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You may wish to read editor Patrick Wood's article on today's Lehman Bros Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing and what's up next, then check out his other attempts at warning people of what Wall Street, the Fed, world bankers and the Trilateral Commission have been up to for years now.
But today there are few people who can continue to ignore the 'jittery' results of their 'expertise.'
And NPR is now reporting (5:02 am edt) that Merill Lynch is being bought by Bank of America...with job cuts to follow. Natch.
All this and Hurricane Ike's devastation, too. Entire neighborhoods are without power and water.
It's a sad sad Monday in America.
1 comment:
Dec 16, 2019 Update: Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy "just after midnight on September 15, 2008." A horoscope set for 12:05 am on that date shows 3Can18 rising along with US natal Venus (valuables, money), then our Jupiter and Sun in Cancer arose. Mercury and Venus (the Shekinah pair! debt relief??) conjoined at 19Lb+ and the bankruptcy filing's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') was on August 1, 2008 in the 10 South Saros Series with a theme of: 'breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen; a worry suddenly clears' (Brady). Bankruptcy has been known to do that. The next eclipse in the 10 South Saros Series occurs on August 12, 2026 at 20 Leo so that similar events may rhyme with those of 2008 if not repeat. Jude
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