, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Sep 27, 2019

Trump Now Reaping Results from the July 2019 Eclipse

September 27, 2019: Upcoming in the 2019 holiday season is the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap07, a 'Christmas Eclipse'. But for now we remain under the influence of the 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 @10Can37 which fell between America's Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio (3--14 Cancer)--directly between the Sun-Jupiter duo which relates to leadership (Sun), and money, corporatism, the military, and idealism (Jupiter) with Cancer the sign of patriotism, tribalism, home, self-protection, and business.

Since the whistleblower complaint has publicly whistled Trump's name and the House run by Democrats has opened a formal impeachment inquiry this very week, perhaps the themes of the July 2019 3 North eclipse should be reviewed for they now make more sense.

3 North Themes: 'an over-excessive series involving news that transforms a situation and causes worry or obsession; the undertaking of large plans is wanted which can be very positive as long as one doesn't get carried away' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Besides the obvious reference to transforming news (ex: whistleblower complaint), plus, whatever overblown plans and spin the very worried Trump feels he must set in motion in order to muddy clear waters, I believe Speaker Pelosi has been keeping her impeachment powder dry until such time as Trump overplayed his autocratic hand and news arrived that transformed the situation into more votes for impeachment. Yet crazily, the House is scheduled to go on recess Friday September 27 until October 15th! Momentum will be lost--unless certain committees stay behind and continue working.

Additionally, July 2019 also contained a Lunar Eclipse @24 Capricorn which 'eclipsed' Trump's natal 11th house Saturn in Cancer, planet of authority, accountability, realism, and government. Both the Solar and Lunar Eclipse horoscopes of July 2019 may be viewed here set for Washington DC.

Then coming in December, as noted, is the 3 South eclipse bringing vibes of 'traumatic transformation through news received'. Now Trump is a mighty slippery varmint, it's true, but I can't help but wonder what events the 3 South eclipse themes could possibly describe as 2019 melts into 2020!

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