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Showing posts with label 3 South Solar Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3 South Solar Eclipse. Show all posts

Sep 4, 2020

On the Origin of The Covid Eclipse

Traumatic Transformation and The 'Covid Eclipse'

by Jude Cowell

September 4, 2020: While checking out the upcoming virtual ISAR conference on the Great Conjunction/Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn, plus, an astrologer-studded discussion of Election 2020 and the candidates, Reimagining the Future, I ran across the dates that societal planets Jupiter and Saturn were previously in Air signs: between 1186 and 1226. As you know, their December 21, 2020 Conjunction is in Air sign Aquarius rather than Earthy Taurus as on May 28 2000.

This caused me to wonder if I could locate a Solar Eclipse Saros Series that began (its initial eclipse) within that time frame and it turns out that the 3 South Saros Series began on August 13, 1208 with a Solar Eclipse @27Leo10:35 (conjunct Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant with 10:54 am edt as his accurate birth time, June 14, 1946).

Below you see the Horoscope of the initial 3 South Solar Eclipse of August 13, 1208 which I've set for Washington DC. Obviously, the Masonic federal city only existed in 1208 as a spot upon the Earth but setting the horoscope for DC creates in space (for me, if not for you) a cosmic time link of sorts as do solar eclipse cycles with their rhyming, if not repeating, themes. In 1208, this was a partial solar eclipse but its accompanying Lunar Eclipse was Total and perfected on July 28, 1208 @12AQ27 conjunct the August Solar Eclipse's North Node. (Note that the Lunar Eclipse chart is not shown but is listed on the chart, 7th house, highlighted in red.) For karmic progress to be made, a solar eclipse in royal Leo cautions against the negative traits of the solar-ruled sign such as egocentricity, pride, arrogance, conceit, pomposity, ostentatiousness, glory-seeking, and using a half-hearted approach when a full effort is called for. With Leo, the parent-child relationship is also a prominent consideration and must be kept aboveboard with each generation - child abuse and/or exploitation retard karmic progress (R. Lineman).

Image: Solar Eclipse @27Leo10 August 13, 1208 3:23:51 am LMT 'Washington DC USA': ASC 3Leo55; chart-ruler Sun applies once - conjunct Uranus: acting independently; a revolutionary spirit - Ebertin; MC 21Ari26 conjoins US natal Chiron of July 4, 1776 ('the wounded healer'; Christ archetype); Hour of Mars (closely conjunct Venus); final dispositor = Sun in Leo; Neptune Rx, planet of contagion, pandemics, urge to merge, and insane ideas, in 9th house of Foreign Lands (in relation to the US) @5Ari26 opposes the natal Neptune of Donald Trump which suggests a recurring period through the generations of racial tension, religious persecution, and clashing ideals and ideologies:

So why connect the 3 South Saros Series with Covid-19?

Because the deadly virus gained steam in later 2019 into early 2020 in tandem with a 3 South Solar Eclipse which repeated on December 26, 2019 @4Cap06 and which contains appropriate themes (see below). Plus, 3 South's initial eclipse of the series indicates that for more information, a solar Leo lens should be used to view the 2019 Capricorn Eclipse ('Sun-Saturn' vibes: 'lack of vitality; sick people' - Ebertin) and with themes of authority and authority figures, responsibility, accountability, control, finances, investment, lack, restriction, limitation, and other Saturn-Capricorn potentials which guided society into the New Year of 2020. (You see the 2019 3 South Solar Eclipse penned on the horoscope conjunct the 6th cusp of Health, Work, Service, and Daily Routines when the chart is set for Washington DC as representative of America.) In addition, Covid negatively affects the heart and Leo is the sign of the heart so there's a hidden link to the 1208 initial eclipse right there.

Yet it's also Capricorn's avaricious tendencies now being negatively expressed in the world as most folks might agree and viewing the 2019 Capricorn eclipse through the lens of 3 South's initial eclipse's sign (Leo) and house (2nd) adds information that would remain hidden (unconscious) otherwise.

And with a generations-long flurry of synchronicity, the Goal-oriented Midheaven ('MC' @4Cap34) of 3 South's accompanying Lunar Eclipse Horoscope (when set for DC) of July 28, 1208 (9:24:45 LMT) @12AQ27, sports upon it the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 - what I call 'The Covid Eclipse'. We should note that when the sequential lunar eclipse occurs before its solar eclipse 'mate' (bwo sign polarity--here, Leo-AQ, the self-will axis) the waning cycle of the Moon is indicated denoting a period of decline, passivity (and things going bump in the night!), plus, genetic or inherited tendencies and negative habits are emphasized. And in this case (1208 vs 2019), the egocentricity and vanity of Leo should compliment or be mitigated by the humanitarianism of Aquarius - and with Covid-19 and other negative social conditions we see efforts being taken toward such an eventuality.

And yet, can you feel how greed and Leonine self-interest are interfering with progress and societal improvements? To me it seems that Trump vs Biden 2020 is a direct expression of our Leo-AQ condition with one candidate capable of speaking to and of humankind with compassion and a respect for Science (AQ), while the other is a stranger to any idea or activity that doesn't directly benefit him and add to his hidden bank accounts.

3 South Themes

So! Our country and the world entered 2020 with 3 South themes once again running in the background of society: 'traumatic transformation; deep emotions (with saboteur Pluto involved); sudden endings of relationships, possibly with a younger person (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Society has definitely been transformed - but into what we don't yet know. For clues we can search historical events of 1208 but there aren't very many except for the typical murders, fires, and some papacy action (Jupiter-Pluto!) if you care to look.

Meanwhile, there are two culprits returning in 2020 to the scene of the 1208 'crime': Jupiter and Pluto. For as you know, the two 'big money' planets (of the Fed, corporate bankers, hidden wealth, underworld financiers, the Vatican Bank) have met and will meet in Great Conjunction three times through 2020: 1. April 5th @24Cap53; 2. June 30th @24Cap06; and 3. November 12th @22Cap52, with the third conjunction activating Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters, possible job change, and/or wish fulfillment (22Cap51). If his nibs longs for a new job I hope his wish comes true!

So in the initial eclipse chart, Plutocracy's Jupiter-Pluto duo of 1208 have a starring role as they rise together in 1st house with plans to exploit and plunder all they can through each generation (conjunct the karmic South Node suggesting inherited wealth and bad blood). And if we look to 1208 Pluto's sign and degree it seems significant to me that 1208 Pluto = Donald Trump's natal 12th house Pluto which always brings along his cruelest natal midpoint picture, Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'death of many people; brutality; destruction; intervention of a higher power' (Ebertin).

Now as you see, the key planet in the eclipse chart is Mercury Rx @26Leo58 conjunct Trump's natal Mars with the pair typically suggesting potentials for political activities, strong opinions and debates, crankiness, criticism, and involvement in lawsuits and controversies. Or I should say that Trump's birth in 1946 timed a Mars-to-Mercury transit for the 1208 eclipse. Either way, the planetary contact time links the eclipse to his nibs and suggests verbal combat particularly since he's a globally known figure who is intimately involved with America's dire Covid-19 conditions and, whether he admits it or not, is responsible for (mis) managing the Neptunian pandemic. And as you see, contagious Neptune leads the tilt of a BOWL shape in 1208 with the unoccupied section of the horoscope representing challenges to existence. Among other factors, this points to the December 2019 3 South Solar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn and encapsulates its themes of traumatic transformation and endings of relationships along with karmic Saturn's government, law, and business involvement, plus, issues of limitation, restriction, and working in isolation. Yes, certain companies and share holders (including politicians) are gaining huge profits from the virus as I'm sure you've heard. See NY Magazine's The Companies That Stand to Profit from the Pandemic for more information.

And so, dear reader, there are plenty of other chart factors worthy of attention but in my constant quest to keep my fusses as mere posts not e-books, I shall look forward to reading your on-topic insights concerning any part of this matter. For you know that your thoughtful input is always appreciated! Jude

Jun 14, 2020

America 2020: Twisting Between Eclipses

Riots Across America and a Summer of Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

In June 2019 we took a look at the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 (shown below) with its themes of 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken' and 'sudden endings of relationships or associations'. Few would disagree that changes since then have been traumatic and separative, and recently we're hearing more and more public figures speak of "transformation." Perhaps you've heard them say this, too.

DC Horoscope: 3 South Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap06:

Naturally, astrologers tend to think of astrological Pluto when it comes to concepts such as transformation by which nothing stays the same. These days we're having a more generous helping of intensity via a boost from the planet of shocks and sudden events: erratic, radical Uranus, now in money sign Taurus and stirring up chaotic conditions as he lurches along.

So considering the current protests, riots, unrest, disruption, violence, and general turmoil in society my suspicion is that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto in mid-Pisces, opposing the mid-degrees of Virgo where Uranus and Pluto conjoined three times in the mid-1960s, is responsible for some major 'stirring up' of such restless and revolutionary energies of civil unrest and revolt. You, dear reader, may disagree about their midpoint, but there it is.

Now with Pluto plodding through Capricorn, we see startling transformation within the Saturnian realms of government, law, business, and investment. Three conjunctions with Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, all through 2020 ups the significance and depth of Plutonian changes as Plutocracy (Jupiter-Pluto) makes a stand against massive pushback from We The People.

Then, warming up Summer 2020 are two Lunar Eclipses. One has already occurred on June 5th @15Sag34, in first house of late afternoon US Horoscopes (July 4, 1776) that show Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising. But soon comes a second Lunar Eclipse, a sort of 'birthday eclipse' for America for it perfects on July 5th @13Cap37 - an 'eclipse' of America's natal Sun (13Can19). This involves two fixed stars of note: Sirius, the scorcher, and Canopus, the star of old age.

But the most scorching heat of Summer 2020 may arise (between the two Lunar Eclipses) from the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series (chart shown). By degree this eclipse echoes the transformative 3 North Solar Eclipse of Summer Solstice 2001 @00Cancer, one of the four critical Cardinal Points of Manifestation upon which eclipses (those 'wild cards of the Universe') tend to spur some measure of global events. Yet since 00Cancer is known as 'the gate of life' degree, can we expect improved conditions running in the background of society under the influence of the Cancer Solar Eclipse as opposed to the difficult 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse, both falling across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis? By theme, it's doubtful since 4 North themes include potentials for 'restraint, restriction, misjudgments, and illusions'.

That is, unless 4 North's 'restrictions, restraint, and misjudgments' should refer to, disrupt, and/or somehow transform the bad actors and rotten apples now disrupting the American barrel as they act under the illusion that our country should belong to authoritarian despots and criminals instead of to We The People!

For more on eclipse themes you may wish to see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. In fact, I highly recommend it. jc

Feb 21, 2020

Independence Day 2020 and a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse

Below is a DC Horoscope of the July 5, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @13Cap37 across the 4/10 Security and Career axis. Perfecting at 12:44:17 am edt, America's natal Sun (13Can19) is 'eclipsed' even more closely than it was during the 3 North July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse @10Can37 and you know the turmoil, changes, and disruptive events that ensued for US leadership in the summer of 2019 and beyond. (Exs: Trump's "perfect call' to Ukraine's President Zelenskiy, military and humanitarian aide to Ukraine withheld which benefited Russia, Trump's whistle blower saga still ongoing against the law that protects their identities, plus, Trump's impeachment in 2020!), plus other lunations, some stronger than others. (New and Full Moons may sometimes disrupt and/or reveal secrets much as eclipses like to do.)

And naturally, all Cancer and Capricorn eclipses relate to issues of authority, responsibility, ambition, use of power and control, family and security matters, and/or patriotism, both real and pretended. Plus, commerce, trade, and investment matters are often involved as well, and we should also include the potential for Moon-Saturn influences which may concern health.

Then came the 3 South December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse with its "traumatic transformation" vibes (Brady) under which we now chafe in 2020 at least until the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse (linked, below). And I'll add here a link to a previous post concerning the Spring Equinox 2020 Chart because it's 'good for' the entire year.

So here's the horoscope I've (somewhat snarkily) entitled, Happy Independence Day America 2020. (US Solar Return 2020 perfects July 4th at 4:58:57 pm edt--still with a Capricorn Moon and suggesting some 'unpleasant circumstances'.) Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish and note that this Lunar Eclipse's Syzygy Moon is its 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse ('PE') @00Can21; 4 North themes are penned upon the center of the chart:

So between the June 5, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @15Sag20 (not shown but linked, below) and the July 5th Lunar Eclipse you see, above, comes the Summer Solstice Eclipse 2020 which is Annular yet heralds significant world events with its tinge of 4 North influences. Chillingly, we might wonder if the spread of China's tragic coronavirus contagion disrupting the supply chain to the rest of the world is implicated here due to its potential for interrupting global financial markets. That could do it. Maybe this post should have opened with that.

And so, after studying these 2019 and 2020 eclipse horoscopes and typing this post, I must second Brad Friedman of The BradBlog the way he always ends his podcasts--with a wistful, Good Luck World.

A Closely Related Post: The US Judicial System and the June 2020 Lunar Eclipse

Dec 8, 2019

Dec 26, 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse repeats from 1929

3 South Eclipse of November 1929 a Cosmic Christmas Gift for 2019 into 2020?

by Jude Cowell

December 8, 2019: In the year 1930 a lot of stuff occurred in the US and across the globe including debuts of Mickey Mouse, Loony Tunes, and the Discovery of Pluto (named after Mickey's dog, Pluto--wait! it's the other way round!). Also in 1930 were two Solar Eclipses which repeat in 2020 in the 4 North and 4 South Saros Series.

However, 1930 eclipses repeating in 2020 are actually topics for another post because first we should consider the last Solar Eclipse of 1929 in the 3 South Saros Series for we're about to fall within its field of influence (up to two weeks before the eclipse date) on December 26, 2019 so once again its themes are on society's cosmic calendar, my friends, and their solar vibes stretch into 2020. Manifesting on November 1, 1929 @9Scorpio, the previous occurrence of 3 South is the Prenatal Eclipse of Pluto's discovery. And as you know, Pluto is associated with the sign of power, research, spying, and intense brooding, Scorpio, yet Pluto's discovery degree is in Moon-ruled Cancer, as noted, below.

Revealingly, Ebertin says Pluto in Cancer is 'the magician' while Pluto in Capricorn is 'the dictator' so here we are from Moon-Pluto vibes to harsh Saturn-Pluto indications which culminate on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex 22:51).

Now when it comes to late 1929 and 1930, it's only natural that astrologers and astronomers alike immediately think of Clyde Tombaugh's confirmation of the discovery of Pluto on February 18, 1930 from photographs taken in January with Pluto's Tropical position at his debut @17Can46 Rx. Note that this evening as I type, transit Saturn @18Cap48 is done opposing 1930 Pluto off and on since February and March 2018. This denotes a period when authority challenges power and it's an unfavorable time to attempt manipulation of circumstances for personal advantage. Sound familiar like a political election scheme involving Ukraine? Well, this transit has affected any or all the realms that astrological Pluto rules such as political and financial power for Pluto's discovery horoscope is its 'birth chart' and transits to, and progressions of, the chart are attached intrinsically to Pluto's meaning--at least for those who use the lens of Astrology to study societal issues and topics which must unfortunately include atomic and nuclear concerns, the criminal elements of society, plus, ultra-wealthy culprits who wield hidden control. We can also mention that Saturn @8Cap57 in the Discovery Horoscope of Pluto was activated three times recently, all in 2018: on April 2nd (with Mars conjunct Saturn), May 3rd, and December 10th, a time of accountability and reckoning.

And now that transit Pluto in Capricorn opposes its past position in Cancer, most people (if they're paying attention to current events at all) can feel the titanic power struggle ongoing above our heads--or perhaps 'below the surface' is more appropriate for subterranean saboteur Pluto's deep, transformative effects occurring at a structural and cellular level.

As for the eclipse themes we're facing now via the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap06, we'll be dealing with concerns into 2020 such as 'sudden endings of associations', 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken' (Brady), plus, issues of our relationships to authority figures (a la Capricorn and Saturn in Capricorn--not good for markets) which must necessarily include government, law, investment, and business in general.

Now if you wish, check out a list of Events of 1929 in the US where the Inauguration of Herbert Hoover and the "Black Tuesday" Crash await you and be daring--for history doesn't always repeat but it does quite often rhyme.

Above image: Pluto without his cloak of invisibility

Dec 5, 2019

Horoscopes: Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2019 into 2020

2019/2020 Linked by Karmic Solar and Lunar Eclipses Across the Security Axis

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps it may be useful for a reader or two to view on the same page both the Capricorn Solar Eclipse that ends 2019 (December 26) and its accompanying Cancer Lunar Eclipse which opens 2020 (January 10) so here ya go:

Enlarge the image if you will for there are some basic eclipse notes penned on the charts including a few of Trump's natal placements, and in the center of each horoscope are penned brief indications based on prominent midpoint pictures (via Munkasey and Ebertin).

Also listed are the 3 South Solar Eclipse themes and potentials for Jupiter's conjunction to South Node which can sometimes resemble a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. Jupiter-SN reveals karmic conditions such as ethical clashes, conflicts of interest, and religious disagreements. Jupiter @5Cap20 conjoins the IC of the Solar Eclipse chart suggesting some measure of protection on the domestic front (and/or in farming, real estate, mining) however, Jupiter opposes US natal Jupiter (5Can56) (a negative if temporary indication) and as you see, Mercury accompanies the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse at the same critical degree of 20 Capricorn. The Moon-Mercury opposition suggests potentials for changes of mind, emotional challenges, conflicting opinions or ideas, and/or scheduling glitches.

Mercury and Jupiter Influences

Therefore, applying aspects in each chart of Mercury (Lunar Eclipse) and Jupiter (Solar Eclipse) provide further information: Mercury first conjoins Saturn (business contacts, seeking info from seniors or those with experience, serious meetings, court decisions, restricted communications or ideas), then Pluto (info and activities relate to gaining personal power, issues of finance and investment are on the menu, spying and surveillance).

Jupiter first squares the Ascendant (where Trump's natal Neptune rises = unreality and delusions, emotional excesses, promoting "the big picture") and identifies someone bombastic, pompous, and "holier than thou" who spreads himself too thin. Next Jupiter by transit conjoins the South Node (the 'tail of the dragon') as noted, above. The Great Benefic has moved beyond an expansive optimistic conjunction with the Sun although the Sun by transit will catch up with Jupiter (December 27 at 1:25 pm est) suggesting something positive coming (or at least expansive!). This Solar Eclipse occurs after Jupiter's inspirational trine with Uranus, the unpredictable planet which here is in the 8th house of Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Transformation, Big Business, Death, and the Occult suggesting flourishing fundraising and group activities.

Previous SO'W posts concerning the 2019 Solar and 2020 Lunar Eclipses individually are available here, here and here, plus, check out a List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses from July 2019 through 2022.

Obviously, Sabian Symbols for the eclipses, planets, and points in the above horoscopes are revealing but I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to check them out for yourself. Hopefully this combined cosmic picture is helpful to you during this period of sudden changes of direction and traumatic karmic conditions which offer the Collective multiple opportunities to better handle current issues for we must reap what's been sown in the past.

Please note that in my Political Astrology posts I work with eclipses via their degrees, themes, and historical linkages ('cosmic echoes'). The December 2019 solar eclipse is annular (not as strong as a Total would be) and is not visible in the US which also reduces the strength of its possible influences within our society. However, all eclipses are known as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' and in similar fashion to quirky, chaotic Uranus, eclipses herald changes of direction, disruption, and the potential for secrets to be suddenly revealed. Additionally, themes of the 3 South eclipse are significant in a Plutonian way and may pack somewhat of punch in the areas ruled by governmental Capricorn, the Saturn-ruled Zodiacal sign cast into a bright cosmic spotlight (along with Moon-ruled Cancer) on into 2020, a year full of major game-changing planetary conjunctions of Saturn-Pluto, Jupiter-Pluto, and Jupiter-Saturn. jc

Sep 27, 2019

Trump Now Reaping Results from the July 2019 Eclipse

September 27, 2019: Upcoming in the 2019 holiday season is the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap07, a 'Christmas Eclipse'. But for now we remain under the influence of the 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 @10Can37 which fell between America's Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio (3--14 Cancer)--directly between the Sun-Jupiter duo which relates to leadership (Sun), and money, corporatism, the military, and idealism (Jupiter) with Cancer the sign of patriotism, tribalism, home, self-protection, and business.

Since the whistleblower complaint has publicly whistled Trump's name and the House run by Democrats has opened a formal impeachment inquiry this very week, perhaps the themes of the July 2019 3 North eclipse should be reviewed for they now make more sense.

3 North Themes: 'an over-excessive series involving news that transforms a situation and causes worry or obsession; the undertaking of large plans is wanted which can be very positive as long as one doesn't get carried away' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Besides the obvious reference to transforming news (ex: whistleblower complaint), plus, whatever overblown plans and spin the very worried Trump feels he must set in motion in order to muddy clear waters, I believe Speaker Pelosi has been keeping her impeachment powder dry until such time as Trump overplayed his autocratic hand and news arrived that transformed the situation into more votes for impeachment. Yet crazily, the House is scheduled to go on recess Friday September 27 until October 15th! Momentum will be lost--unless certain committees stay behind and continue working.

Additionally, July 2019 also contained a Lunar Eclipse @24 Capricorn which 'eclipsed' Trump's natal 11th house Saturn in Cancer, planet of authority, accountability, realism, and government. Both the Solar and Lunar Eclipse horoscopes of July 2019 may be viewed here set for Washington DC.

Then coming in December, as noted, is the 3 South eclipse bringing vibes of 'traumatic transformation through news received'. Now Trump is a mighty slippery varmint, it's true, but I can't help but wonder what events the 3 South eclipse themes could possibly describe as 2019 melts into 2020!

Sep 9, 2019

DC Horoscope: The Very First Eclipse of 2020

Looking Ahead with The Past in Mind: a 2nd Look at the January 10, 2020 Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

On January 10, 2020 will manifest a penumbral lunar eclipse, aka, an appulse eclipse (light not fully dimmed); for more info see Keith's Lunar Eclipse Page. Yet as some readers know, my focus with solar and lunar eclipses and their effects on history and society is on their degrees--their symbolism, conjunctions, oppositions, and other prominent factors related to their particular place of manifestation in the Zodiac. Sensitive degrees are created when eclipses occur upon them and can remain 'sore' for years as is the case with sensitive critical degrees (Mansions of the Moon are not covered here!) which may suggest possibilities for crisis conditions and/or events--at the least, disruption--usually externally with solar eclipses and internally with lunar ones.

Therefore, it's notable that the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse, although not Total, is at the critical degree of 20Cancer00, plus, this is the first eclipse of 2020 so its cosmic 'wild card' energies are imprinted upon the entire year. What 'cosmic blinks' are in store? What shenanigans are perpetrated in the dark? What can Castor reveal? Related may be the fact that a 12 South Solar Eclipse occurred conjunct Castor on July 11, 2010. Will a discovery or two concerning 2010 issues and events turn up during 2020? Consider 12 South themes: 'a long-term worrisome or draining issue at first seems worse then suddenly clears with successful outcomes' (Brady). Okay!

As for the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse, the Cancer-Capricorn axis is ruled by Moon and Saturn which relates to security and domestic concerns, plus, has ambition, strategy, status, and direction interests. Set for Washington DC, the horoscope of the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Can00 reveals a variety of reactions to the previous Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap07 (see eclipse list linked, below) with its 'traumatic transformation' theme. And obviously, a 'new start' is heralded by a New Year on January 1, 2020 so what may we expect for Year 2020 besides the major changes of direction timed by the January 12, 2020 Conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto (@22Cap46)? For as you know, eclipses also tend to disrupt earthly affairs and bring changes of direction although no one can say with complete confidence exactly what's ahead (other than Campaign 2020 and the usual political antics and overblown promises). However, new social, financial, and political orders are suggested and point toward another Great Conjunction in the 20-year cycle of 'societal planets' Jupiter and Saturn begins again on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29--at Winter Solstice, and conjuncts the US POTUS Sun degree.

So let's have a glance at the 'cosmic blink' eclipse horoscope that 'opens' 2020, below, for eclipses are always Uranian in nature--erratic, sudden, sometimes shocking, or perhaps merely full of surprises. Adding extra information, as noted, we have the lunar eclipse activating one of the Gemini Twins, Castor, a star containing possibilities for 'sudden fame or loss, mental illness, murder', and/or 'the crippling of limbs' (A. Louis). Yet Castor is also a writers' star and suggests much creativity in its positive manifestations. Eclipses 'work through' fixed stars and strengthen or empower their potentials - and vice versa.

A previous post also concerned the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse.

DC Horoscope: January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Cancer00 Conjunct Castor:

Hour of Mercury (time for change) but Mercury is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane ('OOBs') but here we see the little fella posited in 8th house with Jupiter, South Node, Sun, Saturn, Pluto, and asteroid Ceres ('democracy' restricted or over-powered by Saturn-Pluto authoritarianism; plus, potential interruption of food supplies). The 2/8 axis (Taurus-Scorpio) is emphasized (Money, Shared Resources, the National Treasury--what's left of it--Insurance, Debt, Corporatism, Transformation, the Occult, Death, etc). And the Jupiter-SN conjunction suggests clashes and conflicts of interest between social and ethical aims vs current trends and traditions, issues of bad timing, difficulties or delays in or concerning foreign lands, and genuine morality that could suffer from false religious it has before. In addition, Mercury's OOBs condition can relate to messages from an unknown source and/or to someone who is out-of-touch, here with 8th house matters and issues. Perhaps he's wandering off from a microphone or podium, forgetful of where he is and losing the thread!

Now we should also consider that the January lunar eclipse is the cosmic 'bookend' of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap07 in the 3 South Saros Series with themes of traumatic transformation and relationship endings (Brady) so its themes are yet another suggestion of major changes afoot. Plus, the Cancer eclipse hints that the public reacts to the Capricorn eclipse of 2019 and its effects in emotional and/or patriotic or nationalistic ways; Trump's insistence on protectionism comes to mind. Personally, I react with, 'America going it alone is a weakened America' while the sabotage and undermining of our nation as led by Trump continues.

As you see, communicating Mercury, planet of young people and ruler of the chart (ASC 13Gem53 with Trump's chaos-creating natal Uranus first to rise), conjoins the Sun @20Capricorn, the sign of government, law and business, so Mercury is also at critical degree. This conjunction on a political level suggests a leader (Sun) fond of his own ideas (Mercury) who doesn't listen (Mercury) to others (Full Moon = the public, and/or women). Sound like anyone you know, and perhaps like the continuing lawsuits, investigations, and scandals now in the news which are certain to continue into and through 2020? As you know, fantasist Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square blocks both his hearing and his understanding!

Then on a behavioral level, there's quirky Uranus unaspected in money sign Taurus which emphasizes the planet's isolation and detachment qualities while hinting at spurt-like bursts of energy. Without sufficient channels through which to discharge the intense energy of Uranus which aspects would provide, nervous electrical tension can build up and increase restlessness and feelings of discontent. Uranian flashes of genius can still occur but there's less impetus to change rigid behavior patterns--implicated in this case are Taurean traits of possessiveness, selfishness, greed, and intolerance. And since on a behavioral level I often ascribe planet Uranus as a representative for Donald Trump (it's his guiding planet), I suspect this horoscope with Uranus in 12th house of Karma and Politics shows that he's feeling 'unique and unmatched' in the political arena (Tierney). However, to me Trump is more of an embarrassing sticks-out-like-a sore-thumb figure with his natal Uranus in duplicitous Gemini. And although Uranus is unaspected, it is apex planet in a midpoint picture:

Venus-North-Node = Uranus: unsettling news; disrupted meetings or contacts; polite (?) indifference to ideas (Munkasey); a quick liason; unusual friends or encounters (Ebertin). Note that Munkasey gives the Venus-North-Node pairing potentials for 'poor management or bungling of wealth' and/or 'society shapes collective destiny'. And who's our top bungler?!?

The final factor I'll mention in this my second look at the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse chart is transit Jupiter @8Cap55 opposing Trump's natal 11th house Mercury (8Can55) suggesting potentials for his grand ideas, plans, and schemes to be rejected outright and/or blocked by others, while lots of talk and no action continues as the order of the day (except for the sneaky things he and the GOP are up to while Trump distracts with his nonsense--consciously or unbeknownst in his role as the 'useful idiot'). Misjudgments on his part will affect financial and other matters (still), and more of his words and rhetoric will meet with criticism. Unimpressive may be the word, plus, Trump's lack of popularity comes to mind--and the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse will certainly uncover new facts that lead to more criticism, a lack of legal success, and a previously unknown critical or crisis situation, condition, secret or scandal--at least, it will probably uncover a tidbit or two not revealed by the 'Christmas Solar Eclipse' as 2019 concerns carry over into 2020.

And now for the daring here's a List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses July 2019 through 2022.

Aug 16, 2019

Jan 2020: An Eclipse, Cosmic Karma, and Two Stars

August 16, 2019: By now most everyone is tuned in to and/or concerned over the heavy-weight conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto which perfects on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 and signals the opening of their new 33-35-year cycle.

Two days prior to their exact conjunction on January 10th a Lunar Eclipse manifests upon the critical degree of 20Cancer00 so the two cosmic events together, we might say, 'light up' the Zodiac in the 20-to-23-degree range of Moon-ruled Cancer (tribalism, nationalism, patriotism, the family, home, nurturance, childhood) and of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and finance, and imprints certain cosmic frequencies upon the entire year and beyond. In the 2019-to-2020 spotlight is the Cancer-Capricorn security axis and its many concerns.

Naturally, the opposing degrees, aka, Illumination Points (20-to-23 Cancer), are also significant along with their Sabian Symbols and any fixed stars and other celestial features within their sway. A review of the symbols for 20-21-22-23 degrees of Cancer is worth checking into if you're curious for more information and wish to gain a fuller picture of what's in store, a la 2020. (Note that there are no Capricorn stars in those degrees that I know of--do you? But deVore gives '21Cap' as a scholarly degree and '23Cap' as a degree of governmental authority and music.)

So for today's post, let's consider the stars among these degrees in Cancer--the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux. Possible expressions of Castor are sudden fame or loss; mental illness; crippling of limbs; murder yet Castor may also signify the intellectual writer. Also, '20 Cancer' is a degree of limitation and hindrance (deVore). For Pollux, potentials are: danger of disgrace; cruelty; rape; murder; danger from women, poisons, or large animals (or loss of protection for endangered species?). Yet Pollux has what can be a more positive side--its influences are good for astrology and for other occult interests which hopefully are non-satanic; Pollux may also signify the emotional writer so both stars are creative in their own ways--one light, the other dark, which suggests a good vs evil motif.

Of course, we as a society have many rows to hoe and mountains to climb before reaching January 2020 and it's impossible to list it all here so below is a List of August 30th through December 26, 2019 Lunations for your consideration and with a few notes added:

New Moon August 30, 2019 @6Vir47 conjunct Zosma, a victim-savior star;

Full Moon September 14, 2019 @21Pis05;

New Moon September 28, 2019 @5Lib20 (conjunct Trump's natal Neptune in his 2nd house of Money and Values and activating his inflationary trio of speculation and fraud, Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter);

Full Moon October 13, 2019 @20Ari14 (conjunct US natal Chiron);

New Moon October 28, 2019 @4Sco25; (a 3-day 'dark of the Moon' phase just prior to Halloween 2019--stay safe!);

Full Moon November 12, 2019 @19Tau52;

New Moon November 26, 2019 @4Sag03;

Full Moon December 12, 2019 @19Gem52 (between Trump's 10th house guiding planet, erratic chaos-creator Uranus and his natal North Node which conjoins his natal Gemini Sun)--what will be seen reflected by the bright rays of the December Full Moon?--and then comes a revealing, disruptive, 'wild card' solar eclipse...

Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap07 (opposing US natal Jupiter and Venus).

And so we enter Year 2020 under the auspices of the December 26, 2019 annular Solar Eclipse in early Saturn-ruled Capricorn which manifests within the difficult 3 South Saros Series of 'sudden endings in relationships' and 'traumatic transformation' via Pluto involvement in its original (initial) 3 South eclipse (August 13, 1208 @27Leo10). And speaking of karma (reaping what's been sown), besides Trump's natal Mars rising at his Ascendant conjunct the initial 3 South eclipse, eclipse Pluto @10Leo15 in 1208 was conjoined on June 14, 1946 by the natal Pluto (10Leo02) of Donald 'Spanky' Trump, our saboteur-in-chief whose economic schemes (exs: tariffs, trade wars, neglect of climate change considerations for farming and other industries, deportation of agricultural and other much-needed workers, fantasy-based diplomacy, the massive GOP tax cut for the wealthy) bode ill for both domestic and global finances and for food supplies especially under the heavy, constraining influences of the karmic January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction.

Yes, the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction was in Airy Libra last time (November 1982; theories and plans) and this time is in Earthy Capricorn (reality and pragmatism) but we may be thankful that this time it only perfects once so its strength should lessen somewhat as 2020 proceeds and as it awaits activation by various transits and progressions through its 33-35 years' duration.

Yet in August 2019 we already feel the duo's harshness so we know that we have much to deal with initially including the fact that January 12's Saturn-Pluto rendezvous conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and changing work conditions. Now I too wish karma would meet and beckon to his nibs at the jail house door but let's not crow just yet for unfortunately, as goes POTUS, so goes America--and Trump the Cheat may pull through yet.

Plus, layered atop eclipses and other lunations perking in the background is the distressing 2020 Campaign season and the rigged and vulnerable November Election which compels me to wonder: we already know that he does--but does anyone else who's willing to step into America's POTUS shoes post-Trump need a serious psychological evaluation? Or do they assume that anyone but Trump simply has to be an improvement for America?

For more information on the topics in this post you may wish to see Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas deVore.

Jun 8, 2019

DC Horoscope: Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019

Well, year 2019 ends with transit Jupiter opposing US natal Jupiter (see lower right, in green), plus, a Capricorn Solar Eclipse perfects @4Cap06:51 the day after Christmas (12:13 am est). Yet much of what I can say about the DC Horoscope of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse in the 3 South Saros Series is messily penned upon the chart so hopefully those who wish to can enlarge the image and read my study notes; be advised that the natal placements of Donald Trump are penned around the chart and highlighted in pink (which is not the new black but his 'favorite' color orange is) - and his nibs' problematic Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and deception is active and activated upon the ASC-MC angles of the eclipse chart when set for Washington DC:

Edit 6.16.19: since I can't change this on the chart itself I'll add here that the Sun-Moon midpoint (eclipse degree rounded up) should be '5Cap' (not '6Cap'--that's the degree and symbol of both Jupiter and the IC--mea culpa! The Sabian Symbol for '5Cap' is: "Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance" (which the Trump administration has been recklessly attempting to do against Iran)...'keyword: MOBILIZATION; positive expression: a capacity for aggressive leadership and an unusual effectiveness in sidetracking minor issues for the sake of major achievement; negative' (unconscious/shadow side): 'unnecessary moods and tantrums' (Jones). This certainly adds a different and worrisomely aggressive flavor to the eclipse chart as we end 2019 and enter 2020. jc

In case you missed it, a recent post contains a List of Lunar and Solar (w/ themes) Eclipses from July 2019 through 2022.

And as always, your on-topic questions and/or comments are welcome and all Shares are much appreciated! However, No comments that are actually ads for services or websites will be published no matter how wonderful or accurate they are. jc

Oct 16, 2018

Horoscope and Eclipse of Eric Trump January 6, 1984

If you remember, Politico ran a story back on September 12, 2018 titled, Eric Trump accused of anti-Semitism after 'shekels' remark when he spoke of Bob Woodward, author of Fear: Trump in the White House which debuted in September 2018 and is now a most-read best-seller on Amazon.

Now, thanks to singing canary Michael Cohen, Trump's former fixer and bag man, we find that Trump reportedly directed Michael Cohen and Eric Trump to keep Stormy Daniels quiet and that Eric enlisted the aid of a Trump Organization lawyer to do just that. This puts Eric Trump in a brighter, more dangerous spotlight than even his misappropriation of charity funds has done. See Eric Trump's charity remains under investigation. Apparently, the charity has been used by the Trump family as their personal 'piggy bank'.

This sort of financial slight-of-hand appears in the natal horoscope of Eric Trump--primarily through his speculating, inflationary, fraud-leaning Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which also links to his truth-challenged Mercury-Neptune conjunction and forming a trio of planetary slight-of-hand! This trio is how Donald Trump's fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square and his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio express in the chart, psyche, and behavior of his middle son, Eric, and it creates a midpoint picture of interest, Mercury-Jupiter = Neptune with potentials for: tendency to bamboozle or mislead others; 'to lose the solid ground under one's feet' during speaking; a person successful in deception or speculation; a powerful imagination (Ebertin). Turns out that when it comes to such things as financial dealings, a "powerful imagination" can land you in hot water!

So for your consideration, below is a 'noon' horoscope (birth time unknown) for Eric Trump, born January 6, 1984 in New York City; please enlarge the image to read my study notes; today's transits (Oct 16, 2018) are marked in turquoise around the chart:

Now without an accurate birth time I'm not inclined to write much more concerning this natal chart and will leave it to you, dear reader, if you wish to delve more deeply into it. However, a few notes on the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Eric Trump are in order. Highlighted in orange on the chart and conjoining his natal Uranus, Eric's PE perfected on December 4, 1983 @11Sag46 in the 3 South Saros Series. This echoes his father's PE in the 2 Old North series which repeated for Donald Trump on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer because in 1946, Trump's PE @8Gemini conjoined America's natal Uranus, our country's 'totem planet' of revolt and revolution. And as you know, eclipses are considered 'wild cards of the universe' affecting events in similar fashion to quirky Uranus, planet of disruption and chaos, Trump's favored way of 'ruling'.

As for Eric's PE, themes of eclipses in the 3 South series tend toward: 'sudden endings of associations or relationships, possibly with a young person' (a family member as in divorce? plus, his Venus-Uranus conjunction--jc); 'traumatic transformation and emotions via Pluto's involvement' (in 3 South's initial eclipse of August 13, 1208 @27Leo10 when Pluto was @10Leo15--conjunct Donald's natal Pluto 10:02!) 'through news received or short journeys undertaken' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Of upcoming significance, the Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn 'eclipses' Eric Trump's natal Sun but manifests in the 2 South Saros Series. 2 South's theme: 'unusual groups, involvement with such groups, and feeling that a great deal will be gained' (Brady). As long as this doesn't turn out to be a prison group, Eric Trump should feel well out in 2019 although an indictment cannot be ruled out for it may well be in his cards.

Mar 8, 2017

DC Horoscope: Saturn-Pluto Conjunction January 2020

Here is the horoscope set for Washington DC of the Great Conjunction of restrictive Saturn and powerful Pluto @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020; Moon in Leo and Venus in Aquarius are both unaspected and the Hour belongs to a Capricorn Jupiter strong in its natural 9th house of Philosophy and Foreign Travel:

Saturn conjuncts Pluto in the publicly visible 10th house of Public Status and Career with authoritative Saturn ruling 10th house (MC 18Cap06) and Pluto's Scorpio on the Descendant of Partnerships. The Aries-Libra axis is intercepted suggesting something hidden or karmic in the realms of the 6/12 polarity in relation to alliances, diplomacy, war, police/military forces, and/or health and civil service issues. Chart-ruler Venus makes no applying (or waning) aspects at all so her house and sign positions are emphasized and you see by her degree (28AQ) that US natal Moon in Aquarius has been conjoined recently by Venus which suggests a harmonious period when intuition leads and the cold, hard facts are ignored or bypassed. But with the January meeting of Saturn and Pluto, 2020 will be a year when cold hard facts cannot be ignored or denied and may be forced upon society.

'Facing hard facts' relates to the crisis-ridden 'YOD' (not exactly one since the MC is part of it) that points toward an unaspected Moon @17Leo13 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Creative Pursuits, Romance, and Children. Strain (inconjunct) is upon the people (Moon) and issues from the Neptune-MC sextile which indicates those in authority who influence people and public policy in subtle ways in order to gain their acquiescence and avoid opposition (like they've practiced against us for years with varying levels of success). The Saturn-Pluto conjunction may be the catalyst that further solidifies global corporatists' totalitarian power with Pluto in Capricorn as the dictator, according to Reinhold Ebertin, and of course, Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn is extremely strong but times financial difficulties--though not necessarily for the win-win types). And we have America's first-ever Pluto Return coming up in 2022 to cement the Saturn-Pluto deal of 2020.

As for the Moon as Bucket handle this denotes some level of inspiration and zeal coming from the realms of Leo and identifies those who adapt allegiances where they can count for the most (Jones). A Bucket pattern suggests a cause or a mission to fulfill but is the Moon-as-handle advocating the cause or playing a different or an opportunistic tune? Saturn-Pluto likes to use secret police and military agencies to dominate the public and creates turmoil in traditional institutions especially if they're resistant to change. The duo's affairs are not open to public scrutiny as governmental checks and balances are upset (they already are) and secret preparations are being made for more restriction in the future which is underscored by the chart's Aries-Libra interception with its hidden, secret, or karmic (reaping what was sown) quality.

Upper right is a list of Jupiter's conjunctions with Saturn and Pluto, all in 2020; this chart's Saturn-Pluto conjunction is the first of them and denotes bleakness, brutality, and hard hard work. Also in the 9th house is penned the Pre-Natal Eclipse of this conjunction which occurred on December 26, 2019 @4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series (see lower left). 3 South themes are: traumatic transformation via news received or a short journey taken; sudden endings of relationships, possibly with a young person; this series is deeply emotional with Pluto involved (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Perhaps you recognize this eclipse from the last time it manifested on December 14, 2001 when 'mastermind' Osama bin Laden was (allegedly) tracked to the Tora Bora Caves by the US military, then pouf! he mysteriously disappeared as if he'd never been.

3 South is the Pre-natal Eclipse series of the Discovery of Pluto (Feb 18, 1930) and of the Republic of China. This chart's Earth-Fire (scorched earth!) Sun Cap-Moon Leo blend is shared natally by China's Mao Tse-tung and America's Dolly Parton so let's close with Mao's famous quote:

"Wherever we go, we must we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them."

No thanks.


Bucket info from an old copy of The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation by Marc Edmund Jones.