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Mar 17, 2016

Jupiter in Virgo now triggers the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933

If Not Nominated Candidate Trump Signals Riots for RNC 2016

When 2016 candidate Donald Trump announced his presidential bid on June 16, 2015 it was influenced that day by a New Moon @25Gemini which denotes a new cycle of activity, and for Mr. Trump marked a new cycle involving Mercury, planet of announcements and voting and ruler of communicative Gemini (sign of Good News).

And perhaps you caught my post on how rioting Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries is in process of returning to its degree in the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse chart of 1933.

The actual dates of the Uranus Return/s to its 1933 degree are: April 16, 2016, December 5, 2016, and January 22, 2017. Naturally we both may note that the date of the third conjunction is uncomfortably near Inauguration 2017 on January 20th which could be one of the indicators of a Trump victory. (His impulsive finger on The Button? What are his supporters thinking???)

Another time link to 1933 and current political strong-armed tactics (aka, America's disastrous lean toward authoritarianism) is the Capricorn Full Moon which conjoins US natal Pluto and perfects during the 2016 Republican National Convention in July.. Recent primary results now point toward a brokered convention in an attempt to knock Trump off the GOP throne which is why Mr. Trump is signaling riots if he doesn't receive the Republican nomination which would suit perfectly the returning Uranus in Aries (blind zealots, anarchists, fanatics).

Now in the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse chart (set for Berlin, Germany because of Hitler--it signaled FDR's first term in the US) Jupiter and Uranus are inconjunct (150 degrees) indicating far-fetched dreams, extension beyond safe limits, overreactions, and an urge for instant results. And since the Fascism Rising Jupiter also returns to its 1933 degree, the inconjunct aspect with disruptive Uranus is echoed in 2016/17 by both planets.

Below are the exact dates of the Jupiter Return/s to its 1933 degree of 19Virgo58 (Rx and in line with Neptune and Mars, the violent Marseillaise Trio of the French Revolution); also note that then and now, Jupiter conjoins fixed star Denebola, key phrases: to go against society, or, out of the mainstream (which Mr. Trump is as a non-politician):

Jupiter to 19Vir58: November 22, 2015, February 24, 2016, July 20, 2016 with the last occurring during RNC 2016.

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