CNN, Donald Trump, Russia, China, and Astrology
by Jude Cowell
CNN has published an interactive feature The Many Paths from Trump to Russia yet there are two Sabian Symbols in Donald Trump's natal horoscope that point, not to Russia, but to China. Of course, it may be that these symbols can apply to any foreign governments and his dealings with them.
For plainly Mr. Trump is certainly shaking things up the world over and stirring up chaos in the US just as Uranus, oriental planet (last to rise before the Sun) likes to do. Mr. Trump's disruptive natal Uranus @18Gemini is posited in his public 10th house of Career...
Natal Uranus: '18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd"...DIFFERENCE: positive expression: the effective mobilization of self and others for life's more specialized objectives; negative (shadow side--jc): a thorough dissipation of selfhood through alien relationships."
Okay, so his chaos-creating Uranus, the radical eccentric, 'leads' the nation but it's his natal Moon (conjunct his South Node opposite natal Sun) that may turn out to be an even bigger issue:
Natal Moon: '22Sagittarius' = "A Chinese Laundry"...SECLUSION: positive: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation (really? jc); negative (shadow side): unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones). So he constantly needs approval to bolster his sense of inferiority which accounts for at least some of his over-the-top boasting. Ex: boasting about US intel to the two Russians he allowed into the Oval Office.
Now assuming that the American people make it through May, June, and July in one piece, we have steamy August and The Great American Eclipse to navigate as does Mr. Trump (the August 21st eclipse @29Leo hits his natal Ascendant and singes his warring and belligerent Mars) for the month of August 2017 will be Full of Karmic Returns for the occupant of the Oval Office--and thus, for the American people via Donald Trump, aka, the blabber-in-chief.
Related: 2017 Transit Neptune Veils US Progressed Sun in Pisces (US Sun = POTUS). And there's also a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ on August 7, 2017.
Peering Ahead: 2018: Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes. Also in 2018, the Midterm Elections are just in time for the US Constitution's Progressed New Moon...or is it the other way around?
Astro-Note: Russia's sovereignty horoscope data (June 12, 1990; 9:45 am GMT, ASC 26Vir11) is found in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes - which formed during the early stages of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, exact three times in 1993 (and totem pair of the 'new world order' that all the bankers' wars are meant to implement). The Russia sovereignty horoscope shows the Mercury-Pluto spying and surveillance pair in quindecile aspect (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) which identifies the cunning, persuasion, and manipulation in their use of communications and information. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves).
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