Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Jun 14, 2011
Video: Bilderberg Conference 2011 St. Moritz (NWO)
My translation: it's useless to fight against the New World Order - we propped you up, we can take you down. Now get with our one-world-government agenda or else.
Now here's an outsider's video report from St. Moritz on Bilderberg Conference June 2011 which was provided to me by the excellent
Posted: 13 Jun 2011 09:49 AM PDT
Corbett Report viewer Chad Buchanan of submits this video report from the site of this year’s Bilderberg conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Implementing Those Utopian Dreams
by Jude Cowell
In the video above, we learn that old David Rockefeller turned up in St. Moritz as did known war criminal Henry Kissinger, both hoping to seal the NWO deal before they kick off to the Great Beyond. Hopefully, neither will 'let the screen door hit their bums' on the way out. (No, I never tend to wish for anyone's demise, but really!)
Well, you remember David Rockfeller's famous speech before the Trilateral Commission in 1991 about establishing a New World Order (aka, one-world-government), right? Here's an illuminating snippet:
"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
And former presidential candidate Nelson Rockfeller was squawking about the same totalitarian bilge back in the 1960s when it was reported by the AP that, "as president, he would work toward international creation of a new world order." He'd have to in order to become US president! Yet another took his place at the helm.
Often I think of Rockefeller's pledge in 2011 as national leaders are shown the door (in the Middle East and elsewhere.) One assumes they're not cooperating well enough while wishing to retain a nation-state status for their own purposes and for NWO types, nation-states just won't do.
If such topics interest you, check out this NWO Timeline to see who's been touting world government through the decades. But the list doesn't go back in history nearly far enough! We'd need to consider such luminaries as Sir Francis Bacon & cohorts for that - those who inspired the founding of the 'New Atlantis' aka, America.
And prior to that European crew's exalted utopian vision of dominating the entire world, we'd have to go back as far as their guiding light, Satan. (Note: some Luciferians are alleged to think that the concept of 'satan' is a myth. In past studies, I learned that the entity was called Lucifer while in Heaven, but 'Satan' once he was cast out of Heaven, then tempted and corrupted the Earth through lies of insinuation against God. But pursuing either idol - Satan or Lucifer - results in worshiping death rather than life.)
For more on such topics check this out. It includes much info along with a list of the then-top 8 stockholders of the Federal Reserve System which I reproduce below to whet your sleuthing appetite. These are the dudes in control of America's money supply (instead of the US Congress minting our money.) Note that Lehman Brothers was high handedly taken out of commission during the engineered Financial Collapse of 2008:
Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
Lazard Brothers Banks (sounds like, Lizard) of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
'Lehman Brothers Bank of NY'
Kuhn-Loeb Bank of NY
Manhattan Bank of NY
Goldman-Sachs Bank of NY
What amazes me is that anyone with a connection to the Internet can doubt that there's a massive, long term conspiracy afoot to crash governments and financial systems and establish a new totalitarian system in Satan's image which the power elites so lovingly call a New World Order!
Astrologically, in 2011 we see much of the strong-arm energy playing out brutally and forcefully through the auspices of an apex Pluto in Capricorn squaring the opposition between status quo Saturn and futuristic Uranus, an opposition which is stressful enough on its own without wealthy saboteur and assassin Pluto's intervention!
And though regular readers of SO'W are probably quite fatigued by it, I'll close by again typing out from Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, the midpoint picture formed these several months by the Cardinal (outgoing, initiating energy) T-Square (frustration; blockages) between the trio of globalist culprits:
Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: concealing changes to activities (ex: secretive world-directors the Bilderbergers meet in St. Moritz June 2011! jc); drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; termination of extreme practices which have been hindering progress; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation.
Sep 15, 2010
Deja-vu: the Lehman Brothers collapse 2008 - 2010
Now here's a post I wrote in September 2008 which details, among other things, the Lehman Brothers crisis of 1984, a study in financial deja-vu that came to pass in 2008. What? Well, you know what I mean.
And here are my blabbings in honor of last year's 1st anniversary of the firm's bankruptcy filing with a little Astrology tossed in to the brew. President Obama remarked upon the situation to mark the 1st anniversary.
Then in March 2010 Lehman Brothers was in the news again.
In hindsight, some objects may be larger than they appear.
Mar 13, 2010
Lehman Brothers in the news March 2010
And NPR is now airing an interview with Michael Lewis, author of the new book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, and from what he's saying, Goldman-Sachs comes out smelling even stinkier than I had previously thought.
Well, pee-yewww on them all. But what honesty can anyone expect from a NYSE that was founded during a financially illusionary Jupiter/Neptune conjunction?
And by the way: today's announcement of the long-awaited financial 'reform' bill by Senator Chris Dodd today reveals that the bill intends to grant the Fed more power, not less! Well, it isn't as if I expected much improvement out of the Senator from the credit card state.
Did you?
Original post begins here:
With Lehman Brothers in the news again I searched SO'W for a previous article from September 2008 concerning the Lehman Brothers crisis - of 1984, that watershed year of infamy.
From what I've heard recently on NPR, the crisis of 1984 taught the firm nothing worth passing down to the modern CEOs of a company that knew what it was practicing was fraudulent but they did it anyway.
At some point, the Brothers must have contracted a bad case of Enronitis and passed that down instead, one supposes.
You'll also find in the above-linked article a certain list of Who Really Rules the World...good to know in case you need a bailout or a credit line extension, right?
Sep 14, 2009
Obama to Wall Street 9.14.09: Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer
With 2009 being a year of a Great Conjunction of the speculator-inflationary pair, Jupiter and Neptune, I wish him luck with that. After all, the New York Stock Exchange was formed under the optimistic rays of a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Airy Libra with this year's conjunction/s in Airy Aquarius.
On Sept 14, 2008, the Sun was, of course, in Virgo, but where was the Moon?
In often murky Pisces and at Balsamic phase - the dark of the Moon when secretive things may occur under the radar. The Full Moon occurred on Sep 15, 2008 at 5:13 am edt in NY @ 22Pisces54.
Sun 22Vir54 was near a 13Vir20 Saturn, with Moon having just moved beyond disruptive Uranus 20Pis35 Rx - Moon/Uranus contacts can indicate emotional shocks and sudden changes of lifestyle. And the Sun-Moon opposition formed a T-Square pattern with Pluto at apex. This forms a midpoint picture:
Sun/Moon = Pluto: biased attitudes or changed circumstances lead to critical phases of development; a soul torn by inner conflict. (Ebertin.)
The Images for Integrationfor Sep 14, 2008 which apply for the Full Moon as well are:
'The scientist has a dream and then, in his sacred laboratory, puts the finishing touches on his magnum opus...A peasant rests in the wheat field, and shares his bread, cheese, wine, and wisdom with the hungry laborers.'
'Magnum opus' reminds me of the NWO agenda, of course.
Mr. Obama goes to Wall Street Sep 14, 2009:
Today's Sun Vir-Moon Cancer seems quite illuminating since it mentions America's largest creditor - the nation, not the women:
'Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies...The working mother...A nutritionist serves his family organically grown chicken soup. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)
The critical need for Wall Street to begin acting as if it gives a fig for how its actions affect the US financial system is shown by today's YOD (Finger of God ) pattern between Moon sextile Saturn (24Vir36) which 'points' to nebulous, veiling Neptune 24AQ21 Rx, so this pictures emerges:
Moon/Saturn = Neptune: mirthlessness; anxiety; feeling inferior; sickness of the soul. (Ebertin; Tyl.)
Guess that's 'chicken soup' for the sick soul of a sold-out nation - sold out by Wall Street's and Capitol Hill's lust for wealth and power.
As I said: good luck to the President on his mission as he lobbies the leopards on Wall Street today. His speech may be an exercise in public relations meant to fluff up consumer confidence, more than anything. And it's being performed during a 3rd quarter Moon, the crisis in consciousness phase.
And now a quote from one who shares natally the Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer blend:
"Is it altogether a utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"
Upton Sinclair
Oh dear. If frettings about NWO plans are correct, social turmoil is just what the chaos-creating, social tinkerering, financial oligarchs want!
Sep 18, 2008
Lehman Brothers crisis - of 1984
Update November 19, 2019: Its link is now dead so I've removed a link that had led to an article by Sam Marcy, explaining the root cause of the Lehman Brothers crisis - of 1984.
Reaganites thought that the 'capitalist recovery' would save them if they could hang on until after the election in spite of Middle East adventurism, war in Central America, and other nefarious US dealings in the world.
Democrats were emphasizing the federal deficit and high interest rates - meanwhile 11 million Americans were unemployed with as many more partially unemployed. Sound familiar yet?
Sam Marcy's article was from April 26, 1984 and details David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission as it was warmly greeted by its previous opponent, Ronald Reagan, when they met in Washington DC just before the article was written.
If it were available you cold read how Mr. Marcy refers to the Trilateralists as "this supernationalist body of imperialist politicians, bankers, and industrialists." He goes on, "Never was interest in the state of the economy as high as it is now. Never before were all the lines between Wall Street and Washington so intimately tied together."
Well, they became more intimate, as we know.
And with the upcoming transit of restrictive Saturn to America's natal Neptune in 9th house of Philosophy (the 'grim reality' transit) it popped out on the page when I read Marcy's statement that, "Beneath the aura of optimism, there suddenly comes like a flood of light, the grim reality of the state of the capitalist system. This happened just last week when one of the most powerful investment and banking combines in this country - the 134-year-old Lehman Brothers, Kuhn-Loeb - was forced to sell out to an even larger financial octopus, the mammoth Shearson-American Express."
This sent a "quake through the entire structure of finance capital," says Marcy.
Now it's 24 years later - two Jupiter cycle$ - and the recovery of the 90s now reveals capitalism's instability in the New Millennium as we contemplate Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism which tells the tale even more starkly and from a later perspective, of course.
Now here's the Who Rules the World list which you may have seen before - this version is from Robert Hieronimus' book,
Founding Fathers, Secret Societies, and I shall post it in reverse order with the base first.
These are said to be represented by the 13-step pyramid with the all-seeing eye at apex on the back of a dollar bill:
13. Secret Societies (such as: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and Freemasons)
12. Communism, Socialism, and all isms (the most visible aspect of the apparatus)
11. Income and Estate Taxes
10. Tax-free Foundations
9. SEATO, NATO and other front alliances
8. Common Market, Atlantic Union
6. Federal Reserve System and other central banks
5. UN banking complex
4. Council on Foreign Relations
3. Business Advisory Council
Apex: International Monetary Fund
The Fed flooded the world with money this morning beginning at 3:00 am Eastern Time (when markets open overseas) but last I heard, no one was much impressed.
Update 3.14.10: 2009 was the year of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, the inflationary duo of grand schemes and bubbles, with their last hook-up in December 2009 conjunct US natal Moon = little sense of reality; tendency to dream. We've been had, folks.Excess liquidity is part of the reason we're in the mess we're in so now we're swimming in deeper waters as Republican candidate John McCain hopes the newly proposed "trust" will get him through the November election - similar to the Republican optimism of 1984.
Sep 15, 2008
Sad Monday,Lehman Bros, and the jitteries
You may wish to read editor Patrick Wood's article on today's Lehman Bros Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing and what's up next, then check out his other attempts at warning people of what Wall Street, the Fed, world bankers and the Trilateral Commission have been up to for years now.
But today there are few people who can continue to ignore the 'jittery' results of their 'expertise.'
And NPR is now reporting (5:02 am edt) that Merill Lynch is being bought by Bank of America...with job cuts to follow. Natch.
All this and Hurricane Ike's devastation, too. Entire neighborhoods are without power and water.
It's a sad sad Monday in America.