism) is sitting royally upon Bush's natal Ascendant--his nibs himself. Makes me wonder who's really the boss!

At 29Vir08 Rx, Lieberman's natal Neptune (idealism; hopes and dreams; deceptions of self and others) is conjunct his Mc 27Vir15 in the 2:30 am EWT chart I'm using from the AstroDataBank file...good for an actor, and for self-sacrifice to career, but also giving an illusionary view of him in his career and public status for the rest of us. (Hence my question: who IS Joe Lieberman?)

The upcoming and difficult Solar Eclipse of Sep 22, 2006, 29Vir20, is in the
**8South Series--"loss; separations; to finish something and be sad at its completion, with a possible physical injury due to over-exertion" influence. When added to Neptune's tendency to bring loss (and even if this birth time is incorrect thereby removing natal Neptune from conjunction with n Mc), I believe this could be Senator Lieberman's Waterloo as far as his Senate campaign is concerned.

We'll see...

Note: my attempts to find Ned Lamont's birthdate have been stymied--all I'm finding is the year--1954--so if the one person reading this post has Lamont's birth data, I'd appreciate a Shout-Out on that!

8.6.06 4:47 pm

email Jude


*Charles and Suzi Harvey, Sun Sign-Moon Sign; **Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Aug 4, 2006

As for the men in power

A headline from The Scotsman today--and Bush's chronic inability to admit his and his administration's bad judgements, off-the-mark decisions, and true motives--reminds me of this quote from Boris Pasterak:

As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore the truth.

So as Tony Blair denies that Britain's stance on the Middle East and on the crisis in Lebanon will fuel extremism (wha-a-a-a?!?) Blair admits Cabinet is split over Middle East...finds him admitting disagreement within his government, but not the outcome of his government's policies. Makes sense in an Orwellian universe but not outside the elite bubble--Million Man Marches notwithstanding.

Those politicians! What and how many truths will it take?

8.4.06 12:09 pm


If you have a mo, check out Lim's Limericks for the latest limerick and a link to a False senator wrasse portrait--not the DC kind who are leaving The Hill in droves today (their work done for now) but the fishy, wishy-washy kind. Hey--wait a minute....

SATURDAY 8.5.06: Remember in 1996 when NASA's exciting DC news conference announced the discovery of life on Mars? The rift between NASA's McKay brothers continues: After 10 Years, Life-On-Mars Rebuked. With Mars as the god of WAR, seems we've got plenty of Mars right here on earth...and what is Martian bacteria doing for that?

STAR LOVERS! Please scroll to my new Vote for Me button and click to vote for SO'W on the new Blog Top List--and add your blog to a new directory while you're at it!


Jun 27, 2006

Cheney and 9/11

Posting links to article of 4.10.06 on Cheney and 9/11 and to Chiron-Uranus Types in Government from December 2005 which concerns bringing "order" out of whatever chaotic muck you make to achieve your ends...collateral damage be da*ned.

Collateral damage--that's us.


And speaking of stars there's been a "novel find" in far northern Brazil where Tropical Stonehenge May Have Been Found. It's an observatory as old as the hills and Brazilian archaeologists will return in August after the rainy season ends to carry out their carbon dating tests and to make further excavations.

Now what has your astrologer been telling you? People were fond of solar and lunar eclipses even's the oldest celestial observatory ever found...and it's from MANY moons ago.

Jun 5, 2006

The burning bush of Bush: 8 Leo

There is a book, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, by Adriano Carelli, which was found for me by Junebug Books a couple of years back.

It was published by the AFA, and is somewhat unusual. Similar to the Sabian Symbol degrees, it gives most degrees a word picture, although some have only descriptions, and its references to ancient times I find most enlightening. If it has a downside (besides some quaint turns of phrase), it is that the degree structure isn't really there--the meaning of "1 Aries" isn't particularly related to that of "1 Libra", etc.

It reminds me the most of the empirically-obtained degree info in DeVore's Encyclopedia actually.

The info it gives can be especially applicable, and so I give here 3 of Carelli's interpretations for George Bush's natal ASC--"8 Leo"--his nibs himself, and for "9-10 Leo" as they relate to his natal Mercury--and these two degrees will also relate to the natal Mercury of the Republican Party:

"8 Leo": 'The burning bush'...In a highly spiritual horoscope this degree's influence will endow the native with the power of heavenly fire surging forth with ardor unquenchable, unsullied, and all-consuming. Its light will be hidden from the sight of the unworthy and might even stay invisible to most eyes or escape notice altogether. In the bush blazing with unearthly flame, much-too-human beings will fail to see the light of the Absolute and will be alive only to the fact that the thorns in the bush sting anyone attempting to violate its mystery.

...fieriness along with reserve; aims sublime yet secret; a nature flashing with hope; ...constantly on the defensive, as the thorns and the flames in the bush clearly imply.

On the contrary, should the horoscope as a whole point to a lustful nature, the Lion's 8th degree would shift to its opposite polarity and, instead of a divine imprint, give it a luciferic bent. The burning bush will thus change into the lunar devilish image of Cain and the thorns.

Then an unquenchable passion, impure yet devoid of hidden motives and mental reservations, will slowly and steadily eat up the whole being, body and soul. The fire might not die out before before having wasted the mind to its innermost reserves and burnt out the organism to its last shred.

Whether heavenward or earthbound, such a mind will be ruled by instinct rather than reason.

"9 Leo": 'A great show of fireworks. Rockets, bombs, and *tourbillions unfold their dazzling pattern in the sky'...The native's talk will sound like a show of fireworks.
The positive side of this influx is its utter distinction and refinement. The native is keenly aware of his own worth, has self-respect and commands respect from others; has sincerity, grandeur and elegance.

Overdone and disfigured, all these virtues might present themselves in the shape of defects or even of vices. We shall then meet a vain haughtiness, as contemptible as full of contempt, an antisocial and destructive character, apt to burst into fits of rage.

There will be vain self-ostentation, a misplaced fastidiousness, a slash of dazzling extravagance, a splurge of rank pageantry devoid of any inner foundations. In other words, a lot of money will go up in smoke; the permanent will be sacrificed to the transitory, the useful to the pleasant, and substance to appearance.

The virtue of sincerity will disappear and the nastiest surprise might be expected. The native seems, however, to have luck on his side, and he might travel to places very far away.

"10 Leo": 'Death, holding the scythe'...Ananke! In a **previous life the native has taken someone's life in cold blood, but not for selfish purposes. Therefore he is either an instrument of fate, or its victim. Whether good or bad, such a man is destined to destroy, not to create.

In extremely fortunate horoscopes the native is an indomitable being. No one can oppose his cunning and his cool determination. He can bide his time, but will not argue or listen to objections when he has made up his mind to act. Nothing equals his timeliness, nothing can shake his deliberation.

You might ward him off for a while but never finally thwart his plans, as he simply will lie in wait for a better opportunity to strike again, this time more unpredictably and more decidely than before.

If he is good (which is not excluded even side by side with the ruthless will power we credit him with) he will extend his kindness and hospitality even to the undeserving. If he is bad, nothing will limit his capacity for evil; no one will deserve pity in his eyes, no power on earth will be able to ward off his murderous hand.

Well, I feel as if I know the burning Bush better, I just wish he weren't infesting the Oval Office.

He's decidedly NOT the fella who should be tinkering under the hood of the US Constitution either. Let's keep this grease monkey OUT of it, shall we?

*Not sure what 'tourbillions' are or were, but it sounds like the billion$ Bush has sent up in smoke with the rest squirreled away somewhere in his private hidey hole.

UPDATE 11.11.06: is this the Bush family's new secret hidey hole?

They've purchased appr 100,000 acres of land in Northern Paraguay near the new US military installment, the Mariscal Estigarribia Air Base. George and Laura's neighbor will be Sun Myung Moon whose property "sits astride" the largest water aquifer in Latin America, the Guarani Aquifer. Is he making escape plans in case he's brought up on war criminal charges? Will his accusers be part of the escape plans? Do "the elite" protect their own? Do monkeys live in the jungle?

**Where some will see 'previous lives' I see heredity, DNA, and Unconscious behavior.


UPDATE: In my browser it's at the bottom of this page--have added the News Feed from Information Clearing House for "News You Won't Find on CNN"...there are some good articles on their site, too--why hasn't anyone told me about this before? ;O)

May 26, 2006

"Gerry Mander" by Jude Cowell (c) 2006

Young Gerry Mander went to Congress 1994
when Gerry Mander got his way the Dems were out the door.
Re-draw the maps and shove the bills, we'll win it all, y'see
for I am Gerry Mander of the greedy GOP.

Let's contract with America to throw sand in her eyes
and outsource jobs for CEOs to carry off the prize.
With oily wars and phones to tap we'll raid the treasury
to keep the cash-cow flowing toward the greedy GOP.

Has Gerry found his way around the ethics on the Hill
while letting all the lobbyists write every single bill?
Our rights, our laws, our Constitution just a memory
to grand ole Gerry Mander of the greedy GOP.

Young Gerry's gotten older for it's now 2006
he's helped a few casinos with his gaudy bag o'tricks.
In '94 he raised our hopes and vowed transparency
but now he's just a cipher of the greedy GOP.

2008 approaches and more fraud is in the wings
he speaks of immigration and a thousand other things
except the one we need to hear that our election's free
from any interference from the greedy GOP.

--JC (c)May 26, 2006 1:36 am edt

May 12, 2006

Sun 2 Chiron + Chiron 2 Sun: Thomas Paine

On Saturday, May 13, a rather curious double transit transpires involving the natal chart of Thomas Paine: tr Sun to Chiron just when tr Chiron conjuncts natal Sun!

Amazingly, transit Sun 22Tau52 = natal Chiron 22Tau52, and tr Chiron 9AQ46 = natal Sun 9Aq43, 10th house of public reputation/honor (the wider world) while Sun to Chiron is in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of karma--where secret deals are made.

(Go forward in time: see this bi-wheel chart here.)

First we may wish to consider the significance of the Sun/Chiron combination:

Chiron connecting to any planet "Chiroticizes" it and pushes or forces the planet's energies to new levels of awareness of its destiny. The Sun is related to destiny and purpose, so this particular connection is very important in any chart.

The situation is quincunxial in nature: that is, it signifies a special life purpose which involves what is usually an impossible adjustment which must be made--the "square peg in the round hole" feeling with back-against-the-wall issues which are crisis-ridden and often dire.

And since America is in dire straits in so many ways, this double emphasis occurring in one of our Founding Fathers' charts may be instructive concerning our circumstances, I'm thinkin'. Let's see if that is so...

As Chiron relates to the synchronicity principle as an acausal state (it cannot be explained on the physical level) we'll check out the Sabian Symbols for the various affected degrees, and we'll note that natal Chiron is, in fact, spot-on the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of May 28, 2000. This indicates that something about this double transit relates to that time and to the Jup-Sat cycle in general (now squaring off again--crisis stage), for be-here-now Chiron indicates an intersection of past with future...

And so Chiron transits point out when the archetypal nature of an experience can suddenly reveal itself. There is frequently an AHA! reaction--a peak experience described by the contact of Chiron to a natal planet with accompanying insights pertaining to the unfolding of a life-changing event--even "unfinished business from the past"!

Now I know Tom Paine died lonely and discredited because of his religious views (Age of Reason), but I think we in 2006 can forgive him that esp when you consider his invaluable work on behalf of American independence and his uplifting of the common good. And it is the common good which is in such short supply as the US military industrial complex continues its insidious coup of our formerly free nation and of our government.

The cycle of Chiron also relates to woundings, awakenings, and realizations of how our life commitments seek to manifest in the outer world--and with Old Tom being long-gone, it seems it is up to us to carry on his work on America's behalf. His wounds--which are also gifts--are on display, thanks to astrology.

Particularly, the contact of Chiron to Sun shows where there is a strong sense of destiny unfolding, and it seems obvious to me, if I have explained myself with any amount of clarity or tact here--that this relates to our nation this Very Day.

Using both the 9/10 AQ and the 22/23 Taurus degrees in the Jones version (MEJ), and in the Rudhyar (DR), with one interpretation amplifying the other:

(MEJ) Chiron-Sun "9AQ": "A flag turned into an eagle that crows"> DRAMATIZATION...
The loyalties of human beings are the foundation of any possible society, and any individual prospers as he springs to action in their defense.

Pos: accomplishment through utter self-dedication; Neg: vindictive pride.

(DR) "9AQ": Keynote> The dynamic incorporation of new social values in individuals who exemplify the spiritual potential and greatest significance of these values.

All that is Implied here is the vitalization of a powerful symbol, and its embodiment in a living reality, i.e. in a person able to fly in consciousness to the highest spiritual realm. The archetype is given a living substance and wings. The Image has become Power.

To "see" the new archetype, to perceive the new standard of value with one's mind is not enough. The seer must become the doer. The impersonal is dynamized and brought into focus. We have here the ACTING OUT of the vision. >><<

(MEJ) "10AQ": "A popularity that proves ephemeral"> ...the swing of the pendulum between an endorsement and a repudiation of (an individual's) efforts by his social group....A courageous self-confidence and an unflagging faith are worthy of recognition, but only in their moment of significance. APPROBATION...

Pos: a gift for bringing the issues of life to a dramatic consummation at a time of crisis; Neg: prodigal opportunism.

(DR) "10AQ": "A man who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realize that as a person he is not this ideal"> Keynote: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one's dream and ideal.

...the relationship between *mental-spiritual vision and living reality, between persons and the ideal they appear to incarnate. The "Star" on the movie screen is not the actual person. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person? It is Person vs Archetype...a critical need for SELF-EVALUATION.<<>>

MEJ: Sun-Chiron "22Tau": "White dove over troubled waters"> GUIDANCE...

Pos: a skillful reconciliation of difficulties in the light of over-all potentials;
Neg: an ineffectiveness of mind through habitual woolgathering.

DR: "22Tau": Keynote: The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis. (Remember Paine's The Crisis--a series of articles written during the Revolution...from 1776-1783.)

This Symbol refers to the rhythm of a cosmic, God-ordained cycle that reveals a need to face crisis in the right spirit--in complete obedience to God's promptings--in
order to receive a new Dispensation.

MEJ: "23Tau": "A jewellery shop filled with valuable gems"> PRESERVATION...

Pos: a happy gift for shaping all vision to larger dimensions and directing all aspiration to more than trivial ends; Neg: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles.

DR: "23Tau": Keynote: The social confirmation of natural excellence.

With this Symbol we are concerned with the social process which brings about a CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH.<<>>

>And the midpoint picture created with Jupiter/Saturn = Sun: taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; becoming gripped by the status quo if no plans have been made, and having to make the best of it. <<>>

Well, just as Chiron travels between the inner (Saturn) and the outer (Uranus) realms and unites them, so birds travel between earth and heaven as they migrate across the skies.

And synchronistically enough, Saturday also happens to be International Migratory Bird Day!

With Thomas Paine's past loss of the public's good will due to his promotion of reason above spirit, is it time to re-evaluate the still-dripping wound caused by the Reason vs Religion Split from which mankind still suffers?

Is it possible this Split is a false argument? Shouldn't one support the other if rightly understood?

Many people believe this wound is the basis of our current ills (along with greed and avarice, of course...let's not forget Washington's favorite past times...and that of a few other people you and I could name.)

There is also tr Pluto (power) opposing natal Neptune (ideals; dreams) which indicates ruling powers being challenged by those who hold conflicting ideals. So if you haven't noticed that neocon war hawks are in process of undermining America's original ideals...hello? Anybody there?!

And if you consider Saturday's double transits of Sun to Chiron/Chiron to Sun for our Tom, it could be realization time that to reach higher realms is a possibility for those who make the honest effort and open themselves to the spiritual energies which are all around us like doves over troubled waters.

5.12.06 7:40 pm edt

Thomas Kindig's Left Justified is a fantastic resource for 'examining the roots of constitutional government'.