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Oct 17, 2007

Bush press gaggle 10.17.07

Today as I prepared a post on Mukasey's confirmation hearings beginning, Bush called a press conference at 10:45 am edt, Washington, DC, with the midpoint Neptune/MC rising.

Neptune/MC = ASC: acting and pretending; pursuit of the wrong objectives; living in a world of illusions and unreality; uncertainty; defenses against insecurity.

After listening to Bush's rather strident voice-goes-up-at-end-of-sentences statement, and now listening to his answers to reporters questions--and considering the seriousness of Putin-in-Iran, Turkey po'd over the genocide resolution and the D's bad timing on this 90-year-old situation, the housing losses getting worse as I type, China's issues with Tibet and the Dalai Lama's award to be presented today, and other attacks on Bush's presidency, it seems clear that having his back against so many walls isn't good for America.

Nor has his presidency been, of course, but my point is the same one I've made here before--America is the only nag in the race for me and I would've loved it if the Bush 43 presidency had been good for our nation. Yet the justification of his 'protecting' us from terroist attacks for the last 6 years only works if you think he and his ilk were not complicit or culpable in the attacks of 9/11--and the jury is still out to lunch on that question, imho.

Read George Washington's Blog for 9/11 'false flag' info, if you haven't already. It's quite well-sourced, too.

And here's my previous post: Cheney's Sec Progressed chart on 9/11/01 (Sec = the physical plane)--click-to-enlarge the image and you'll see I neglected to list the Hour which is Mercury, progressed to "15Pisces": "An officer preparing to drill his men." The post also has a link to more chart details, if you wish them.

So Bush used this morning's 'bully pulpit' (as he mentioned once again) to scold Congress (again) and to assure the American people he's still "relevant" and that he intends to sprint to the finish (he says again.)

America, you have been informed by the chief catapulter.

My Mukasey post concerned Venus in Virgo (now conjunct asteroid Astraea) at fated degrees (7) with Mercury and Mars. Venus is passing Saturn by but still less than 3 degrees, with tr South Node (separation) conj Saturn. This Venus, Astraea, Saturn, SN hook-up crossed MC (Career; Aspirations Point) just before Bush's press conference began.

Astraea: goddess of justice and law; so Astraea/Venus seems to represent Michael Mukasey quite well. Here's the link to the article which makes me feel as if I'm catapultin' the propaganda judging by the headline:

Mukasey Favors Independent Justice Dept which won't do our civil liberties much good if he's similar enough to Bush-Cheney in his views. He's famous for signing Muslim round-up orders after 9/11--yet others of interest were flown out of reach.

Awards, nominations, authority, and bully pulpits rule the day.

Yet there's a "price on the crown" with Fixed Star Alphecca rising with the Sun (7:23:21 am edt, DC):

Alphecca (Alpha Corona Borealis) bestows honors, and indicates occult and healing ability. There may be a backbiting flavor as well (in Washington---pshaw!) and advancement gained with the help of others. There is a gift of moving forward in society but at a price and the potential for future sorrows by accepting the crown. (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

Princess Diana and Princess Grace of Monaco both have links to Alphecca in their natal charts. (And yes, I do think both were assassinated but am too chicken to publish about it!)

Today's Sun Libra/Moon Capricorn Images for Integration point to both Mukasey's nomination as AG, perhaps the Pope's naming of new cardinals, and to the ceremony today for the Dalai Lama's Congressional Gold Medal of Honor:

At the annual Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out gold-engraved stationery for everybody...The Statue of Liberty.

Honors abounding - and the Statue of Liberty is a coppery Venus!

Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey

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