Now that US Ambassador to the UN has re-signed her post two days prior to planet Venus slinking through Scorpio and turning re-trograde @10Sco50 (October 5th), a peek at her 'noon' horoscope is in order and may be viewed at Star4Cast, Marjorie Orr's excellent website.
Also included is a view of Haley's natal chart blended into a composite chart with that of Donald Trump--and it's fairly curious! Plus, if you haven't, check out Haley's natal Mars-Uranus opposition which squares her natal Mercury in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. (Nikki Haley January 20, 1972 Lansing, MI, birth time unknown.)
Mars-Uranus = Mercury: acting independently and drawing heavily upon one's nervous energy reserves; a test of strength or power carried out calculatingly; an achievement or invention thought out in great detail; excessive irritation of the nerves (Ebertin).
A primary feature is that the combining of their natal charts and planets results in a difficult, frustrating Mars-Saturn square, not the best portent for an easy, lengthy relationship, or it may be sporadic or alternate between apathy and cooperation. Still, Haley says she's supporting Trump in 2020 and apparently intends to stump on his behalf. The square also denotes a tendency toward bad timing, an idea the GOP is publicly sporting due to Haley's resignation only one month prior to the 2018 Midterms (unheard of!). Good timing for her though.
Hopefully, Ambassador Haley is not involved or connected in any way with the disappearance or murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi who hasn't been seen alive since he walked into the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul, Turkey. After all, Nikki Haley has been hangin' with all nationalities at the United Nations and might 'know a little something' about the case.
So in spite of her resignation, Haley and Trump are so far expressing no rancor between them as she prepares to re-turn to the private sector at or by the end of 2018, possibly to earn money to balance her personal budget. Yet we know that 'Venus scorned' is an archetype within the Venus in Scorpio model along with potentials within Scorpio for brooding intensity and betrayal. It has been reported that she was mightily upset when Trump passed her over for Secretary of State and named oil magnate Rex Tillerson to the post. Bruise! So it will be interesting yet sad to see if Mr. Trump turns at some point toward criticizing Nikki Haley who may have become too high profile at the UN for attention-vampire Trump's weak ego to manage.
Now here are a few details concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Nikki Haley:
January 16, 1972 @25Capricorn; 10 North themes: communication is emphasized along with frustrating or inhibiting events via news, paperwork, or a young person; feeling tired and drained; must work through difficulties one at a time (Brady).
A 10 North eclipse last occurred on February 7, 2008 as what I then called 'The Unmasking Eclipse' @17AQ45 because of its degree's Sabian Symbol. And it is my belief that the current solar eclipse which manifested on August 11, 2018 in the 2 New North series ('The Tower') has activated the potential themes of The Unmaking Eclipse which, on a subterranean level of the Collective Mind, so that its 'wild card' Uranian energies combine with our current eclipse theme of 'collapse of lifestyles, plans, and structures'.
As for 'The Tower' collapse potentials we're mired in now, my personal best-case scenario would be the ultimate collapse of Donald Trump's Tower of Lies which in 2018 trembles on shaky ground.
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