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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Uranus. Show all posts

Dec 25, 2023

Stars Over Washington's Top 10 Posts of 2023!

As 2023 comes to a close and a new dawn beckons in January 2024, here for your consideration are links counting down Stars Over Washington's Top 10 Posts of 2023 as of December 25, 2023:

10. Astrology: The Bundle of Donald Trump revealing Trump's progressed planets which are now grouped in a concentrated Bundle shape of a dictator - clumped together into his progressed 12th house of Large Institutions such as hospitals and/or prisons. Italy's ill-fated Mussolini was born this way, Trump has "evolved" into it.

9. Social Security, Saturn, and the 118th Congress showing the current Pluto-opposite-Pluto's titanic power struggle now affecting multiple areas of society where power and control are at issue.

8. Astrology of the McKinley Assassination published in September 2023 upon the occasion of the crime's 122nd anniversary - America's third after Lincoln and Garfield - and all heralding a forceful change of direction in US Politics. Purposefully so.

7. 118th Congress: Jupiter and Algol Rise which occurred that morning at 10:00 am est as congress members prepared for 118th's opening session at noon. Furious Algol expanded suggests that tempers must have flared!

6. Jack Smith's 7 North Eclipse in 2023 which has repeated for him this very year with its themes of lust and hidden passion as he investigates and prosecutes the orange insurrectionist for disrupting a constitutionally mandated proceeding that leads to our nation's traditional peaceful transfer of power.

5. 2023 Eclipses yet a bit of Cosmic Relief. Much deserved!

4. May 2023's Fixed Grand Square: Mars-Pluto-Jupiter showing rigid stand-offs within the current democracy vs fascism struggle for domination.

3. Ron DeSantis: Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius revealing his personality blend to be that of a lost soul with the vibes of an alien! If you've noticed his creepy grimace of a smile, you know what I mean.

2. The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of 2024 which forms approximately every 14 years along with a mixture of optimism, scientific and other types of break-throughs, and a potential for zealous one-sided attitudes.

And SO'W's Most Popular Post of 2023 Is:

1. Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say? Because a pivot point has been reached and the entire world is concerned about the society-altering outcome of Election 2024, yes?

The Question Is: Will We the People allow ourselves to be plunged back into the animalism, primal violence, and brutality of 1930s/1940s Nazism, or shall we move forward into a brighter future with Pluto in Aquarius and quirky Uranus, the rebel, soon leaving the intolerant, possessive sign of Taurus and heading toward versatile Gemini in 2025?

And finally, as SO'W approaches 4 million page views, my warm Thanks go to all readers who continue supporting this Open Letter to my friends. Happy New Year to All! Love, Jude Cowell, as always a partisan for democracy and the common good.

Mar 29, 2023

2023 Pluto opposes NRA Jupiter-Uranus

As you know, another tragic shooting has occurred in America, this time in Nashville, Tennessee. One prominent transit to the 1871 NRA Horoscope is the planet topping the news these days due to its entry into Aquarius: Pluto. Known for its associations with death, destruction, manipulation, and assassination, Pluto now opposes the dissociate Jupiter-Uranus conjunction operative during the November 1871 founding of the gun-loving organization, the National Rifle Association.

Lacking an exact hour for the group's founding, 12:00 noon is used to set up the horoscope shown, below, but this lack is inconsequential to the fact that the transit of Pluto opposing 1871 Jupiter (Rx @29Can54) and Uranus (@1Leo10) is obvious and significant to events at this moment in time.

Both Pluto oppositions indicate political and financial conflicts, with power struggles underneath as public shouts for action rather than more of the measely "thoughts and prayers" mantra Republicans fall back on so that a lack of actual changes to gun laws can be excused are once again heard across the political landscape. As you know, their mealey-mouthing ignores reality while discontented militarists stockpile guns and plan a race war while pretending that peaceniks are the ones wanting carnage in our streets!

So below is the previously published NRA Horoscope of November 17, 1871 in which Jupiter is strong at Station Rx upon the "A Daughter of the American Revolution" degree and radical Uranus in proud Leo feels emboldened and activated by the 2023 transit of transformative Pluto, a cosmic circumstance that also reminds me, as a descendant of The Confederacy, of the favorite mantra of sore loser seditionists, 'The South Shall Rise Again' - with Herr Adolf's hate-filled Aryanism of white "supremacy" rotting at its core:

Now much of the time, we expect the Jupiter-Uranus duo to denote potentials for break-throughs, luck or good fortune, optimism, and/or 'reforms that originate in religious principles' (such as, Thou Shalt Not Kill?). Yet sometimes, depending on the motives of participants, the pairing denotes more negative potentials such as, "deafness from not wanting to hear the opinions of others, government where no expansion due to modern principles is allowed," and/or "civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system which stifles justice for the common people" (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad).

These negative potentials in part account for society's current dire condition of violence which is based on the promotion of the purposeful misinterpretation of the Second Amendment, well noted as a fraud upon the American public by Chief Justice Warren Burger on December 16, 1991. That mental problems are also involved, I have no doubt, yet I also blame decades of lies and other fraudulent behavior perpetrated by Washington DC and the Pentagon for the years-long build-up of aggravated discontent experienced by and nurtured within segments of our population.

2023 Pluto = NRA Jupiter-Uranus

Add by transit powerful, wealth-hoarding Pluto to the NRA's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, a karmic development, and a midpoint picture forms of 'devices with the potential to transform the world; extreme reworking of ideas to be sure they will be received correctly' which sounds positive - other than when it suggests the propaganda and manipulation of thoughts and prayers that fall tragically short of what America and our victimized, traumatized children need from "lawmakers" on both sides of the aisle.

But so far, it feels like Trump's "American carnage" threat that he 'dog whistled' on January 20, 2017 is paying off for the enemies of America aided by their bought-off politicians of the fascist persuasion who've succumbed to control by a global movement that's determined to wreak havoc and chaos on the American people in order to coup the US government against the will of the majority who prefer democracy to fascism any day of the week.

And please note, dear reader, that there is absolutely no joy in typing this, but there it is.

Mar 25, 2023

In 2023 Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse

Trump's Progressed Moon Plays a Role in 2023 Events

by Jude Cowell

Back in January 2023 on SO'W, we discussed the fact that the 7 South October 14, 2023 Eclipse 'hits' Trump's Progressed Moon ('SP') at its 'crisis in action' Cresent Phase degree of May 24, 2023, or in other words, the two cosmic occurrences - one in real time, the other symbolic - will conjunct @21Libra and some odd minutes when the October 2023 Eclipse perfects upon his SP Crescent Moon degree which times the beginning of a new life cycle for him. Additionally of interest with Moon in Libra, is that a suggestion of destiny is involved, and of course, all eclipses are known as karmic 'wild cards of the Universe'.

Now in this instance, I'm using his SP Luna as a timing agent via its degree. And it's possible, say TV pundits, that no significant legal action such as indictment will be taken against the orange albatross until May although this time link suggests to me that late September into October 2023 should be an important time period for Trump and his woes which will be affected by plenty of other transits and progressions mitigating or otherwise influencing the proceedings on into 2024, the year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus (his pair in beneficial trine aspect of luck and protection) @21Taurus in Trump's 9th house of Legal Affairs and near his natal Midheaven of Public Status.

Then will "Teflon Don" manage to escape accountability once again? Perhaps, but let's not forget the caution of his royal Regulus rising with belligerent Mars, and the trouble that taking revenge can bring: a loss of all that's been gained.

As for his SP Moon/7 North Eclipse connection, this real time + symbolic cosmic time link reveals a Sun-Moon-Moon signature which suggests bringing protection on some level for self or others, and/or a need for relief, possibly supplied by a woman or other family member. And naturally, with the Sun-Moon combination denoting marriage partners, it's tempting to think of his current wife Melania although another woman or women could be involved as well. Could this indicate Stormy? Well, her natal Pluto does conjunct Trump's stationary Jupiter at the "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" degree!

Also tempting is a consideration of the themes of 7 South Solar Eclipses in relation to Trump's SP Moon with its Venusian-Libran vibes (until his SP Moon symbolically advances into Scorpio in early 2024, adding Scorpio's intense Mars-Pluto vibrations to his emotional landscape - and his SP Ascendant has also entered Scorpio). Plus, it may be significant in some way for Trump that 7 South is the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') into which son Barron Trump was born! Then was anger Melania's midwife? Well, Trump's 'Stormy Night' did occur while Barron was only a few months old so I suppose the faithless cad of a husband's testosterone-driven Mars rising in lusty Leo is rashness personified, no matter the consequences.

Now Themes of 7 South Eclipses include the tremendous anger, power, and force of a Mars-Pluto square due to the one in effect during the initial 7 South Eclipse of June 22, 1248 with Sun-Moon @8Can03 (conjunct Trump's gossip-mongering Mercury squared by deceitful Neptune). 7 South possibilities are for huge obstacles to "suddenly clear" or, "a pending potential crisis will move through the life very rapidly" (B. Brady).

Undoubtedly, we think of the multiple lawsuits and potential indictments that this man, 'overshadowed by shadows' faces as I type. And admittedly, my personal hope is that if huge obstacles suddenly clear for this career criminal, his pathway will open toward a prison cell door. And I'm certain you've noticed that Trump's recent behavior posting a mocked-up photo of his tiny hands brandishing a baseball bat next to a photo of NY AG Alvin Bragg has obvious Mars-Pluto square implications. Yes, the image was deleted later but the deadly message was successfully sent to Herr Trump's receptive comrades.

So let's consider a paraphrasing of what Alan Oken has written about a Mars-Pluto square as it potentially affects individuals such as the cantankerous narcisist and wanna-be dictator, Donald J. Trump:

People with extremely violent tempers who let nothing stand in their way, they make devastating enemies who can act like a b*mb clearing the way by wiping out what has already been established; The Annihilator. As most anyone may agree, this is definitely the mood that he and his nazi comrades are in as they strive to take fascist control of our country.

So! Despair and giving up are never options in the cause of Justice, my dear pro-democracy reader, yet these are some of the current influences upon old man Donald Trump whose 12th house midpoint picture, Pluto = Mars-Saturn (the death axis) while apex Pluto, the underworld figure, spy, and assassin, just keeps on expressing its harmful energies against humanity in the form of: "brutality; the rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm (death of many people)," according to Reinhold Ebertin.

And these sinister energies support, among other planetary factors in his natal chart and psyche, his Goal Point (Midheaven) with enraged demon star Algol upon it, a star quite often found twinkling prominently in the natal horoscopes and psyches of serial m*rderers.

A Closely Related Post: Spring Equinox 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power. Resonating with all the "bombshell" news stories of late, the 2023 Spring Equinox Midheaven in Washington DC, the Goal Point = "5 Gemini": "A Radical Magazine Displays a Sensational Front Page."

Also Related: America's Initial Mars-Pluto Cycle which began in the Saturn-ruled sign of governmental, legal, and business-oriented Capricorn.

Note: 'SP' = Secondary Progressed, the day-for-a-year method of progressing a horoscope to see how things will evolve. Also we should note that "21 Libra" falls within a degree range that once was termed the Via Combusta, the Burning Way, and with transit Mars now in sensitive Cancer, this vintage astrological condition may relate to Trump's arsonist tendencies which are another indication of the potential harm and acts of revenge he obsessively aims at the entire world.

Jul 13, 2021

Flight Risk to Run for POTUS in 2024!

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 13, 2021: If you've watched, heard, or read any of the news concerning CPAC 2021 in Dallas Texas, you know that Tr*mp did appear as expected and spoke for a very long time in his disjointed crazy-quilt fashion much to the delight of his die-hard fans in the audience. Apparently, for the audience it was a satisfying helping of their favorite rants 'n' chants and most, if not all, were (are) in on the joke - that their idol's 'Big Lie' of a stolen election - allegedly with 'fraud' by Democrats as the only reason former guy could have possibly lost the November 2020 election - will catapult him back into a white (supremacist) White House. For this delusion and its trick to work one must ignore the fact that a majority of voters in November 2020 did not want the grudge holding white-supremacist-slash-fascist back at the helm for another four years along with the further damage he could perpetrate upon our society. The blighter!

Mass Complicity!

For all the Tr*mp-ish actors secretly agree that his Goebbels-inspired 'Big Lie' is a mass-produced mystery play that he and his supporters are engaged in like one big happy neo-nazi family, whether consciously or unconsciously. My suspicion is that a percentage of his supporters think his desperation is all about regrasping authoritarian power and control so that they can "own the libs" they've been propagandized to hate, and thereby conquer their favorite wedge issues such as repealing Roe v Wade.

And yet a majority of Americans (liberal and otherwise) know that Tr*mp wants to scramble back to the Oval office with its legal protections so that he can avoid prosecution! Oh, and 'winning' in 2024 would please his overlords, both foreign and domestic, and added value: he could continue to plump up his dwindling bank accounts, wherever they may hide. Besides, he wouldn't want his thugs and goons to one day come after him!

So for cosmic support, you'll note that in the CPAC 2021 New Moon Horoscope of July 9th, the deceptive Neptune-MC midpoint rises which reveals the event's "acting and pretending" "mystery play" flavors, with the New Moon (18Can01) phase itself suggesting that demagogue Tr*mp has begun a new cycle of activity within his political endeavors, all geared toward running in the 2024 Presidential Election. And of course, Moon-ruled Cancer is the sign of tribalism, nationalism, and patriotism (whether feigned or authentic) where his watery Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, and authenticity, resides. As you know, Saturn in Cancer loves its independence but tends to be discontented and aggravated by family ties (R. Ebertin). Indictments, perhaps?

Further cosmic evidence of Tr*mp's power-grasping intentions can be found in the CPAC 2021 New Moon Horoscope, linked above, at its Goal-and-Aspiration Point, the Midheaven ('MC") @2Scorpio, the degree of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 (just prior to Midterms 2022 on November 8th, the day of a Lunar Eclipse) for the October eclipse is a repetition of the 6 South eclipse which manifested in 1932 as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse (two charts set for Berlin and DC; this is my label for the 1932 eclipse, but if you disagree, look at events of 1932 when Nazis were the largest party in the Prussian parliament and Herr H was on his way to grasping full control of the German government in early 1933).

Take Heed: the GOP now the American Fascist Party

So besides the abundant earthly signs of what the fascist-leaning GOP has planned for America (for which my common good sensibilities and Revolutionary ancestors totally reject), the Cosmos is reflecting similar implications for those with watchful eyes and open ears to hear - and be forewarned and ready.

An additional astro-note concerning yesterday's walk-out of Democratic legislators in Texas and their flight to Washington DC to highlight their fight against voter suppression legislation being forced by the Texas GOP. A peek at the Republic of Texas proclamation horoscope of March 2, 1836 reveals quirky Uranus @1Pis11, one degree from the very zodiacal spot (2:11) where transit Jupiter, now Rx, made his standstill on June 20, 2021! A Jupiter-to-Uranus transit suggests involvement in group causes, and gaining more awareness of physical and mental freedom, both good descriptions of current events because Americans' Right to Vote is embedded within the US Constitution, and rescuing the Right to Vote is a worthy cause to believe in.

Above image: my drawing 'Fork'd Way' meant to symbolize the existential path America now trods: Republic vs neo-nazi regime, democracy vs fascism. Democracy needs refreshing! Can you help?

Dec 13, 2020

January 6, 2021 Horoscope: House Republican Coup?

December 13, 2020: Below is the 10:00 am est (speculative hour) DC Horoscope set for January 6, 2021 Washington DC in case anyone wants to view it. Apologies that my usual study notes are scribbled all over the chart:

See Republicans plotting attempt to deny presidency to Biden on floor of the House if Trump gives the word: report by Tom Boggioni.

Fomalhaut Rising: 'success through integrity' and 'noble ideals'!

Despite this time of uncertainty, insecurity, and paranoia it seems apparent to me, with my decided preference for democracy and a Constitutional Republic, that 'integrity' on Capitol Hill is in short supply considering the rash of secession fever that many Republicans seem to be laboring under, and continually worsened by super-spreader Trump.

And whew! That voting planet Mercury changing directions on Election Day 2020 just keeps on keepin' on, doesn't it? Reminds me of Trump saying he was winning, then he wasn't (because he had told his supporters not to vote by mail). And you see in the January 6th chart, the combustible Mars-Uranus duo nears exact alignment on Inauguration Day 2021 (@6Tau44), here in 2nd house with testy Mars at an impatient, critical 29th degree of fiery Aries. And check out Neptune @18Pis35 rising in 1st house conjunct Anti-Vertex (Republicans with their natal Neptune in Pisces) and apex of two midpoint pictures (NN-MC = Neptune: separation through disappointment or deceit; a grievous loss; losing contact). You'll find a second picture's potentials penned on the chart, lower right, plus, there's an interesting picture of possibilities involving Saturn, planet of authority: Neptune-MC = Saturn: inability to get over losses; suffering from wrong actions; insecurity; uncertainty; lack of clarity (Ebertin).

Then there's chart-ruler Jupiter's one applying Ptolemaic aspect (square Uranus) which is penned on, lower left. Hey maybe the Jupiter-Uranus combo of energies will bring America the pair's famous potential for a fortunate turn of events!

Nov 6, 2020

Republican Party: Uranus Returns 2020-2021

Will There Still Be a Republican Party?

by Jude Cowell

As you know, the Republican Party recently experienced its Neptune Return/s (5x) while its name morphed into "Conspiracy Party" and other such Neptunian labels (by pundits and others, not just by yours truly). Many people questioned the Party's viability under the Trump regime and we may well continue to wonder into 2021.

Meanwhile, with this post it's equal time for the Party's Uranus in Taurus, I say, so below is a dual image of the third of three Uranus Returns of the Republican Party, plus, the founding horoscope of the Party (lower left) that I used to create the April 22, 2021 Return chart. (Yes, there are multiple horoscopes for the Party's inception, most in 1854 but one set for 1853 - and those are only the ones I have in my files, there could be others! Confusion about the Party's true identity, how very Neptunian of them!)

Now for a human being, the Uranus Return around age 84 tends to be a time when the past no longer matters as much if at all to the native (and may have been mostly forgotten!), plus, much separation has occurred as one may have outlived family members and friends. So if these potentials can apply to a group of people or an entity, perhaps this 'new' condition is proving to be the case for the GOP these days. Trump has liked inserting the idea that we've "turned a corner" when it comes to the pandemic, hasn't he?

And so with Uranus we must also consider that with the Uranus Cycle of approximately 84 years, the Party experienced an earlier Uranus Return - another 'three-fer' - which perfected 3x on: May 10, 1937, December 14, 1937, and February 20, 1938 during the FDR presidency. If you can, check out those 1930s horoscopes which are chocked full of interesting features. For one example, the February 20, 1938 Return chart (#3 0f 3, not shown here) occurred during a Saturn-Uranus square which suggests the 'new order replaces old' concerns of those difficult years, supported by Nazi zealots, and in America by FDR's New Deal programs that saved the American people's bacon (and would continue to do so if the greedy GOP would leave them alone; you may disagree but there it is).

Meanwhile, the April 22, 2021 Return chart shown below reveals a Jupiter-Uranus square denoting that goals and group projects will require independent actions that must then be coordinated for best results. Sudden turns in destiny are possible under a Jupiter-Uranus influence as well as various sorts of breakthroughs. Discontent with political conditions are also suggested by the square. Yet I must wonder, considering the effect on the Party by Trump over the last four or five years: will the square indicate a break-up?

As for the basic indications of Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus, a money and growth sign, potentials are suggested for: people who seek out-of-the-ordinary sources of money or income; those who use individual methods of finance; speculation; risking all in one go; and/or premature action that leads to failure (Ebertin). Any or all may apply to the Republican Party's basic nature and suggest to me, if not to you, that some of their financial sources could be illegitimate, or at the very least, unorthodox. Whatever they are, they are probably well hidden from prying eyes.

So based on all the 1853-1854 founding dates and horoscopes of the Republican Party, Uranus was in Taurus in each one so the above indications of Uranus in Taurus apply, plus, any that you, dear reader, care to think of. And that's not even counting the revolutionary, reactive, disruptive, separative qualities of erratic Uranus the rebellious anarchist with *Utopian ideas that go against civilization!

Please note that my study notes are penned on the charts for anyone who may wish to read.

*Utopian ideas such as 'man is in no need of laws' or government which we see with current day scofflaws.

Jun 20, 2019

August 11, 2019: both Jupiter and Uranus stand still!

June 20, 2019: Here is the August 11, 2019 Horoscope set for Washington DC at the moment (9:37:13 am edt) when Jupiter Stations @14Sag30 (3rd house of Communications) then begins forward movement (as it seems from Earth). Transit Jupiter reaches 15 Sagittarius on or about August 30 and will pass its April 10 Direct Station degree of 24Sag21 (when the planet's retrograde period began) on November 5, 2019 at 9:36:31 pm est after which Jupiterian issues, concerns, projects, and people will make better progress and horizons will broaden. Plus, in the realms of Politics and Finance, a Jupiterian figure's delaying tactics may cease to be effective in November although some improvement in such matters may be noticed around August 11 or afterward.

As you see, Jupiter's August 11, 2019 change of direction chart shows 27Vir34 rising and 27Gem14 at Midheaven so that Mercury in Moon-ruled Cancer (just barely into 10th house) rules both the Ascendant and the Goal Point (MC) yet the Messenger planet makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects in this chart which emphasizes its sign and house positions. Naturally, the Sabian Symbols are enlightening for the degrees of each planet, eclipse, station, angle, etc but only the symbol for Mercury's degree (rounded-up to '30 CANCER') is penned upon the chart, upper center..."A Daughter of the American Revolution". Make what you will of this!

Now Jupiter is highlighted in green (if you can see it!) and rebellious Uranus is highlighted in pink because Uranus also changes direction on August 11, 2019 @6Tau36:54, turning retrograde 12 hours and 49 minutes after Jupiter's about-face. As a pair, the combined energies of the Jupiter-Uranus duo indicates potentials for reforms and breakthroughs but also for 'civil unrest (strikes, protests) due to legal or religious systems that stifle justice for the common people' and/or for 'applying legal methods against breakdowns in order' (Munkasey). Often the duo relates to scientific breakthroughs and discoveries (at conjunction--their next on April 21, 2024 @21Tau50) along with a tendency toward a certain form of deafness when the opinions of others are not wanted to be heard!

Now let's note that the 2019 Mars Return of Donald Trump occurs the next day--August 12, 2019 (marked upon the chart, lower right). Also, this chart shows the Sun's return to its and the Moon's degree of the August 11, 2018 eclipse--The Tower Solar Eclipse @18Leo41. Significant in 2019? Probably since Establishment agencies, politicians, and their enablers continue their attempts the break down or destroy the various towers that Trump built! Or at least, they pretend that his destruction is their goal. But are We The People being fooled by a political charade with tyranny the goal? I ask because history tends to rhyme so I must wonder if America's Trumpian lesson echoes the fate of the Roman Empire which eventually gave up its republican form of government and turned toward autocracy and the one-man-rule of Augustus Caesar. Now we watch as "stable genius" Trump and his minions work hard toward converting our nation into this very thing. Any thoughts? No?

Well, here are a few words from a book I'm currently reading and recommending (stop me if you've heard this one):

"No republic is eternal. It lives only as long as its citizens want it. {And} when a republic fails to work as intended, its citizens are capable of choosing the stability of autocratic rule over the chaos of a broken republic...Rome offers a lesson about how citizens and leaders of a republic might avoid forcing their fellow citizens to make such a tortured choice." (Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell Into Tyranny, by Edward Jay Watts).

And as most if not all Americans know, Benjamin Franklin is famous for his answer to a question which echoes from America's founding days...what form of government was created in 1776? "A Republic, if you can keep it."

Sadly I must doubt that the Trump voters of 2016 fully realized the risk they took by replacing our republic, broken as it was, with an autocracy--not of order and stability but one made unstable by more chaos than we had before under the 'guidance' of Uranian Trump who doesn't seem to have ever met an authoritarian dictator he doesn't intend to emulate.

Two Related Posts: 2019 'Wild Card' Uranus Activates The Tower Eclipse and Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

Sep 25, 2018

Who Is Noel Francisco? August 21, 1969

September 25, 2018: If or when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is ousted or steps down, Solicitor General Noel Francisco is likely candidate to step in and begin overseeing the Mueller investigation into Trump and Russia. Word is, Francisco has an 'expansive view of presidential power', which may be one of his best qualities as far as un-indicted conspirator Mr. Trump is concerned.

With his birth hour unknown, here's a 'noon' horoscope for Noel Francisco born August 21, 1969 in Syracuse, New York:

As you see, his law-abiding Saturn in Taurus is 'conservative' and at Station Retrograde which strengthens and emphasizes his Saturn. Transit Venus in Scorpio is currently opposing his Saturn which marks a sobering time of 'business only'. Once transit Saturn eventually opposes his natal Venus (21Can14), partnerships and alliances will be under tremendous strain. Natal Saturn leads a Locomotive pattern (a ruthless drive toward success; a high-powered executive--Tierney) and is parallel royal star Regulus. See upper right for the stars in paran at rising with his planets, among them Sirius, The Scorcher.

But today his natal Uranus 2Lib10 is spotlighted by the Sun (2Lib34 as I type) which points to a decision of whether to be part of a certain group or not; either way, Mr. Francisco receives special attention under this transit. Meanwhile, natal Jupiter (6Lib10) is called on by speedy messenger Mercury (6Lib10--00:00 as I type) which denotes expanding ideas and plans, and engaging in political activities.

Natal Venus in Cancer is oriental (last to rise before his Sun) denoting that he tends to work with things of value. Noel Francisco's Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series is the 7 North and his PE is marked in orange on the chart with 7N eclipse themes listed, lower right.

And of course, there's the massive pile-up of Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter across two signs (Virgo and Libra) for such are the births of late August 1969. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction suggests his dealings with secret and/or dangerous information, possibly with spying implications. It also hints of deep powers of thought, like a detective seeing through people and events into their deeper meanings and motives. Unfortunately, a desire for revenge often comes along with a Mercury-Pluto conjunction so Mr. Francisco may remind us at some point of the vengeful, retaliating Donald Trump--or he may simply take part in Trump's vendettas against his 'enemies', real and imagined.

The rest of the dissociate stellium is formed by a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction denoting a man with an insatiable curiosity for rooting out the truth and a respect for knowledge especially that of intellectual giants of the past--and yet he himself is a 'futurist'. He's also an opportunist who never lets a chance go by without taking advantage of it and he gets quite a few chances with this conjunction of 'lucky breaks' and 'breakthroughs'. An interest, if not a talent, in Politics is also indicated although he'd do best to use his talents elsewhere such as in Education. Plus, natal Mercury 22Vir41 is a writing-teaching-dedicated-work sort of placement, a book author perhaps, although his Mercury conjoins US natal Neptune 22Vir25. With this transit-to-natal consideration (1969 vs 1776/USA) a faint whiff of occultism may be noticed.

So Who Is Noel Francisco?

He's all that and more and his double Fire personality blend of Sun Leo-Moon Sag reveals him to be a passionate, adventurous hero-worshiper, an independent, restless, romantic visionary who is proud, loyal, and generous, yet can be imperious and impatient. A tendency to jump to conclusions has had to be re-directed or re-purposed and hopefully he has done this for his best results. He does lean toward dismissing the ideas of others out of hand and too brusquely which wounds far more than he intended. But why intend harm to others at all?

A bit of a 'gambling gypsy', Mr. Francisco is a restless explorer (physically or mentally) who detests dishonesty (and he can put up with fantasist Trump who considers them all employees?) and may have a turbulent domestic life. Now admittedly I don't have his accurate birth time so house cusps and Angles of his natal chart must be left out of this babble, but even so, his Sun-Moon blend paints a picture of a man who can exhaust those around him with his volatile double Fire approach that comes from a deep self-centeredness. And with his Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (Luna can be as early as 2Sag+ or as late as 16Sag+ from 12 am--11:59 pm), then he shares the Sun Leo-Moon Sag personality blend with the likes of Sir Alexander Fleming, Ray Bradbury, 'Lawrence of Arabia', and Herman Melville who informs us of,

"Two antagonistic to mount direct to heaven, the other to drive yawingly to some horizontal goal."


For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey ~ now on Kindle!

Jan 19, 2018

Senator Cory Booker: Sun-Saturn and Jupiter-Uranus

Jan 19, 2018: Well, apparently Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) has been open about putting his birth data 'out there' and his natal horoscope may be viewed at Born Cory Anthony Booker on April 27, 1969 1:10 pm est Washington DC (RR: A), here are a few prominent career-supporting chart factors for Senator Cory Booker:

Ascendant 1AQ20 (which conjoins our national POTUS Sun 00AQ+); MC 22Sco55 (Scorpio = powerful career involving control and finances); Sun 6Tau48, Moon 4Vir17, Mercury 25Taurus (which conjoins the natal MC of Donald Trump). Mr. Booker apparently had a Mercury Return on or about the day of Donald Jr's sneaky Russian lawyer meeting in June 2016 which I remember because transit Mercury that day (planet of meetings and negotiations) was @24Taurus+ and sitting atop Trump Sr's natal Midheaven--so of course Donald Trump knew about the meeting--Don Jr was trying to impress Dad!

Given Senator Booker's double-Earth Sun and Moon we can expect him to be "well grounded in economic and physical reality" and his darkest fears as an Earth-Earth personality are "chaos and loss of control." A gracious amount of common sense is apparent with Sun Taurus-Moon Virgo folk though there may be an over-dependence on the rational side of life. A need and drive for material security may be noticeable as well.

Here is a video link to Senator Booker speaking politics this very morning on CNN (6 mins).

Having a Sun-Saturn conjunction supports Booker's role in the US Politics via the US natal Sun-Saturn square, so serious application of one's intellect, determination, and a strong work ethic aids in his political work. His Jupiter-Uranus conjunction assures good fortune and opportunities for travel, adventure, and discovery with a potential for scientific interests. Both his conjunctions are out-of-sign or dissociate which gives wider perspectives to those who are capable of learning from broad experience and can put their higher education to profitable use.

And here's helpful planetary factor toward political work--if we wish to add Booker's Pluto Rx in Virgo to the Jupiter-Uranus pair we may stretch toward a midpoint picture between the planetary trio which Cory Booker was born under - Uranus-Pluto = Jupiter: "achieving immense success" (Ebertin).

Now there's a fascinating variety of people who share Sun Taurus-Moon Virgo: Oliver Cromwell, Emperor Hirohito, Daniel Day Lewis, Jack Nicholson, Shirley Maclaine, Sir Lawrence Olivier, Mort Sahl, Candice Bergen, and Pete Townsend of The Who. Let's close with a famous Cromwell quote:

"The State, in choosing men to serve it, takes no notice of their opinions. If they be willing faithfully to serve it, that satisfies."

For more personality blend info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Nov 5, 2016

Jan 6, 2017: 115th Congress Counts Election 2016's Electoral Votes as a New Session Begins

Big Picture in Focus: a New President, the 115th Congress, and Jupiter Leading the Throng

by Jude Cowell

Nov 5, 2017: If like me you've been clinging to hope that Election Day 2016 will soon end without causing major mayhem to our nation, perhaps you've had a moment to notice that Wikipedia has the low down on the 115th Congress which extends from January 3, 2017 to January 3, 2019. Electoral votes from Presidential Election 2016 are scheduled to be counted in Joint Session on January 6, 2017 which will hopefully settle the matter. VP Joe Biden acts as Senate President at least until January 20, 2017 at 12:00 pm est when a new White House occupant takes the Oath of Office.

Now since we're about to end 2016 and enter 'Happy New Year!' 2017 with a spiffy new Congress, perhaps you remember the 114th Congress and its cosmically auspicious beginning when an ongoing transit of Pluto opposed America's natal Sun (the president and the leadership of the country), a time of challenges, power struggles, contests of wills, and no-compromise attitudes. All this while Pluto and the January 2015 Sun in Capricorn hooked up and created potentials for displays of aggression, domination, self-interest, and ego-based demands.

And even though it's doubtful that President Obama's Republican opponents needed the synchronicity of a double Sun-Pluto condition (power cravers all!) to continue their sabotage of his presidency (and America with it), that's definitely the theme under which they labored while We the People marveled at how brazenly in-breach of the public contract so many of them were.

And of course, 14 Cancer is the position of the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, the Dog Star, aka, The Scorcher. Maybe you agree that Pluto's presence in mid-Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and authority) has deepened and intensified events of 2015 and 2016 (ex: the insulting Campaign of 2016) so perhaps we should see if anything stellar is occurring over Capitol Hill on January 6, 2017 which will imprint upon political and societal matters during the upcoming congressional sessions and the first two years of a new president's term in office.

January 6, 2017: Well, obviously the Sun is in Capricorn so Pluto's manipulative influence continues but not as intensely (at 9:00 am est, Sun 16Cap26 and Pluto 17Cap08--both in the 12th house of Politics and Karma--chart set for the Capitol Building). The 'new world order' (global government) pair of planets, Uranus and Neptune, are near by Sun and Pluto by degree and in spirit since their 1993 conjunction/s occurred on or about 18 Capricorn, the POLITICAL POWER degree of 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones) which sounds more Trumpian than Clintonian, doesn't it? Unless you think Hillary is a manly woman, that is! ("You're a puppet, no you're a puppet!" - Stephen Colbert on Hillary's and Donald's debate).

Additionally, the overstayed-its-welcome Uranus-Pluto square is involved in something of a Thor's Hammer pattern if you don't mind counting the North Node (public contact; future direction) so we may as well consider the midpoint picture the trio forms: Uranus-Pluto = NN: accomplishing immense tasks through teamwork; sharing upsets or excitement with others (Ebertin). Along with this there's Sun and Pluto at apex of a T-Square between the Jupiter-Uranus opposition (which can become despotic) so we have a powerful amount of far-sightedness and a strong awareness of objectives involved as 2017 gets underway. Jupiter and Uranus also make up the rim of a BOWL shape with Jupiter leading all the other planets--probably alternating his roles as politician, banker, fund-raiser, professor, The General, the priest, the CEO, the actor, the promoter, and other societal roles he likes to play when it suits.

As for We the People, we'll be more than a little riled up with Moon in Mars-ruled Aries separating from rebellious Uranus, 5S42) in the 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and the National Treasury. Radical reformer Uranus opposes the 8th (corporate) house where Jupiter leads the merry cosmic throng in the cause-advocating BOWL pattern.

Now as you suspect, there are more chart factors of interest but I'm only listing the ones that pop out at me on first glance. We see from this chart and the events it times, that America is not out of her destructive Sun-Pluto phase of forced conquest, and the world remains in the grip of illuminating Uranus-Neptune and Uranus-Pluto with wealth-hoarding saboteur Pluto at apex of 1993's prominent conjunction degree which imprints 2017 and beyond as the 'Big Picture' demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise era (Tyl). Add to that the fact that when the revolutionary energies of Uranus and Pluto clash, we have: collapse of the old order, construction of the new (Ebertin) which for me echoes the far-sightedness and strong awareness of objectives mentioned, above, of a long-range plan for order out of (purposefully created) chaos.

The 2017 Eclipses begin in February and we'll cover those background influences later on. Meanwhile, we remain under the rays of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse until February 2017 but paradoxically there is transit Neptune (10 Pisces) opposing the eclipse's realism and tackling the truth themes via confusion, illusion, fraud, lies, and deception which muddles things up for some, while others see things more clearly than ever before as Neptune's mirror reflects the degree area of 9 to 10 Virgo. And of course, astrological Neptune also represents the masses, mass delusion, and mass media, the largest propaganda spreader of all.

So with the Electoral Vote Count and a new Congress approaching, we may wonder about the day's Sun Cap-Moon Aries blend of energies, an Earth-Fire combo of 'scorched earth' tendencies that mimic Sirius 'The Scorcher'. This relates to more wildfires, drought, and to more political tactics in Washington by politicians and their backers who'd rather burn the place down than lose a jot of their earthly power and prestige. Actually, Sun Cap-Moon Aries is known for its tendencies toward overvaluing career success, insensitivity to the needs of others, and for an emphasis on crass materialism. Sounds like most pocket-lining politicians to me!

Update Nov 6, 2016: see PoliticusUSA's article that mentions the continuation of Republicans' 'scorched earth' policy toward a Clinton presidency.

And so, as New Year's Day 2017 approaches, yours truly is pre-wishing Joy and Good Fortune to everyone around the world--for the shrivel-hearted rich elites can take care of themselves and are completely insensible to how very very poor they really are.


Recommended books: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, Marc Edmund Jones; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Sun Sign-Moon Sun, Charles and Suzi Harvey; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier; The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger; The Occult Conspiracy, Michael Howard.

Oct 24, 2016

A Major T-Square Marks Winter Solstice 2016

Winter Solstice 2016: Jupiter Opposes Uranus While Both Square Karmic Pluto

by Jude Cowell

Having previously viewed the Winter Solstice 2016 horoscope, you've noticed that expansive Jupiter in airy Libra will line up in opposition to radical Uranus in fiery Aries and, with apex Pluto in Capricorn, form a Cardinal T-Square of dynamic energies. Below again is the December 21, 2016 chart set for Washington DC and here is what I wrote about it way back in September before I knew what I didn't know then:

As you see, Jupiter rules the chart and the winter season on into 2017 but the first planet to rise is legalistic Saturn in Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter, suggesting delay, hindrance, or some other kind of limitation or suppression. Wealthy Pluto is in the 2nd house, which in American mundane charts points toward the coffers of the National Treasury and those who control or feed from it so naturally the role of 'the Fed' is indicated.

And with the pairing of Jupiter and Uranus in opposition, we may expect events to involve such matters and people as fortune hunters, adventurers or explorers, inventors, and perhaps those who organize large endeavors or projects. However, this planetary pair may also express via freedom and independence issues, philosophical arguments which may include zealotry and its one-sided viewpoints, obstinate adherence to principles that do not stem from real convictions, farsightedness, missing one's best chance, successful speculation, a blissful realization, and/or a fortunate turn in life.

A sudden release of tension may accompany any of these potentials and as always, an opposition (180 degrees) suggests a sort of culmination, fulfillment, or a situation in which complete awareness is forthcoming. See below, for dates when the 'Full Moon' of the Winter Solstice 2016 Jupiter-Uranus opposition had planted its seeds during their three-fer conjunction/s.

Jupiter-Pluto; Uranus-Pluto

Then there's apex Pluto, the isolationist, who can act as a dictator when plodding through Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Here His Creepiness continues a karmic role in the turbulent yet weakened Cardinal Uranus-Pluto Square while also squaring Jupiter, a marker for what may be overly high expectations that need dialing down if real progress is the aim. And while it may inspire some folk to take themselves very seriously, the Jupiter-Pluto square denotes a time when there are frustrations and obstacles in Politics, diplomacy, finances, publishing, religion, group organizing, and other cultural matters. In addition, energy consumption and supply (gas prices?) will continue to be in the news, and new forms of energy are part of the picture as well.

Although large projects are not necessarily doomed to failure under a Jupiter-Pluto square, higher authorities may interfere or refuse to authorize the project's needed funds; or, powermongers may challenge the influence or authority of others, particularly those who have boastfully exaggerated their own importance or their extraordinary strength. Abuse or misuse of power is a caution under the sway of this square, and curiously, Alan Oken has labeled the Jupiter-Pluto square as an aspect of "the false prophet."


By the second half of December 2016 the Jupiter-Pluto square will be past its orb of influence so now let's consider the Jupiter-Uranus opposition. As you know, their cycle began with three conjunctions, the first on June 8, 2010 (conjunct the Aries Point of Global Manifestation), the second on September 19, 2010 @28Pis43, and the third on January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. And since their cycle is about 14 years in duration, 2016 is imprinted with their opposition.

(Note: the next Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus won't occur until April 21, 2024 @21Tau50, a one-fer encounter).

Restlessness, a sense of adventure, and a deep thirst for knowledge and education usually accompany a Jupiter-Uranus contact along with scientific or other breakthroughs, and free or reduced college costs and loans in the US may be what is described here as well especially with powerful manipulator Pluto in a money house and squaring banking Jupiter and rebel Uranus.

All in all, Winter Solstice 2016 basically times Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto vibes to usher out 2016 and the trio sets us up for the start of 2017 so if you wish to read more information about the Jupiter-Uranus duo, I recommend Anne Whitaker's research study in book form Jupiter Meets Uranus: From Erotic Bathing to Star Gazing.

Sep 7, 2016

DC Horoscope: 2016 Ends with Uranus Station Direct and a New Moon

2016 Ends: Capricorn New Moon and Uranus Direct Station Opposes Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

Here is the Uranus Direct Station chart set for the White House; please enlarge to read my scribbles thereupon:

Hour: Mercury (Rx, in 2nd house of the National Treasury; rules 8th and 10th houses); chart-ruler Mars (7Pis33, 3rd house of Communications) makes only one Ptolemaic aspect--a conjunction with Neptune (9Pis40 conj IC). Mars to Neptune denotes high potential for unwise decisions and actions, confusion and misunderstandings, and undermined efforts. Beware travels by water, poisonous fumes, and people who say, Trust Me (good advice any time!) Also, Mars and the South Node join which indicates disharmonious actions, violence, anger, frustration, and/or war. North Node in 9th house directs attention toward foreign lands but with a sense of criticism and a questioning of militaristic values.

Two Troubling Stars

Now there are two particularly difficult stars attached to this transit chart: Zosma (victimization; ruthlessness) at MC and Facies, one of the most turbulent stars in the heavens (victimization, violence). Facies is spotlighted here by Mercury, Sun, and Moon and by the Syzygy New Moon @7Cap59 (see bottom, left) which perfected 2 hours 35 minutes prior to the turning of Uranus (this chart). The next Full Moon is on January 12, 2017 @22Can27.

A BOWL of Jupiter

This horoscope and event show a BOWL shape with Jupiter @20Lib51 (11th house) leading the other planets and ruling the 2nd house. Career and Public Status are highlighted by Jupiter (The General? the politician? the guru? the CEO?) as he approaches MC, Facies, and the current Solar Eclipse (PE) which occurred on September 1, 2016 in the 19 North Saros Series of realism and tackling the truth but unfortunately the 19N eclipse was opposed by deceptive Neptune (Campaign 2016; scandals; water disasters such as floods and toxins, and leaks of chemicals or of inconvenient info).

Financial Crisis?

So as you see, the 2/8 money axis has 29 degrees on both cusps; 2nd cusp = "30Sag": "The Pope Blessing the Faithful," as I'm certain he does. Yet my suspicious nature feels a Vatican Bank hint coming on...or perhaps a Clinton Foundation scandal involving money laundering. But maybe that's just me--especially since economists and astrologers have been warning of a global financial collapse in 2016 or 2017 (plus, Shemitah!) so perhaps that's what shows in this Uranian transit chart for the end of 2016 into 2017.

Be that as it may, corporate expansionist Jupiter leads the throng here and rules 2nd house of Valuations, Earning Ability, Money, and Possessions and has links to the Federal Reserve System of banks since America's National Treasury is owned and operated by supranational bankers with their funny money scams.

Opposite, the 8th cusp isn't doing much better for it's ruled by retrograde Mercury which is too close to Facies for comfort. Plus, when in Capricorn, Mercury can easily exhibit a cunning, shrewd craftiness motivated by ambition. Whether Mercury expresses such traits or not, having critical-crisis 29th degrees on the 2/8 cusps indicates something on the cusp of change (but hopefully not collapse) in relation to quirky Uranus in Aries (Utopian zealots and anarchists--Ebertin) in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Frivolous Pursuits. Something of that nature will now begin to 'move ahead' but jerkily because it's Uranus.

Jupiter and Uranus

Of wider interest is the current cycle (about 14 years) of Jupiter and Uranus which began with three conjunctions: 1. June 8, 2010 @00Ari18 (the Cardinal Aries Point of World Manifestation); 2. September 19, 2010 @28Pis43; 3. January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. Jupiter-Uranus together can signify a variety of potentials and people such as fortune hunters (Trump, say moi!), organizers, zealots with one-sided views, explorers, inventors, scientists, freedom fighters, and religious conflicts (Ebertin). Optimism and good fortune may also indicated. See Jupiter Meets Uranus by Anne Whitaker.

The Jupiter-Uranus opposition denotes a fulfillment, culmination, or extreme awareness of some kind relating back to that particular time period (2010/2011). My suspicion is that austerity measures are in the mix such as with the 'Sequestration' cuts implemented by the so-called 'Super Congress' which is described by the Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @2Sag in the 14 North Saros Series as bringing a peculiar turn of events and that is just the kind of 'turn' that suits eccentric, erratic Uranus, the Disruptor.

In closing, and since this is a Political Astrology post, let's consider the Cardinal T-Square formed (though not perfected) by Jupiter-Uranus pointing toward wealthy manipulator and fearmonger Pluto with a paraphrase of Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets which includes Politics and Business potentials and follows the Hegelian Dialect method of social chaos and control.

Jupiter-Uranus = Pluto: Thesis: legal methods applied against a breakdown in order; revolutions or strikes; growth after reforms. Antithesis: religious principles spur reforms; governments that allow no modern reforms; civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system that stifles justice for common people.

Here America's two-tiered justice system is spotlighted with apex Pluto in a Cardinal T-Square suggesting potentials for explosive endings and/or active confrontations of overwhelming force in order to deal with crises.

For more info on T-Squares and other patterns try Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, 2nd edition.

And speaking of mysterious plutonian wealth hoarders, here's a Recommended Video: Meet the House of Rothschild.

Related: September 2016: Two 'Wild Card' Eclipses.

Apr 14, 2016

Washington DC Horoscope of Inauguration 2017

For Inauguration 2017 (January 20, noon EST, Capitol Building), the American people may expect a horoscope and planets that look like this:

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbles of basic information and scroll below for the midpoint picture potentials active during the day.

Providing the cosmic conditions for the 2017 Oath of Office and the 4-year term of the next president is a 5th house Solar Eclipse @9Virgo and if you're curious, here is a previous post concerning this 19 North Solar Eclipse which describes background influences for both Election 2016 in November and Inauguration 2017 in January. According to 19 North it's time to 'tackle the truth' though with our nation's capital city running on lies and deceit we must wonder how politicians will deal with such a frightful experience of the truth getting out. Unless, that is, the presidential victor is one of 'the outsiders' like Trump or Sanders. For my dime I prefer plain speaking Bernie Sanders over showman Donald Trump whose Mercury-Neptune distortions of facts and indiscretion are well known now in April 2016. Plus, Mr. Trump may not make it beyond the RNC 2016 nominating process so we'll see if any other truth tellers come forth for consideration in July and on November 8, 2016. After all, there will be a Capricorn Full Moon during RNC 2016 so facts and secret information may be cast into the public spotlight, and very inconveniently for some.

Another caution in the truth-telling department is that deceptive Neptune @10Pisces is the chart's and the inauguration's final dispositor--everything comes back to Neptune which is not a stable planet--strong and contagious in its own sign--on which to pin our hopes for increased realism and truth. Actually, stark Saturn favors realism, truth, and accountability and there he is in the 8th house of Corporatism near the political asteroid Juno. Conservative Saturn can be quite doubtful and doubt-provoking when in Sagittarius (sign of the truth seeker!) and often describes those with a strong sense of justice, prudence, and possessing legal talents. Will this be enough to satisfy the impetus of the 19 North Solar Eclipse?

Looking back, 19 North is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of America's Great Seal (June 20, 1782), the Republican Party (July 6, 1854), and Inauguration 1981 of Ronald Reagan. Quite a trio! And not necessarily a trio of realism and know.

So as you see in the horoscope, the Oath of Office will be taken during an active Hour of Mars, and there's a Bowl shape to the planets with the 6th house Jupiter in Libra in the lead. This shows a Jupiterian person who advocates for a cause, deals with needs, and is challenged by the empty area of the chart--here, it's Taurus through Virgo which includes America's natal Uranus and Mars in Gemini, our Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury in Cancer, and our natal Neptune in Virgo (sign of The Worker and Critic.) A major agenda has the next president but don't they all? Yet we know that global government types bedevil the American people who prefer the nation-state we're accustomed to! It's a long process forcing something upon people who say, No Thank You, and the Hegelian Dialect has been one of their favorite methods as the power elite 'solve' the very problems they themselves created and engineered.

As for Jupiter in Libra, we know that this placement denotes a strong sense of justice and fair play. An example is Mr. Trump whose natal Jupiter in Libra is quick to shout, "it's not fair!" when things aren't going his way. So we may be tempted to prognosticate Mr. Trump as our next president due to his Jupiter Return/s (17Lib27 Rx) which manifest three times: December 4, 2016, April 13, 2017 (Rx), and August 4, 2017. This should be a time of rewards for him.

However, there are other transits causing frustration such as disruptive, rebellious Uranus in Aries opposing Trump's natal Jupiter (a money planet that also relates to thespians and politicians--his Gemini Sun is an actor and a juggler.) Plus, there's a square from transit Pluto in Capricorn to his natal Jupiter. This imposing square denotes that his exaggerations of self-importance bring obstacles to his political aims and are not favored by those with more power and influence. In short, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square in Cardinal signs has engaged his Jupiter off and on so I'm guessing it's the dynamic T-Square the trio forms which played a part in encouraging him to (finally) make a run for the presidency.

(Jupiter-Uranus = Pluto contains potentials for: far-seeing creative activities; a change of fortune; tremendous drive to success; great gains. On its own the Jupiter-Uranus pair indicates optimism and lucky breaks--but can also involve conflicts, holding one-sided views, and a lack of compromise--Ebertin; Tyl.)

So let's not redecorate the Oval Office in gold gilt just yet! For on the cosmic agenda in 2017 Mr. Trump will experience difficult transits to his natal Sun-Moon opposition: truth-bringer Saturn will conjoin natal Moon @21Sag and oppose his natal Sun @22Gemini during his three-fer Jupiter Return. Ouch! These are periods when one's ego, integrity, leadership, and generosity are challenged by those with more power and seniority, and feelings of emotional deprivation and loss bring worries, depression, and a potential for illness. Now some pundits say that Donald Trump doesn't actually want the job of president and with this doubly difficult transit coming it seems to me that if he's (s)elected, the restrictions of living in the White House and the rigors of the job itself will be greatly disappointing for his nibs--in part, thanks to old man Saturn affecting his natal Full Moon. Personal relationships and family may be affected as well and it will take other more positive planetary input to relieve these stresses along with a letup of Saturnian energies thanks to retrograde periods which will allow some respite.

Now I didn't intend to type this much about one 2016 candidate but there it is. I compose at-keyboard so I'll not delete my Trump remarks now. However, we should consider the applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus @17Pisces, a critical degree, in the wishful 11th house of Groups and Alliances (where 'she' usually is at inauguration time: money/relationship planet Venus is exalted in Pisces, as you know.) There are two Ptolemaic aspects made by Venus in the horoscope that give hints as to how the 4-year presidential term will proceed:

First, Venus squares restrictive Saturn (5A46) which is in a Money House, the 8th, as noted above. This suggests difficulties in cooperative endeavors and in gaining favor and/or material assets, and a preference for isolation instead of attending social events. Legal matters, debates, and taking on responsibilities may not bring satisfying results, or the costs may simply be too high. Rough sailing? Yes, but things can still work out okay in the end especially for the win-win class of power elites.

Next, Venus conjoins Mars (6A37), a transit denoting joint efforts with partners and/or allies are pleasant as is travel--perhaps Air Force One is suggested since luxury travel is indicated and a meeting is in the cards. Is this a lady (Venus) president meeting with the guys? Perhaps. A reporter (perhaps Robert Costas on MSNBC?) said this week that Wall Street titans "are not afraid of what Hillary will do" if she's elected, whereas Bernie Sanders--well, that's a candidate of a different stripe all together, isn't it?!

To close, here are the previously published midpoint pictures for January 20, 2017 noon EST Capitol Building Washington DC; please enlarge the image for reading purposes and note that all, any, or none may apply and are subject to activation by transits and progressions:


Note: the rim of the Bowl, the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, is the culmination of their current cycle which began in 2010/2011 with three conjunctions: June 8, 2010 @00Ari18 = Aries Point and conjunct US natal IC; September 19, 2010 @28Pisces, and January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. This marks the period when 'Tea Party' candidates infiltrated the US Congress intent on shaking things up, plus, it relates to the debt issues that Congress pretended to 'deal with' in 2011 so with the Jupiter-Uranus opposition we may expect more financial stalemates and fiscal difficulties as a new president accepts the baton and runs with it, taking We the People into what the transnational Money Trust intends to be a global new world economic order--allegedly legalized on December 23, 1913 with the surreptitious and illegal passage by Congress of the NY Federal Reserve scam.

And with this post and many others since 2005, this American demurs and dissents.

Mar 17, 2016

Jupiter in Virgo now triggers the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933

If Not Nominated Candidate Trump Signals Riots for RNC 2016

When 2016 candidate Donald Trump announced his presidential bid on June 16, 2015 it was influenced that day by a New Moon @25Gemini which denotes a new cycle of activity, and for Mr. Trump marked a new cycle involving Mercury, planet of announcements and voting and ruler of communicative Gemini (sign of Good News).

And perhaps you caught my post on how rioting Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries is in process of returning to its degree in the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse chart of 1933.

The actual dates of the Uranus Return/s to its 1933 degree are: April 16, 2016, December 5, 2016, and January 22, 2017. Naturally we both may note that the date of the third conjunction is uncomfortably near Inauguration 2017 on January 20th which could be one of the indicators of a Trump victory. (His impulsive finger on The Button? What are his supporters thinking???)

Another time link to 1933 and current political strong-armed tactics (aka, America's disastrous lean toward authoritarianism) is the Capricorn Full Moon which conjoins US natal Pluto and perfects during the 2016 Republican National Convention in July.. Recent primary results now point toward a brokered convention in an attempt to knock Trump off the GOP throne which is why Mr. Trump is signaling riots if he doesn't receive the Republican nomination which would suit perfectly the returning Uranus in Aries (blind zealots, anarchists, fanatics).

Now in the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse chart (set for Berlin, Germany because of Hitler--it signaled FDR's first term in the US) Jupiter and Uranus are inconjunct (150 degrees) indicating far-fetched dreams, extension beyond safe limits, overreactions, and an urge for instant results. And since the Fascism Rising Jupiter also returns to its 1933 degree, the inconjunct aspect with disruptive Uranus is echoed in 2016/17 by both planets.

Below are the exact dates of the Jupiter Return/s to its 1933 degree of 19Virgo58 (Rx and in line with Neptune and Mars, the violent Marseillaise Trio of the French Revolution); also note that then and now, Jupiter conjoins fixed star Denebola, key phrases: to go against society, or, out of the mainstream (which Mr. Trump is as a non-politician):

Jupiter to 19Vir58: November 22, 2015, February 24, 2016, July 20, 2016 with the last occurring during RNC 2016.

Mar 17, 2013

Horoscope: May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in Taurus

After Spring Equinox 2013 arrives, the Cosmos has a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse in store for us (secrets and leaks continue to be revealed?), and on May 9, 2013, a Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 manifests during a Moon Hour of changes and fluctuations. Here's a horoscope of the May Solar Eclipse set for the White House (as a representative of the United States of America):

Chart shown: May 9, 2013 8:28:23 pm EDT White House, Washington DC. Ascendant 24Sco23, MC 6Vir15 (conjunct President Obama's natal Pluto), and with unstable, gaseous Neptune @5Pis09 at IC, conjunct the president's 1st house natal Chiron (5Pis19 Rx), and opposing his natal Pluto which indicates erosion (Neptune) of power and control (Pluto)--unless his wealthy backers support him as president in spite of it. With transiting Pluto now opposing US natal Sun (the president), I'm not certain they will, are you? For huge power struggles ensue...

Please click to enlarge the image and perhaps read a few basic notes with the eclipse taking place in the Cadent (preparation) 6th house of Service (Military, Police, etc), Work, and Health in Washington. Venus @00Gem28 in 7th house of Partnerships conjoins the degree of the difficult Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 which triggered Fixed Star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation with its something to cry about and/or exile themes. Multiplicity and duplicity are characteristics of the dual sign Gemini, as you know, and an unaspected Jupiter @19Gem23 approaches US natal Mars @22Gem, planet of war, strife, and contention though it is often a fortunate transit for Jupiterian luck may favor Mars' physical endeavors.

Yes, the May 20, 2012 eclipse related and relates to the ongoing, reckless economic and budgetary stalemates now playing in our Capitol Hill Theater and which are damaging our nation's standing in the world along with Mr. Obama's presidency and the US economy with it. Odd really, since the Republican Party has always given much lip service to how 'strong' our nation must be perceived abroad. Yet sometimes since 2009, it feels as if the GOP is inviting attacks by staging their intransigent, provocative behavior. And the secessionist vibe? "A house divided cannot stand." But apparently that's what some entities want so that a full coup may be established in Washington DC.

Well, with the May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in the 15 South Saros Series, we may expect financial dramas to continue for Taurus is a money sign, ruled by evaluating Venus, as shown so obviously by the sculpture of the Taurean Bull on Wall Street. (Yet I still get the creepy feeling that the secret-ritual Cult of Mithras is lurking within our financial and governmental shadows! Click and scroll down to see a bas-relief of 'Mithras as Atlas'!)

Astro-Note: in 1776, US natal Pluto began @27Cap33 Rx and has now progressed to 29Cap+; along the way Mr. Invisible Power crossed '28Cap', a degree which *Adriano Carelli gives as "Atlas Carrying the World on His Back" which brings up Sen. Paul Ryan's favorite obstructionist and survival-of-the-fittest idol Ayn Rand because of her book Atlas Shrugged in which wealthy, pouty corporatists take their financial marbles and beat a hasty retreat from their ungrateful victims. There are no coincidences and apparently US stock-dumping has been going on for while now.

Themes of the 15 South Saros Series for May 9, 2013--until November 2013:

Release of tension as a lingering situation will suddenly clear but with a sense of loss or grief that is more collective or group-related than personal (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Chart-rulers of the Scorpio Ascendant you see above are Mars and sub-ruler Pluto but all we can surmise from their applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects (since Mars applies only to conjunction with the SN = war, violence, or a stepping aside from them) is a spotlight on the Uranus-Pluto square (0A39) in Cardinal (initiating action) signs from the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Values, and Earning Ability to radical Uranus @10Ari44 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Speculation, Creative Pursuits, and Children.

Thus, the Uranus-Pluto square of titanic generational clashes may gobble up the May 2013 Solar Eclipse cake, or at least the crumbs left over by an unaspected Jupiter which, as such, works in a one-pointed, intense manner--"all or nothing" is a good phrase for an unaspected planet, and here moneybags Jupiter in Gemini, sign of trade, commerce, transport, and communication, insists on providing growth and investment in our country although at the moment, he is not tied in with the energies (planets) of the May 9th eclipse horoscope. However, this Jupiter can be highly influential when he acts and this may denote what the president is able do toward investment without interference from the obstructive input of Congress. Or, perhaps the GOP will finally get wise to itself and cooperate for the good of our nation!

Now Uranus is the catalyst or apex planet of two midpoint pictures:

Mercury-Neptune = Uranus: going 'far out'; sudden new ideas.

Mars-Neptune = Uranus: reaching for 'pie in the sky'; energetically following the dream.

Plus, one picture is angular at Midheaven (The Goal Point) where it may manifest, and its combined energies also affect President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo:

Jupiter-ASC = MC: successful positioning; being in the right place at the right time.

Jupiter-ASC = natal Pluto: strong image; influential; leadership.

The Sun and Moon are involved in pictures, too:

Sun-Mars = Mercury: alertness; ready for action; fast talk; busy travel.

Moon-Mars = Mercury worrisome preoccupations; irritability; nervousness.

Other midpoint pictures appear as well and include the 'lucky break' pair, Jupiter-Uranus:

Jupiter-Uranus = Mars: changing fortunes; drive and determination toward success.

And since Mars @14Tau29 conjoins US Inaugural Ascendant (the Office of the Presidency) on January 20th at noon, Capitol Building, we have:

Jupiter-Uranus = Inaugural ASC: knowing the best will happen; optimism and self-confidence; success; fortunate twists in the way things transpire.

Well, I like that last one as long as the American people are included in the Jupiterian festivities. So maybe I'd better stop typing on that fortunate note!

Other topics in the news include threats from North Korea; here's a previous post: Astro-Notes on North Korea's Natal Chart.

*Adriano Carelli, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.

Today's midpoint pictures from Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs; as always, any, all, or none may apply.

Jun 22, 2012

Jupiter Meets Uranus while Typing on a Weekend!

Typing on the Weekend of June 22--24, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Since this weekend is the last for composing and setting up my new subscription newsletter Stars Over Washington Monthly by early July, you can imagine that typing is keeping me tres busy and I won't be hanging out much here on my SO'W blog until Monday or Tuesday--crazy events in Washington DC notwithstanding. No, it isn't a weekend vacation but it is a labor of love on behalf of America!

Meanwhile, perhaps you wish to read a well-written review of my Scottish friend and expert astrologer Anne Whitaker's excellent book Jupiter Meets Uranus: From Erotic Bathing to Star Gazing which I also reviewed on Amazon in 2009--though I really don't think I did the book's usefulness enough justice!

So if Jupiter Meets Uranus is not already snuggled within your astro-library, I highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to know more astrologically and historically concerning this 'lucky breakthrough' pair with its 'social and collective links'.

(Their last Great Conjunction/s in their 14-year cycle were from 2010 into 2011 and you'll remember that the first one conjoined Aries Point and the next two were in late Pisces.)

Wishing you a Happy Weekend, if you can get one!

Mar 5, 2011

Fate v Free Will: 'The Adjustment Bureau' right on time

Social propagandists often run concepts and bad ideas up the proverbial public flagpole to see if anyone salutes, to undermine our traditional social fabric of decency, and/or simply to get us accustomed to certain ideas prior to implementing them (or some version thereof.)

The eeriness of HAL (the computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey) is a good example of our collectively shared feelings of creepiness, dread, and threat in this New Technology Age ('www', the oft-touted Age of Aquarius?) You'd be forgiven about now if you hearkened your mind back to Dr. Frankenstein's obsession with overstepping natural boundaries no matter the cost, monster be da*ned.

Astrology Tussles with Fate v Free Will, Too

A Huffington Post article The Adjustment Bureau: Fate or Free Will? explains the premise of the new Matt Damon film...or is it just another Hollywood propaganda effort to make light of what really is an overarching and manipulative Plan by shadowy global figures and criminal networks?

Well, just for fun (and because it could look good against SO'W's charcoal background - and we do talk on this blog about stars, here's a 10 min 30 sec video of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey from way back in 1968. I was a sprightly teen then, saw 2001 in a theater, and was fairly freaked out over uppity HAL's new attitude. You?

Enjoy! For it has atmospheric music, too. And America had a Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2001 after SCOTUS played their snaky December 2000 role in yet another sordid Bush affair.

And the primary planetary signature of 2001?

No Great Conjunctions that year but in 1997 there were two which describe fantastic filmeries and progressive ideas that are perhaps a little creepy; Jupiter/Uranus in particular have that dazzling scientific vibe of new discoveries and explorations; Jupiter/Neptune relates to fantastical entertainments, flights of bubbly fancy, the grand spirit, speculation and fraud:

January 9, 1997 Jupiter caught up with filmy, glamorous Neptune @ 27Cap09, thereby conjoining US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx simultaneously...

Tr Jupiter/Neptune = n Pluto: plans unreasonable beyond measure; self-projection out of hand (or out of this world?); a great loss ('free' trade?); far-reaching speculations.

Then on February 16, 1997, the Great Benefic Jupiter expanded his guru's magic-wand toward inventive and original Uranus @ 5AQ56, conjoining US natal South Node of the Moon (SN), a separative, Saturnian point describing past behaviors, talents, and unconscious, self-defeating manners of behavior - where our neuroses lie. Through bad habits (character) we find karma and reap what was sown.

Now let's stretch a bit to include sub-frequencies so that we'll spy a midpoint picture or two to consider on our nation's Nodal Path of Destiny, whether 'Manifest' or not...

Tr Jupiter/Uranus = n NN: individuality attracts; striving for a common purpose; shared happiness.

Jupiter/Uranus = 'Saturn' (SN): one-sided principles; sudden disadvantages or losses; sudden inhibitions before reaching an objective; obstinacy; introduction of patience and practicality to boundless self-projection; temperance over excess.

Back to the Jupiter/Neptune pair: if we stretch to include America's natal Mercury Rx (25Can) as one axis of our nation's Mercury/Pluto opposition, we have...

Tr Jupiter/Neptune = n Mercury: skills with deceptive practices; the raising of hopes; talking a lot and putting on an act; self-study in the realms of mysticism; rich powers of visualization; speaking for the deprived; misleading or misdirecting the attention of others.

Ah, 2001! That last sounds like Hollywood using HAL to distract the discontented masses from political shenanigans, doesn't it? But if such a techno-distraction isn't enough, the powers-that-be can always use the centuries-old trick of tyrants and kings everywhere: start a war. Oh yeah. They did.

And they are apparently getting US troops ready for more carnage.

If so, then Washington will have our nation playing a triple role as the 'bomb first ask questions later' brigade serving courageously on behalf of the suckiest over-reaching government in world history and one that seldom if ever admits culpability for its crimes. Washington refuses to put Wall Street fraudsters on trial and fairly convict them for collapsing and riding down the global economy.

Who are these people?


UPDATE 9:00 pm est: my bad! I neglected the planetary signatures for 1968, the year 2001 premiered:

Great Conjunction Jupiter and Uranus, the scientific breakthrough duo, occurred on December 12, 1968 @ 3Lib39, near US natal Midheaven (Aspiration Point) and conjoining the US natal Saturn/Neptune midpoint of secret (Neptune) government (Saturn); two more conjs occurred: March 11, 1969 @ 2Lib27, and July 20, 1969 @ 00Lib40, an exact conjunction with our national Mc...

Tr Jupiter/Uranus = n Mc: a fortunate turn in life; optimism; fortunate powers of adaptability; comfortably becoming known for who one is; personal rewards from making changes.

We might even stretch toward:

n Saturn/Neptune = tr Jupiter: very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight; depression; egoism; narrow-mindedness; lung or liver disease.

n Saturn/Neptune = tr Uranus: indifference to decay in older structures; a new discipline adds Astrology to religious or mystical practices; frustration; irritability; inner unrest; excitability; a suddenly manifesting weakness or illness.

The other Great Conjunction of 1968 is the plutocracy/banking system duo of Jupiter and Pluto on October 13 @ 23Vir40 - conjunct US n Neptune...

Tr Jupiter/Pluto = n Neptune: inclinations to deceive, cheat, or seduce others (ya think? and they were only warming up in 1968...for 2008!); suffering damage or loss through others without being aware of it (the beaky snastards); a general disappointment; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into ones own format.

Presidential background: LBJ was sworn in on Nov 22, 1963 after JFK's assassination, and was inaugurated once on Jan 20, 1965. Therefore, the above Great Conjunctions both took place and greatly influenced events during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration; Richard Nixon was inaugurated the first time on Jan 20, 1969 but he campaigned to win the White House, of course, in 1968.


Related topics:

Historical events of 2001

Brief natal details for Ayn Rand admirer and austerian extraordinaire Paul Ryan

SpaceWeather News


Midpoint pictures: Tyl: Ebertin: Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.