"We no longer live in religious times, but the human need for the numinous, for something greater, more perfect and more powerful than ourselves has not disappeared. It has, however, taken a perverse turn. Instead of aspiring to the Infinite, we make gods out of mortals. We create 'super-stars' of athletes and artisans. We inflate, glamorise and worship actors, sports people, and musicians. We exalt them in other words. This phenomenon of elevating the ordinary to the extraordinary is a quality of Jupiter and Sagittarius (not so much Pisces). It emerges at the behavorial level in two basic ways:
1. The mantle of hero or king seems to fall most easily on those strong in Jupiter or Sagittarius.
2. Equally, the Sagittarian-Jupiter type can have a more than average tendency to idolize and hero worship. - Paul Wright.
Naturally, you recognize the huge, great again Mr. Trump in the words above--he does, after all, have "the best words", as you know, so why wouldn't he favor his own Jupiterianess? Interesting that the word 'king' comes up since Mr. Trump was born with royal star Regulus, the king or the kingmaker rising! As for number 2, Trump does seem to idolize Mr. Putin and other strong-armed dictators, both dead and living, so perhaps for his own inner monologue he is able to project his own Jupiterian leadership and love of success onto others whom he deems worthy.
Now astrological Jupiter can represent many concepts and play many roles in horoscopes. In Natal Astrology, the sign of Jupiter describes how the person relates to others and its aspects to other planets and points (chart angles, Moon's nodes) add information to the picture for input from other planets modifies the natal Jupiter somewhat and/or has its own energy and function expanded by Jupiter, planet of increase and generosity.
Of course, a few of life's realms that involve Jupiter include: codified religion, philosophy, ideology, idealism, banking, corporate culture, broadcasting, legalities, theater, and Politics and can signify a particular politician as an actor in a horoscope set up to study an issue, event, or personality. Needless to say, both the condition and position of natal Jupiter are worthy of study when considering personalities such as those now 'on duty' at the White House. So I'm starting a series of SO'W articles to investigate the natal Jupiters of certain political operatives: In the Realms of Jupiter. Hopefully such information may prove useful or somewhat interesting to either of you now reading these words!
Most of the natal horoscopes I'm using are set for 'noon' since birth times are unknown. Some charts are accurately timed (RR:AA from BC/BR) as with Trump but most are not. However, the positions and conditions of their Jupiters do not fully depend upon a correctly timed horoscope. Naturally, I have taken care with the fast moving Moon, am not using angles or cusps (which depend on birth times), and any mention of houses are only for those few with accurately timed horoscopes. Several Trump administration denizens are in my notes for this upcoming series of articles and hopefully their Astro-Portraits can be glopped together a little into a BOGO, we could say, except that no money changes hands.

Note: 'S' = separating or waning aspects and indicates that they and the energies of those planets in a particular aspect are unconscious to the native though naturally studying one's natal horoscope can mitigate this by increasing self-knowledge. 'A' = applying or waxing; there are other reasons to use waxing and waning aspects such as for timing purposes but that is beyond the scope of this post.
Donald J. Trump: Jupiter in Airy Libra
Donald Trump June 14, 1946 Jupiter @17Lib27 Station Direct in 2nd house of Earning Ability, Values, and Possessions; a trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter denotes a speculator, gambler, a big dreamer with inflated fantasies, and possessing a blind spot and/or a deep wound. Jupiter is curious to learn and strong at Direct Station and knows no bounds or limits which is born out in his personality and by his actions (ex: when he disregards the personal space of others). Mr. Trump relates to other people as Venus-ruled Libra would do and Libra is the sign of the Scales of Justice, diplomacy, beauty, and relationships. He certainly has given the Scales of Justice a workout in his lifetime, his self-touted negotiating ability is legendary if disputed, and relationships (three marriages+) are important to him especially if loyalty is part of the picture (otherwise, not!) His self-esteem depends on feedback from others (ex: approval ratings); this natal Jupiter bolsters natal Sun (ego; adult self--here, Gemini the Child) via a beneficial trine aspect, as noted, below, yet his very noticeable habit of over-promising has been remarked upon 'ere this. Jupiter again especially with those confusing, imaginative Neptune frequencies added. Subliminal!
Plus, you've probably heard Mr. Trump's Libran Jupiter broadcast, "that's not fair!," and, his ownership of and involvement with beauty pageants is well documented through the years (along with the backstage dressing rooms he just walks into without warning...he's a bounder, a la natal Jupiter at Direct Station and eager to sail ahead in a spirit of exploration and discovery of 'new vistas') That he's stealing a peek and crossing a line doesn't occur to him since Jupiter in Libra likes beautiful ladies--and no one can dissuade him from his roguish behavior.
Natal Jupiter 2nd house: Material Security; Jupiter in Air: Intellectual Work Is Exhausting
Mr. Trump's Jupiter aspects: a lucky Sun-Jupiter trine (5S28), similar to his being a Sagitarian--well, his natal Moon is in Sag giving him pleasant Moon-Jupiter vibes yet there are Mother issues with his detached or even icy Moon-South Node conjunction; Jupiter conjunct Neptune (S by 12-degrees) shows him carelessly trusting those who don't deserve it and questioning everyone's motives in relating to him--Neptune adds potential elements of fraud, corruption, delusion, pretense, and disappointment to the picture; Trump tends to scan over things superficially, probably in self-defense (no, I'm not certain he can read either); Jupiter trine Uranus (0S26) lucky again! don't fence him in because lots of travel is suggested (business interests abroad) and there's a mental alertness to every opportunity; this trine can help his Geminian facets to make troubles disappear!
Jupiter conjunct Chiron (2S32)--the ebullient and unfailing optimist (Nolle); Jupiter trine North Node (3S21; NN = public contact) provides him with opportunities to broadcast to the public...nowadays, to the world; he 'goes with the flow' of popular trends by constantly sussing out the public mood, and lives through people's reactions to him.
Carelli's Degrees: '17Libra' = "A sweetly chirping starling" (on Twitter, no doubt!)
And last but not least in tonight's Astro-Portrait of the Jupiterian Mr. Trump is the happenstance that the newly minted politician is now in process of enjoying a Jupiter Return (or, Reward Cycle, of about 11.6 years' duration) which is proving to be a three-fer affair this time around as transit Jupiter again reaches 17Lib27--in his natal 2nd house. Jupiter Return Dates: December 4, 2016; April 13, 2017 Rx; August 4, 2017 with a massive Jupiter-Pluto square in force again causing him much frustration when those with more power and control attempt to squelch his endeavors if he takes himself too seriously or exaggerates his own importance (a default description of Donald Trump when blabbing away about himself and insulting or belittling others).
This return positioning of Jupiter as on June 14, 1946 symbolically repeats the aspects of natal Jupiter to his Sun, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron, and NN as listed above and provides his nibs with opportunities to improve or correct his handling of Jupiterian issues (from about 12 years ago, 24, 36, 48, etc) so that karmic progress may result In the Realms of Jupiter.
You are cordially invited to return to SO'W for the next installment coming soon: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter...and thanks again for all your Shares, you know they keep me typing! jc
Edit July 20, 2017: due to the uncertain nature of Jeff Sessions' tenure as Mr. Trump's Attorney General, AG Sessions has had his Jupiter profile published second rather than Mr. Bannon whose Jupiter profile is top of my list. Stay tuned!
Update July 24,2017: In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner.
Please note that the above quote by Paul Wright may be found in Stephen Arroyo's book Exploring Jupiter: Progress, Prosperity & Potential; I am not certain that those particular words were ever in print otherwise. jc
Image: Jupiter; NASA; public domain