Destruction of the Public Trust has been a topic through the years here on SO'W so I'm glad to find that progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann and Professor Robert Reich have something to say on the subject. In the brief video, below, Thom discusses Professor Reich's recent article which points to the win-at-any-cost antics of Republican Newt Gingrich during Bill Clinton's presidency as one of, if not the, culprit.
Remember that destroying the American people's trust in the US government is an integral part of the Global Government plan for domination so that when the dust clears after the chaos they create, we'll all say, Oh, please please establish a One World Government for our problems are too difficult for Washington politicians to handle, or something to that effect. Puh! Well, there are many examples of dry runs on behalf of this devilish Hegelian scenario but one that comes to mind is the creation of a "super Congress" in 2011 so that sequestration (austerity measures) could be shoved into place, funds diverted, and 'Congress' wouldn't be blamed for the results.
If you recall there was even a Sequestration Solar Eclipse in November 2011 with sinister vibes of "a peculiar turn of events" to reflect in the heavens the non-traditional behavior on earth of our infiltrated US government and its 'officials' who continue to act in breach of the public trust.
Also note that Mr. Trump and Mr. Gingrich were born under the exact same personality blend of Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius, if that tells us anything. See Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper for more details. Or view A Natal Chart for Newt Gingrich where you'll see his Sag Moon that will soon (Feb 2017) be hit by a transit from restrictive Saturn (same as Trump's Moon but earlier) followed closely by Saturn opposing their natal Suns.
This transit would be doubly difficult for anyone--unless in the realms of Politics, Saturn brings them authority and responsibility instead of, or along with, loss, ill health, family concerns, broken relationships, and/or an end to their shared desire for power. Whether the Saturn transits are positive or negative for them, I Do Not Want Gingrich, Cheney, Rove, Delay, or any of their particular criminal brotherhood in power, do you? As if all they perpetrated is now okay. It isn't.
So in spite of all globalist ploys to undermine our trust and betrayals of American sovereignty, their Hegelian tactics don't work with this Child of the Revolution because I continue to esteem our form of government while calling foul on the corrupting infiltrators and agents who work from the inside to dissolve our Republic on behalf of a 'new order'. (Perhaps you've seen my 11+-year-old blog description under the title, above--it has not changed!) Do globalists underestimate the fervor of those of us whose ancestors sacrificed, fought, and died for the sake of America? For that is my suspicion!
Now here's Mr. Hartmann:
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