Everyone knows that bugged hotel rooms are a constant vexation to music-lovin' politicians everywhere--how and where to have a private...conversation?
Watching Condi Rice's mash note to Pervez Musharraf this morning on This Week with George Stephanopoulos has caused the muse of romance to light upon my left shoulder, sparking a scene in my imagination--a scene which Condi and Pervez probably don't want revealed, so let's reveal it...
Scene: a quiet, cozy hotel suite, somewhere on the chaotic planet:
Come on over and sit by me, General...(turns down light)...
Take off your uniform and relax a while...how about a little...piano music?
(tinkly piano...The Way You Look Tonight...)
You know, the only thing more gorgeous than a man in uniform is a man out of uniform...(piano suggestively segues into My Funny Valentine...)
You can be yourself with me, General...let down your...hair.
Gosh, that head rug looks...stiff...why not take it off, too?...(pause, as wig is flung onto room service cart...)
Never mind...put it back on...my, you look handsome tonight...yes, our time is brief, but I'm yours until the sunrise...
Why, I'd love to recline...one pillow or two? Those aren't pillows?
Oh, General!
Musharraf Sets No End to Emergency Rule yet trysts must end all too soon...
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