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Jul 20, 2017

In the Realms of Jupiter: Steve Bannon

For basic info on this series of articles, please see the Jupiter profile of Donald Trump.

In the Realms of Jupiter Part 3: Steve Bannon

Born on November 27, 1953 with an Airy Jupiter @23Gem33, Mr. Bannon has had varied careers within Geminian areas such as stock trading, editing, promotion, and publishing. As you know, Mercury-ruled Gemini is a mental sign of communication and has allowed him opportunities to acquire a wide range of marketable skills. Mr. Bannon shares an Airy Jupiter with his advisee Donald Trump whose Jupiter is in Venus-ruled Libra where Jupiter relates to others based on Trump's constant concern with fair play in relationships. Meanwhile, Mr. Bannon's Jupiter in Gemini loves to tell fantastic stories with larger meanings and has the capacity to relate many facts and details into the scene.

But wait! We should be careful here or Steve Bannon's natal Saturn may overtake his Jupiterian energies for dutiful Saturn @4Sco11 is unaspected and thus may function unencumbered and with less difficulty in Saturnian realms (such as management, control, duties, authority) than an aspected Saturn would. In isolation may be his preferred mode of working, plus, the placement suggests an indifference or lack of concern for anything outside his usual sphere of operation. Negatively, self-discipline may be missing from the personality along with a normally functioning conscience.

However, let's not give up on Bannon's natal Jupiter just yet for it leads a BOWL shape in his natal horoscope with the rest of the planets tipping Jupiter's way. Obviously, some level of leadership is suggested here though without a timed birth chart we can't know in which direction the BOWL tips. (My guess would be toward career matters.) Anyway, this emphasizes a prominent natal Jupiter in Gemini which happens to conjoin the Uranus-NN-Sun trio of Donald Trump posited in Trump's very visible 10th house of Career and Public Status. Plus, Bannon's natal Sun @5Sag is ruled by Jupiter which adds more adventurous Sagittarian vibes to his character and intellect; his natal Moon is in either Leo the entertainer, or Virgo the critic and dedicated worker slogging away behind the scenes. My guess? A Virgo Moon. You?

Also of note is the fact that Bannon's natal Jupiter is retrograde, a condition denoting unusual perspectives, odd beliefs, and/or a different set of morals. Here is one who prefers to learn by his own experiences and who tends to plan things well rather than relying on natural luck.

Expansive Jupiter in Curious Gemini: Exploring Unconventional Ideas

One further note is necessary here: natal Pluto @25Leo01 is at Rx Station so power, manipulation, and control are inner issues of transformation which hide in the shadows of a Jupiter-Pluto sextile, an aspect supplying talent in matters of psychological combat. How useful in Politics and in business and financial analysis! And yet the self-reliant Mr. Bannon may find himself facing his losses alone when they come for lack of loyalty from fair weather friends may be an issue for him and he may have made enemies who attempt to sabotage him via rumor or misfortune (Epstein). And it's possible that on November 27, 1953 the Moon conjoined natal Pluto which would indicate an extremely demanding nature--hard to live or deal with, a tyrant in fact. Also note that his natal Pluto conjoins the natal Mars of Donald Trump (@26Leo and rising)--an energizing contact yet possibly explosive.

In addition, his natal Jupiter is engaged in a second aspect, a Jupiter-Neptune trine which may inspire attempts to refine any coarseness within his environment. (My suggestion: the Oval Office please!) Mr. Bannon possesses an inherent understanding of life as shown by this aspect and is concerned with restoring order out of chaos (uh-oh--via a 'new world order'?), a trait that must come in very handily in the crazy quilt Trump White House. Mysticism and occult interests are also shown by the Airy Jupiter-Neptune trine along with a tendency to respond only to certain people who share his interests or his attitudes. And this is rather paradoxical since Bannon's natal Jupiter is posited in communicating, often chatty, ever curious Gemini!

So let's close this Astro-Portrait of Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter in Gemini with a midpoint picture involving Jupiter, one that is in force throughout the day and night of his birth and thus does not depend upon a correctly timed horoscope; any, all, or none of the following suggested potentials may apply and are subject to transits, progressions, and arcs, and may be activated by eclipses, stars, and/or other cosmic events:

Jupiter-Neptune = Pluto 25Leo01 Rx: plans unreasonable beyond measure (Ebertin); self projection out of hand (Tyl); ideas gained from visions to control waste or pollution; condemnation or suppression of occult theories (Munkasey).

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