DNC 2020 Changes Its Cosmic Tune
by Jude Cowell
As you know, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Democratic National Convention (DNC) has been postponed until August 17, 2020, still to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, last I heard. Obviously, the change makes my previous post Moon-Tracking DNC 2020 and RNC 2020 obsolete on the Democratic side. However, the RNC (August 24) horoscope and astro-notes hold true unless Republicans change their convention schedule, too.
As it stands for now: RNC August 24, 2020: Sun and Mercury in Virgo, Moon in Scorpio; Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio contains vibes of fanaticism, a fighting spirit, and a need to always 'get it right'.
The rescheduling of DNC 2020 to August 17 gives the Democratic Party a Leo Sun and Moon (once Luna leaves 29Cancer59 at 12:39 am CDT--and as you know, '30Cancer' is the "A Daughter of the American Revolution" degree.) Voting/nominating planet Mercury is also in shiny Leo and is no longer Stationing Direct as it was on July 13th, the original date for DNC 2020.
Now the last lunation prior to the opening of DNC 2020 on August 17th (aka, the convention's Syzygy Moon) is the Full Moon of August 3, 2020 @11AQ46. This Moon adds humanitarian vibes to the DNC 2020 picture and if the American people don't need more of that quality then I don't know what we need! Besides, Aquarius is our US natal Moon sign of We The People.
And yes, our Trump nightmare will linger long after he's gone (like a very very bad hangover) so I'm going to go ahead and type it: on November 3, 2020 - if we have an election at all - #VoteBlue no matter how you do!
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